Kuki's P.O.V

I sat in the bathroom stall all throughout second period, puking my guts out. No, I'm not bilemic. It's a whole lot worse than that. I'm... pregnant. There, I said it. Or thought it anyway. I, Kuki Sanban, described by most as the Japanese beuty and happy, bubbly, cheerful 'good girl' of the pack, is sixteen years old... and pregnant. I found out a few days ago and ever since then, I haven't been speaking to or even making eye contact with anyone. This includes my parents, my sister, my friends in the TND, and even the baby's father. Wallabee Beatles.

It happened about two months ago.

I was curious, plus the pressures of being a teenager were driving me crazy. All I wanted was to get the whole 'first time' thing overwith.

I decided that if I wanted to give myself to anybody, I wanted it to be Wally. He was my best friend, still is. We weren't dating, still aren't. I also sort of always had a little crush on him ever since we were seven years old. Plus I trusted him. So yeah one night when my parents and Mushi were out for a week long trip visiting my grandma in Japan I invited him over to my house to 'hang out.'


I picked up my cell phone and dialed Wally's number.

"Hello?" Wally answered.

"Hi Wally!" I said cheerfully.

"Oh, hey, Kooks," he said. I couldn't help but smile at the nickname he gave me when we were thirteen. Kooks. The way he says it makes me feel so warm inside... "What's up?" he aksed.

"Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight. We could have a movie night, just the two of us," I said.

"Just us?" He sounded confused.

"Yup," I replied with a smirk.

"No Hoagie, Abby, Nigel, or Rachel?"


"Well, uh, sure. What time?"

I looked at the clock sitting on the nightstand next to my bed. 7:10 p.m. "How's eight sound?" I asked. That would give me enough time to get myself looking good.

"Sounds cool," he said. "Later."

"Bye." I hung up the phone and ran into the bathroom.

An hour passed and I was looking sexy, yet casual, in a green top with spagetti staps that tied around my neck with a black mini skirt.

DING DONG! the doorbell rang. "Right on time," I whispered to myself before going downstairs to answer the door.

There stood Wally, dressed in casual blue jeans with a long-sleeved navy blue and brown stripped shirt that showed off his nice physique. I could see him checking me out behind his locks of blond hair. "You look... nice." he said with a gulp.

I smiled. "Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself. Come in." I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him inside the house.

We got settled down on the couch and about ten minutes into The Proposal, I made the first move. I stretched out a bit, snuggled up next to him, and rested my head on his shoulder. He tensed up. A few seconds later, I picked my head up and looked up directly into his eyes that were covered by locks of light blond hair. He looked down at me, his mouth slightly open. Right then, I kissed him.

For a moment, he just sat there in complete shock, but eventually closed his eyes and started to kiss back. We leaned back on the couch and I felt his hands on my back as I layed on top of him. I felt that warm feeling stir inside my chest. I started to pull up his shirt, and that's when he pulled away. "Kuki, what are we doing?" he asked breathing heavy.

"We're just two best friends having some good old teenage fun," I answered before leaning in to kiss him again, but he pulled back again.

"Best friends don't do this stuff. This is_"

I put a finger to his lips. "Sure they do, Wally. Just relax."

He looked deep into my eyes for a moment, then pulled my face to his and started to kiss me some more.

One thing led to another and I think we all know what happens next...

Other than the fact that Wally gets the dreamiest look in his eyes whenever he looks at me as if he's still picturing me naked or something and that he shews away every guy that tries to flirt with me, nothing really changed between us. We remained best friends and kept that night between just the two of us. Nobody knows. Not even our closest friends Abby, Hoagie, Nigel, and Rachel. We don't have a relationship, just a really strong friendship...*sigh*...

The bell rang. I made my way out of the bathroom and down the hallway as people poured out of classrooms. I stopped by my locker and as I was getting a few books, I couldn't help but look to my left. There he was down the hall. Wally Beatles. My long time best friend and baby daddy.

Wow, Wally's really gotten cuter over the years. He's so tan and muscular and he's got gorgeous sea green eyes and blond hair that perfectly shapes his face and an awesome smile and a cute Austrailian accent to top it all off. He's... perfect. And, being the quarterback of the football team and the hottest guy in the school, he's quite the popular one. Every girl wants to be with him, every guy wants to be him... But, although guys call him up all the time to hang out and a ton of girls ask him out all the time, he blows them all off to hang out with me, Hoagie, Abby, Nigel, and Rachel. We have our own little group and stay inside of it.

I couldn't help but smile as I stared at him. He grabbed a few books out of his locker, then looked up to see me. He smiled big, showing off his white teeth, and started to walk towards me with that dreamy look clouding up his eyes.

That's when I remembered I was trying to avoid him. I stuck my head in my locker and prayed that he wouldn't come talk to me.

"Hey, Kooks," I heard him say as he leaned against the locker next to mine. Dammit.

"Hey," I muttered. Without even looking at him, I slammed my locker shut and started to walk in the opposite direction, holding my books tightly to my chest.

"Kuki, wait." He grabbed my shoulder before I was out of his reach. I took a deep breath and turned around, keeping my eyes focused on the floor.

"Kuki, look at me," he demanded, lifting my chin with his fingers. I tryed my best to look into those gorgeous sea green eyes without breaking down and crying right there in front of everybody. "What's up with you lately? You've been acting like a ghost for these past few days. You've been skipping lunch and Teens Next Door missions. Me and the others are worried sick."

I tryed to say something, but I couldn't. All that came out was a shakey breath. My eyes welled up with tears.

"Kooks, what's wrong?" he asked, worried. He grabbed my hand. "You know you can tell me anything."

Right then I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into the girls locker room, looking around to make sure that nobody else was in there.

"Uh, I don't think I'm suppost to be in here..." Wally pointed out. I turned to him, this time with tears trickling down my cheeks. He grabbed my shoulders. "Kuki. What. Is. Wrong?"

"I'm pregnant."

Silence filled the room. Wally's jaw dropped and he released his grip on my shoulders. His hands slid down my arms and fell to his side. He moved his lips as if he wanted to say something, but nothing was coming out. His knees started to give out, so he leaned on the lockers for support. "You mean... with my..." he sounded as if he could hardly breathe.

"Yes," I choked out. Now I was balling my eyes out. I embraced him and cryed into his sleeve.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly. "Kuki, what are we gonna do?" he whispered in my ear.

I pulled away from him and took a minute to get myself together before answering. "I'm keeping it, Wally."

"You mean, I'm gonna be... a father?"

I thought about it. Wally's the star quarterback of the football team, toughest member of the TND, and has pretty much all the qualities of becoming a male model. He could have such a bright future... and this baby could take it all away. I can't do that to him. I can't! Wally's too good to me. So I answered, "No, Wally. You don't have to be involved."

"Kuki, I_"

I cut him off. "Just forget about it, Wally. It's not like it's your fault anyway, what happened was all my idea. I'm gonna do you a solid by letting you off the hook." I pursed my lips together to keep myself from letting out another waterfall of tears. All that came out was a hiccup. "It was just a mistake."

With that, I ran out of the girls locker room crying, and Wally didn't come looking for me.

Wally's P.O.V.

Kuki left me standing there, speechless. Kuki's pregnant?...with my kid... I got Kuki Sanban pregnant! Oh. My. God. I don't even know what to think right now. I knocked up Kuki Sanban. In a way, I felt proud. The prettiest girl in the whole school is pregnant with my baby... Woe. But that feeling was no match for everything else I was feeling. I don't even think there's a word to really describe what I'm feeling. Sad? Mad? Shocked?... I'm beyond shocked. Maybe I should feel relieved. Kuki did say I'm off the hook... but what exactly does that mean? I sat on the locker room floor, lost in my own thoughts.

Suddenly girls started to come into the locker room, giggling and having seperate conversations. I stood up, not knowing what to do. They're gonna think I'm a creep, I thought.

"Wallabee Beatles, what are you doing in here?" one girl said.

"You can stay if you want to," another said seductively. She ran her hand down my arm.

I yanked away from her and ran out of the locker room without saying a word. "What's his problem?" another girl said from behind me.

I didn't want to go back to class, but I had to. My parents said if they found out I skipped another class, they're taking away my Xbox, and this time I wouldn't be getting it back. I sat through each class thinking about Kuki. She must have ditched biology, because it's the one class we have together and she wasn't there.

Later that day, during Algebra II, I got a note from a girl that sits a few seats behind me: Taylor Summers.

Wanna go out sometime? I read.

I didn't respond, but just chucked the note in the garbage. Taylor's cute and all, but there's always only been one girl on my mind, and she's having my baby...

The bell rang, signaling that Algebra II was over, and Summer looked at me with hatred and disgust as she walked passed me. I rolled my eyes.

I stopped by my locker, threw a few things in my backpack, and slung it over my shoulder before leaving school. As I walked down the sidewalk towards my house, I slipped the hood of my orange hoodie over my head and tucked my hands in my jeans pockets.

"Wally, wait up!" I heard Hoagie yell from behind me. I ignored him, just kept walking. "Wally, wait!" he called again. I continued to move forward. "WALLY!" he screamed.

Angry, I turned around. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?"

He stopped in front of me."Cool it, man," he said. "I don't want anything. I just have awesome news. I finally got the courage to ask Abby out today and guess what? She said yes! We're going to Lime Ricky's tonight! THIS IS THE GREATEST DAY OF MY LIFE!" he screamed at the top of his lungs.

I felt happy for him, but depressed at the same time. Partially because of the fact that Kuki's pregnant, but also at the fact that Hoagie finally got the courage to ask out the girl of his dreams, while I haven't. I still haven't gotten the nerve to ask Kuki Sanban out, even though she's having my kid. I wanted more than sex from her. I wanted a relationship, but she didn't mention a relationship afterwards, she just went along with staying best friends, so I went along with it too.

"Good for you," I said in an unenthusiastically, looking down at my shoes.

"What's up with you?" Hoagie asked. "I thought you'd be happy for me."

"I am happy for you, I've just got some stuff going on."

"Girl troubles?" he guessed.

"Well, sort of..." I muttered.

He smirked. "Does it have something to do with a certain Japanese girl?"

"Just drop it!" I screamed before running ahead of him and into my house, locking the door behind me.

Kuki's P.O.V.

(A week later)

I sat at the kitchen table with my parents and Mushi as we ate dinner, which was sort of odd. My family hardly ever ate dinner together. Normally Mushi and I would eat either in our rooms or in the livng room, while my parents ate while on the computer doing something work-related. I tried to enjoy it, but I still found it hard to look at my parents with a straight face. I wonder how they'll react. I've got to tell them sooner or later... and I'm picking later... but still I wonder if they'll take it easy on me or totally flip out. Maybe they'll understand... Maybe...

My mom spoke up. "At work today, I heard that Christine's oldest daughter, Christall, is pregnant. And the girl's only fifteen years old." I felt my heart pound in my ears at the topic.

"Horrible," my father said, as he took a bit of his ham. "Getting pregnant at that age is a stupid, stupid thing to do. If my daughter got pregnant at that age I would..."

Not wanting to hear what he had to say, I interrupted. "May I be excused?" I asked, standing up. "I've got to, um... pee!"

"Do what you've got to do," my mom said, sounding a bit annoyed.

I bolted for the bathroom with tears in my eyes.

Wally's P.O.V.

We had twenty seconds to go in the fourth quarter and we were tied 14-14. We were at home facing Fairbrooke High School, Cleveland High School's arch enemy, and it would mean everything to this school for us to win. We're twenty-five yards away from the inzone, and either we could win it right here, right now, or go into overtime. With me being the quarterback and all, everything seems to fall onto my shoulders.

I stood behind the offensive line and squatted down for the snap. "Hike!" I called. The ball was snapped into my hands and my wide recievers, Steve Collins and Ricky Woodson, made a run downfield. The offensive line was trying their best to guard me, but that cocky linebacker on Fairbrook always found a way to break through. He was coming right at me, so without thinking, I bolted to the right and dodged defenders coming at me and ran all the way down to the inzone.

When I got the winning touchdown, the whole team lifted me up on their shoulders and carried me across the field. Feeling triumphant, I ripped off my helmet and cheered in victory. I looked over at the bleechers, expecting to see Kuki sitting in her spot in the third row, cheering for me and giving off one of those famous Kuki Sanban smiles while looking cute in her school spirit wear. All I saw was an empty spot on the bleechers. Next to the empty spot was Abby, Hoagie, Nigel, and Rachel, all cheering for me. No Kuki. That's when I remembered Kuki's pregnant and doesn't want to talk to me, or even see me. I let down my arms, suddenly not feeling so victorious.

After the team got together and the coach gave us a small speech, I went to the locker room and hit the showers. As I got dressed and made my way out of the locker room, I was high-fived by teammates. I flashed them fake smiles to hide how sad I actually felt deep down. I never knew I could miss Kuki this much...

When I got home, I went straight upstairs and layed in my bed, starring up at the ceiling, thinking. Kuki told you you're off the hook, Wally. Why can't you just forget about the whole thing and move on?

A voice popped into my head. Because, you're not that type of guy, Wally. You're not the type of guy who gets a girl pregnant and then just leaves her to handle a baby all on her own. Especially not a girl as sweet as Kuki Sanban. I thought about what this voice was saying. Sure, Kuki blames this all on herself because doing it was her idea, but then again, it didn't take me much persuading, so I guess it's just as much my fault as it is her's.

Call her, the voice told me.

I sat up in bed and pulled out my cell phone, talking a deep breath before dialing Kuki's number.

Hope ya liked it! Please review :)