Hey there! :) So I know I had a story called this before. But I didn't like where it was going. So I deleted it, and I'm going to rewrite it, because I liked the idea I had for the story, just not how I wrote it. Hahah, so here ya go:)

Chapter 1.


My boots crunched against the hard packed snow as I walked across the barren, white field. There were no flowers to make it look pretty, no sounds of running water to make it a pretty sound. It was just cold and silent.

As I got closer to the edge though, I could hear the faint waves crashing against the bottom of the cliff. Reaching the edge finally, I looked down below. It was a far drop, about a good mile down, and at the bottom waited sharp rocks. From here, I could see the large vast ocean. And at the very tip of the horizon I could see the outline of land. The start of the Earth Nation.

I sat down at the edge of the cliff, letting my feet dangle and my mind wander. Nobody would come looking for me, if they even noticed I was gone. I wasn't very liked here. I was different.. I wasn't like the rest of my water tribe. And everyone knew that. I felt sorry for my dear cousin, who was housing me while my father fought in the war.

As I sat there, I mindlessly began to bend. Pulling a small string of water up from the water below me, I began to do simple tricks. Wrapping the water around my wrist, making it freeze into a sharp weapon, unfreezing it, making it spin in the air, perfecting all the simple tasks.

I loved to bend, it was an amazing thing. I honestly felt sorry for all the ones that couldn't bend. They would never fully understand the amazing blessing.

As I was playing with the water, I heard footsteps approach. Startled, I jumped to my feet, freezing the water into a sharp, knife-like weapon. I spun around, ready to attack.

"Whoa, Ren, calm down. Its just me.", my cousin, Amaya said, holding up her hands in defense. I nodded and unfroze the water and guided it back to the body of water from which it came.

"I'm sorry.. It's just.. ever since people found out, they've done everything they can to outcast me.. Some of the things they've attempted.. I can't risk it..", I sighed. Amaya nodded sadly and put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I wish I could go back and change it.. I wish that it never happened.. I was so careless!", I shouted, clenching my fist. Amaya shook her head quickly.

"No, dear, it wasn't your fault. Hiro shouldn't have done that. You were just defending yourself."

I knew my cousin was right, but I still believed it was a careless mistake. The Saru River ran right through the middle of the village. I was right next to it, I could have used waterbending! Why, oh why was I so stupid!

"Ren, dear, everything will be fine. I'm sure once everyone gets over that, things will return to normal."

No. Nothing would ever return to normal. Everyone knew what I had been trying to hide for so long. I was a freak to them. A freak of nature.

"C'mon. You haven't eaten all day. Lets go get some food. I have some roasted duck with our names on it." Amaya smiled, and grabbed my wrist. I couldn't help but giggle and follow.

For a second, I forgot all about the troubles as I raced my cousin home.


"Amaya! I'm going out to hunt! Be back soon!", I called as I walked out the door, my bow and arrows slung on my back. I crept through the village, hoping I wouldn't be seen. I did not want that.

I was able to make it to the woods without being seen, thankfully. I kept an eye out for any small rabbits, or lemurs, or if I'm lucky, maybe some duck.

It wasn't very long until I heard rustling. I crept deeper in, making sure to not step on any twigs or leaves. Thankfully, I wore my moccasins and not my boots, so I was a lot quieter.

Then, I saw it. It was a fairly large white rabbit. It was feeding on a few leaves. I slowly got out my bow and a single arrow. Stringing the bow, I aimed it at the rabbit. But then it moved. I cursed silently to myself and waited patiently for it to stop again. But when it finally did, it was in front of a hole in the ground. And out of the hole came 3 baby bunnies. Then I realized that my prey was a mother, and it had babies to take care of. I couldn't just kill it, because if I did, I would also be killing 3 others. So I sighed and crept away, leaving them be.

I had to go a good distance into the woods before I heard the rustling again. I followed the faint noise, hoping to find something that wasn't a mother.

I followed it farther and farther, until eventually, I walked out of the woods and right into a clearing. The woods lined it behind me, but in front of me, was the beach. I looked up, and sure enough, there was the cliff I was on yesterday.

I started to walk, but the faint noise of voices stilled me. I looked around, but I didn't see anything. And then my heart stopped.

A Fire Nation ship.

Fire Nation? What would they be doing here? This was just a small Waterbending village. Nothing special. What could they possibly want with us? Well, I wasn't just going to stand here like a doof. I was going to find out.

I quietly followed the sound of the voices, each step making it easier to hear them.

"... Its not like it will matter anyways. This village isn't of any importance to the Fire Nation. Nobody will even notice its gone.", one deep voice said.

"Are you sure? What if they're connected to other villages? We need to think before we act. This could damage other villages that may be of importance to us.", another voice came.

"Already done. I've checked with cities around here, and they claim they don't know the village. So we could see if they have any valuable information, and if not, then we burn it down and take them as slaves."

"Alright.. Flint, ready the cells."

I almost gasped with horror. They were going to burn down our village? For no reason? No reason at all? Who did they think they were! I had to warn the town. Backing up, I stepped on a twig, and then another one, alerting the guards.

"Hey! Who's there?"

"Its a girl! .. Well don't stand there idiots, go after her!"

I spun around and sprinted off, into the woods. I stumbled a few times, but I managed to keep my balance.

Every once in a while, I would bend water from my water pouch, and freeze it behind me. I smiled slightly when I heard the guards shout and fall. It held them off a bit, and soon, I was crashing clumsily into the village.

I screamed warnings at the top of my lungs. People looked at me like I was crazy. Some glared at me.

"Please! Listen! There are Fire Nation! They're here! They want to burn down the village, I heard them talking! Please, you must listen!", I screamed. Some people exchanged nervous glances.

The village leader, Pacu, just shook his head. "Ren. Why would the Fire Nation be here? What have we possibly done? Nothing. Now stop your childish lies, I don't find them amusing.", he scolded.

"But, I'm not lying! I SAW THEM! They're going to arrive soon! Please! You have to believe me!"

Pacu was starting to get angry. Next thing I knew, I was on the ground holding my cheek. He held a water whip in his hand. "There will be consequences for such lies. You must stop it right now. You are causing a commotion for no reason! You should feel ashamed!"

Why didn't he believe me? Why didn't any one believe me?

Then the first fireball hit, crashing right in front of Pacu. He looked up, surprise and terror written in his face.

Then more came, showering the village. People started to scream and run for shelter. Pacu just stood there, obviously still dumbstruck.

And then came the soldiers.

I gritted my teeth as I sprinted towards Amaya's hut. I opened the door, then slammed it shut. I found Amaya in our small kitchen, making some tea. She looked up, surprised by the look on my face. She walked over and took my hand. "Ren, what's wrong?"

"They're here. We need to go Amaya, we need to go NOW!", I shouted. Then I spun around and ran to my room. I started stuffing clothes into a bag. Then I put the few knives I owned, and a pouch of money I had been saving. Then I grabbed a small box off of my dresser and fit that in there too.

I ran back into the kitchen to find that Amaya hasn't moved at all.

"Who is here Ren?", she asked, fright filling her blue eyes.


That gets her moving. Soon, we are ready to flee. Opening the door, we began to sprint towards the woods. But we are soon stopped by soldiers.

He throws a ball of fire at us, but I am able to block it with a wall of water. Then I lashed the water around to whip him to the side. We keep running, but behind me, I heard Amaya scream. I spun around, my water ready. A soldier was holding her by the leg, while she was trying desperately to get away. I whipped at his hands, but his armor protected him. I soon realized that water won't be able to help me. So I went to my other method...


I whipped my arm in his direction, and a strong gust of wind slammed him into a tree. Immediately, I bended water around him tightly, and froze him to the tree. Yes, he is a firebender, but with the way I froze that water, it should take a while.

I heard soldiers gasp in shock. "She's.. she's a double bender!", one said, pointing at me. Another gaps.

"Maybe she's the avatar?"

The first man shakes his head. "No! The Avatar is a small boy! She's a double-bender!"

I rolled my eyes at their stupidity as I ran over to help Amaya up. But her ankle is hurt. Badly. I have't learned how to heal with my water, so there isn't anything I can do, but try to help her up. I cried out in frustration when I saw that she cannot stand. I wouldn't give up though. But neither will the Fire Nation.

They surrounded me and Amaya, and have their weapons at the ready. I looked down at my dear cousin, who was laying on the ground. Her eyes pleaded. Pleaded for what though?

"Ren.. please. You can make it. Go. Run. I'll be fine. Just please.. I would never be able to live with myself knowing you were captured. Please!", she cried. I wanted desperately to cry out no, and throw myself into her, and stay with her until they dragged us away. But I knew I couldn't.

"I love you Amaya.", I told her, before turning around, to face my enemies. I stomped my foot down on the ground, sending the ground towards them in a wave. It knocked them back, giving me time to run.

I sprinted, hard and fast. But I heard one behind me. And then I felt indescribable pain. My back was suddenly on fire.. not literally. But I felt the skin being torn open and burned at the same time. I felt it again, and yet again. But I forced myself to keep going.

Soon, I run into a large clearing, but a wall of rock creates a dead end. I skidded to a halt and spun around. The man was still not to the clearing yet, but he was close.

Running out of time, I decided that airbending would be the only way I could get out of this. As much as I disliked using it, it was my only option.

I jumped up into the air, and shot out jets of air from my hands, propelling me up. I barely made it to the top of the rock wall as the man stumbled into the clearing.

He looked around, confused. Shouts followed closely behind him, and a small group of soldiers appeared.

They looked around, then at the confused soldier, not bothering to hide their anger.

I could faintly hear their voice.

"You let her get away!", one shouted, his voice deep. The man started to shake, scared.

"I- I didn't mean to! I was chasing her, and I thought she ran into this clearing! But when I got here she was gone! I swear!"

The man growled at him, then shot a fireball at him. It brushed his shoulder, burning off the cloth. "Because of you, we are going to be in deep trouble. Lou saw the girl bend! He demanded we find her! And YOU let her go? Tell me, would you like us to take care of you, or would you want General Lou to have the privilege?"

"I-I.. no.. please don't!", the man screamed. I watched in horror as the firebenders circled in on the man. I heard a shout, saw a burst of flames, and then silence. The group spread out again, revealing a crumpled, burnt body. That wasn't moving. I almost threw up, then and there. But I had to stay silent so I wouldn't reveal myself.

The group regained their posture and a man walked to the head of the group and began barking out orders.

"Head back to the ship. General Lou is going to be pissed that we didn't find the double bender, I'm sure of that.", one man stated.

"Well, he can deal with it. He can't expect us to do everything for his lazy ass. We just took care of the idiot for him. We'll put up fliers around the cities and towns. She's only a girl, she couldn't have strayed that far. If she's even alive." It was a girl. A girl was fighting. I didn't even know that girls were allowed to join the army.

I watched in a sick silence as they walked back to the ship. I sighed with relief and sat down, dropping my head into my hands. The lady said something about putting up Wanted posters.. where could I go? Where was safe? Anger builds up inside of me. I shouldn't have to be dealing with this. I shouldn't have to worry.

They did this. The Fire Nation. They are ruthless monsters. Destroying innocent lives. They didn't deserve to be called people. They don't deserve to live.

I stood up suddenly, and began walking into the thick forest. I didn't stop until it was nightfall. Then I set up a camp, and laid down.

I sure hoped that the next day was better than today..

So? like it? If you want me to continue, you're gonna have to review. Please:) I'll love you if you do, and it'll make my day!

Now, I'm off to rock out to some music, maybe eat a cookie, and write the next chapter! :D