this is a nnoitoraxoc, and im telling u this now, it's my first time with him so take it easy, plz!
"Such Blindness Is Pity:
Chapter One;
Shameful Demise"
"How dare they!" He thought, venomously. "How dare they do this to me!" He yelled in his head, struggling to breath as he stared up at the blue sky of the human world.
Here laid the proud Quinto Espada, Nnoitora Jiruga, breathing in his final breaths of life in tattered and rather charred clothing on his body, that just barely covered his thighs, and the sleeves being the only thing left of the jacket he was proudly wearing earlier that day. You couldn't recognized him, for his face was burned, and some of his hair had lost its length due to flames that he had struggled to put out. His body was bleeding from the crushed tendons in his ankles all the way up to the base of his neck, where he was slowly dying of either the massive burns upon whatever was left on his skin, or the massive bleeding that they had left him with; already leaving his skin so pale, he could have sworn he looked like Ulquiorra.
"Damn them! Damn every single one of em!" He raged in his mind. Earlier that day, Aizen had put him in charge of an attack upon a shinigami training facility miles outside of Karakura, and non-visible to humans. Aizen told him to destroy it, to bring who he wanted, and told him to keep no prisoners, nor survivors; orders that the Quinto happily obliged to.
Now, he brought many of the fraccion, due to the size of the facility, and the number of shinigami(even after insisting he did so by himself, but only found he had to bring a certain amount), and had also brought Yami, Aaroniero, and Szayel, knowing that all three were entertained by battle, and enjoyed bloodshed; not to the same degree as he, but enough of one that would prove to be amusing, much to the fifth Espada's pleasure. The battle went as planned, and they lost a lot of their men, leaving the four Espada and Tesla left as survivors. They were about to head back on a job well done, but they didn't exactly have that planned for him...
Just as Nnoitora was about to open a Garganta, Aaroniero took the liberty of striking Tesla down, and with the Quinto's fraccion already fairly injured, the wound was severe, and fatal should it not be treated soon. "Tesla!" Said person's master yelled for, starting a run to him, only to find himself engulfed in one of Szayel's 'wings,' and being spat out into one of Yami's kicks.
The fifth stood to fight the both of them, only to have Szayel crush the tendons in his ankles and knees, making him plummet to the ground again. In an act of defense, the Espada had lashed his blade out at the octova, only to find Aaroniero in his way, and soon finding himself flying backwards against Yami's cero.
The dreading process continued. Each time Nnoitora went to defend himself, the eighth Espada would crush a muscle or an organ and stop him short so that they could continue to inflict damage onto the other. He once came as so close to destroying Yami, who was kicking Tesla around for the fun of it, but was stopped when Aaroniero began to lash out at him.
They continued torturing them both until dusk, Nnoitora half alive, and Tesla struggling to keep breathing, not even conscious, anymore. Szayel opened the Garganta, and instructed the other two beneath him that they should let the Quinto die, saying it was the suitable end to the tragedy so that he could die in his sorrow and possible insanity.
It had felt like hours since they left, but was merely less than one. How he would have loved to kill all three of them for attacking him, and leaving him to die, and taking advantage of Tesla in the process. The once proud Espada lifted his head painfully to see that Tesla was still where he was, and even though it was barely audible, he was still breathing, much to his relief. He abused his fraccion so he'd get stronger, but in all truth, the fifth cared about him like a little brother, and hearing him suffer was so unbearable, the sound would echo into his ears whenever he thought of it.
He sighed and looked up at the sky. The chances of getting out of this alive were none. If a shinigami was alive, he'd finish him off, and if not, he would continue to die an agonizing death that he wished he could stop. Of course, he'd welcome death in any sort of battle, but not like this; not when he was tortured through such heinous betrayal that they left from, and refused to finish them off. True warriors would have finished them there and then!
He let his head slam against the ground, cursing himself for being unable to see the game the three had played, and cursing them for dare doing such a thing to both he and the closest person he had as family. "Szayel,...Aaraniero,...Yami,...I swear, if I live from this," he breathed in air, losing the battle to live, but still pressing on. "I swear, on my pride...I will kill you, and anyone who dares stand in my...way..." He promised, his breath hoarse, and his words barely above a whisper.
Finally, darkness claimed the fifth, and he was hoping; praying; that if death were to come of them, it would come, quickly.
like said; 1st time with Nnoitora, so dont shoot me if he's ooc. i dont own bleach, just my ocs; hope youve enjoyed!