AN only. Alright for those of you who are just reading this or are signed up for the alerts my friend has started to post this on her own profile. She only has the first chapter up but still go give it a look, alert to her story because this one is going to go as complete as soon as this post goes up so enjoy her work and thanks a lot for helping me get her to see that people will enjoy her story. : D you guys are awesome. Make sure you show her love by reviewing on her version of it. The title is the same and her profile name is dracolover113 so type her in and go read. Thanks again you are the best ps here is a message from her:

"Thank you so much for everyone reading this(or who have read this)! It was so
hard for me to get out there, but now I have the full first chapter on my
you again!


Her friend dracolover113

(the writer)

P.S. I really hope you like the full chapter. I hope to post the second
chapter by the middle of July.I am busy and it's hard to write, but hang in
there. :D "