Disclaimer: I own nothing.

AN: Here it is...the epilogue. Thank you so much for all the reviews. This is officially my first story to hit 50! Hope everyone enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. XD

Everything I Ask For

I don't know what she sees in me
But I'm happy
That she's happy now

She's with me
And I'm freakin' out
Because I'm just so lucky


Dear Journal (no this is not a diary),

3 years, 5 months, and 12 days. Yea, I know how long it's been. I'm just awesome like that.

Elena is officially no longer a teenager (thank god). She turned twenty a couple months ago. I'm still astounded she hasn't dumped my sorry ass yet. I know it bothers her that I have to travel around the country with my team most of the year, but she'd never show it. I know it's cliché, but every time I'm with her it's like I'm falling in love all over again. I even love our fights (now that they eventually turn into sex). Sure, we've had our share of name calling, throwing stuff, threatening to leave, fights. But honestly, these have been the best three years of my life (so far).

Ric is still by my side (duh). He married Elena's aunt Jenna (ironic, I know) about two years ago. They have a set of twins, Sarah and Claire, who are both one. It's just my luck that even after I retire I'll have to deal with Ric, and call him Uncle.

That's right. I'm engaged. Took long enough.


Dear diary,

3 years, 2 months, and 3 days. Yep, I keep count. That's how much I love him. And guess what...I'm engaged! We're getting married in two months!

A lot has changed in Mystic Falls, Virginia. Jenna married Alaric (ironic much?). They have the most beautiful set of twins I've ever seen, with beautiful names to match. Sarah and Claire Saltzman turned one about a month ago. They both have their parents sandy colored hair, but Sarah has blue eyes while Claire has green. Damon was thrilled when he found out about the engagement, just like I was.

Jeremy and Bonnie moved to North Carolina, and both are attending Duke. Jeremy is the happiest I've ever seen him. Bonnie is just glad to be out of Mystic Falls.

Caroline and Tyler moved to New York after high school to start a life together. They aren't engaged but I can definitely see it happening soon. They're extremely cute together.

Matt got a scholarship to play football for Ohio State. I've heard he's loving it and hopes to move there permanently after college. He isn't in a serious relationship, as far as I know, but I'm sure he'll find the right girl eventually.

Stefan decided to stay in Mystic Falls. Damon loaned him some money and he bought The Grille. You can still see him behind the counter bartending occasionally. He is currently dating the newest resident in Mystic Falls, Alexia Branson, but we all call her Lexi. She's a really nice person, and is actually a good friend of mine now. Damon and Stefan have even formed a sort of friendship.

I still remember that day at the ball game. I was so scared I was going to lose Damon. Thankfully it was only a minor concussion and he was fully healed within a couple of weeks. I love him. I don't think that'll ever change.

Well, I have a doctors appointment to get to. It feels good to finally start writing again.


"Everything's normal right?" Damon asks impatiently from beside me.

"Everything seems to be alright. It's just her pulse that's worrying me, it's abnormally quick right now." Dr. Marshall says, looking over his clipboard.

"What does that mean?" Damon asks, glancing at me nervously.

"Damon, shouldn't I be the one squeezing your hand for dear life?" I ask, smiling at him.

"Oh sorry." He says, loosening his grip.

"Mind if I check your heartbeat again, but with the machine this time?" Dr. Marshall asks, rolling his chair next to me.

"Yea, sure." I tell him. He sets the machine up, squirts some warm goo on my stomach and begins the check. He remains silent for a minute, staring at the screen curiously. I'm tempted to point out that I have no clue what that picture means.

"Everything ok, Doc?" Damon says through his teeth.

"Yes, everything's fine Mr. Salvatore. Only thing is...there's two heartbeats in there."

AN: Yep, that's right...there will be a sequel! Keep an eye out for it. I should have it posted within the week. Haven't decided on a title so if anyone has a suggestion just let me know in a review.

Oh, and if anyone hadn't guessed...it was Damon that had the days wrong, not 'Lena. :P

R&R people! XD

Song List

Ch.1: Last Of The American Girls, by Green Day
Ch.2: Lucky, by Jason Mraz
Ch.4: Obvious, by Westlife
Ch.5: Crush, by David Archuleta
Ch.6: Animal, by Neon Trees
Ch.7: Weightless, by All Time Low
Ch.8: World, by Five For Fighting
Ch.10: Heels Over Head, by Boys Like Girls
Ch.11: Catastrophe, by Forever The Sickest Kids
Ch.13: Into Your Arms, by The Maine
Ch.14: Contagious, by Boys Like Girls
Ch.15: Real Thing, by Boys Like Girls

Epilogue: Everything I Ask For, by The Maine