Hello! This is sadly the last chapter of this story, and I have to say I really enjoyed writing this! I want to say a big thankyou to everyone who has reviewed, especially those who have been patient and stuck to the story:D haha. Review please, love you all:)

"Disappeared? Thats awful,"Daphne gasped, and Officer Steel nodded. He pointed to his phone, showing the couple the message from his commrades.

"Well, we have some idea where she is. Its just going to be hard to reach her. Cops are every where looking for her." With that, the officer left the room, and Daphne got out of the bed.

"Woah, Daph, watcha doing? You have to stay in bed for a couple of days," Fred sighed, taking her shoulder. She shrugged him off, and began to put some normal clothes on that Velma must have brought.

"I can't stand about and not do anything. She could be dangerous, Freddie. I need to help." When something was on Daphne's defiant mind, she wouldn't let anything stop her at all. Fred rolled his eyes and followed her, knowing that he to wanted to help Jasmine to be sent away.

Jasmine was in alot more trouble now than before, and she knew it. Hiding in the park wasn't exactly the best idea, but she had thought it clever, and that no one would find her. How wrong she was. Shaggy and Scooby, having saw that Daphne was ok, headed out for a walk to clear their minds, and reflect on the past events. Scooby was still rather tired from his ordeal; and though he would never admit it, he felt he had had enough adventures now. He wanted nothing more than to retire away from mysteries, but he knew in his heart he would carry on solving them. After chasing the stick Shaggy had thrown for him a couple of times, he smelt a person, hiding in the bushes. Being a detective meant he was curious, so he went to investigate. It was non other than Jasmine Stone. He growled at her, and she laughed in his face.

"Oh please. You don't scare me. No one is going to believe a damn dog anyway,"Jasmine smirked, but it soon vanished when Scooby started yelling for Shaggy.

"Like, hold on, buddy, I'll phone the police guys. Keep hold of her." Scooby wasn't stupid, he had a tight grip with his teeth on her muddy T-shirt. The police arrived quickly, and the rest of the gang were notified. Daphne had left Fred when she had ran; not wanting to wait forever. He was catching up; Daphne was fast.

"You can't send me away. My mother will have no one left," Jasmine cried as the police placed handcuffs on her wrists. She was taken away, but not before yelling to Daphne,"I'll be back for you one day!" leaving a very angry Fred to stick his fingers up at her while she was being locked in the car.

"Don't Freddie, she's not worth it,"Daphne told him sadly, and he pulled her into a passionate kiss.

"I know, but I don't want her to hurt you," Fred said, and stroked her hair.

"It will be a very long time though, she won't see me again,"She said, and started crying.

"What haven't you told me, Daph,''He said in a calm voice.

"My parents want me to move away to California, or some place else,"Daphne sobbed into his chest, and he picked up her face gently.

"It will be ok. I'll come with you!"Fred offered, and she giggled slightly.

"I'm so sorry, I'll try and make them change their minds,"she promised, and Fred nodded in approval. As long as she didn't get into trouble, he would be happy.

"Where's Velma?"He asked suddenly.

"Like, she was going to study group. She told me to tell you guys she had a test,"Shaggy said, and everyone smiled, waved, and walked to their homes.

When Daphne arrived home, she noticed her parents suitcases were in the hall. She smiled to herself, and almost forgot they hadn't known she had been in hospital.

"Why Daphne, you seem to be happy, Darling,"her father grinned, and she hugged him.

"Well, I have a question. Can we live here still, and not move?"

"I don't think so, Daphne. We've already started looking,"her mother said, coming into the room.

"But, me and Freddie are together again! He saved my life!"


"Well, I was kidnapped, and held at gun point, Freddie saved me, and now we're together,"Daphne explained, and her parents shook their heads.

"Definetly danger prone. Thats too dangerous, Daphne. We have to move,"Elizabeth said angrily.

"No! Not without Freddie and my friends!"
"Well-" George was beginning to waver, but judging by the look on his wife's face, Daphne wouldn't be getting her way this time. "I'm sorry, sweetheart."

"No. Please! Let me stay with Freddie,"She cried, and her mother sucked in her breath.

"Look here. We all fall in love, but you can move on in California. End of conversation,"She sighed, leaving the room. Daphne ran up the stairs, and went on her phone to Fred.

Plan B needed! Come round and try and persuade my parents! Love ya x

Fred jumped into the mystery machine, and drove to the Blake Mansion. He knocked on the door, and George answered.

"Hi, Mr Blake. Is it ok if I come in?" Fred asked politely, and he nodded.

"Take a seat, Frederick." Fred winced at the use of his full name, and sat down opposite George. "Elizabeth, come in here, please,"He finished, and the woman came in.

"Well, I came here to talk to you about Daphne. After everything she's been through the past few weeks, I think she needs to stay in her happy surroundings. I'm so in love with your daughter, its unbelievable. When I'm with her, I feel like I'm flying. Please. Let her stay."

"Well, your quite the talker, Frederick. If you love my daughter that much then... Then there's nothing I can do. She can stay. But we aren't." Daphne was standing outside the room, and came rushing in at hearing her father's words.

"You mean I can stay? But you have too aswell!" Daphne exclaimed, and George shook his head sadly at his daughter.
"Your growing up now, Daphne. You have someone to protect you! We'll give you some money for you and Fred to start your journey together. And you can keep this house. We have more than enough money to keep going for the rest of our lives." Tears threatened to fall down Elizabeth's cheeks, her husband was right; their daughter was 18, and ready to start her life with the boy of her dreams.

A few weeks later, Mr and Mrs Blake were packed, and they were getting ready to leave.

"Mom, Dad, I'm really going to miss you," Daphne smiled sadly, a few tears falling on their own accord.

"Visit us. We'll visit you in a few months, when we're all settled." With that, they got in the van, and drove away. Fred came behind Daphne, and held her gently, and kissed her on the top of her head.

"We'll be ok, Daph."

"I know. I'll just miss them, thats all."

"Of course. Its natural. But you'll see them soon," He said, and embraced her. They kissed on the door step, and went inside, to start their new life as a couple.

Well, it took a long time, but its finally over. If anyone wants a sequel, please tell me, I'll be happy to carry on from where it left off:) Thanks for reading, love Olivia xxx