Slow Spinning Redemption.

Written by IcyEmo15, AKA Terra

Co-Written by Damien Darkside.

And yes! I know that Spiderman is Marvel and Teen Titans are DC. I just don't give a fuck. Das how I roll Bitches.

Also! I want to make this Clear now! Just because I share a name with a Character in the show, doesn't mean I like the Heart breaking backstabbing Bitch.

It was a peaceful day in Jump City. The west coast air blew through the city, as the sounds of everyday life scattered through the metal sky scrappers. Cars hooking, people yelling for Cabs, venders offering their food to the hungry people walking by.

It was on a Board walk near the chilly ocean wind blew Paige Parkers hair out of her face. She sat on an old worn in wooden bench. Duffle bag at her feet, a Map in her hands.

"Titans tower must be around here somewhere…." She mumbled to herself, biting into her hotdog, a glob of Ketchup landing on her map. "Fuck!" Placing her hotdog down, she used a spare napkin to try and clean up her mess, when a large crash roared behind her and people screamed, running away.

Turning about in her seat, she started as a massive man of rock rose from the rubble of what was once the hotdog stand, where she got her lunch only minutes ago.

"TITANS! TAKE HIM DOWN!" a voice boomed, before all hell broke loose. Glowing green disks rained down from the sky, hitting the Gigantic beast. And a Giant Green Gorilla smashed into him, sending him my way.

Grabbing her back and tumbling out of the way, Paige just avoided getting smooshed by the Concrete monster. Just as she was Straightening herself out, a Large hand reached out and plucked her off the ground.

"Ahahaha! Puny Titans not harm innocent Civilian!" He held Paige in front of him, dangling her like a rag doll.

"Cinderblock! You cheat!" The Green Gorilla morphed into a short green boy. "Only a Jerk would use a girl as a Shield!"

"N Shield, Weapon!" And with that he brought his arm back and threw, the vertically challenged 15 year old, at the smallest Titan.

"Woah Dude! That's not what I meant!" The little greenling shouted, arms spread wide to Catch the girl, only, the impact never came.

While in mid flight, Paige twisted her body around, and held her arm out. Out of the crook of her wrist, a thin line of white goo flew out, and attached it's self to Cinderblocks face, forming a web on impact. The Girl paces her feet firmly on the ground and held herself stable, about three feet in front of the Titan behind her.

Grabbing the rope with both hand, Paige smiled to herself. She rushed forward, running straight at Cinderblock. Leaping into the air, she used his thick head to boost herself even more, before coming to a rest behind him. Using the momentum from the leap, she pulled the room, tossing cinderblock into the air, before letting go of the rope, as to not get dragged along, as he sank to the bottom of the Ocean.

Straightening up, she brushed her hands free of dirt and dust, before turning around, facing 5 Stunned Titans.

"Anyone see where my Bag went to?" She asked, looking about, before spotting it at The Green ones feet. "Dude, can you pass that over?" Paige asked, holding out her hand.

"Duuuuuude! That was so cool! Who are you?"

"Just a Girl looking for a job….Speaking of which…Can you point me in the Direction of Titans Tower?"

"Uhhh….Girl….We are the Titans." Spoke the Tallest Member, a Black man who was Half Robot.

"Noooooo Really?" Paige rolled her eyes. "I wanna audition formally. In Costume and everything."


"Yes! Certainly new Friend!" The Second Tallest, a Girl with Long Orange hair and a Skimpy Purple costume floated over to the Brunette girl and placed a hand on her shoulder, turning her to the left and Pointing to a small island in the Distance. On said Island, was a Tall T shaped Tower. "That is Titans Tower!"

"Well, I'm Blind." Paige grumped before smiling. "Alrighty! See you guys tomorrow!" Flicking her wrist and shooting the web-like substance once again, she webbed her bag and whipped it back to herself. With One more flick, she attached herself to a Higher building and took off into the sky, swinging away.

"What the hell just happened?" the Cyborg asked.

"Who knows….Guess it'll make more sense tomorrow." Said the Teen in the Green and Red Costume.

And with that, The Teens went back to their Tower.

"So….should we let her Join? I mean…she took down Cinderblock alone…" Cyborg asked, shovelling eggs into his mouth at the same time. It was breakfast time in titans tower, and they still had yet to decide if the new hero in town should join.

"I say we put her to the test when she shows up today, then we make a Choice." Robin interjected.

"Something is off about her…" Raven mumbled.

"What do ya mean?" Beast boy asked, a whole block of Tofu on his Fork, ready to be devoured.

"Her energy…it's different." Raven said, looking up from her book, glancing over at her Green companion. "A bit like yours, Beast Boy."

"My energy is different?" He asked, looking confused.

"Because your DNA isn't fully human."

"Well, Did you see that stuff she was shootin' outta her Wrist? That aint exactly something all Humans can do." Beast boy muttered out through a mouthful of Tofu.

"I know that-" Raven began angrily, when a loud DING DOG rang through the tower.

"Show time." Robin said, standing up from the Table.

In the Middle of the Training field next to the Tower stood Six Teens. The Five Titans, and a Girl with Long wavy Brown hair, and a Red and Black mask, much like the one Robin had on. Her Costume consisted of a Red Tee-shirt with blue trim, and a Black Spider in the Center of it. A web Pattern in Black started from her neck, and Extended down words, bleeding into her Blue Shorty shorts with Red Trim. A Thick Black belt separated the two articles of clothing. On her hands she had black fingerless gloves, and her feet where clad with Blue sneakers.

"So…What do you call your self?" Robin asked, Clipboard and pencil in hand.

"Arachnia." The girl spoke. "My dad picked it out."

"Archnia…like Arachnid? Spiders?" Beast boy asked.

"No…Arachnids like Dolphins." the Girl giggled, before pointing to the spider logo on her…rather noticeable chest. For a 15 year old, she was stacked.

"Ohh…Right." BB blushed a little and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, turning to look away.

"So…what was that stuff you where shooting out of your wrists when you took down Cinderblock." Robin said, pen ready to record the answers.


"I see…are the Webs produced by yourself or a Machine?"

"It's all me, Dude. Look." Stepping forward, Arachnia held out her wrists, facing up so the Titans could see. On the Pale skin of her wrists, on each side, there was an Inch long slit, that looked like a wound, only they weren't bleeding.

Nodding to himself, Robin continued to ask Questions. "Do you have any other powers along with your Web shooting-"



"Web slinging…that's what my Dad calls it anyway."

"Web slinging…okay… Any other powers then that?"

"I have some Pre-cognitive skills, or, Spider Senses. Basically, I know when danger is around me, and if it's gonna strike me."

"Pre….Cognitive…abilities…" Robin mumbled as he wrote down. "Anything else?"

"Aside from the above Average Human strength and the ability to take a hit, go flying through a wall and still stand? Not really… I do do Parkour though."

"Parkour? What's that?" Beast Boy asked.

"It's a fast paced way of Travel and exercise. It's basically Building Jumping, but without Powers." Arachnia explained.

"Okay…We have your word on this, but we'd like to see you more in Action. Do you object to a skirmish?"

"No, just tell me who I'm up against and What the Limitations are and I'm all good." Arachnia smiled.

"I'll take you…just don't scratch my metal, k girl?" Cyborg smirked, stepping forward.

"And don't really try to kill him. Just knock him down." Raven piped up.

"Ready….and…..FIGHT!" Robin cried, and Arachnia crouched down on the ground, ready to attack or dodge.

"HHHAAAAYYYIIIAA!" Cybrog cried rushing the Spider girl. Just before he ran over her, she leap over his head with a front flip. She twisted in the Air and slung a web onto his back, pulling herself into a flying kick at his force knocked him on his front and he skipped across the ground and she rood him like a Skate board. Detaching her Webs, she leapt back to give Cy a chance to stand again.

"I'm not done with you yet, Girly!" He cried, getting back onto his feet, his face red from the Traction.

"Girly? How am I Girly?" Arachnia asked a little thrown by the Comment before dodging a blast from his Sonic Cannon. In the Middle of her leap away from the Blast, Cyborg also sent out a Missile.

"Oh Come on!" The Girl cried, before Twisting her self in mid-air to Dodge. She used one arm to sling a web onto the Missile, which was headed past her and towards the other Titans, and fling it into the Ocean, where it would be harmless.

Once Arachnia landed, she shot out two webs, wrapping Cyborg arms to his sides.

"And stay like that!" She mumbled, straightening up, brushing the dust off her hands. Cyborg smiled and let himself fall flat on his back, before holding his feet up. The Soles of his feet glowed before it sunk in. He could use his Sonic cannon from any Limb! Before he could fire, Arachnia flipped over to him, and grabbed his ankles. She pulled them with her as she went over his head, and then webbed them into place, on the ground right next to his head.

"And he's down!" Beast boy cheered, laughing at the Pretzel that was Cyborg.

"Congratulations." Robin smiled, getting nods from the rest of the team before handing over a little yellow circular devise.

"Welcome to the Titans."

Alrighty~ Review and let me know what you think. It hasn't gotten Dirty yet, but Trust me it will.