Okay so I know you were all expecting another chapter, but I've decided to wrap it up after that chapter. Thanks for all the reviews and support, sorry for my crappy beta'ing skills and ability to read over my own work for mistakes.
But do not fret kids, I've already started working on the sequel entitled "Sing Me To Sleep". It will be a longer fic, with POV's from everyone mixed in with third person POV. It is a direct follow on from Late Night Rendezvouz and picks up after JJ comes home to find Emily waiting on the front porch.
Coming soon!
I know those you got the story alerts for this one will think its another update so I apologize. I hate it when that happens too.
*Also looking for a beta to read through or check it or someone I can throw ideas off. Sometimes it helps to get opinions, especially from a reader. PM if you're interested.