The church was packed.

Everyone who was anyone in Konoha had gathered beneath the light streaming through the stained glass windows. Voices whispered in anticipation and doubt as they waited to witness the wedding of Haruno Sakura to no other than Uchiha Sasuke.

When the organ's soothing prologue faded into meaningful silence, and the rustling and the whispering died away, all eyes turned expectantly toward the decorated arch of the entrance.

Sasuke, standing tall and stiff before the altar, dominated the church as expected. It wasn't just his good looks and the strongly sculpted contours of his profile, or being indeed the last living Uchiha. It was something else, some indefinable air of power, of being in control of every almost thing.

When he turned to his white haired best man and murmured, "Here comes the bride. Annoying, as usual," the best man blinked and looked vaguely uncomfortable.

"She's very—um—pretty, Sasuke."

"Yes." Sasuke agreed grimly, as if he saw his pretty bride, not as the woman of his dreams, but as a duty that his mind made up to shoulder with stern stoicism.

The organ began to play again the familiar melody announcing the approach of the bride, and the blond bridesmaid adjusted her mauve headdress, smiled at Sakura, and took the first step of the long walk down the aisle. Following by the others…

After a moment's hesitation, Sakura turned to the masked man who stood beaming proudly beside her.

"Here we go, Kakashi-sensei,"

He nodded, giving her hand a quick pat as he tucked it under his elbow. Then they, too, began to move down the aisle toward the man waiting impassively at the altar.

No eager bridegroom here, thought Sakura with a kind of desperation. Yet it's with him that my destiny lies. With Sasuke, who is marrying me out of duty, guilt, and responsibility?

The music soared, crashed a stop. Sakura stepped up beside Sasuke, who allowed his gaze to roam over her briefly and critically as if neither her behavior nor her pale pink wedding gown met his unqualified approval.

Fleetingly, she wondered if she should have chosen more conventional attire. Then decided it didn't matter. Nothing mattered at the moment, except getting through the unreality of this ceremony which would bind her as long as she is alive to Uchiha Sasuke, the idol of her childhood, her killer from not so long ago, and now her soon to be refuge because of duty.

It was hard, though, to look at Sasuke, of whom she had always been a little in awe, as a refuge. He was too domineering, had practically ordered her to marry him when he saw there was nowhere else for her to turn. And she was grateful. Of course she was. She was also afraid.

And now— she took a deep breath— now there was nothing to do but get on with it.

Sakura swallowed and produced a brave smile. Sasuke smiled back. It wasn't a comforting smile, yet she had a feeling that for her sake he had decided to put a good a face as much as possible on the unpalatable business that lay ahead.

Several people raised their eyebrows and turned to make whispered comments to each other.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the presence of these witnesses, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony; which is an honorable estate, instituted of God. It is therefore not to be entered into unadvisedly, but reverently, discreetly, and in the fear of God. Into this holy estate these two persons come now to be joined"

The bride and groom stared straight ahead.

Sasuke was gaving an aura that he was alone in front of the altar, like there was an empty space beside him. But Sakura was different, she was all too aware of Sasuke's presence. Every slight movement of his body served to remind her of what she would experience after all this.

Her body responded with an instinct that was part excitement and part sheer terror— because the past couple of years, she had gave up the dream of becoming Sasuke's bride, her lover. He was too overpowering, to much in command. And sometimes, when she broke the rules he believed in, she just can't take the look of great disappointment from him… and his evident coldness.

"Do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in a holy marriage? To love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Sakura agrees.

"Do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in a holy marriage? To love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Sasuke's voice was cold and deep, some people behind cringed.

"Any objections why this two should not be married speak now or forever be in peace…"

"I object!" shouted a voice as the doors of the church open wide.

All let out a gasp, then relapsed into mesmerized silence as the young man rush himself down the aisle. Grabbing the pink haired wife by the arm and said, "You don't have to marry the bastard Sakura-chan. I am here, and I will marry you."

"Here comes the great hero," scoffed Sasuke, still he didn't seem astonishingly unmoved. He did find Naruto ridiculous at all times and now is not an exception.

But unknown to everyone, for Sasuke, Naruto had become the new obstacle him to overcome.

Sakura said nothing. She couldn't. Her throat felt so dried, her beating erratically, and her legs were trembling.

"Sakura-chan?" said the intruder. "Sakura-chan, please answer me."

"She can't," said Sasuke coldly. "Your timing of asking her has rendered her speechless."

"No." Her voice was strained. "I – I can talk."

"Good," said Sasuke. "In that case, Sakura, please enlighten us. You are now given a choice. Our guests are waiting and expecting for you to marry someone. It will be a great loss to waste all of this preparation."

Sakura gritted her teeth, clenching her fist. She didn't know what to say. If Naruto didn't come she would have been married to Uchiha Sasuke, for better, or worse. But dear Kami gave her chance to get out. Sasuke also gave her the power to choose, which was indeed rare.

Everyone knew that Sasuke didn't like to be in a complicated situation, so he wouldn't bother, he would just gladly get out of it immediately. He also didn't like to be embarrass… he was after all an Uchiha.

But it gave Sakura the greatest pain it was obvious he was only marrying her because he felt he had too. He had always been guilty about her, the things that he had done to her.

Not that he had loved or love her.

"Sasuke," she blurted out, "You really don't care whether I marry you or not? Do you?" She gazed into his obsidian eyes that had been seeing right through her and looked for some sign of tenderness, for some little indication that he cared. But instead he smirked, his cold eyes narrowed. The same look that he gave off when he tried to kill her.

How she hated him. How evident that he was so willing to let her go.


"I care," he replied "Marriage to a person is sacred it is never considered as a mistake. So you should think twice, the idiot Naruto here wants to marry you because—" he looked at Naruto, waiting for him to finish his sentence.

"I love you, Sakura-chan," he sounded desperate and sincere. Even the way he looks at her.

And as silence took over them, it seems that she can't even hear her own breathing.

"Whatever." He turned to Sakura, her supposed to be soon wife.

Sakura stared at Sasuke hard, already knowing what his decision was. Tears threatened to break free from her eyes but she looked up to hold it in.

It did hurt.

She didn't want to see him anymore. Sasuke was a cold and hard man, and over the years it gradually increased. He never wanted to marry a woman he obviously thinks is worthless, like a child who was only a burden.

Sasuke was indeed an Uchiha, he was handsome, his eyes were cold and even colder when he changes it to his bloodline limit, he was a very proud man and he belittles many people including his teammate who went against him just to bring him to the significant life that he had.

He didn't care.

He was heartless.

He was probably relieved to not be wed to her. He had offered her marriage because he has his duty to his clan, and he felt responsible of trying to kill her almost countless of times.

Nothing more …

She was almost blinded by the painful reality of who he really is. It didn't mean that a week of smiling and suddenly becoming aware of her presence was the sign of love, a sign of change.

Sakura's gaze went to the other man, her idiot, lighthearted, loving, perverted Naruto. Naruto who never frowned but who made her lips formed a smile. Naruto who never hurt her and instead he was the one who always save her when she was in a serious pinch. And Naruto whom she rejected every day, but who always never seems to give up loving her.

His blue sapphire eyes had gone all soft and pleading. "Sakura-chan, I love you," he murmured. "Please marry me."

Sakura was confused, her body was trembling. Instantly Sasuke knew what she will answer to Naruto. "I will marry you," she whispered.

"Goodbye," in a voice that was so cold, Sasuke gave her a quick kiss on her lips then bow and strode back of the church.

Her heart skipped a beat. Everybody grows up, the boy that she had loved had grown into a man and she was a woman. The fantasy was over. ..

But even for a quick kiss, she felt it was somehow gentle and warm.

And minutes later, unexpected by most of the people, Haruno Sakura became Uzumaki Sakura instead of Uchiha Sakura.

Whether or not Sasuke stayed to witness his supposed to be bride marry his blond friend, it didn't matter. She was too busy, overwhelmed from the fairy like situation, a prince saving her from a marriage that she didn't actually wanted.

So it was not her fate, after all, to marry the Uchiha Sasuke, who all of her life didn't look at her with affection but merely as a person who had pass by in his life… a little sister he didn't actually like but has a duty to look after— to take care.

But as they were dancing in the reception, she cried.

But unknown to them this was the start of another deception in their lives.

Naruto didn't know anything. He thought it was tears of joy, misunderstanding her tears, he took her hand in his and slowly claimed her lips… kissing her tenderly.

And their entire guest, for a change did not chatter, but just stared at them in admiration.

This was the real ending so it seems.

A happy ending.

After all, life is not a fairytale and it was more twisted as anyone could ever imagine.

つづく ...