A/N: Disclaimer= I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia, or any of it's characters.

Leather boots clicked sharply on the long hallways of the linoleum floor. It echoed down the halls, inspiring loud rattling noises as men and the occasional woman clambered to get a glimpse of what was coming around the doors. The owner of the leather boots, a short effeminate man with a bit of a pouty expression walked down the hall, ignoring the hoots and occasional wolf calls and snickers that accompanied him on his trip down the hall. "Hey pretty boy!" One of the prisoners yelled, grinning along with the others, their leering expressions blending into one and the same by now.

The guard however, ignored it. The man he was accompanying however seemed to be floored by the racket that had erupted in the previously silent hallway. "Like, ignore them. They're always like this." The blond said to him, pulling him along by his weapon belt. When Toris had applied to be a prison guard, this wasn't at all what he had pictured. Being a prison guard had been Ivan's idea, and he'd been under the impression it was a silent facility where the scuffles mostly ended peaceful and the other guards would be either a bit like what he pictured ex-military to look like, or something like himself. He didn't expect a short blond with both a valley girl and a foreign accent, and the people in these halls.

"There's so many of them…" The brunette breathed, like they were animals. In most of the sense of the word, they were. "Ignore them." The blond repeated, this time his voice cold. The brunette tried to oblige, staring forward at the back of the blond's head as the journey down the hall was completed. They were in a room that had an electronically locked door. There was a short staircase that led to the tower that watched over the facility's halls, but in this room it was a bit like a private space. They wouldn't be here long, Toris knew. "Like, how naïve are you?" The blond whipped around, suddenly in his face. "You know what this place is don't you? You like, did your training right? These are people that killed people. Raped people." Toris stared at the other. "I know… and yes I did get my training." He said softly. "Like, then use it. Don't give them attention, that's what they want. Don't think they're safe just because they're like, locked up. Got it? They'll kill you." He said his expression frigid. "I… yes, of course Mr. Łukasiewicz." Toris said, trying to be respectful.

"Like, ew. That makes me feel old, my name is Feliks." The blond said with his nose wrinkling a little. "Who are you?" He asked. "Toris Lorinaitis." He said. The blond looked unimpressed. "What nationality?" He asked. "Lithuanian, Mr. Ł- Feliks." The blond watched him for a moment. "Lithuanian… well… I'll call you Liet then." He said, turning away. "Why?" Toris asked, and the blond turned to give him a look a bit like a pissed teenage girl. "Is there a problem?" He asked. "No… I just don't… what nationality are you?" He asked quickly. A snort erupted from his companion. "Polish. Does it matter?" He asked. Toris shook his head, "Like, we'll get along in no time." Feliks said, going up the stairs. Toris followed, shaken by the mood of the blond.

It didn't take long for him to realize the reasons for his companion's actions. The prisoners were easily riled up, and close to impossible to control. Toris had no idea how a man like Feliks managed to keep the prisoners in line, but he did. It was quite impressive, and often, quite violent. "So like… why'd you get in here?" Feliks suddenly asked one day when they sat in the tower. He held his rifle in his lap casually, like it was a stuffed animal and not a deadly weapon. "I wanted to… and a… friend of mine said I should do it." He replied warily. "A friend huh?" The blond asked, looking out over the cells. "Is she pretty?" Feliks asked, and Toris raised his eyebrows. "Who's she?" He asked. Feliks looked over at him, "Your friend. You made the implication they were more than a friend, so I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you were straight." He said, staring at him. The blond hadn't let down his guard or his cold expression yet, but Toris had the implication that the blond wasn't like this usually. "He's not really a friend… that's why the implication was there. He's… my owner." Toris looked away.

There was a long silence, and Toris finally looked back to his companion. The Polish man was stone faced, looking out over the cells. "No one owns you but yourself, Liet. With an attitude like that, you'll like… be taken advantage of in no time. They sense weakness. They're like creatures… they sense emotion. At the first sign of weakness, they'll cut your throat and won't give a fuck if you live or die just so long as they can take credit for the attack." The brunette stared at him. "I… he owns me as in he enslaved my brothers and I. Trust me, if I had a choice I wouldn't be saying that." The blond turned and stared directly into his eyes, and something flickered there that surprised him. Anger. "Like, I'll repeat myself. No one owns you, Liet. You always have the choice." He said. The words felt powerful somehow.

The first time Toris had saw a prison fight within the cages, he was appalled. They fought and tussled like animals, scratching, kicking, punching, and biting. Feliks simply watched with his expression blank. Finally he yelled, "Enough!" They kept going, and Feliks aimed a warning shot above all their heads and that's when it finally stopped. "Like, what did I tell you fuckers? Do something constructive, or none of you will get time out of your cells, understand?" Feliks barked. Surprisingly, no one said a word, just warily watched him. He quickly organized them and got them back in their cells, the brunette was surprised. "Does this happen often?" He asked, and the blond snorted. "Like, all the time." He answered. "Any chance they get , they destroy each other. It's a matter of where they are and if they can kill them in time that's the question." Feliks added. "Feliks…?" Toris asked, and the blond turned to look at him.

The sun struck right through one of the windows, bathing him in gold like he was glowing fire. He looked delicate, but strong somehow at the same time. He also looked… beautiful. Toris snapped out of it, even though his cheeks darkened in color, "I… how did you end up here?" He asked. Feliks watched him, his expression calculating. Finally, he smiled for the first time that Toris had ever seen. "Like, none of your business Liet."