
This is something that fell on my brain, and it just sat there until I wrote it down… pesky little bug.

Apologies if there's bad grammar/spelling or any other fails… :P

Disclaimer: Who knows not where a real Naruto is developed, in a brain! In a head! Which head? Kishimoto's, if you talk of Narutos, and so farewell! What, with his brain in his head?


x-x x-x x-x x-xx-x x-x x-x x-xx-x xx

I cannot live without my Heart

x-x x-x x-x x-xx-x x-x x-x x-xx-x xx

"Izumi! Lunch is ready!"

A little girl entered the living room, looking around with big brown eyes for the owner of the voice, "Where are you mommy?"

"Out on the balcony!" the 4 year old female turned and ran for the voice, her black hair flying back due to the fast movement.

She left the room, stepped outside and gazed at a plastic blue table with 4 matching chairs. "We are eating outside?" she asked with wonder-filled eyes. Her curious expression was directed at a smiling young woman of about 18 years, standing next to the table placing some napkins for the both of them.

"Yes, it's a nice summer day outside. Also not too hot with this light cool breeze passing by, don't you think so?" her mother said, looking at the young child through shining green orbs.

Izumi nodded excitedly "Yup! I gust foun-"

"Just, 'j'…" her mother corrected with a tender voice.

She nodded again, "J-g-just found it strange 'cuz it is the first time we are eating out here…"

"Well, in this year it's the first day nice enough to eat outside. And the years before, you were too young. This breeze could still be bad to a baby." The older female explained to her daughter as they sat down to eat.

The breeze continued to cool what could have been a burning-hot day. It passed by the tall young woman's head, misplacing some of the pretty pink hair and making the toddler chuckle, earning her a playful glare from her mother.

Suddenly, they heard something fall with a soft 'thud' on top of the railing that separated the balcony from the streets of Konoha, 2 floors below. "Yo!" Both looked to see what it was, and realization was accompanied by a mouth-filled shout of something that sounded like 'Daddy!'

Izumi jumped up from the table to hug the newcomer, only to fall and bring her food-filled plate along. Before hitting the ground, this male of also about 18 years old, showed amazing reflexes by catching the plate without any food flying, and catching the little girl on an upside down position in between his arm and chest.

The pinkette sighed with a shaking head directed at her daughter's clumsiness. She wasn't afraid of her falling and hurting herself, at least not with him here.

Izumi laughed happily as her father twirled her around, after placing the plate back on the table. She could now see his blond hair and deep blue eyes up close and from the right angle.

"Whoa there! You little crazy kunoichi!" He laughed back at her. "You almost destroyed the table!"

"Did not!" she playfully stuck her tongue at him and pointed to the table, "See? It's fine!"

"Thanks to whom?" he asked back with a raised eye-brow.

"My Daddy!" she happily answered, and proceeded to give him another hug.

"Hehe, now finish eating so I can safely continue to spoil my little girl without having to catch flying food…" he voiced with a smile, to which Izumi nodded. He turned to the pinkette, "Hey Sakura-chan!"

"Hey Naruto…" she greeted with a small yet happy smile. "He is finally back" she thought with a content sigh. "Back from the mission?"

"Yeah, just made a quick stop at Baa-chan's office before running here to see how our little angel is doing." He told her, before asking "How you been?"

"Oh you know, same ol' same ol'. Working small shifts at the hospital, teaching in the academy, and taking care of the little angel, though she sometimes can be a big devil" which got her a 'hey!', she smirked and stuck out her tongue at her daughter.

Her little cute daughter, though not biological daughter, no. Which of course didn't make her be less loved by the two teammates.

After the war, a lot of villages were devastated. During a mission to help out on one located at the border of fire country, Sakura and Naruto found out that a small child's parents had died, but others there were too poor and old to be able to take care of the 2 year old child. So they took her back to the village. After 3 months, they kind of got used to having her around. Often spending time checking up on her, or taking her to whoever could help them when they were on duty, they ended up changing their lives to accommodate the little one, instead of placing her in the orphanage.

Sakura only worked at the hospital on cases that required her abilities, which were getting fewer and fewer, and the rest of the time was spent teaching at the academy. She still trained often, at least once every 2 days, and helped out with village matters whenever Tsunade needed her assistance. But the pinkette doesn't need to leave the village on missions anymore. That way, she can always be near her adopted daughter.

Naruto still went on missions. They were the bigger payouts, so he insisted on doing them to provide the rest of the money they would need, despite Sakura telling him to not push himself so hard for them. Naruto answered by saying that he wanted the little girl to have everything she would ever need, which eventually ended up with the two girls getting this big house.

Sakura cried when he gave her the key to the newly bought house, even harder when he chose to continue living in his apartment, not wanting to burden her by living in the same house… giving her all the freedom and space she would or could need.

"You wanna eat? There is enough for the 3, even for someone with your appetite." She said, smiling up at him.

"Sure, that'd be great! I'm starving!" he told her with a hungry, yet joy-filled face. She always made enough for 5 people, which would seem odd. But, even though she didn't say it, he knew she always cooked that much in case he showed up. Even though he didn't understand why it made her happy to cook for him, he never complained…

At first, he would show up to see Izumi, but those times he arrived before eating he would have to leave for a while to go eat and then come back. And every time that happened, he would notice how sad and close to tears the pinkette would get.

One day he showed up, but was greeted with the sight of a big banquet. When he asked why all the food, Sakura blushed saying that she just felt like cooking. He noticed how happy and proud she seemed that day. Despite not understanding, he never wanted to see her sad like before, but instead that happy. From that day forth, he never had to leave for food again.

He went inside to wash his hands while the pinkette filled a plate with food for him. She then stood up and went to the kitchen, "What do you want to drink?" she called.

"A can of coke please" he answered as he left the bathroom. She met him mid-way on the living room.

"Here you go" she kindly said as she gave him the drink. He took it with a 'thank you' and was going to turn around to head outside, but he caught something in the corner of his eyes. Looking back at her, he saw her giving him a strange look. Her eyes were shinning more than usual, and she was shaking. He was going to ask if everything was alright when she dashed forward into his arms, hugging him very tightly. "I m-missed y-you!" she choked into his chest.

He hugged her back, wrapping her in a secure embrace. "Hey…" he called softy, looking down at pink hair. "The mission went fine. You didn't need to get this worked up over it, it's not like there's anyone out there who can beat me!" he reasoned with a light laugh.

"Baka" she mumbled into his chest before raising her head to look up at him with an angry expression, "That has nothing to do with the fact that you were gone for nearly a month! Why didn't you tell me? I had to hear it from Tsunade after I asked why you weren't back yet!" she scowled, before resting the left side of her face against his chest. "If I could, I would see you every day. A month is just too long"

"Oh…" so she really missed him. He knew she cared a lot about him. They were the best of friends. But sometimes, he wondered if there was more to it. He would never dare ask, however, as he was too terrified of ruining what they had now. "I promise I won't take long missions anymore…"

She pulled her face up to his, and lightly kissed his cheek, making both blush in the process. "Thank you"

Back out in the balcony, Izumi was watching the moment with a smile, yet filled with a slight sadness.

They looked so happy together, even more than all other couples, married or not, that she has seen around the village. So why weren't they one? It would be so great to have her daddy and mommy living with her. It's not like her pink-haired parent had or was looking for someone else. Even when other guys tried to act like her blonde-haired father around her mother, they would just end with her politely refusing those 'date' things they kept asking, or sometimes even punching them across the village when they tried something more daring. "That Sasuke person really flew very high" the toddler remembered with a chuckle.

Her thoughts snapped back to the present day when her parents stepped outside into the balcony to join her. She noticed that their hands were intertwined, before sitting down and letting go, so they could eat. They sometimes did that too, often without even noticing. And when they did notice, they would just let go with a sudden jerk, and flushed faces. Shaking her head at her idiot parents, she began eating again.

"Hmmmm! This is very good!" Naruto complimented with a satisfied face.

"Thank you!" Sakura exclaimed with a glad face. It made her so proud whenever she made something he enjoyed. It was hard to appease the blond jinchuuriki when it came to food. The only restaurant he liked was Ichiraku… there were 2 or 3 he tolerated, the rest he outright hated. She remembered going to Ayame and Teuchi to take lessons in cooking just so she could cook for him. She also remembered threatening Ino with shaving her best friend's head in her sleep if she ever opened her mouth about it.

"Daddy, tell us about your mission! How many bad guys did you defeat?" she asked excitedly to which he responded with a chuckle.

"Well, first I went to a meeting with the Fire Lord, Shikamaru's dad and Baa-chan, then we organized a team for a big campaign inside the fire country's borders. Our goal was to neutralize all rogue-nins, and any groups of bad people like vandals, robbers, etc… Find hideouts, clean up the cities' bad people etc…" he said, informing them about his mission's details.

"Wow, why the big cleanup? I never heard of that being done in the past." Sakura voiced, amazed at the size of the operation.

"Yeah, we are going through a policy were we are trusting other Nations to do the same, instead of focusing their power on each other" the blue-eyed young man explained.

Sakura blinked, "And they agreed to that? How can you be sure they won't use this to attack us or each other?" she asked.

The blonde smirked, "Well, at the last Kage summit, I kind of proposed this, and said that if a Nation disrespected it, they could expect me at their doorstep" he told and she laughed.

"Yeah! My daddy is awesome! He can make an entire Nation cr-uhm… pop their pants!" Izumi finished with a sheepish expression as her parents looked at her with raised eye-brows.

"You have trouble with some words, yet you already know how to pronounce bad ones? Where did you hear that one?" Sakura asked her daughter with crossed arms and a scowl on her face.


Sakura narrowed her eyes, "No desert…" no effect… "No home cooked ramen for-"

"Uncle-Konohamaru!" her mother grinned while her father laughed. She just pouted. "Adults j-g-j-g-just don't play fair!" … "He let it slip accidently… mommy please don't punch him like you did to Sasuke-san" she begged.

Naruto's face snapped towards Sakura with wide-eyes. The pinkette blushed "You punched teme?" She nodded. "Why?" he asked.

"He wouldn't take no for an answer" she finished sheepishly.

"So mommy tek-take-tooke-took him out! Right in the face! Bam!" the little one said, making a punching motion with her arm for added effect.

The blond had an incredulous expression. "Wow…" he gazed at Sakura "Damn, I just feel like kissing her right now, but I'd probably end up like Sasuke…" he thought.

"Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy! Stop looking at mommy so much! Look at me!" Naruto snapped out of it back into the real world. He looked away from her to look at his daughter, his face with a red tinge. If he looked back, he would see the Sakura's face colored like her hair.

"Y-yeah Izumi?" he asked, chuckling awkwardly and scratching his head.

"Did you 'Bam!' any strong shinobi? Or were they all very weak?" the black-haired little girl asked her father.

"W-well, not really. There were some with a little skill, but not anything I would classify as strong…" he clarified, "That reminds me! I got something to tell you 2, but it can wait till later. Let's help mommy lift the table so we can go have some fun!" he suggested to her daughter who nodded enthusiastically.

"Thanks Naruto-kun, but you 2 can go ahead… I'll take care of this." She told the blonde with a happy smile.

"You sure? I don't mind helping…" Naruto told her as he got up from the table.

The pinkette shook her head, "I'm sure, but thank you." She went to give him a short hug and a light kiss in the cheek before starting to lift the things on the table.

Naruto just stood there with wide-eyes… "Whoa… 2 kisses in less than an hour? Is this real?" even hugs were rare. Granted he wasn't always with her, but still, the average was like a kiss and 3 hugs per week… until now! He was again snapped back to earth by his daughter pulling at his hand.

"Come on daddy!"

"Hold-up there, tiger!" they ran inside, and into her room while Sakura just watched them, shaking her head. "Goofy knuckleheads" she thought with a happy sigh. "But they are my goofy knuckleheads"

"Do it here now!" Izumi requested and watched as her father performed the Rasengan inside a transparent, hollow and small marble. "Cool!" she awed at the tiny Rasengan. "Now put wind in it!" he again did as requested, and the 4 year old cheered as she saw the marble get disintegrated.

"Wanna fell something cool?" Izumi nodded enthusiastically. Naruto placed a three-pronged kunai on her bed and took his daughter with him to the bathroom. A few seconds later Naruto appeared next to the bed while she appeared on the air above it. He quickly took the kunai off the bed as she fell on it, bouncing up and down with a laugh.

"That was sooo awe-err… some!" She shouted after remembering how to pronounce it. She jumped on him, and he twirled her around. "Weeeeee!" the blonde laughed. She sure was having fun.

He sat down on her bed with the brown-eyed toddler in his lap.

"Hey daddy?" she called, looking up at him.


"Why aren't you and mommy together?" she asked, which got him a startled expression.

"W-what do y-you mean?" he asked back, caught completely off-guard.

"Why aren't you and mommy a coup-copel-couple?" she tried again.

"Izumi-chan, you know-"

"I am adop-ted, I know. So you didn't need 'love' to have me, like the other kids' moms and dads. But that doesn't mean it can't happen." She reasoned.

"Smart little girl…" he thought.

"Do you love mommy?" he reeled back. She wasn't letting this go apparently.

He sighed, "Yes, I do… But both people need to have it honey, not just one of them."

"B-but she loves you too!"

"I know she does, but Izumi, the love she has for me is a friendly one." He explained.

"Wha-? Ugh" she groaned, "There's more than 1 kind of love? T-roub-le-some!"

Naruto chuckled, that one she probably heard from Shikamaru.

"Is yours a friendly love too, or the err… 'big' kind of love?" Izumi questioned. Curious child minds never stopped until they were satisfied.

The jinchuuriki kissed the back of her head. "It's the 'big' kind…" he confessed.

She looked down with a sigh, "I hope mommy's is 'big' for you too"

He hugged her, "I hope so too"

"I want a brother!" Naruto laughed. Figures, kids and their demands… when you think you can give them everything, they demand something impossible.

Sakura's legs were shaky, her heart felt tight and she didn't know how to react.

Unknown to them, she was finished and heading to her daughter's room to have some fun with them when she heard the toddler's inquiry towards the blonde. And then, the blonde's answers, which shook her to the core.

Confused was putting it mildly. "What do I do?" she asked herself. Her inner was always quite when she needed her the most.

She tried rationalizing it. Until now, they had something good, and shared an amazing little girl. He was a wonderful man, but she was afraid… afraid this would end up ruined if she tried to push forward.

And now… she heard he still, after so much time, had feelings for her.

For one, she was glad. Back then, when he bought the house, but didn't even try to suggest living with them, instead quite the opposite… she had felt terrified that he had found someone else.

But now, she also felt horrible… he has been waiting all this time? "No more… I'll, risk it. For both our sakes" she made up her mind.

Turning around, she went back out into the balcony, bringing a pen and paper along with her. She wrote something, and placed her hand on top of the table. "Kuchiose no jutsu!"

A little slug appeared as the smoke cleared. Sakura gazed at it, "Can you please give this to Tsunade please?" she asked.

"Oh, Sakura. Hum, sure no problem."

"Thank you!" the slug disappeared with a 'poof'.


The Hokage looked up from her papers to the slug now on her desk. "Yes?"

The slug dropped a letter with its mouth, "Letter from Sakura" then disappeared again.

She looked to the person in front of her, "Give me a minute, I'll let you know what missions are available, I just need to read this first."

Tsunade opened it to read:


Tsunade-sensei, I need to ask a favor of you. I am supposed to teach 4 classes today, the first starting in about an hour. I know this is sudden and tight on the schedule, but I need you to cover for me by either arranging a substitute, or if needed… doing the classes yourself. Yes, this is that important.

I may be faced, with what could probably become the best day of my life until now. Hopefully…

So I need and want to spend the rest of this day, and tomorrow which is my day off, with my 2 most precious beings.

My dear daughter Izumi, and my… soul mate.

I owe you one, thank you…


The busty blonde just stared at it with a dumbfounded expression.

Then, looking up at the person in front of her, she grinned.

"What?" Sasuke asked.

"Oh, nothing…nothing." She chuckled, "Good choice, Sakura… I don't know if he told you yet, but if not… then prepare to be shocked, because your life is about to get a lot better!"

"Hey guys, having fun?" asked Sakura, appearing by the door.

"Yup! Lots!" came the excited response. She seemed to be looking around, but no sign of Naruto. Of course Sakura had already detected him, but stayed in silence. "Daddy found me in an instant, but I can't find him now!" she whined. Izumi looked at her mother with realization, and then smirked. The pinkette was pointing with her green eyes to a corner of the room that seemed empty. The little girl picked up another marble and threw it slowly at that location. The marble stopped in mid air, and brown eyes widened. She then ran towards the corner and jumped into the air, only to also stop in mid air with a laugh. "Found you!"

Naruto became visible, dispelling the camouflage jutsu… he was holding his daughter in a hug. "You little cheater!" he chuckled.

"Am not!" she denied with a blush.

"Who says I was talking to you?" he replied with a mischievous grin while looking out of the corner of his eyes towards the young woman at the doorway. Sakura, realizing what he meant, went wide-eyed.

"Me?" she asked, pointing at herself with a startled expression.

Izumi took advantage of this, "Ye! That's right it was all mommy! It's not my fault!" she claimed, pointing at her mother.

"H-hey!" the older female voiced with an outraged yet playful expression. "Traitor!" she accused, crossing arms and glaring at her daughter.

The toddler responded by sticking her tongue at her mother. Then, turning to her father, "Let's get her!" she proposed with a laugh.

Naruto chuckled picking her up and holding her in the air in front of her. Izumi extended her arms to catch Sakura as the blonde started running forward. "Eeek!" the pinkette let out, running away into the living room.

She dived into the couch, going all the way to the far end. "She is trapped!" The blonde exclaimed, "Go get her!" he told his daughter, throwing her in the air into her mother. Both girls started trying to attack each other in a tickling war while laughing out loud.

Naruto sat at the other end of the couch. The pinkette picked up Izumi, "Now get daddy!" she said, throwing her at him. Now it was their turn to have a tickle fight. The blonde threw her back at her mother, who caught her easily and safely, before throwing her again to his father.

She laughed happily as they threw her back and forth. Naruto caught her again and tried to smother her with a rotating hug. "You're mine now! Muhahaha!" he claimed, making both female's laugh.

After a while, the black haired child rested her head against her father, trying to catch her breath from all the activity. He was still hugging her protectively.

This seemed like the perfect time to get the news out. With his 2 most precious people right here with him, as close as they could be. Daughter in his chest, clutching his shirt… her mother and the object of his love in front of him, legs tangled with his on top of the small couch.

He turned to her. "Sakura-chan…" he called, making her look from Izumi to him. A blissful smile present on her beautiful face.


"You remember I said I had some news?" he asked, to which she nodded. "Well, I think it's time to give it." Again she nodded expectantly. "I'm going to get a slightly increased pay, and unless it is for a very important thing, the kind of emergency which would need you and everyone else to take part… I may not be taking anymore missions outside the village." He informed, watching her reaction closely.

The blonde noticed Izumi glance up at him. Her mother, however, had her mouth open in a disbelieving expression. "W-what?" came the shocked question. "R-really? How? Why? When? W-what?" followed by these also chocked yet a little excited, inquiries.

He gave her his one-of-a-kind smile that was especially reserved for only her eyes to see. "In 2 months, they are naming me the next Hokage…" he said, revealing the secret. Both females gasped, Sakura with her hands against her mouth.

She stayed frozen for nearly a minute, looking at him with sparkling emerald eyes, at the verge of shedding tears. "D-does that m-mean… I'll see you… everyday?" she asked, still carrying a disbelieving expression.

"It means you'll see me whenever you want… I'll always be nearby." He assured her with a smile.

Naruto barely saw it coming, as the pinkette moved with amazing speed. Izumi gasped, almost crushed by her mother's 'canon fire'-like jump towards her father. But Sakura skillfully avoided her daughter, clutching herself to his right side. She nuzzled her face into his neck, hugging him with all her non-enhanced strength.

The Hokage-to-be embraced both girls who were at each side of him. He started feeling moisture in his neck, realizing Sakura was crying. He didn't stop her… he didn't think he could without crying himself. This moment felt too perfect for him to be able to keep his emotions in check. The family moment he always wished for.

And though the pinkette in his arms wasn't to him what he wanted her to be… just this once, he thought of her as if she was. Hugging them tighter… he would pretend that they were living in the same house, waking up to each other every morning. Like a true happy family, with a loving wife, and an amazing daughter… "Just this once"

Sakura had stopped trembling and sniffling about 15 minutes ago. His shirt was a wet. Soaked even…

Izumi was also quite, tired from all the fun they had earlier. He figured both had fallen asleep.

Naruto carefully placed his daughter on top of her mother, and lifted them up, taking the pinkette to her bedroom like a groom would carry his bride.

Approaching her bed, he started lowering her and the little girl on top of her, softly on the bed. It was a warm day, so he did not pull the covers on top of them.

He turned to leave them in their peaceful sleep, when his hand was pulled back, something grasping it tightly, yet tenderly and with a slight trembling. Naruto looked back, startled. Emeralds faced his Sapphires. They were still shining, despite all her crying.

"Don't go… stay."

He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "I s-should g-go. I don't want to impose-"

"-Please…" she pleaded with a desperate expression, immediately destroying whatever defenses he had. "Don't leave…"

He nodded shakily, with a sigh. Sakura could now feel his fear, as she pulled him towards her. She had also been terrified that he wouldn't agree to stay. But he accepted, making her fears disappear. It was her turn to make his go away.

As he lay down besides her on the bed, facing the ceiling, she rotated herself towards him, placing their daughter on top of his right side while she snuggled him on top of his left side.

She guided her left arm around his head and started softly going through his golden hair. Sakura went a step further to get his attention, going with her right hand to grab his left, pulling it up beside their heads and lacing her fingers with his.

He turned his head to look directly at her… his eyes were practically asking her, "What and why are you doing this? Where are you going with this? What do you want from me?" she didn't want to leave him with these questions for much longer.

But, words wouldn't just cut it. Actions always spoke louder and more clearly than words.

Sakura, never leaving her eyes from those azure ones, placed her forehead against his… and as their noses' sides started touching each other, she covered his lips with her own in a tender and passionate display.

The pinkette did not retreat under his shock-filled, 'dinner plate'-sized, beautiful deep-blue eyes. If anything, she applied a little more pressure.

His eyes closed slowly, same with hers. He parted his lips to capture her bottom one between his both. She did the same thing to his upper lip, nibbling it.

Getting carried by the moment, she tried using the tip of her tongue against his lips, increasing the moisture in them. He liked it, and did the same to her, which resulted in both muscles colliding softly against each other. They opened both their mouths to allow one another access inside… like an exploration expedition.

They stayed like that for a while, but sleep eventually caught up with them, with both falling into a blissful slumber… still lip-locked.

"I'm getting a brother! I'm getting a brother! I'm getting a brother! I'm getting a brother!" she kept hearing from somewhere. Groaning in displeasure, she opened an eye to be greeted with the sight of her daughter bouncing up and down and around her room.

"Hey kiddo… Turn it down a little will you?" Sakura told her while shaking sleep from her head. After getting 'sleep sober' the pinkette lifted herself up and gazed at the mop of bouncing black hair. "What's up?" she asked the small-fry.

Izumi gave her a huge smile, "You're getting me a bother!" she cheered, looking between her mother and her father.

Sakura's eyes widened as she looked from her daughter to her father.

"Right? Right?" the little one asked excitedly.

The young woman kept staring at the sleeping blonde below her while deep in thought. Her mouth turned slowly into a smile, before looking back at Izumi. "Right…" she answered, showing her smile at the small girl.

"Yay!" the toddler cheered, running outside the room, only to come back a few seconds later to gaze at her mother with a sheepish expression. "Can I have a sister too?"

Sakura reached to capture Izumi's cheek in her hand, "Yes you can!"

"Yuppie!" she cheered again, running outside and closing the door behind her to let them get back to their sleep.

Sakura sighed, shaking her head at Izumi.

Laying back down on top of the blonde under her and positioning her arms at each side of his head… she gazed at his face.

"I know you're awake" she called, "It wasn't by dumb luck that I surpassed Tsunade…"

Naruto's eyes fluttered open. He was gazing to the side. "You knew… and yet you said that to her." He pointed out. "Did you meant it?"

"Do you think I would ever lie to her… or to you for that matter?" the pinkette questioned back. He gazed up at her.

"Why me?" the blonde asked. "You can be with anyone you want. You're a beautiful, smart and loving woman… Anyone would feel lucky to have you. Even Sasuke has openly admitted that." He told her honestly.

Sakura wrapped her arms around his head, and lowering her forehead onto his, she gave his lips a soft and tender peck. "Because you have something the others don't… something without which I can't live." She informed.

Naruto wrapped his arms around her waist, "What?" he asked.

Before covering his lips with her own, she whispered:

"My heart"

What do you guys think?

Let me know ;D

Oh, and should I try to continue it or leave it at a one-shot?

Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Have a nice day!