Okay, I thought of this one a while ago, but I never really got around to writing it. Just a little background information, it has been a year since they escaped the Edison group. They are in hiding in a small house in the country. Also, this is going to be very short.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Darkest Powers

Derek's POV:

I searched through my entire closet and couldn't find a single sweatshirt. My mind instantly went to Chloe, but there was no way she took every single sweatshirt. One or two maybe, but not all. I was the only one who did my laundry, so it was impossible that they were put away somewhere else. I shut my closet door and went in search of Simon.

I found him lounging on the couch in front of the TV.

"Have you seen any of my sweatshirts?" I asked. "They're not in my closet."

Without looking up, he pointed out the window and went back to his show. Confused, I walked over to the window and looked out just in time to witness one of my sweatshirts go up in flames. I ran out of the room towards the front door. Yanking the door open, I bolted outside and ran to where Tori was stringing up the last of my sweatshirts. Before I could stop her, she shot an energy bolt at it and reduced it to ashes.

"What the hell, Tori?" I demanded.

She glanced at me uncaringly and then back to what she was doing.

"I needed targets," she said. "Your clothes are the biggest."

"So you disintegrated them?" I asked.

"Well, I wasn't about to use my clothes," she said. She gathered up the rest of her things and walked past me. "Oh, and Chloe was looking for you."

I was so angry, I almost couldn't answer. "What did she want?"

"How the hell should I know? She just told me if I saw you that she wanted to see you," she said. And then, as an afterthought, she said, "That was a couple of hours ago."

"Damn it, Tori," I growled and walked past her to find Chloe.

"It's not my fault if you can't even talk to your own girlfriend," she said.

I ignored her and headed into the house. As I passed the living room, I stopped and walked up behind Simon.

"Why didn't you stop her?" I asked.

He pointed to the TV, not looking away from the screen. Pursing my lips, I reached over and snatched the remote off the table. Switching the TV off, I pocketed the remote. Simon turned around.

"What the hell, man?" he asked.

I just walked out. I found Chloe lying on her bed with Dad's laptop open in front of her. She looked up and smiled when I walked in. All the anger I felt drained as soon as I saw her smile.

"Hey," she said.

"You wanted something?" I asked.

"Oh, I was hoping for a ride, but the store is closed now," she said.

Sighing, I sat down next to her. "I'm sorry. Tori just told me."

"It's okay," she said. "Maybe tomorrow."

"Tomorrow for sure," I promised. "What did you want?"

"None of your business, that's what," she said with a smile.

"Oh," I said. "That."

"Yes, that," she said. "And I was kinda hoping to stop at the mall. I had a little laundry mishap and I kinda need some stuff."

The way she was blushing, I knew that I wouldn't be allowed to shop with her. I nodded and started to get up. Chloe reached out and grabbed my wrist. I turned back to see what she wanted. She pulled on my arm.

"Stay with me a while," she said. "I haven't seen you all day."

I settled down next to her and wrapped one arm around her waist. I followed her eyes to the screen and saw that she was on eBay. I didn't ask her what she was doing, but I soon found out. She wasn't buying anything, but she was comparing prices on some books. Supernatural books.

"What are you doing?" I finally asked.

"Doing Kit a favor," she answered. "He was made an offer for a set of stuff to help with the St. Clouds and he wanted to know if they could be found cheaper. They're not anything dangerous or anything. Simple grimoires."

"Don't let Tori anywhere those," I said.

"What did she do this time?" Chloe asked as she continued typing.

"At this point, the only sweatshirts I own that are not disintegrated are the ones squirreled away in your closet," I said.

She immediately stopped what she was doing and turned to me, confusion etched on her face.


"Tori used them as target practice," I explained.

"She seems to be doing more and more to piss you off lately," Chloe commented. "I wonder if she's up to something."

"The only thing she's up to is seeing how far she can take it before I break," I said. "Simon reacts every time she pisses him off and I don't. She wants that reaction. She feeds off it."

"You make her sound evil," Chloe said. "She's just bored."

"You're only saying that because she hasn't done anything to piss you off as of late," I said. I leaned my head onto her shoulder and watched her at work.

"We could get you some more tomorrow," Chloe offered.

I sighed. "And I'll have to pay for it. I should make Dad pay. If he would have kept it in his pants, Tori wouldn't be our problem."

"She wouldn't exist," Chloe pointed out.

"Even better," I said.

Hair fell into her face and she blew it back, in the process hitting me face with it. I blew it back at her and she looked back at me, smiling. I leaned forward and captured her lips. The computer forgotten, she turned at wrapped her arms around my neck so that I was now laying over her with her on her back. I sensed movement and cracked an eye open. The computer lifted and settled onto the desk. When the door shut itself and the locked clicked, I smiled and sent a silent thanks to Liz.


"I'm going to go replace what I destroyed in the wash," Chloe said. She handed me a folded up piece of paper and asked, "Can you get the stuff on this list while I'm busy?"

"Sure," I said.

I grabbed the list from her and she went on her way. Unfolding it, I scanned the stuff and set off towards health and beauty. She was pretty specific on her list, so I had no difficulty finding what she wanted. I did, however, get some funny looks as I searched the mainly feminine items. When I got her tampons, two women stared at me. One sported a creeped out look at me grabbing tampons and the other was looking at me like I was the greatest male on the face of the Earth for even touching them. I just ignored them and went for the last thing on Chloe's list: her shampoo. As I walked down the aisle to the shampoos, I had to pass half an aisle of hair color. Something caught my eye and I stopped. I stared at the box in front of me and shook my head. I continued on and found her shampoo just in time for her to turn the corner into the aisle.

"Find everything?" she asked.

"Uh huh," I said.

"Thanks," she said. "I know you don't like coming shopping."

"It's fine," I said, shoving my hands in my pockets. "Can we go? There are two women watching me from around the corner."

She looked around me and I heard gasps and giggles coming from the next aisle. I gave Chloe a look when she looked at me, amused. This just egged her on and she started teasing me. I didn't stop her though. She enjoyed doing it, and if I'm in a good enough mood, I'll usually put up with it and even tease her back. Today, though, I just listened to her teasing in silence while my mind wandered back to what I looked at in the hair aisle. I shouldn't. It would be going too far. On the other hand…


The doorbell rang and Dad looked up from his paper.

"That'll be the pizza," he said.

"I got it," I offered, standing up.

I stepped over Chloe's outstretched legs and headed to the front door. Sure enough, the smell of overly-cheesed pizza wafted through the door. When I opened the door, I discovered the pizza guy went to my school. He saw me and I could clearly see disappointment on his face. He had been hoping for Tori, who he opening confessed his love to fairly often. I had to hide a smirk as I thought of what his face would look like when she showed up to school on Monday. Quickly paying him, I closed the door and headed back to living room to continue the movie we were all watching. Chloe and Simon had a debate over what to watch and Chloe had ultimately won in a landslide because Dad refused to vote and Lauren automatically sided with Chloe. Tori declared her vote for Chloe merely because she wasn't Simon and then proceeded to walk out of the room. My choice was rather obvious, which was why Iron Man was now playing on the TV screen instead of the Incredible Hulk.

"Yes!" Chloe said when I walked in. "Bring on the greasy goodness."

I set the pizza on the table and everyone dived for it. I just lifted my box over their heads and took my seat. As soon as I was comfortable, I opened the box and lifted out a piece. Chloe grabbed a slice and settled herself against me. Switching the pizza to my other hand, I wrapped my arm around her.

"Where's Tori?" Simon asked. "She's missing out on the food."

"She's taking a shower," Lauren answered.

I stopped mid-bite. Checking my watch, I smirked. Just a few more minutes. I listened carefully and heard the water shut off upstairs. A minute later, an ear-piercing scream filled the house. Everyone jumped and looked up.

"What the hell was that?" Simon asked.

From upstairs, Tori yelled at the top of her lungs. "Derek!"

I just smiled and leaned back, propping my feet up on the table and crossing my arms behind my head. They all turned to me, each one sporting an equally confused look. A minute later, booming footsteps sounded down the stairs and Tori burst into the living room wrapped in a robe. Simon took one look at her and burst out in hysterical laughing. Lauren looked at her in horror. Chloe covered her mouth in shock. Dad, try as he might, had a hard time keeping his face straight. Standing in the doorway, a fuming Tori was glaring at me with bright pink hair.

"Oh, Tori," Lauren said, "What have you done to your hair?"

She screamed out angrily and two bright energy balls started forming.

"Tori, calm down," Dad commanded. "I'm sure it will wash right out in few days."

"Days?" she cried. "Days!?"

She chucked the box at him that I had conveniently left at the top of the garbage can and yelled, "Try three months!"

"Oops," I said, innocently. "I must have grabbed the wrong box. I meant to grab the temporary one. But, you know how bad I am at hair dye."

I grinned down at Chloe, who couldn't hold back a laugh.

"How the hell am I supposed to go to school with pink hair?" she yelled.

"Actually," I said. "It's bubble gum pink."

She started two more energy balls, but Dad stopped them. I stood up and shoved my hands in my pockets. Casually walking out of the room, I leaned down when I walked past her and said, "Payback's a bitch."

That idea was better in my head.