Chapter 1

"Sign here and here." The guard passed her the black biro and final form. She signed and passed it back. "You're all done." He passed her the clear plastic bag. "Steph will take you out."

She nodded at him. "Thanks." She smiled before being led through the door she had been inside for two years. The prison guard left her outside the door and the gates opened for her. Cesca turned round to look at the grey building.

"Cesca." She spun round to see him. He was stood in front of the car. She blinked to try and hold back the tears. It didn't work and as she ran towards him they streamed out behind her. She jumped into his arms like in her hundreds of dreams and kissed the lips she could only imagine.

"You came." She blinked. At least there was one good thing about the no make up rules.

"As if you even doubted that. I've been waiting two years for you…we've been waiting two years for you." He walked to the back door and after a few moments straightened up again. "Maya. Your Mummy's coming home."

Cesca had to gulp as she looked at the little girl in front of her. Her dark curly hair fell over her ears. Her tanned skin a mixture of Jonah's and her own. "Hello sweetheart." The little girl looked at her confused before burying her head into Jonah's chest.

"Maya say hello to Mummy." The little girl lifted her head.

Cesca saw the sun shining off the tear rolling down her cheek. "No Mummy." The little girls voice quavered before she buried her head back into his chest. Jonah put her back into the car seat.

"Ces she'll be fine in a bit."

"Maybe. She doesn't know who I am Jonah…"

"But she will do. She can't have forgotten. You're her Mum."

"Biologically…but I've been away for two years Jonah…she doesn't remember." How could she? Among Cesca's dreams of being released were haunting memories of the day Maya was born.

"Oh…" Cesca grabbed her stomach as she stood up. A watery liquid ran down her legs. She winced as the sharp pain cut across her stomach.

"That's so gross." Jo looked over the edge of the top bunk at Cesca.

"Helpful Jo…" She was cut off as another surge hit her. They were coming too soon.

Jo jumped off the bed. "Right on Casualty they say summit about breathing right…like in and out."

Cesca laughed. "You may be better than drugs." Jo moved her so she was holding the window sill. Cesca began rocking her hips back and forwards. She didn't know why…but it eased the pain. Behind her she could hear Jo banging on the door. As another contraction hit she couldn't help but think of Jonah. This was all wrong. They should be together. He was meant to be holding her hand.

"Where are the screws?" Jo was still banging the door. "I think you're great and all Ces…but I don't do blood. I don't do much and I don't do babies."

Cesca started to laugh at the horrendous situation before a different pain made her knees buckle and she sank to the floor. She could feel the baby move into her pelvis… "Jo I don't think they're coming…but this baby is."

Cesca could feel the tears rolling down her cheek. Tears for Jonah and the baby…tears for her. She had dreaded this day. She knew that as soon as she came she would be taken away. The courts had agreed that as Jonah was over 18 he could care for Maya. He had refused to press charges, which meant the sentence was cut. She felt another movement inside her…then came the urge to push.

"Jo I need you."

"Ces I've already told you. No blood, no gore, no babies." Cesca screamed as the urge to push became unbearable. Jo looked at the woman on the floor. "You owe me big time girl." She knelt in front of Cesca.

"Right I can feel the head. Help me get my pants off, then I'm going to push and you need to get ready to get the baby." Cesca started panting as Jo removed her knickers.

"God Ces I can see the head. It's all wrinkly and gross…"

"Cesca screamed with the next contraction as she pushed. She didn't want to. She couldn't help. She didn't want to lose her baby. She could hear Jo saying something, she didn't know what. She was focused on Jonah on the baby. She pushed with all her being…