A/N: Arigatou Minna-san! I appreciated your patience for waiting for my update! I know this story is beginning to become kind of lame but, I'll do my best to make it better!

"Only in Movies? Fake Love?"

Kahoko's POV:

I cried and kissed the back of his hands as I put his cold palm in my cheek. Hamai Misa just watched her son in corner and planted a kiss in his forehead.

"Recover soon," she whispered.

I intertwined out hands and replied, at last, "I love you too, Len, I still do."

He didn't respond but, somehow I noticed that in a moment the heart monitor showed how his heart pulse quickened a single moment.

I forced to smile and squeezed his hand, "Oh, Len."

The door banged open and the other suddenly came inside panting. "Kaho!" Tsuchiura-kun gasped, beside him is Nami-chan who is very anxious

"Minna-san…" I murmured, happiness filling my heart; it is so nice to know that they care after all the coldness he has done to them.

Mizue gaped as her eyes fell on the sleeping figure in the bed. "Oh my, what happened?"


Misa Hamai, Len's mother interjected. "Thank you everyone for visiting. Len had fallen in the stairs and hit his head hard in the tiled flooring at the bottom. He's in coma right now and….we don't know when he'll wake up."

Or if he'll ever wake up. My negative side muttered mentally.

I almost slapped myself from thinking such but, realized that the others are here with me.

There's a long silence until, I noticed something very unnecessary. "Where is Miyaji?" I asked.

Kanazawa-kun came in and sighed. "She doesn't want to see Tsukimori's condition. After hearing the news, she shut up and became quiet. Looks like she finally realized how you two are the most meant to be couple here." He explained.

I was in daze to know that Miyaji can think such a thing.

I heard the bed stir and when I twirled, I saw Len struggling, more like squirming to break about something. And then, his heart pulse quickened as he started to pant and groan in pain.

"Len," I whispered in a hiss and when I was about to let go of his hand and call the doctor he held my hand tight and when I squeezed it back, he calmed down and continued to sleep.

Kira-kun came in and even though how much he tried to hide his emotion, it slipped and guilt filled his eyes upon seeing Len. "Was this my fault?" he uttered.

Kanazawa-kun eyed him warily. "Partly."

Kira-kun stared at Len's bandaged in the head. "We can do something so that when he woke up and the project will continue, his work will lessen." He muttered.

Mrs. Tsukimori smiled and bade a little farewell as we settled down inside the room. Everyone isn't here for they are quite busy but, ask for Len's recovery.

I sat down beside Len as I held his hand tightly. "How? How can we lessen his work and give more time for rest?" I asked eagerly.

Kira-kun glanced at Len and looked at me. "As long as you wouldn't think that we are taking advantage of his accident."

I arched one eyebrow and smiled to myself as I got reminded how Len does the same expression frequently. Yet, I tried to concentrate in the present in front of me. "What do you mean?"

One more glance. "Since our next scene is Gabriel being in an accident for chasing Rose in the road. This will be a right time to record the time where Rosemarie regretted judging what had happened between him and Sarah. You just need to say your lines while he is really in coma and sleeping in that bed." Kira-kun explained.

I looked at Len and stared at his innocent but sorrowful expression. "I-I don't know." I stuttered placing the back of his hand in my cheek.

"It'll—" Kira-kun started yet, Ousaki-kun stopped him and smiled apologetically.

"It's alright. It's not right to do such thing—he is in pain and we should be here to pray for his fast recovery than worry about our project first. There's still plenty of time." Ousaki-kun interjected.

Kira-kun sighed and stood up. He gazed at Len and talked like he can hear him. "Recover soon, Tsukimori." He muttered and left.

Kanazawa-kun raised one eyebrow, smirked and shrugged as everyone glanced at one another.

"Ne Kaho!" Tsuchiura called.


"Want some bunny apple?" he asked cheerfully, trying to get rid of tenseness in the atmosphere.

I smiled warmly and nodded. "Ok,"

I took few pieces and ate with everyone while we talk in silent murmurs and watched if Len ever stirred or wake up but, how much I am glad being with my friends, I feel lost without knowing if Len will wake up or forever leave me.


The next morning, I came back and found Len's mother wiping the sweats on Len's forehead and when I looked at her with questioning eyes—she looked down and shook her head.

"Still no progress?" I asked.

She finally looked up at me and I, at last, heard her usual sweet tone, "Still stable heart pulse. No much damage in his brain and well, still not waking up."

I stared at his face and found that, at least, his hair became bluer than yesterday, his lips not as pale as before and his breathing is more normal. "Len," I murmured and smiled. I took his hand and kissed the back of it as I greeted him, "Good morning." I whispered and tears started to roll down in my cheeks.

Misa wrapped her arm around me and I, feeling hopeless, placed myself in her chest and whispered her son's name in sobs.

"He'll wake up, I know that he will." She assured.

I couldn't reply for I am not even sure with her tone if she's convincing herself or me.


More days passed the same and I couldn't bear it anymore—knowing that there's no certainty when he will wake and what his condition is.

I bent a little and placed a kiss in his forehead as I caressed his cheek. "Hey, wake up sleepy head." I said even though my voice cracked.

"I need you. I have always loved you." I added.

"Show me your smile and eyes again that give me inspiration. Show me your coldness that gives me lessons. And show me love which satisfies me to continue living." I continued and continued to cry. My heart sank as his heart pulse starts to get slower and slower.

"No, no, Len! You have to live!" I urged.

I squeezed his hand and prayed silently. Slowly, it came back to normal and as twilight came; tiredness came over me and I decided to stay by my beloved side…I know he needs me and I need him more.

I sat and held his hand. Placing my head in the vacant place beside him, I closed my eyes and though I tried to begin sleeping, I couldn't help the tears to roll down and imagine him leaving me.


"Len," I whispered and drifted to a hopeless and dark sleep.


Len's POV:

I am in a place I don't know and I am sitting all alone in the sand, watching the sea form waves and birds singing.

"I think this is where I belong." I uttered as twilight/dusk came into view. I'm missing someone but whom?

Darkness continued to spread out and I didn't –couldn't- run away from it. I need a hand to pull me out.

"No!" A girl yelled from a distance.

I twisted my head and saw a glimpse of crimson. Crimson?

"Len! Come back with me!" she offered her hands and when I finally looked up—I saw Kahoko, the one I only love and to whom my heart belongs to.


She smiled and pulled me upright as we ran to the gate towards lightness. "I—"

"Shh," she shushed and kissed my forehead as she cried. "Come back, I need you and I have always loved you."

I nodded and walked through the golden gate. There was glaring lightness until, I felt like I was brought back in my physical body.

I can feel the oxygen mask attached to me and the other wires in my body. My head hurts like hell and I want to see her now.

I commanded my eyes to open and they did listen to me. They opened and I saw that everything was white and I can almost smell indescribable medicine smells.


Finally, I saw Kaho beside me, sleeping and when I squeezed her hand weakly, her eyes fluttered to open. They are kind of red, and she cried –surely-

I caressed her cheek and smiled. She stayed. "Hey, Kahoko." I greeted with my hoarse voice.

Her eyes widened and her smile widened. "You finally woke up."

"I did," I agreed and then as she hugged me, gently, the door opened and when I was about to greet my mother,

Whom I am sure that was always there in my side to take care of me. And so astonished to see father.

Kaho gasped and blocked him from walking towards me. "No!"

His eyes softened as he saw me in my situation and, for the first time in my cruel life, I saw him cry and shook his head. "I am here to apologize." He muttered and Kahoko looked at me with surprised expression.

"Please, stay." I pleaded to her.

She smiled and nodded. She sat on her usual seat and rested her head beside mine as father stared at us.

"I—" he cut himself off and sighed in relief as he walked towards me. "I…It was my fault, Len." He muttered and stared downward at my still figure in this bed.

Kahoko removed the oxygen mask and caressed my cheek. "Len,"

"…" I still did not respond from the statement he has made and let him continue.

"It was my fault and I almost lost you. I wasn't able to realize how important you are until this accident occurred and your mom became angry at me. She never talked to me after this accident and then, when I asked her what your condition is—she just answered me with tears and words that hit the ice target in my heart.

Since I lost my job, I became cruel towards you, son. I became blind with things you had done for my sake and for my appreciation. And now, this is the only time that I felt so responsible to be your father. And felt proud that you became my son. My cruelty and violence can never be erased but," he paused and smiled. "Will you forgive me, Len? I'll be a better person and always consider what you like. I am still your father, son."

I was speechless and when I looked at Kaho; she was staring back at me until, she smiled and nodded at me.

I looked away then back at his eyes. "I want to stay here in Japan a little longerwill that be alright?"

He glanced at Kaho and nodded. "Of course."

An involuntary smile was revealed and then he smiled in liberation; and patted my shoulder. "Recover soon, I'll just pick your mother up."

I nodded and then he waved as he left.

I looked up at Kaho and she is weeping while smiling.

I gasped and reached for her cheek but, my arms feel so weak. "K-Kahoko…" I whispered.

"Oh, Len!" she exclaimed and hugged me in my position.

This is my second chance and I won't waste this opportunity to show my true love towards the girl who gave me inspiration to continue living and also the reason for my ex-cruel father to know who I am in his life.

I intertwined our hands and this time "I" squeezed her hand and she never let me go since then.

I will do better in this project and won't be affected with what others think about. I lover her and that's enough.

A/N: Finally! An update after almost a month! LOL

Sorry for my mistakes—I am only half-awake in doing this update and I am in a hurry because many are demanding for this one.

Thank you for all the reviews!


BTW, I DIDN'T WROTE EACH SCENE OF THE MOVIE IN THE FANFIC BUT, ONLY SOME CONCLUSIONS OR SUMMARIES OF EACH SCENE. I hope that's fine. Thanks. But, a little in the end, I will write a part where they will watch their own movie and there you'll see or even imagine the Fake Love Movie. Thanks.)


Sneak Peek:

"Amou, Tsuchiura step closer to each other and hold hands. Then, as Tsuchiura gazed at Nami lovingly she will wrap her arms around his neck and they will sway in the music. Just like a couple."

Nami gasped and shot an alarmed look to Tsuchiura-kun who is very calm in a corner and already staring at her.

"Tsukimori, Hino, do the same and then, Kaji step in and yank her away." Kira-kun instructed.

Len and Aoi looked at each other and Aoi grinned. "Go?"

Len shrugged and nodded. He took my hand and we placed ourselves beside my best friend's pair.

Kanazawa-kun nodded and, "Act 3, Scene 12 (A/N: I only created that number) action!"

The music started and the cameras focused on us, we swayed as I wrapped my arms, awkwardly, in his neck and the he wraps me back in waist. We sway and then, not in the script—he tucked a lock of my hair behind my ears and said the first line, "You are beautiful…" he murmured and I know that he meant it.

"Cut!" Ousaki-kun shouted and then we looked at him, surprised.

He is panting because of running and then gave me and Len a letter. "It's a letter about the college applications which you chose. I came here to say that you, Tsukimori were accepted in Harvard University, Stanford, Princeton University, and Yale University while Hino-san, you are accepted in Williams College, Amherst and Dartmouth." He said and the he added, "But they the school you were accepted were separated—will you separate ways in college?" he asked and then, there was silence.

Len stepped forward, "This issue will be dismissed, if it's education then—"

Secret…I am not sure if they will or they will not. Find out in the next chapter.