I do not own Naruto or Pirates of the Caribbean

"Normal speaking"

"Naruto channelling Kyubbi's chakra"

Jutsu's will be translated if possible


"Davy Jones speech"

'Davy Jones thoughts'

"Summons or Bijou speaking"

'Summons or Bijou thinking'

The land of waves/ Unamed bridge...

Sakura stood next to Tazuna as they both shook as they were bathed in the killing intent of one Zabuza Momochi the Demon of the mist, master of the silent killing technique and the wielder of the Kubriki Hocho, which is better known as the Executioners Blade who was currently fighting Konoha's own Kakashi Hakate, the wielder of one thousand Jutsu. Further back along the bridge a ice dome stood suspended hovering over the tarmac trapped within it stood Sasuke Uchiha heir of the Sharingan, who hasn't yet been able to unlock his bloodline. and Konoha's resident human sacrifice Naruto Uzumaki.

Haku stood in the mirrors as his voice echoed within the dome "You cannot win this fight, you will fail Zabuza-sama will defeat your Sensei." Sasuke chuckled "I am an Uchiha, we are unbeatable" at this Naruto snorted 'Except by a member of your own clan' he sniggered to himself the fox inside him agreed 'Correct child but that what the Sharingan does to the main Uchiha family, it drives them mad' Naruto lay on the ground exhausted as Sasuke had used his Shadow Clones to find out Haku's movements and as Haku began to throw a handful of Senbon at Naruto as Naruto closed his eyes and waited for the pain. Nothing happened.

When he opened his eyes he saw Sasuke was in front of him blocking the senbon "Sasuke what are you doing?" Sasuke turned flinching his voice barely heard "I d-don't know, my body moved on it's own" at that he sank to his knees and collapsed forward, now put in a death like state. But sadly Naruto didn't know that and he snapped. A cloud of ominous red chakra poured from his pores and wrapped around him like a cloak his hair spiked further, his scars widened and his canines sharpened and his once ocean blue eyes has changed to a deep bloody crimson. "I'm going to kill you!" He lunged at the mirrors of ice and began to shatter them one by one.

At the other end of the bridge Zabuza and Kakashi paused as the killing intent poured off Naruto 'Has the kyubbi taken over?' Kakashi wondered worriedly as Zabuza thought 'What killing intent, maybe that blonde brat wasn't to bad after all' he flinched due to the damage he had taken, he'd lost feeling in both arms and was bleeding shouted to his oppenent "Hey Zabuza! How about one last attack?" "Your on Scarecrow" They both waited patiently.

Back in the dome Naruto had punched through the last mirror and had grabbed the false Hunter nin and was punching the mask which was slowly cracking before falling to the ground and revealing Haku "You?" Naruto asked as his eyes were now a light purplish colour "Haku, why?" His voice sounded almost pleading as he returned to normal. "I wanted to help Zabuza-sama, after all I am his tool" Haku replied with a smile "And now I am a broken tool for failing in my task. Naruto? I have one request that you must promise me" Naruto spoke without his mind understanding the words "Of course Haku, what is it?" Haku paused as he considered what he wanted "I want you.." He began "I want you to kill me"

This request horrified Naruto "W-w-what?" his face was a mask of terror, Haku looked Naruto in the eyes and spoke his voice tremoring slightly "You heard me N-naruto and you p-promised me, make it quick" Naruto sighed and nodded and reached into his hip pouch and pulled out a kunai and spoke softly "It's a shame Haku, if we had met under different circumstances we could have been friends" He placed the blade near Haku's neck just as he was about to move Haku looked up almost apologetic "Sorry Naruto, looks like I'm needed one last time" He punched Naruto in the gut before forming a pair of ice mirror and jump from one to the other.

As Naruto was helping Haku with his last wish Zabuza had been pinned in place by a large squad of dogs courtesy of a summon scroll, Kakashi had finished the sequence of signs as a loud chirping filled the air "Chidori!" As he ran a sense of tunnel vision impaired his vision as in a flash of blue light the fake hunter nin was blocking him from Zabuza he tried to slow down but if he stopped the technique would destabilise. As he reached the one meter mark away from his target a flash of crimson light blinded his Sharingan and he felt his hand punch through two ribcages and when the blindspots vanished from his vision his eyes widened in horror.

The mist cleared as Kakashi eased his hand from Haku and Naruto's chests, they were both still alive but Haku was barely breathing as Naruto staggered over to Haku and tried to cover the wound a clapping sound echoed over the bridge. "So the big bad demon of the mist was taken out by a pack of puppies and a group of Gennin." Gato sneered as he rested his hands on his cane surrounded by hired men "Looks like I don't have to get my men to kill you if you can die this easily. And look your tool is just as useless as you" He quipped as his men glanced over their weapons again.

Zabuza looked at the children before him and nodded looks like he failed his adopted son, even though he never admitted it to Haku, or himself for that matter. He wept silently as his tears started to dampen his bandages, he looked to Naruto and saw that he too was crying, but was also clenching and unclenching his fists "Oi brat" Zabuza started "Toss me a Kunai" Naruto looked up bewildered and tossed him the one he had in his hand. Before Naruto gave him the kunai he chewed through the bandages covering his lower face to reveal the sharp teeth, he grabbed the Kunai and spoke around it "Look after Haku brat and Keep my sword, you'll have a better use then where I'm going." He took off at a run towards Gato's men as Naruto understood what Zabuza meant. 'Fox' he thought 'Yes brat?' 'I'm gonna need a load of chakra, I've got some stress to burn' 'on it' as Naruto's chakra coils were flooded with the Kyubbi's chakra which sealed the hole in his chest not healing him completely just giving the illusion of being healed. He walked over to Zabuza's blade and using the kyubbi's help he lifted the blade and joined Zabuza who was quite happily proving his name.

He weaved through the dying men Zabuza hit high while he hit low blood covered him, finally after what seemed like hours of bloodshed Zabuza stabbed Gato in the head and collapsed. Naruto knelt beside him panting loudly "Kid" Zabuza whispered "Bring Haku over here I want to say goodbye properly. Naruto nodded as he plunged the Giant blade into the bridge and staggered through the blood and gore to where the body of Haku lay silent, almost sleeping he mused silently as he created two shadow clones and the three of them carried Haku over to Zabuza. "Haku I'm sorry.." he began "I never told you this but you have always been more than a tool, more than an apprentice you have been like a son to me and I am sorry I never told you.." at this Naruto began to cough loudly and noticed the blood dripping from his lips.

Inside Naruto's mind the Kyuubi was freaking out his chakra wasn't working, well it was but not how it was supposed to, he chakra worked best for healing in a wide spread area and damaged small focus points instead of healing. 'Fuck the kid's coils can't can't take much stress and he's working with half a heart.' The chakra formation ponders aloud 'let's see Kakashi hit Haku's lung which could be healed but the kid lost a lot of blood. Zabuza let's see how this goes.' Outside Naruto was struggling to breath clearly "OI kid you've got ten minutes tops before you collapse this body won't last you know let me take over and we shall both live." Naruto nodded tiredly as Zabuza closed his eyes for the final time as snow began to fall. The now possessed Naruto looked to his team before creating a chain of seals and muttering "Hidden Mist Technique"

As the mist began to obscure Naruto from his teams view even Sasuke's Sharingan couldn't pierce the watery veil Sakura looked around timidly wondering whether they were going to be attacked again. As the inhabitants stood clustered at the mouth of the bridge, Inari ran forward on the verge of tears "Naruto-nii-san" he reached team seven before his passage was blocked by Kakashi "No Inari this is for Naruto to do by himself"

Back with Kyubbi-Naruto he was on his last legs, he held his fingers in the easily recognisable hand-sign "Kage-bunshin" five clones appeared they grabbed Haku's and Zabuza's bodies and removed their clothing, along with his own and sealed them along with the Kubriki Hocho and several other items into a sealing scroll which he sealed into a storage seal on Zabuza's right arm. before the clones began drawing a mass seal around Haku and Zabuza using the blood of all three of them writing on their bodies, when he finished he laid himself flat, his head touching Haku's and Zabuza's he dispelled four of the clones leaving the final clone the perform the string of eight demon hand seals before shouting "Triple Body Demonic Rebirth Technique" as the clones words faded their was a bright light and the crackling of lightning before a giant wave swept the transforming body into the waters below.

As the mist faded again the inhabitants of wave and Team seven stood in silence before Tazuna stepped forward and coughed nervously into his hand "I think that when this bridge is completed that we should name this bridge 'The Bridge Of Three Demons' all in favor?" To that his received response "AYE!" Shouted the people of Nami No Kuni. As team seven walked across the newly named Bridge of three demons Sakura was silent and Sasuke was brooding, Kakashi however, was different Kakashi seemed to be holding tears back. 'Sensei, what have I done?'

Six miles of the coast of Kirikagura, one metre off the ocean floor

A body encased in ice drifted across the sea bed un-interrupted before it was stopped by a pair of figures they looked at the figure in the ice and then looked at each other before one spoke "I reckon we should take him to the Captain" The other nodded before adding "Aye, he might find this one particularly interesting" They grabbed the block of ice before seeming to sink into the sand...

Should I continue? Thoughts and ideas please.