Hello! This is my first story on the forum! Please review, criticism is welcome (:

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Heroes characters or plotlines or anything to do with Heroes … sadly. XD

The apartment was small, cozy and inviting. There was a bedroom, one bathroom, a kitchen, a small dining room, a living room, a den and a small attic for storage. It was perfect.

"You like it, Sylar?" Peter asked, watching me carefully.

I nodded. "Yeah. Yeah I do. Thanks for finding this for me." I smiled slightly at him.

"No problem. All your stuff is in the bedroom. The appliances are up and running. There's furniture set up. There's a TV, computer and WiFi. I'm gonna leave you to settle in, alright?"

"Yeah. Alright. Thanks again."

"Like I said, no problem." Peter smiled and with that turned around and left.

I walked into the bedroom, which was filled with boxes. I sighed, shoved some off the bed that sat in the corner of the room and sat down. Time to start unpacking.

A couple hours later, I was completely moved in. I sat down on the couch in the living room and thought about how wonderful this new era was for us specials. Since Claire had thrown herself off the Ferris Wheel five months ago, people had been all over us. Angela Petrelli, Noah Bennett, Matt Parkman, and the Hatian had all eventually made everyone (in the United States), think that having abilities was normal over a national TV broadcast. So everything was back to normal. Us with abilities had found good homes, good jobs, and didn't have to worry anymore about fitting in. Being different was ok now.

I, Sylar, had moved in with Peter for a while, trying to find a new home. Everyone with the exceptions of Peter, Matt and Mohinder, still hadn't forgiven me. Still didn't trust me. Still thought I was going to go back to my ways of the past.

I knew I had the hunger under control. All I had to worry about now was getting the others to trust me.

Suddenly, there was a pounding on the door. I got up cautiously and looked through the peephole. It was Claire Bennett.

What the hell? I wondered. She despised me. She had sworn to never speak to me again. What was she doing here?