Disclaimer: I do not own anything and please do not sue me over the creation of this short story. It is for entertainment uses only. :)

Pairing: Itachi/Kagome/Naruto

Summary: To embrace the darkness is the same as embracing evil itself. Or so she was told. However when darkness is all that she knows, what else does Kagome have left to turn to?


The deep scarlet light of the sunset left a soft glow upon her skin. It was as if the light itself were trying to cleanse her of the sins she had committed. However it was far too late. She had carved out her path and she could no longer turn back. Her hands were stained with the blood of both allies and enemies. Had she not been so careless and reckless, then maybe she wouldn't have ever been in this situation. Her heart grew heavy with the knowledge that it was far too late to make amends. This was the end of the line.

"Kagome-chan please…" Sakura pleaded with a trembling voice. She raised her hand and opened her palm-waiting for her to take it. "You don't have to do this alone…."

The dark haired female smirked humorlessly. "Alone? Do you truly understand the meaning of that word Sakura-chan?" Although her words were sharp, Kagome could not bring herself to blame the kunoichi for her ignorance towards herself and towards Naruto. She couldn't help that she hadn't been given the hardships that they had. But she did give her old comrade credit for standing before her like this… it must've taken quite a bit of bravery to defy the Hokage-her very own mentor.

"Kagome-chan please….I want to help…. Even if I can't fully understand, I want to be there for you like you were for me when Sasuke…" Her emerald gaze darkened. The leaf Kunoichi's shoulders began to tremble at the memory of her beloved lying cold and lifeless on the ground.

"Sakura-chan… you don't need to do this. By helping me you would betray the Leaf village. Is that what you want? To be a part of the world's most wanted list like me?" The teen's eyes darkened at her old teammate. This would be much more than she could ever handle. She knew what it was like to be on the run and not even be able to trust the ones she had called her friends. They were the only ones she truly trusted and vice versa…

"Please Kagome-chan…. Let me come with you…" The two stared each other down; silently telling each other their stance on the matter.

"No." It was a quick and tart reply.

The pink haired teen didn't back down so easily, "I know that you have information on Itachi and Naruto's whereabouts. As well as information on Akatsuki and the Underground world. All the countries will be searching for you. Not to mention that the Akatsuki itself will seek to have both you and Itachi eliminated." She paused for a moment allowing for her words to sink in, "You can just keep running around in the darkness hoping to fade away. They'll find you. One way or another. The only way you can safely stay under their radar is if you have someone turning them away and knocking them off track…"

Kagome's eyes sharpened, "You will not."

Sakura smirked, "But I already have."

"You idiot!" she screeched, suddenly filled with rage. "Do you know what you've done by lying to Konoha like that! If they ever find out you'll be…" Kagome was interrupted.

"And that's why I've come here…." Her emerald gaze locked onto her teammate's sapphire ones, "… So I ask you one more time…. Please, take me with you…"

The other woman closed her eyes and took a deep sigh. "You leave me no other choice… Sakura, are you prepared for what's to come?"


Kagome smiled at her sadly, "Good. Beginning today you start your life as a missing nin…."

As the sunset fell into the darkness, the last hope of things returning to normal seemed to disappear with it. The only difference was that unlike the dawn sure to come the next day, the chances of their hope returning dwindled into the nothingness of the darkened sky…

Chapter One: The Unwilling Choice….

Cell Seven lounged around the Nakano River. It was high noon and the sun was beginning to beat down upon them harshly. The four teammates looked between each other in an exchange of miserable expressions. It had been several hours now since their Sensei had called for them. Sure he was well known for his tardiness but on hot days like this they would appreciate a little more sensitivity from the older man to their suffering.

"I'm sorry I'm late guys. The heat made me lose my way." The jounin joked lightly behind his dark mask. He raised a pale hand and began to rub the back of his head nervously.

"Kakashi-sensei! Must you keep us waiting while it's this suffocating outside! The least you could've done was ask us to meet up inside some where's!" Kagome pointed a stubby finger at him petulantly. The older man's visible eye slid to her scrawny form. Ah, the little Higurashi. She was always a rather feisty character and seemed to bring the worst out of the other students. Always stirring them up and forcing them to try and best in her in their little 'competitions'.

"Sorry, sorry." He said again but less sympathetically than his charming little protégés would have liked.

"Yeah! What Kagome said!" Sakura piped up standing beside her friend. Kakashi moved to look at her. 'And so the dysfunctional dynamics begin…' He thought to himself. The little kunoichi was rather simple minded at this time. Although she had much potential to grow into a very powerful shinobi, Sakura much preferred to follow someone around and let them take responsibility for leadership. Whether that person was Kagome or Sasuke changed from a day-to-day basis.

"Why are you always so late anyways Kakashi-sensei? I mean you ask us to be here at dawn and then don't show up until way past noon?" Naruto complained, using the back of his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead. The silver haired man took hold of his chin and nodded in a 'holier-than-thou' type fashion.

"That is a good question isn't it?" The mask over his face barely covered his smirk. The blond was the most predictable of all four of his students. Always complaining about things that didn't quit 'suit' him and never backing down from a challenge. Sasuke was normally his target and most bitter rival in terms of fighting and strength. However he'd occasionally attempt to prove his worth to Kagome as well due to her strong nature and need to control every aspect of the team's dynamics. Needless to say the Uchiha did not take to well to her bossy nature.

Speaking of which, "Hn. Let's just get this mission over with." Came the boy's cool response. Kakashi sweat dropped at the demeanor he possessed. The other students, other than Sakura, were often put off by his stoic behavior and would try to prove themselves worthy in his eyes in their own little ways. Naruto would challenge Sasuke daily to small competitions in a game of 'who can do the D-rank Missions the best'. While Kagome was much more subtle about her strategy. She would often attempt to seize power over their teammates from him by manipulating Sakura and Naruto onto her side during a verbal argument. This took the Uchiha's control away and would stir him into a small fit of anger. It was rather amusing to watch such a calm and collected boy like Sasuke fight to keep himself from snapping at his teammate over something so simple. However control was in the boy's nature and what better way for Kagome to push his buttons and prove herself as dominant over him by taking that control away?

The jounin shook his head and shut his current volume of 'Icha Icha Paradise'. There would be a time and place for him to read it, but right now he needed to tend to his squabbling squad.

"Alright, that's enough you guys. If you want to hear the mission details than you'll need to quiet down and behave yourselves like good little genin." His visible eye twinkled mischievously at their sour expressions. Most of his team were without parents and in desperate need of strict guidance, so he often treated them as children. At some level it gave them a sense of comfort that a responsible adult was in their life, but on another level, especially with Sasuke, they were growing to resent that he had taken on such a role without their permission.

The children stood quietly with sore expressions etched onto their youthful faces. None of them liked being talked down to like that, but there wasn't much that they could do about it. He was the teacher and they were the students. Besides, on more than one occasion he had tied them up and let them go hungry for the rest of the day for being disobedient. The four students shuddered at the thought of going through that again.

"Good. Now then, your mission is simple. Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke, you three will be joining up with Gai and his squad for a joint mission in the Sand Village. Kagome and myself will be joining you there later. First we must take care of a few things here. You are to meet him in one hour at the front gate. Do I make myself clear?" He questioned with a serious tone.

They looked at him incredulously. And as predicted, it was Naruto who was the first to speak his opinion on the matter.

"Hey wait a minute! Why does Kagome have to stay behind? Why are we joining with Bushy Brow's team? And what exactly are we doing!" His voice was rather defensive and he began to move closer to his female teammate in what appeared to be a possessive manner.

His silver brows raised at the action. Now that was rather unexpected. Although he knew the two be very close friends, he was not aware of their relationship progressing further than the status of friendship. His eyes darkened. This couldn't be good. If this went on then… his mind stopped the thought in its tracks. No, he would not allow for that to happen. It was his personal responsibility as their mentor to see to it that none of them ever had to go through that experience.

"Naruto," He began coolly, "What business that I have to discuss with Kagome is none of your concern. As for… bushy brows, is that what you called him?" The jounin stopped to glance at his student with a slightly amused expression, "Like yourselves, they're an elite team and I find that pairing you off with them will give you three vital experience on the battle field. You will learn that not only is teamwork important with your squad mates, but with your fellow shinobi as well. After all, we may not always get to work together as a single unit. So experience is the key with this mission. Gai will explain the details after you arrive. No more questions." Kakashi said curtly, "Now be at the front gates in one hour. Unlike me Gai is not the type of sensei who forgives tardiness."

Sakura and Naruto moaned their frustration with having to be teamed up with such an oddball squad. Sasuke remained silent but kept glancing between Kagome and their teacher. What could possibly be so important that they would have to stay behind during a mission? He shrugged off his curiosity temporarily and allowed his feet to carry him back to his apartment complex. For now he'd store the information a side. But when he returned, he would demand answers from the Higurashi. There would be no way he'd allow her to keep some vital piece of information from him.

As the rest of Cell Seven marched off into the distance Kagome turned back to face their teacher.

"So what's this really all about Kakashi-Sensei. It's not like you to split up our team like that."

'Smart girl.' He briefly thought to himself.

"Not it's not normally like me, but there was an order from the counsel. You are to meet with them at once." He watched as her sapphire gaze widened drastically.

"Did they find her?" The desperation trembling in her voice made his heart waver slightly.

"No. It's about something else entirely."

Kagome's expression dropped and the light dimmed from her eyes. Her only reason for becoming a Kunoichi of the Leaf was slowly slipping through her fingers, and there was nothing that she could do about it.

"…So then what…?" She started but her teacher merely shrugged.

"I wasn't given the details either. For now we just need to show up and settle things there. That sound like a plan?" He smiled at her, allowing his large hand to fall upon her head and ruffle her hair. It was an affectionate gesture that he rarely gave. But in this instance he felt much more obliged to do so, especially after everything all of his students had been through…

"Arrigatou… Kakashi-Sensei…" She smiled back at him. For now, he was just happy that he could provide some peace in these children's lives. Even if it was short lived…

The elder Koharu looked upon the teacher and student with a severe expression. Her teammate Homura mimicked the look. 'This,' Kakashi deduced, 'will not be a pleasant conversation.'

Tsunade lifted her gaze from the folders lying innocently upon her desk. There was still one more person yet to arrive. Kagome fidgeted nervously with the sleeve of her haori. Only once before had she been before the counsel like this and the person who intimidated her the most had yet to show his unwanted face. He was such a crude and stoic man. It was hard to believe that he was even human under all those bandages.

Chills of dread went down her spin as the door to the Hokage's office opened to reveal Danzou. He stalked past the ANBU Black Ops and moved to sit at Koharu's right. His dark gaze settled upon her and she shivered. This wasn't what she had in mind for their simple D-Rank Mission. If she had known that she'd be facing the Leaf's Counsel today than she would've called in sick. Even ninjas needed a sick day!

"Now that we're all here," The female Hokage shot a dark glare at Danzou, "We can commence the meeting."

Kakashi watched as his student turned pale and frightened. He had been with her the last time she had faced the Counsel as well. It was not a pleasant memory and he didn't blame her for fearing this meeting. However with Tsunade's presence he was quite sure that it would be less traumatic than the last time-Where only Koharu, Homura, and Danzou had been present. The Third was apparently unaware of the meeting that happened between them.

"Higurashi Kagome, please step forward." Koharu croaked. Her wrinkled face stared down upon the child with an unforgiving relentlessness.

"Yes Ma'am." She responded and stepped closer to the elders. Her body trembled in fright and she fought to keep them from seeing her fears. It would not due to allow these old crones to intimidate her like this. It would be even more despicable for them to know that she was frightened. As scared as Kagome was, she still had her Kunoichi pride.

"We are aware of the circumstances surrounding your clan's death. However we also became aware of the recent kekkei genkai that you awakened some time ago. Do you know what we're referring to?" Koharu interrogated harshly. Her voice held no room for her or her teacher to disagree.

"Yes Ma'am. You speak of the Fuu Houshutsu bloodline limit." Her skin turned even paler at the woman's next words.

"Then you know that you can no longer be placed upon Cell Seven. We allowed you to be a part of the team since you showed no signs of awakening the kekkei genkai. Now since that bloodline limit has been awakened, we cannot risk you to release the bijuu from the jinchuuriki's body whether by accident or on purpose. To do so would be to put this Village, this very country in danger of being destroyed by the Kyuubi." The elder woman's gaze hardened on the tiny tween. "You must leave Konoha immediately. You are a danger to our peace."

Tsunade glared over at Koharu with all her might but sighed in defeat. This was not a decision that she could override. As Hokage she had the power to instill policies and order the ranks of shinobi, but if there was a threat to the peace of the village than the counsel could intervene and whatever decision that they made could not be overridden by any policy that she could pass. Instead she was forced to watch from the sidelines as one of the brightest of their youngsters was sent off to their enemies.

"Also," Danzou started, "We've received word that a spy of ours has started to be suspected. He'll need replacing soon…."

Kakashi interrupted the man before he could continue, "Are you saying that you're sacrificing my student's very life simply because she awakened her bloodline limit!" His tone was harsh and unforgiving. As a person who had been gifted with the Sharingan by his closest comrade, he had often suffered from the discrimination of both civilians and shinobi. Many civilians outside of their borders feared those with kekkei genkai. While shinobi within their own ranks grew angry with him for possessing a bloodline limit which did not 'rightfully belong to him'. He knew what it was like to have people hate him for his kekkei genkai, and the last thing he wanted was for any of his precious students to go through the same discrimination. He would rather give up his life than allow for any of them to be put through the hell that the counsel was trying to send Kagome off to.

"Kakashi-sensei…" Kagome began. She had never heard him so angry. He was always such a calm and cool person. She often doubted his abilities to make it to an appointment on time, but never once had she doubted his sincerity. This was only more proof that he would always do what he could to protect his team.

"You have no hand in the matter Hatake Kakashi. She is a danger to our peace and is currently needed elsewhere." Danzou spoke again. His bandaged figure stood from Koharu's side and approached the duo. "If you wish to remain in the village as well than I suggest you silence your tongue. You wouldn't want for all of your precious students to end up without a teacher would you?" The older man whispered darkly into his ear where none of the other's could hear. Kakashi's expression grew grim. This wasn't good.

"Where… where are you sending her?" He started.

Danzou glanced at him coolly, "The Akatsuki... Our spy is being suspected by the organization's leader; also they're down a few forces. Now's our only chance to get another in without any suspicion…"

Kakashi grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt, "Do you mean to tell me that all this time we had a spy in the Akatsuki and now that he's about to be tossed under the bus, you want to sacrifice Kagome just to sneak another in before he's killed!" It took everything the male had to not rip the elder into shreds.

"Enough Kakashi! Attacking Danzou won't help anything!" Tsunade called out fiercely. Kagome stood in shock. Join the Akatsuki. The very organization that was hunting Naruto? Her close friend and teammate? The horror of it all made her collapse to her knees.

If she left, then she'd be betraying both Naruto and the village. However, what choice did she have in the matter? If her bloodline limit released the fox from its seal than they would all die. 'Die' the word resonated in her mind. Sakura, Sasuke….Naruto… they would all…. Die….

Kakashi and Tsunade watched in sympathy as the girl collapsed. Everything she had ever known and loved was being ripped away from her for a reason that she couldn't even help.

"Tsunade-sama…." Kagome began, her voice trembling, "If I join the Akatsuki…. Would Naruto truly be safe?" She looked up at her Hokage with pleading eyes.

The woman couldn't bring herself to answer that question. The answer was an obvious one; because of his reckless nature the boy would never be safe. Yet seeing this child fall apart kept her from saying it out loud.

Kakashi released Danzou in favor of comforting his student. He gently placed his hand upon her back and watched as tears began to fall from her eyes. She already knew the answer to her question, she just didn't want to hear it. She wanted to hear the confirmation that her sacrifice would not be in vain, however she would hear it. She would never hear those words spoken from any of their mouths. And so, she would be forced to make a sacrifice without even the guarantee that it would even work.

"Where…" Kagome started, "Where am I supposed to go. I don't even know where the hideout is…"

"Our contact within the organization will meet you outside the village. He's already within the borders and will arrive this evening. Do not allow yourself to be seen." Homura spoke for the first time.

"Yes…Sir…." She whispered brokenly. Although she'd give anything to see to her comrade's safety, she didn't want to sacrifice her only solace in her life.

"Good. You are dismissed Higurashi Kagome. And know that should you return to the village for any reason you will be charged for treason. Do I make myself clear?"

Kagome nodded, unable to form a sentence. This… would be how it all ended? Without a word of goodbye? Betraying her teammates she had come to view as family?

Without another word to either her sensei or her Hokage, she slowly stood on her feet and walked out of the office, her head hung low. Tonight, she would leave Konoha and hoped that someday she might be given the chance to be forgiven by Naruto-the person she was betraying the most.

As her form disappeared down the hall, Kakashi whirled on the Counsel.

"Is that how you treat our children now? Like expendable pieces of garbage?" His visible eye narrowed sharply on Tsunade, "You of all people should've been the first to shoot this idea down. What would your grandfather say if he could see what you've done? What you've allowed to take place?" Before they could manage a response to his words, he turned on his heel and followed after his student. Even if he couldn't protect her from their own counsel, he would see to it that she made it safely to their supposed contact. It was the least he could offer her as her teacher. After all, her safety was his responsibility….

The sun began to set off in the distance and as Kagome paced restlessly in her apartment she couldn't help but ask herself, 'Is this the right thing?' Regardless of what those old coots said, she could always stay and risk staying by Naruto's side. But if she did that than why methods of retribution would they take? Also how much longer would it be before she truly did release the Kyuubi from its seal? She still hadn't mastered the seal release bloodline limit yet and she was quite sure she was bound to have a few 'incidents' before she could fully control it.

A soft knock at her door interrupted her thoughts.

"Who's there?" She croaked out. Her voice was beginning to fade out from all of the crying she had done earlier.

"I'll escort you to the contact." Kakashi's baritone echoed through the flimsy frame of her door. Kagome quickly wiped her tears and allowed him to enter into her abode.

"Are you ready?" He questioned softly. She shook her head.

"How can I be?"

His eyes darkened. Never a more true statement could be said. The jounin held out his arm to his little student.

"Shall we go?"

She nodded at him and looped her arm in his. It was the kindest gesture he had ever given her, yet it would also be the last. With a heavy heart and a growing sense of regret-she set off into the darkness with only her teacher to accompany her to the contact that would carry her off into the world she knew so little about and feared the most….


Fuu Houshutsu: Seal Release

Naruto Fan's Notes: This story I'm only hoping to be between 15-30 chapters which is why I've pretty much just jumped into the plot like this. It's a side project for me to work on other than one-shots that helps exercise my brain a little and keep me interested in writing Densetsu No Reppan, which is my main project at this point. Either way, I hope that you all enjoy. And as a future reference I will not be changing the pairing! Both of the men will get equal attention and yes, it will be like that for the whole story. Neither gains an advantage over the other. I like Naruto and I like Itachi. I'm also experimenting with writing Itachi's character. :) So please leave a review letting me know what you think.