Author's Note:

This is an all human One Shot based off of my FF Tempted Fate. Jacob belongs to Nessie in my head. (But I will read a Jake/Bella story from time to time but prefer Jake/Nessie)

This was just an idea to see the back story in one of Jacob's past relationships before he falls in love and marries Renesmee... His soul mate. He's only dated four women before he got married… But Leah was his longest relationship of four years and his latest. She is having a hard time accepting losing him; especially to someone he just met for only a few weeks. Jacob is not as sensual in this story on purpose (Sorry for all of you Tempted Fate lemon lovers) He was totally in love with Nessie… He just feels stuck with Leah. So you will see a difference in how they sexually interact with each other. If you are a hard core Leah Fan please don't be upset. This is just the way she has to be for this story. I do have a likeable Leah in my New Horizon stories where Leah is Nessie's best friend. So this is a stretch for me to write her as an enemy or someone who mentally abuses Jacob. It's actually a stretch for me to write any type of angst… But I'm working on it. I'm really a sickening bubbly type of person who's really optimistic about everything. (I'm all Fluff and lemons… lol) I hope you enjoy this One Shot. Additional characters fully described in Tempted Fate may not be as descriptively detailed as they are in this story. This was basically written for those who are following Tempted Fate. But if you haven't read that story… please feel free to read… I would prefer if you were over 16 due to the explicit content. Tempted Fate is rated M for a good reason.

Also Tempted Fate is in Nessie's POV… and it's about how quickly they fell in love and what they went through. Even though it's a story filled with lemons... it's very emotional. (and funny at times… but I'll let you be the judge of that.)

One Crazy Night

Crickets and Ed Sheeran were playing in the back ground. Just another weekend night with no major plans but to hang out with family and friends. I enjoyed these low key nights. Especially when I had to be at the shop early in the morning. Seth's house was a bit smaller than mine yet he had a new deck and neighbors so far away that he could blast his music. The music was only a bit loud tonight because his parents were away. If they were here I would have heard his father Harry say, 'Turn that damn music down.' It's funny that my father had the same tone with my sisters when they were teens. Even though Seth was in his early 20's he was slightly a mama's boy and was content living with his parents. It was a muggy night and I was glad that I just wore a white undershirt and jeans. Everyone was spread out all across the deck. I was wishing that Leah stayed on the other side because tonight she was in rare form. She was holding on to me more than usual. I knew that she had only one drink so she couldn't have been drunk. Since I was the designated driver… Like always… I knew it was my responsibility to make sure everyone got home safely. My sisters and I are the only ones in our small group of friends that don't drink at all. Maybe it's because our mother was killed by a drunk driver… Maybe it's because we always want to be in control and can have fun without it? Leah was acting really strange. In a way it was creeping me out. The way she was acting was like I needed to make sure she got home. I've seen her drink way more than this and act totally sober… so I don't know what's her deal tonight? I always knew she had a crush on me for the past years... but really never paid attention to her like that. She wasn't my type. I mean sure we're friends. Hell… we grew up together and she's one of my best friend's sister… but I wouldn't want to date her. She can be an outright bitch sometimes. My sisters don't like her at all. And Ava my best female friend since middle school was about to fight her one day because Leah said some ignorant shot to her. Ava's husband Eric who's also my employee and friend was there to break it up.

"Hey Jake… you sure look sexy in that T-shirt. Damn look at all them muscles."

"Huh? Leah… You ok?" I asked.

"What… Of course I'm ok. Why would you ask me that?"

"It just seems like you're a little drunk that's all."

"What I gotta be drunk to say that you're sexy as hell."

Leah started crawling her fingers up my chest and it made me jump a bit. Not because I was turned on… Just freaked out a bit.

"Aww come one Jake. Stop being such a stiff. Well actually I would like it if you were." She whispered.

Leah started laughing. Oh this chick has to be crazy. "What the hell Leah," Embry said as he walked back out on the porch. Leah rolled her eyes at him. Embry didn't like Leah that much either. But he lived to crack jokes on her and piss her off.

"Jake look out! You have a praying mantis on your shirt. You want me to swat it off?" he said with a wide grin.

"Shut the fuck up Em," she snapped back at him.

Leah was skinny and I could see how he easily came up with that comparison… But I tried my best to hide my snicker. Em's hilarious. Who needs alcohol when you have him around to entertain ya.

"Come on Leah… It's hot… Ya clinging to me," I said trying to politely push her off.

Jared sat at the corner of the porch just shaking his head. He was carving an animal for his girlfriend Kim. He's totally in love with her and I bet he will be popping the question soon

"You would think it's a full moon," Jared said.

"Yeah… All types of crazy shit is happening," Embry said.

Embry looked at Leah and myself and made a disgusted face. I put my palms up in the air letting him know it was all her. I haven't given her one sign that I'm into her.

"So Leah… Is the reason we don't see your boyfriends after a month is because you rip their heads off and eat them after you mate with them? That would explain a lot," Embry said with a serious face.

"Is the reason you have calluses only on your thumb and index finger 'cause that's all you need to jerk off your miniature dick?"

"Baby… You wish you could see my dick. Trust me it ain't small at all."

"Why are you talking about dicks in front of my sister?" Seth said as he came to the porch door.

"Sorry Man… She started it. Really she did," Embry said holding up his hands.

Seth came outside and took a seat. He also did a double take on how close Leah was sitting to me. We all talked for about another hour. Disagreed on who was the top five rappers. Discussed alternative endings to Game of Thrones. I'm still mad about that. Like what the fuck? Watched Seth and Embry battle each other dancing. Seth was a few drinks in and clearly was not on beat. It was hilarious to watch though. I tried my best to gently ignore the looks that Leah was giving me. She made me feel so uncomfortable. Her drunken act was perfect. She knew that I would drive her home if she didn't want to sleep at her parents' house. Leah stretched and asked me to drive her home. I saw this coming so I wasn't that shocked. Shit. I'm stuck with driving her home because everyone else is buzzed or completely drunk. Plus everyone else said that they were going to crash at the house. Seth and Leah's parents were out of town and I'm sure they wouldn't mind Embry and Jared sleeping over.

"Ok… Come on. I have to work tomorrow and I'm dead ass tired and want to go home."

"Thanks Jaky." She said with a sly grin

What the hell.

"Ha! Ha! Jaky," Embry snickered.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the side of the house to my truck. I opened the door and helped her inside. She smiled and looked at me like she was undressing me with her eyes. Why couldn't she just sleep at her parent's house? Is someone playing a joke on me? Is Ashton going to jump out of the trees and tell me I'm being punked?

Leah didn't live that far from her parent's house. I just wanted to go home and go to sleep. While I was walking to the other side of the truck I felt my phone buzz and pulled it out my pocket. It was a text from my old girlfriend Tyna. It was a simple Hi. I quickly sent an auto reply that I was driving. I'll text her back once I drop off Leah. Tyna and I are still cool yet her boyfriend doesn't want us talking that much… I can understand that. He's a bit insecure. But she loves him… that's why we broke up because she was still hung up over him. I didn't want to stand in their way. We were only together for a few months… So we parted ways. No one was hurt about it. I missed the sex though. She had a nice body. Big tits and man she had an ass… She was half black and white. And man was she pretty. Ahh… Let me stop thinking of her ass. My dick is getting hard and I don't need to be horny around Leah. She'll probably try to rape me or something. I turned to her to see what she was doing. Leah was picking at her nails and looked up at me and smiled. She had a pretty smile. I didn't see it that much... She always seems to act like she's on her period. Can't wait 'til she's post-menopausal… Maybe she'll be sweeter? Lord help the man that she marries… Or who can put up with her longer than a month. Anyone that dares to date her leaves her after a few months. Though Sam dated her for a year before he met Emily when they were teens. He must have seen something in her to be with her that long. Or maybe she just changed over the years and became bitter? I feel sorry for the poor schmuck who winds up with her the way she is now.

It didn't take me that long to get to her house. I parked right in front since there's always a parking space since she doesn't have a car. Leah had a cute small house on the reservation. It was in a community of homes lined up. They all looked the same except for the decorations that people put on their porches. Leah opened her door and stepped out before I had a chance to get out and open her door for her. I got out of the truck and followed her up to her porch. My dick was still a little bit hard and I was trying my best to think of something horrible to make it go down. Shit… I haven't had sex in like... Hey how long has it been? Yeah I jerk off once in a while. Who am I kidding almost every night but I'd rather have the real thing.

Leah leaned into me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I moved back a step but she moved along with me and started licking my neck. "Jacob," she moaned. I want you… Don't you want me?" Shit why is she doing this to me? What would possess me to cave in to her other than my dick getting even harder. Down boy… Not the right girl. Leah slid her hand down and grabbed my dick.

"Oh Jake… I knew you wanted to fuck me," she moaned. "Your dick is so hard."

"Leah... Please don't do that."

"Do what… Grab this… Damn how big are you?" Twelve whopping inches but she doesn't have to know that.

She started feeling on me more and my dick jumped at her touch. She twisted her lips and turned to her door and unlocked it. I stepped away. Abort abort.

"Leah… I'll talk to you later," I said trying to make my exit.

"Uh unn... Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm going home Leah."

"Stay with me for a while… Please Jake. I need this."

What is she talking about? What does she need… Just to fuck somebody? She should call one of her fuck buddies? I don't want to be wrapped in that circle. Leah pulled on my arm and snatched me in her house. Damn she's strong. She attacked me with kisses grinding her body against me. My dick was on full alert now. Like an idiot I kissed her back. She led me to her bed room. I was cursing myself out with each step closer to her bed. What the fuck is wrong with me? Leah quickly got undressed down to her panties and I just gazed at her like a fool. I never saw her totally naked before. I mean I saw her in a bathing suit before but never saw her tits. I like my women with a little meat on their bones... Leah didn't have none of that. She was tall for a woman and had an athletic body. Her breast were small… I guess a size A? The horny stupid dog in me reached out and played with her nipple. She started moaning and pulled me closer to the bed. I pulled out my wallet from my back pocket to get a condom. She had to be frickin' crazy if she thought that I would fuck her without a condom. I may have temporarily lost all sense of judgment right now… But I'm not that far gone. I personally know some of the guys she's fucked and how many women they have fucked… So I was definitely gonna hit this being strapped. I guess I'm thinking of my future wife and kids. I've been pretty good with using condoms. Only my very first time I went raw when I was sixteen. My dad smacked the shit out of me when I told him I didn't use one.

Leah sat down on her bed slid off her panties and started to take off my jeans. I smelled her arousal and it made me horny and disgusted at the same time. Why wasn't I running out of here? Was I really this hard up to get some pussy? Shit women throw themselves at me almost every day at work. She slowly pulled my draws down and my dick flopped out and hit her in the face. She smiled with her eyes wide opened and licked her lips. I guess she approved of my big dick. She slid my jeans down and I kicked out of them. I was really being selfish right now. I felt like I was in a struggle with my own body. Who was taking over... Oh my dick. Maybe I should have been jerking off more? Then maybe I would have more self-control.

Leah started rubbing my dick softly in her small hands. She bit her bottom lip and leaned in to kiss my stomach. At first I thought she was going for my dick and got a little nervous. I didn't have my condom on. I should have brought the mint flavored ones with me too. I only had a regular one... Shit. Damn…why am I cosigning Leah sucking my dick? I need serious help. She started kissing closer to my dick and I slowly pulled away. I didn't want to hurt her feelings… but she wasn't going to suck my dick without a condom on it. Oddly, my dick got even harder with me thinking about her mouth on me. Fuck .My little head has total control of my actions now. I rolled the condom on and took off my T-shirt. She pulled me by my thighs and I fell on the bed. We both started to chuckle. I knew this was all types of wrong but my damn dick didn't care at the moment.

"Oh Jacob… fuck the shit out of me."

"Damn Leah."

I started kissing her neck and she started moaning and rubbing my back. I have to admit her moans were turning me on even more. She bucked her hips into me grinding her hairy pussy on my abs. It was an odd sensation but it made my dick super hard. All the other women I had sex with were more closely shaven or bare all together. I slid my hand down to feel how wet she was. She had to be wet for this not to hurt her. Well then again she could have fucked other guys with big ass dicks before. I slid my two fingers inside her and damn she was wet as shit. My dick had total control over me now. All it wanted to do was play slip and slide deep in her dripping pussy. He didn't care that I didn't have feelings for her… he just wanted to be the center of attention so he could show off his skills and shot his come wherever it landed. I rubbed my head on her lips and she grabbed my hair. I couldn't help but groan. I pushed myself inside her and she moaned out loud... Loud enough for her neighbors to hear. Damn it was too late to go back now. Her heat wrapped my dick and I loved the way it felt even though Tyna felt way better; she was much tighter. I pushed in deeper and she scratched my back. It stung some but I decided to pay her back and pushed deeper.

"Oww!' she moaned.

She grabbed my ass and pulled me into her making me go deeper inside her.

"Oh my God Leah," I moaned

"Yes Jake… Fuck me," she breathed.

Not using my best judgment I started to fuck her... and I wasn't going to make it sweet. If I was going to hell for fucking her... I might as well get my kicks out of it. In no time I had her coming. Her pussy was trembling on my dick as she came. I made her come three more times before I decided to end it and come myself. When I felt myself about to come I pulled out and grinded my dick on her stomach a few times. I come a lot. I guess more than the average man. I can't even risk coming in a condom while I'm inside a girl. I fear that it would bust and she would get pregnant. It looks like a small light bulb at the end when all of my come fills it up. I thought something was wrong with me as a teen... But I was told that I was ok. Some men just produce more sperm and a whole lot of medical crap that went over my head at the time. When I was younger, I filled one up with water just to see how much it holds… And it holds a lot. But I still have that fear in the back of my head. I definitely don't wanna knock up Leah. She'll be the worst mother in the world... And I don't want my daughter taking up after her thinking it's ok to act like a bitch.

I rolled over to my back and wiped the sweat from my forehead. I could have lasted for hours fucking her but I wasn't into it or her that much to put in the effort. It was awkward having sex with her because I couldn't fully get into it. It just felt wrong having sex with her I guess. My dick was in it… But my heart wasn't. But she seemed to enjoy it. Lord knows she was screaming and moaning my name like crazy. I'll be surprised if cops aren't knocking on her door in a few minutes. Even with all of that moaning… I knew I held back with her. I didn't fuck her like I did Tyna. I only kissed her mouth and neck. I use to kiss all over Tyna's body. Shit… she may be asleep now. I was supposed to text her back.

And years before there was Brooke. Oh Brooke… Damn. I was with her for... Two years. I tried every position I knew on her. Had no regrets of all the body aches and charlie horses trying to fuck her to oblivion. Her parents really didn't approve of her dating outside of her race. They were committed to not having us work out. From day one. I thought that I was in love with her… But I was just… What sixteen when we started dating. It may have been love. I don't have that many relationships to compare it to. Leah is the third woman I've ever had sex with… and this is definitely not going to be anything.

I watched Leah breathe hard with her arm rested over her forehead with a wide smile on her face. She was the only one smiling. Everything was creeping up on me at a fast pace. I felt like fucking crap for my actions. I was kinda in denial of what just happened. I just fucked Leah... Leah. What have I've done? God kill me now. This can't end well. I'm not talking to my dick… We're not on good terms now.


The next morning I was out of it at work. Eric kept on asking me what the hell was wrong with me because I told him. In fact he's the only person I told. It was like confessing that I robbed a bank or something. I felt so fucking guilty. I know Billy is going to look at me like I'm crazy when I tell him. I'm trying to avoid that talk. But I can't avoid it forever. Soon he will know… So I guess it's best if he hears it from me first. All day Billy kept on giving me odd looks. I guess it was hard to mask how I was feeling. I kept on thinking what a dick I was last night just because I was horny. I mean I could have just walked away at her porch and went home and watched porn videos to jerk off to. I didn't want Leah. And I didn't want to turn into one of those guys who just fuck just for the sake of fucking. I wanted to be in a relationship with someone. I didn't want to have a casual relationship with someone. I never even had one of those. Shit. I'm twenty one years old and only had sex with three women; now four because of Leah. And the way she was clinging to me this morning when I was trying to leave made me think she didn't just want me as one of her fuck buddies. For Christ sake she mouthed the words, 'I Love you.' I'm frickn' doomed. Damn… What is Seth gonna think. I'm really freaking out here. I sighed out of frustration. Fuck! I don't want him thinking I used his sister… even though she used me too. Leah is nothing like the woman I dream of being with. I want a sweet girl… Someone to make me laugh that is caring and considerate… Not someone who's so rude to people I feel like I wanna slap her... Which I would never do. But Leah can be a complete bitch to people. I can't believe that Seth is related to her. It's like they were raised by different people… but they weren't.

I heard the sound of a Volvo engine and looked up. It's weird that I can guess the make of a car by the sound of the engine. I'm sickly skilled that way. A slender white man stepped out of the car and Billy walked over to him with a smile and shook his hand then they both padded each other on the back. They both stood beside his car for a few minutes talking up a storm. I wasn't really trying to listen to what they were talking about even though they were both so animated like they were long lost friends catching up. I tried to pay attention on the tune up I was doing. After a few minutes I heard Billy say see ya later and I looked up from the hood of the car. The man got back in his car and backed it up then turned around to go out onto the street. Billy walked back in the shop with a smile on his face.

"Who was that?" I asked curiously.

"Oh that was Edward Cullen… Ya know the lawyer I told you about."

"Oh… Yall seem cheery."

"Oh we we're just catching up. I haven't talked to him in months. He was telling me that his daughter Renesmee was on the honor roll and his son Matt won a karate competition over the weekend."

"Oh… That's cool."

"He has a really nice family. Those small lemon cakes that we had at the house a few months ago were baked by his wife Bella."

"Oh damn… I like his family even better. Those were off the hook. I thought you got them from the bakery?"

"No… She brought them by when she brought her car in for an oil change."

"Well could you ask her to make some more?"

He chuckled.

"I'll see what I can do."


I looked down and started working on the car. I like to think of myself as a car doctor and the cars are my patients. This one is gonna make it.

"Hey Jake… You've been off this morning. Is everything ok?" Billy asked.

"He's just wallowing in his despair," Eric called out from the corner of the shop.

I told Eric this morning what happened and he wasn't that happy with my actions; especially with his wife not liking Leah. But Ava and Leah are not even around each other that much. Ava doesn't have concrete reasons to not like her… She just hears stories about her…. Which are mostly true. Oh so why am I defending her? Maybe it was the way she moaned my name last night. I mean I did make her come four times. "What's Eric talking about?" Billy asked. Eric smirked his lips and turned away from us.

"I don't really feel like talking about it now."

"What's wrong Jake… You seem sad or something?"

"Oh nothing," I lied.

Eric huffed loud enough for us to hear him.

"It's just… Well… I kinda fucked up last night," I said quietly.

"What do you mean… What did you do?"

"Who he did," Eric blurted out.

I clinched my teeth and glared at Eric for a second who wasn't making this easy for me. I guess I deserve this shit. My father's face suddenly looked worried.

"Um… So… I take it you had sex with someone?"

"Yeah… Not that proud of it."

"It wasn't Tyna was it?"

"No… No... She's with her boyfriend. I'm letting that go. Don't want it to get messy."

"Well… Who?" He asked sounding like he was bracing himself for the answer.

"Leah," I whispered.


"That's what I said," Eric called out.

"What the Hell is wrong with you? You wore a condom right!"

"Yeah... Yeah Billy. I'm not stupid."

"Ha… Really. Leah… For Christ sake Jacob."

"Sorry Billy. It was stupid. I wasn't really thinking and it all happened so fast."

"Ahhh… Don't say you just couldn't help yourself. You're not an animal you have self control."

"I know…. I know. I wasn't thinking clearly last night."

I saw the disappointment in my father's eyes. It made me feel even more like shit.

"I would have felt better if you would have fucked a random stranger… At least they would have a chance of being a better fit for you. I mean she's one of my best friend's daughter but for a companion for my only son… I can't see that… I can't see that at all. That one has some major issues and she's not even a nice person now. I've watched her changed over the years. Harry has noticed it too. He's tried to talk to her about her attitude and has not been successful with getting to the root cause. Son, I do not want you dealing with her in that way. I raised you to be much smarter than this."

Wow… Make me feel even worst why don't you.

"God Jacob... Does Seth know?"

"I haven't told him yet."

"Well… Well that's just... Wow." My father said flustered.

I sighed.

"I know. I'm not looking forward to it. Plus the way Leah's acting… she's acting like I'm her boyfriend already. I never told her I wanted anything out of this. But she's all… Clingy now. Telling me that she loves me. Billy I don't love her. I even told her that I wasn't in love with her this morning. I mean… She's a childhood friend and I'll do anything for her if she needed me for something… But..."

"Damn Jake. I hate to be you right now."

"Thanks Billy."

We both raised our hands at the same time to rub our foreheads. I knew that I was getting a headache discussing this and the disappointment in my father's face and voice... I just knew that I raised his blood pressure.

Billy's cell phone rang and he pulled it from his pants to answer it. I went to go walk back to the car and froze when I heard someone crying on the other line. It sounded like my sister talking. I turned to face my father and watched the color leave his face. What the hell is going on? Billy's mouth dropped and I felt a pain in my heart fearing the news praying that my sister was ok.

"What happened?" I choked out.

"Harry… Oh my God… He… he… had a heart attack and died," Billy said with his voice choking.


I couldn't believe it. This can't be true… He's healthy as a horse. This can't be happening. My father's eyes quickly filled with tears and I reached out to grip him in my arms. Leah and Seth's father was one of my father's best friends. I've known him all of my life. Oh my God... This is crazy. I quickly thought of Seth Leah. Oh my God they must be devastated. Oh my God Leah. "Eric… You're in charge of the shop while we're gone," Billy called out. I was still in a daze for a few seconds then realized that I should drive rather than my father and snapped out of it. 'I'll drive.' I didn't want him driving in the condition he was in... He's known Harry since he was five.

I started to cry myself as we pulled away from our body shop. Losing a parent too soon is the worst feeling in the world. I guess losing a child would be just as devastating but I don't have kids and I had a mom. I tried my best to concentrate on the road. No sense in having us in the hospital so Rach and Rebecca would be freaking out.

We arrived at Forks Community in less than ten minutes. We both rushed in and saw my sister Rachel hugging Seth. Leah was sitting on the floor up against a wall covering her face with her hands. "Oh Seth," my father cried. He went to hug him. Leah looked up and her eyes locked with mine. I felt so sorry for them… I knew what they are going through. I rushed over to Leah and picked her off of the floor and hugged her.

"Jacob… He's gone," she cried.

"I'm so sorry Leah. I'm so sorry."

A/N: The One Shot will end the day he meets Renesmee. Then hopefully you will read her POV called Tempted Fate:)