Dark Kisame here, the reason why I asked the question is because I've run out of ideas, and the winner gets to create a person that appears in my story so that helps me create a story based off the character. Or they can choose something for a prize (winner's choice of course). And the questions you can ask are just for fun, and I'm thinking of making several Akatsuki talk show or game show stories. In fact that's what this story's about so let's tune in.


Note: no answers in this story are false all are true no matter how outrages they may seem. If you do, however; think one is false please inform me. Thank you.

Kisame walks on stage in a blue tuxedo. Crowd cheers and claps. "Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week ha-ha. Anyway… (Crowd still clapping and cheering) ANYWAY! (Crowd silent) Okay now for some quizzes. With me I have Naruto," "Whoooooow." "Hidan," "Why the f*** do I have to be here." "And… Orochimaru," "Hello" "What is that fag doing here?" Kisame yelled. … "What do you mean you don't know? *sigh* now let's start." (Crowd claps)

Kisame pulled out a slip of paper "For 20 points, what does Itachi's name mean in English?" *BZZZT* "Weasel." Orochimaru said. "Only you would know that pervert. 20 point to the fag," (Crowd laughs)

"Now for 20 points, Minato named Naruto after the main character in Make-out paradise written by Jiraiya, but where did he get the name?" *BZZZT* "Naruto means whirlwind in English." Naruto shouted. "Oh I'm sorry that's incorrect, anyone else? No? *sigh* afterword Jiraiya informed Minato that he got the name while eating a bowl of instant ramen called Naruto." Kisame said. (Crowd laughs hysterically)

"One more 20 point question then we go up, now. Who killed Sasori's parents in the last great Shinobi war?" *BZZZT* "The White Fang." Naruto said. "Correct, end of round 1," Kisame said. "Now we have Naruto with 20 points, Hidan with 0 points, and the fag with-," "HAY I AM NOT A FAGOT." "Whatever then Orochimaru, 20 points." (Crowed claps)

Itachi walks out on stage in a black tux and his glasses, and handed Kisame the next set of questions. "Oh it's Itachi." Orochimaru said evilly "Stay the hell away from me, you gay snake!" Itachi yelled throwing kisame's microphone at him. "What the heck Itachi? And this is a love letter for Pein folded into a paper airplane!" Kisame said. Konan walked on stage took the note from Kisame, slapped him and walked off. "Hahaha the fish got slapped."Hidan laughed. Kisame left and came back with the real question cards and a new mic. Itachi walked away giving Orochimaru the finger.

"Okay this time for real, for 40 points, how many hearts does Kakuzu have total?" *BZZZT* "Five." Hidan said. "Of course you would know." "What? You callin me a fag?" "No you're his partner, you should know, but sense you brought that up, are you?" "I'M GUNNU KILL YOU FISH!" Hidan said jumping over his podium. "ACK! I'M TO SEXY TO DIE" Kisame screamed running away from Hidan. (Crowd laughs)

Itachi walked on the stage. "Err… um… well I guess I'll fill in here." Itachi said picking up the cards. Kisame screamed really loud running away from Hidan who was yelling various curse words. "Well let's see," Itachi said fixing his glasses. "For 40 points, how does one obtain the Mangekyou Sharingan?" *BZZZT* "By killing their closest friend, I think?" Naruto said. "Correct, you've been talking to my brother haven't you?" Itachi said. "I have." Orochimaru cut in. "Nah, you thank you perve?" Orochimaru crossed his arms.

"Now the final question of this round, for 40 points, how many great shinobi war have there been so far?" *BZZZT* "Four!" Hidan yelled in the mic. "Err, um. Correct." Itachi said. Kisame limped on the stage using a wooden cane for balance. (Crowd gasps) His suit was ripped and tattered, his tie gone, one shoe missing, a sleeve missing the other one almost gone, a black eye, and his left arm in his jacket. "Holy crap Kisame what happened?" Itachi said. Kisame took the mic, "And now… a word… from our sponsors." He said then keeled over

-Well this is interesting, right? So right now I'm upset cause I worked so hard on my last story and no one reviewed. Then it hit me, even though some put an alert the alert's only for a story in that same category and genera and my last one is Naruto but it is not humor, it's suspense/hurt and comfort (hurt and comfort not so much) so please after you read this story please read The Mysterious Ninja then that will explain what's at the top of story.

To briefly explain the question thing, I will ask a question, the first one to answer in a review wins something that they want to see or whatever they want. Anyone can, mind you, ask me a question of whatever topic you like at any time.

I am saddened to say I cannot post any more stories over the summer, due to the lack of internet access at home. (I only post at school) unless by some magical force I can send it by usb through my phone or go to a place where there's internet, I can't send any more story's. I might, though highly unlikely, get internet than all is good. I go to the med doctor every month so 1 maybe 2 stories a month. If not I'll try to write as many stories over the summer as I can. Asking questions and answering questions for a prize may help out on story making. Thank you for your support and help. –

(Crowd claps) Kisame wheels on stage in a wheelchair, still in his piece-o-crap suit, a cast on his right leg, left arm in a sling, and his head and right eye raped in bandages. "Thanks for staying with us. It's now the third and final round of the Akatsuki quiz show," Kisame said clipping the microphone to the mic stand. "Let's see… we have Naruto with 60 points, Hidan with 80 points and Orochimaru with 20 points." (Crowd cheers and claps) "Now then, for 60 points, when Itachi and I went to the hidden leaf, who met us inside?" *BZZZT* "Asuma and Kurenai." Orochimaru said. "How the hell you know that? Oh well 60 points then." Kisame said. "For 60 points, after the fourth Hokage died, who took his place?" *BZZZT* "The third Hokage." Naruto said. "Correct." (Crowed cheers)

"Last question for 60 points, in order to become a Kage in any village what is required?" *BZZZT* "You must to care for the village and master over a 100 Justus." Hidan said. "Correct, now let's see here… Naruto with 120 points, Hidan with 160 points, and 80 points for Orochimaru." (Crowed cheers) "And Hidan is our winner, here is your prize, a gold trophy." Kisame said giving Hidan the trophy. (Crowd still cheering) "HA take that you mother****er's!" Hidan said flipping Oro and Naruto off. "I'd never thought you'd win." Kisame said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Hidan said angrily. "I… I didn't mean any-" "I'm gunnu turn you into fish sticks you f***er!" Hidan said running toward Kisame. Kisame spun around and wheeled away at like a thousand miles an hour. Konan walked on stage to the mic. "Please join us in the next episode. Until then, good bye" Konan said in the sweetest voice she could muster. (Crowd cheers) (Screen fades)

Well that's what came to mind after I wrote the last one. Anyway please review. Oh one more thing, the first one to tell me what anime Ein is off of wins something (hint: it's a dog). Until next time, Bye-me.