Disclaimer: I own nothing Criminal Minds related.

Title: But Still.

Rating: PG13 for Hotch's potty-mouth.

Warnings: Slash, jealous and grumpy Hotch.

Prompt: For Criminal Minds Kink Meme IV on LJ:

Aaron becomes so insanely jealous over Reid that he outs them to the team right in the middle of a case. "He is mine, would u keep your fucking hands off of him"

Sometimes, Aaron really loathed Derek Morgan.

Not disliked. Not even hated.


There was no other word to describe the feeling coursing through Aaron.

It was simplistic, primitive, the most nature thing in this situation really: shear loathing.

And sometimes… sometimes, he wanted nothing more then to put his fist through that smug looking, too damn white -toothed smile. Wanted to take his baton to the other's spine and maybe even the femur. Why the femur? Because he damn well could, that's why.

"Hotch, have you seen the latest ME report?" Dave inquired and he came up along side of the unit chief, passing said folder off. Though Aaron accepted the file, his attention remained… elsewhere. "Our latest victim was strangled—"

Truthfully, Morgan was an exceptionally likeable guy. Really, he was. He was loyal to a fault, brave in a never unwavering manner, graciously kind and always more than willing to be there for anyone in need, honest enough to tell you the hard things while never making you feel inferior or incompetent, selfless in the sense that he would give you the shirt right off his back (if only to display those damn muscles, Hotch couldn't help but add bitterly), and fuck if he wasn't absolutely breathtakingly attractive.

You know, if you went for that sort of thing.

That overzealous muscle totting, beautiful dark skinned – what was the name Garcia used? Adonis?

Yeah. Who would want an Adonis?

Certainly not Spencer. Spencer had absolutely no interest in Morgan or so the youngest profiler insisted time after time whenever Aaron got into his Morgan-loathing moods.

But the way that Spencer looked at Morgan, talked about Morgan, as if he were God's gift to woman and man alike –

"Are you listening Hotch?"

"Of course Dave. I was just thinking that these wound patterns don't match the last," Aaron replied easily enough, his gaze rising to meet that of his best friend's. The comment was enough to appease Dave for the moment, the older profiler starting in on his theory.

Alright, sure, Morgan was absolutely essential to Aaron's team. Morgan's profiling skills were above top notch, he always came through no matter what, again the whole bravery and chivalry thing came into play, his door kicking skills were rivaled by none… the list just went on and on.

And on most days, Aaron could tolerate said list. He was even thankful of it. Again, essential, he reminded himself because he really needed to remember.

"Oh, is that the ME report?" Prentiss inquired as she came up to the two males, peering over Aaron's shoulder to get a look, but Aaron was really no longer paying attention.

But on days like these? Days when Morgan was just too damn perfect and was moving in on Aaron's territory?

Aaron was grinding his teeth down and it was taking every last bit of his willpower to not lose his cool, to maintain his usually perfect composure. After all, it wasn't as if they had exactly told the team about them…

But still.

And Spencer? Aaron wanted to be upset with Spencer for encouraging Morgan, he really wanted to be; he wanted Spencer to yell at Morgan that he was taken, he wanted Spencer to coldly inform Morgan in that ruthlessly calculating manner he sometimes slipped into just how inappropriate Morgan was being, how he was crossing that well drawn line of friendship.

But how could he be upset? Spencer was oblivious. He was always fucking oblivious to Morgan's passes. He just didn't realize, he never did, even when it wasn't Morgan – hell, Aaron had had to spell it out for the genius at first as well.

But Spencer really wasn't helping Hotch's current mood.

"—that's why I think that our unsub might work as a currier or some form, but I don't think that it would be a postal system because—" Dave continued talking while Aaron pretended to read the case file in hand.

Spencer just sat there at some random officer's desk, eating lunch with Morgan. Chinese takeout, courtesy of Morgan naturally because Morgan apparently felt that his chivalrous nature needed to extend to Aaron's lover, whom, Aaron would like to point out, was amply well taken care of because hell would freeze over before Aaron didn't provide for his family.

And Morgan was teasing Spencer about the fork, refusing to give one to Spencer, saying that the only way he was going to learn to use chopsticks was to just use them and Spencer was getting red in the face and sputtered out statistics, and the more Spencer blushed, the more Aaron felt his temper rise.

"Pretty Boy," Morgan drew in that all too sultry voice that made many a woman swoon and part their legs.

God, did Aaron ever mention just how much he loathed that nickname? Over his dead body would Spencer ever be Morgan's pretty boy. Spencer was his, and Spencer had the love bite on his ass to prove it.

But Morgan, seemingly oblivious himself, continued on his merry way. He leaned over, affectionately ruffling Spencer's hair, commenting, "Come on Pretty Boy, they're easy. Just try."

"Yeah, that's what you guys said last time and we all saw how well that worked out," Spencer half huffed, half whined. "Come on Morgan – I'm hungry."

And Aaron really didn't care for the smirk that graced Morgan's face. It was far too smug for his taste.

Morgan leaned just a hair closer to Spencer and promptly picked up a piece of General Tso's chicken with his own chopsticks, holding it out for Spencer to eat. "Then I'll just have to feed you because you're not getting a fork, kid."

And that was the end of it.

Aaron couldn't contain himself.

Before he knew it, he was striding across the foreign bullpen, stopping just short of the desk. Both males eyed Aaron with confusion, Morgan starting, "What's up Hot—" but before he could get anymore out, Aaron had entangled his hand within Spencer's brown locks and yanked the younger male's head back. He crushed their lips together in a forceful, demanding kiss, ignoring the surprised squeak that Spencer let out, but as Aaron pushed his tongue into Spencer's sinful mouth, remapping every last inch that he knew so well for the entire building to see, Spencer's eyes slid closed, the younger male moaning as he arched up against his boss. Spencer curled an arm around Aaron, pulling the older male against his still seated form all the more, whining desperately into the kiss.

It was only when both of their oxygen levels were dangerously close to being depleted that Aaron pulled back, the still rather lethal look embedded on his face though now there was a hint of satisfaction as he eyed Spencer's faintly swollen lips, Spencer's breathless state, his slightly hazy eyes as he stared up at Aaron.

With his hand still holding onto Spencer's hair tightly, Aaron tossed the stunned Morgan a venomous look, snapping a, "He is mine. Would you keep your fucking hands off of him?"

And with that, Aaron promptly abandoned the report in front of Morgan, released Spencer's hair in favor of grabbing the younger male's arm, and practically dragged the genius from the room with every intention of proving just how true his statement was.