Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Bleach. The rights belong to Masashi Kishimoto and Kubo Tite respectively.

So, recently I've been getting flames from anonymous reviewers, and here's what I have to say to that: I don't freaking care what you think, you don't have the decency to insult me and call my writing bullshit under your own username. You can all just kiss my ass. Do us all a favor and just don't comment or spam my inbox with hate if you have something bad to say, or better yet, DON'T READ.

Oh, and I've explained the Shinigami and Shinobi difference many, many times, and I could explain it to you more if you left a review under your actual username. But for the last time: Ichigo is not on his own turf, therefore he has been weakened. So no more questions about it please. Anymore will be promptly ignored.

Anyways, I'm sorry for starting the chapter off on a bad note. A nicer, more pleasant author's note will be at the bottom. Also, this chapter will be Sakura-centric, sorry about that. I just don't feel like writing it any other way.

Tsunade had seen and heard many things in her lifetime. She was the granddaughter of the Shodai Hokage, one of the three legendary Sannin. Tsunade had punished perverts, climbed mountains, fought horrific beasts in the Second Shinobi World War, and lost two of her most beloved friends and allies to the title of Hokage. Her life was rich with saddening experiences of triumph as well as loss, and she thought she had seen it all.

That day, however, she realized she was wrong. Tsunade had yet to see everything, and Kyomu was the reason. He angered her, and made her feel pity for him all at the same time. She listened to his story, filled with grief and deception, her mind racing with questions to ask but no words to say it. He perplexed her. How could man who had been through that, and hurt so many people be sitting in front of her, crying out his heart and soul in bubbly snot-filled tears?

Tsunade currently sat back in her seat, holding out a box of tissues for Kyomu to raid as he laid his head down, finally down expressing the tale of his sad life. From the way he made everything sound, past to present, she would have expected a more evil person. The Kyomu she saw before her was merely misunderstood, not a murderer… Still, he was technically a criminal, and for crimes committed against humanity he had to be locked up.

The womanly Hokage sighed, pushing back her chair to stand up. "I'm afraid we're done here, Yamada-san." She told him as he looked up from his hunched position. In response he nodded, a weak nod of a victim.

Locking him up just didn't feel right. To ease her troubles as she walked towards the door, flanked by two guards, she reviewed Kyomu's story. His heritage, Himitsu, his strange powers and the legend of Kuro Hone (which for some reason sounded oddly familiar); she re-looked over it all.

It was only when she had made it to the door with her hand hovering above the knob that she froze, brows furrowed in the most passionate way. "Wait," she mumbled, swiftly turning around to face the sad heap of a man sitting at the table. The guards were so shocked they stumbled backwards, but she paid no mind to them. Kyomu looked up to the woman as she stormed back to the side of the table, putting both hands on it as she leaned over.

"Where's the ring?"

Kyomu's face fell, he didn't expect to be ask about the ring. "…the ring? Orochimaru's ring?" Now that he thought about it, he wasn't quite sure.

"Yes! The ring!" Tsunade repeated, slamming her hands down on the table out of frustration. It was just a hunch, but… "Yamada-san, that ring has significance. Don't you see? Why would Orochimaru give you a ring?"

Kyomu blinked, defensively responding, "Uh, I-I don't kno-ow."

The woman ran a hand over her face…that ring was the key. She wasn't sure what significance the ring had yet, but there was something there. Orochimaru wasn't one to give physical gifts like that, especially ones that he reportedly wore for most of his existence. So why give it to Kyomu, of all people? And why at the time that he did?

No matter how much pity Tsunade felt for Kyomu, she was prepared to grill him to find the answers she was looking for. The woman leaned over the table, getting up close and person to Kyomu, who looked taken back. She merely searched his eyes in an angered fashion.

"Think, you crazy bastard. Think!" She hissed at him, her hands clenching into tight fists. "What do you remember about that ring? What was it made of? I need details!"

The man was shaken up, literally and mentally as he tried to meet the man woman's demands. "Uh…well…" He barely spoke. Under so much pressure Kyomu was unable to come up with anything, though there was formidable evidence in his past, and his feelings, to suggest that she was right. Her hunch about the ring was on the right track. He glanced down to his hand where the ring once was as if it would stir up some feeling. He found nothing but fear, fear of what the scary woman might do to him if he couldn't come up with something.


Sakura thought that by ending things with Ichigo she was doing the right thing. But for who was it right? And why did it feel so bad? She had numerous unanswered questions whizzing around her head that day as she walked to Tsunade's rebuilt tower. There was a pain in her chest, and a guilt feeling rising in her stomach. Her mentor, Tsunade, was usually a great person to talk to about these things. She knew she could find the answers there with Tsunade, that is after she reported what happened during the Rescue Mission.

In a blind haze she entered the premises. She passed a few Jounin and village officials on her way, but those knew her and waved her ignored. It wasn't intentional; the pinkette was merely trying to decipher her questions. She doubted her decision, and felt as if she had highly over exaggerated the whole thing. Besides, Naruto had a demon inside of him, too, and look how close she was to him!

She had been so engrossed in her thoughts that by then she'd stopped walking, and was standing against the wall. A door up the hall was pushed open, and her eyes snapped up. She recognized that figure, once evil. His black hair, gloves, and that horrible lab coat; Kyomu, flanked by two ANBU was being led down the halls, probably to be locked up. On his way he passed Sakura. He didn't look like an evildoer. His head was hung, and his arms limp behind his back. Kyomu looked like a victim.

She looked back to the door as it slowly came to a close, when it stopped halfway and was pushed open again. This time Tsunade exited the room, and walked the opposite direction. Sakura jumped into action, hurrying after her mentor.

"Tsunade-sama!" She called lightly, soon enough reaching it to her sensei's side. The woman in question stopped abruptly and turned, sending a stern look Sakura's way… That was, odd to say the least. Tsunade wasn't always a happy-camper when Sakura came to report, but she usually didn't appear so bothered.

"What?" She barked, giving Sakura a once-over before she began her quickened stride again. As expected, Sakura trailed behind.

Sighing, Sakura answered, "I'm here to give my report, you asked for it in person."

Tsunade sent a brief glance Sakura's way, looking a little surprised. She furrowed her brows. "Yes…I guess I did." She responded.

Sakura did her best to follow after Tsunade, awaited an answer, when all she got was silence. Obviously something had happened in that room with Kyomu. Tsunade must have discovered something. Even so, Sakura's curiosity wasn't worth setting Tsunade off the edge. She had to be weary, if she spoke out of turn she could be skating on thin ice.

Still having not received her answer, Sakura rushed to block Tsunade's path, a bold move on her part. "Well?" The pinkette inquired, crossing her arms as she rose her eyebrows.

Tsunade exhaled deeply, stopping to look at her prodigy. "That's fine, but I've got business, Sakura." She said, eyes narrowing as she looked at Sakura more closely. "Besides, you seem too distracted." With that she walked around Sakura's stunned form and onward.

The chuunin huffed. "I'mdistracted?!" She questioned, abruptly turning on her heel to follow Tsunade.

"Yes," Tsunade answered hastily.

"I am notdistracted, Tsunade-sama...I mean, I might be a little distracted, but that's-"

"Not the point?" Tsunade finished, raising a brow as they made it to her office. She stepped in, grumbling at the fresh pile of paperwork awaiting her on the desk.

This was going nowhere, it was obvious to Sakura. As Tsunade went to stand and eventually sit behind her desk, Sakura walked up to its front and stationed herself there. "I know this isn't a good time, but if I didn't report I'd be slacking."

Now irritated, the blonde woman took a heavy breath, slapping both hands on her desk. "Sakura, you're not worried about the report, you're just procrastinating. Obviously something happened on that mission, and I do want to hear about it in your report, but not now." With one fluid gesture she motioned to the papers on her desk.

Looking to her disappointed pupil, the woman sighed and continued. "Find Naruto, or have someone else report to me," she lightly placed her hand on Sakura's shoulder, "you need the time to straighten whatever's going on out."

Sakura didn't know what to say, or what to think for that matter. She hadn't thought her problems would be so obvious, but apparently they were written all over her face. She blinked, slowly kicking her body into action as she backed away from the desk, lost in thought. "Thank you, Tsunade-sama," she barely managed to utter.

With a hint of the smile, Tsunade pointed towards the door. "Now get out of my office."

The pinkette nodded and politely bowed, still backing towards the door until it was at arm's length. She pulled it open and escaped, hurrying down the hallway. Tsunade had made her realize something, or maybe she had already known it, but either way it hit her: she couldn't focus because of Ichigo and her reminiscent feelings towards him. The only way to regroup her thoughts was via a direct confrontation, but even Sakura wasn't sure if she could handle one.

Even so, she needed to find Ichigo, even if it meant not talking to him and just watching from afar. The face of that demon inside of her frightened her, it was a soulless beast, but it wasn't just a beast. There was a part of Ichigo in it, there had to be. If there wasn't he would have massacred everyone including herself. There shouldn't have been anything to fear.

Demon or not, that didn't mean she should cut off her ties to Ichigo. Look at Naruto, the Kyuubi had put her on edge for some time, but after that they'd become closer. The Kyuubi and the Hollow weren't that different, really. Naruto was even learning how to control the Kyuubi, why couldn't Ichigo learn from that and do it too?

As she exited the building, Sakura's skin paled as she realized her mistake. Not only that, but there was the chance Ichigo might never want to see her again. That thought frightened her more than the yellow-eyed beast inside of Ichigo.

Sakura didn't notice the approaching figure until he was right in front of her. Her eyes were downcast from the growing anxiety within her when she saw a pair of feet. Curiously she followed the feet upwards, and towards the whiskered cheeks of her closest friend. She sighed in relief, despite how he looked at her, perplexed.

"Something the matter, Sakura-chan?" He asked, eyes suddenly widening when he continued, "Kyomu hasn't escaped, has he?"

It was refreshing to hear Naruto's voice. "No, I don't think we have to worry about Kyomu anymore." She advised him, but when he gave her a peculiar look she didn't continue on explaining.

"Then what is it?" He asked again, playing with an object in his hands Sakura hadn't noticed before. Her eyes were caught on its glint in the sunlight, and its dark, circular figure.

She pointed to the object. "Is that the ring? The one that we took off Kyomu?" She asked.

Naruto nodded somberly. "Uh huh. But I don't know what it is about this ring… It keeps, talking to me." He told her, quickly shaking his head in denial. "I'm sure I was just imagining that, but this ring still gives me the creeps. I figured I'd just hand it over to Tsunade."

Sakura narrowed her eyes speculatively, tightening her arms over her chest. She believed Naruto when he said it talked to him, and she honored him for doing the right thing and giving it to Tsunade, but she wasn't sure if that was the best thing to do. If it talked to Naruto, then it might also talk to Kyomu, who was in same building as their esteemed Hokage. Nonetheless, she devoted her trust to Tsunade, and was sure she could handle having the little black ring in her custody.

"Well, that's smart I guess." She responded affirmatively.

There was a pregnant silence between the two, where Naruto shuffled his feet and Sakura brushed her hair out of her face. They were both busy and preoccupied with other ideals, but didn't quite know how to tell the other that. Even so, Naruto managed to break the silence.

"I hope you fix whatever's bothering you," Naruto murmured, looking at the ring one last time before stuffing it in his pocket. He looked back up to her surprised face. "But if it helps, I'm sure that whatever happened, you did the right thing."

Quickly shaking her head, Sakura denied it. "No, Naruto I made a big mistake…I've got to go." She quickly told him as she side-stepped him.

Naruto turned and watched her hurry off. "Well, good luck!" He called after her.

The encounters she'd been having that day made her antsy. Naruto and Tsunade seemed to think that the thing that was "bothering" her wasn't her fault, and as much as she would have liked to say that, it was untrue. It was her words that severed her link to Ichigo, which arose all of these unpleasant feelings in her chest. She was fully responsible for her predicament.

Negative thoughts had to be pushed aside as the pinkette rushed away, letting her feet take her who knows where. She didn't know where Ichigo would be, and had all of Konoha to search. She wouldn't be surprised if Ichigo ended up being in the last place she looked.

Unfortunately, she never got to search for him. She happened to cross paths with the hospital. She would have made it away from the building without objection, had it not been for the overworked nurse pacing in front of the hospital doors. One look at the woman and Sakura knew her work as a Medical shinobi was far more important than her apology to Ichigo. Besides, now that she thought about it, she didn't even know what she would say to him once she saw him. Perhaps a little soothing medical work might trigger something.


Unlike Sakura, Ichigo knew what he wanted to say. At first, he let Sakura walk away without the intention of stopping her. "This is better for the both of us," he'd regrettably told himself. That, however, was before he finally opened up to Rukia about what had transpired. Rukia, who was like a sister to him, was more than helpful. Even if he hadn't a clue what would result, he knew what he had to say.

Rukia wasn't the only one who gave some assistance. Surprisingly, Naruto had helped also. Ichigo knew that it was the last thing the blonde wanted to do, as Naruto had frequently reminded him of that. Nonetheless, the shinobi had been around Sakura since they were little children. The teen knew something about Sakura that Ichigo didn't: she was very forgiving, and also seemed a bit off lately. 'A bit off' opened up many doors for Ichigo. She could be unnerved by anything, and he took a chance in assuming it was because of how they'd split.

He set out that day in search of Sakura, but the girl was harder to find than he expected. He started at her place of work, the hospital, but came up with nothing. He traveled in circles through Konoha, his direction determined by the words of whoever claimed to see her last. Either there were more girls with pink hair in the village, or Sakura was moving around fast. It felt like she was avoiding him, which after a while he convinced himself that it was preposterous; she didn't even know he was looking for her.

Ichigo ended up right back where he started. The last place Sakura was seen was near the Hospital. Sighing, the shinigami approached the building. It had to be a joke…but he couldn't just dismiss it, the possibility was still too great. After all, he'd been getting directions from Konoha's finest, as they were the only ones who could see him in his shikai.

Entering the building, it was pretty hectic near the lobby. People, a mixture of medical staff and volunteers hustled about, leaving the front desk bare. Nobody questioned what he was doing there. Surprisingly it was Ichigo's first time in Konoha's hospital. Although he had asked to see it before in case of any injury on his part, Sakura had never taken him to it. "It's filled with death and despair," she had told him. Now looking at it, he didn't really feel the sadness she was talking about. Yes, people were busy tending to the injured, but he didn't feel much "death". Then again, whose to say he was the greatest judge. Shinigami or not, he'd never thought death was something you could sense.

Shrugging the thoughts off, he wandered down the first hallway he saw, which ended up leading to the East Wing. Slowly he sauntered by, peeking through open doors and any screens he could. Most of the time his eyes were greeted by a sleeping patient or an empty room, but there were the occasional grueling sights he couldn't stand to see. He wasn't usually squeamish, but shinobi had some downright funky treatments.

There was one sight, where a shinobi's back had been broken so severely he looked like a bent ruler that sent Ichigo the other way. Instead of focusing on his search, he stopped and walked to the end of the hallway where there were windows. On the other side was a courtyard in the middle of the hospital, filled with a pleasant little garden. Past the courtyard were windows leading to other wings of the hospital. Exiting through a door on the West Wing, an older woman, accompanied by a staff member, waltzed onto the pleasant scene before them. Had he not been looking at the door that closed behind the woman, he never would have noticed the head of pink hair that entered that hallway, walking towards the South Wing.

Ichigo nearly choked on his surprise. After all this time, he had finally spotted her! He was quick to react, jumping away from the windows and down the corridor; he planned to meet Sakura head on at the South Wing, which is to say if she didn't abruptly turn away at the sight of him.

He pushed past suspicious nurses and through many doors before he finally made it to the South Wing, which was no different than the other hospital wings. He entered just as Sakura was leaving, walking into a patient's room. Slowly, he approached the door, his back against the wall secretively. He didn't want her to notice him just yet.

Like all other doors there it had a square window that was high above the average height for a Konoha citizen. Though Ichigo, being a head or two taller than the average, was able to stand before the door and look in.

It was in fact Sakura, standing with her back to him. In front of her was a young bedridden boy. The boy had scruffy brown hair, and unbelievably thick eyebrows. He reminded Ichigo of a shinobi he had met before but couldn't remember the name of. Even so, the sickly boy didn't look unhappy. In fact, he looked very happy at whatever news Sakura was giving him. The door, being left open slightly, allowed Ichigo to hear bits of the conversation.

"It's good to hear you're doing better, Hiro-san." Sakura said. Hearing her voice again was priceless to Ichigo. He'd been missing the soft tone and the calming volume of it.

The boy said something too quiet for Ichigo to hear, but then burst out. "…but I'm still really happy. Mom and Dad would want me to be happy, I think." Carefully Hiro's voice quieted, and he looked down to his feet at the end of his bed.

Sakura nodded, moving her hands to place something she had been holding against her chest on Hiro's bedside table. "He'd want you to have this," Sakura commented, tilting her head to the side. Whether or not she was smiling, Ichigo couldn't tell, but it certainly felt like it. Ichigo glanced to the object, and how its metal gleamed against the artificial lighting. It was a headband, like the ones he'd seen on the heads, waists, and arms of every last shinobi he'd met. Only this one wasn't like the others in a sense, the ends of its ribbon were frayed, and the metal itself was cracked in many places. Almost as if it had been smashed.

The boy took the object from the table glumly, gazing at it. Unfortunately Ichigo wouldn't see anymore, as Sakura was already turning around. Scrambling, Ichigo quickly turned away from the door, taking place against a wall. When that felt even too close, he scooted further down the hall. He didn't want Sakura to see he'd been looking in, her visit with the boy looked like a personal matter.

The pinkette exited the room, but surprisingly did not turn his way. Her destination was the opposite direction, which she strode towards after shutting Hiro's door. Ichigo's shoulders fell.

"Sakura," he called, taking a step away from the wall.

The woman in question turned. It was at that moment that Ichigo forgot every carefully worded apology he had prepared. Everything Rukia had assured and Naruto said were lost to him, in one ear and out the other. Just seeing her again was like overdrive for his emotions. He was happy, sure, but he was also reminded of when she'd dumped him. With her in this narrow hallway was so much like that day, in that narrow alley where she'd attempted to leave his life for good. He felt somewhat spiteful. Happy to see her again, but angry that not only had it taken so long but that the things that happened between them still stood unaffected.

Looking into her eyes he felt ashamed. She was looking at him like she had inside Kyomu's hideout, bewildered and frightened by his hollow form. She could probably still see it, the monster. That thought was almost enough to turn Ichigo away; almost. He'd come there to fix things between them, and he wasn't about to throw that away.

The shinigami put his chin up and walked towards Sakura. To his surprise, she walked forward as well, the two approaching each other in a teeth-grinding slowness. They didn't very close, but person stopped when they were a yard or two apart. It was still close enough to hear her voice, and that was all Ichigo wanted. Then again, he couldn't be sure; she hadn't said anything yet.

And she wasn't about to say anything, in fact, which left the two of them at an awkward impasse. Ichigo had forgotten all of his carefully coached phrases and words, things he had spent hours thinking on. But now that he was finally in the moment, his cue cards were blank. All he could think to comment on was what he had just witnessed.

"Who's the boy?" Ichigo asked after a lengthy silence, before he quickly corrected. "Only if you want to tell me, that is."

Sakura was rubbing her collarbone, ears perking at the question. "Huh, what? You mean Hiro?" She stumbled, taking her hands and folding them at her front. She nodded her head towards the door, eyes wandering anywhere but Ichigo's face. When he nodded, she sighed. "Hiro is a family friend. His older brother was in the same squad as mine." She crossed her arms, aimlessly gazing towards the courtyard.

So it was personal. Ichigo nodded, never looking away. Although it was hard not to follow suit and avoid her eyes like she did his, one of them needed to act as if things were okay, or going to be at least.

She went on about Hiro without Ichigo asking. "When Pein attacked Konoha, uh…well Hiro and his brother were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Hiro's still recovering from it."

"And his brother?" Ichigo inquired. It was at that moment Sakura looked into his eyes, but not quite the way he wanted her to. Her eyes were sad, even if it was ever so slight. There was no need to ask anymore. From the way she looked to him, it was obvious, Hiro's brother had passed. Which meant that the hitai-ate she had given Hiro's must have been his brother's... It was hard to image how horribly someone would crush a man to get his headband to look so deformed.

The sad topic was obviously the last thing Ichigo wanted to talk about, he felt as if it was sending him back further. He wanted to end this conversation on a happy note, not one filled with painful memories and misty eyes.

"I've been looking for you." Ichigo said. Sakura loosened up when he said it, her hands falling to her sides. If he had to assume, he'd say she'd been looking for him too. But it was only a hunch.

Suddenly she looked around the corridor nervously, without warning walking forward and taking Ichigo's hand. "Let's talk about this outside," she told him, leading him down the hallway. Ichigo didn't mind being controlled, not when she was suddenly so close and it wasn't to Tsunade-strike him to a wall.

She led him out the nearest exit and behind the building, where there was a small patch of grass before a stone fence. She let go of his hand then, stepping back. This time she was the one blocking the only obvious escape. Ichigo was curious why she brought him there, and they couldn't just talk about it in the hospital. Whatever she had to say, she didn't want anybody to hear.

She took a breath in, calming saying, "I've been, or I was looking for you, too." She told him, brushing her hair back exhaustedly. "But there was work to do here so-"

"I understand its okay. I still found you," he told her.

Sakura shook her head. "No," she briskly said, starting to teeter in her spot anxiously, "it's not okay. I shouldn't have just stopped looking for you, not when there's a lot we need to talk about." She stressed the words 'a lot' eerily. Her tone was rushed; far different from the calm and unbiased tone she gave Hiro. It put Ichigo on edge.

She stopped her pace to point a finger at Ichigo accusingly. "You betrayed my trust." She stated.

Ichigo's face fell. "I know, and I'm s-"

"Let me finish." She interrupted, raising her palm out to stop him. "You betrayed my trust, and I should be so angry. I have every right to be angry. And I was angry, believe me. When we got back it was hard to look at you, because when I did I saw two of you. The Ichigo who I talked about feelings with, and the Ichigo who lied and turned into a brutish beastly-looking, well, thing!" She put her hands on her hips, looking down to the ground dejectedly and in thought.

There was silence, and Ichigo soaked it in. He was somewhat offended. He had never intended to lie about his Vizored status, but then again he never expected to use it. How could she blame him for something he couldn't control? He wanted to tell her that, and came close to doing so when she continued.

"I thought separating me from you would solve everything. I was hurt," she explained, suddenly looking back up to the orange-haired teen with wide, shiny eyes. "The last time someone kept something so big from me, deceived me and expected me to understand… They died. I never even got the chance to ask why."

"Avoiding everything doesn't make it better," Ichigo cut in, still somewhat on the defense from her words. "You didn't even give me a chance to explain. You just up and left! What did you think would happen? Did you think everything would just solve itself, and you'd never have to face me again?!" He took an angry step closer, cutting at the air with his hands.

"No, no!" She barked back. "That's the last thing I thought, or wanted. And can you blame me for leaving so quickly? It was clear to me that you're an unstable person, like Naruto was. You could explode at any moment, at any time, and put everyone I love in danger."

His shoulders fell as he leaned back, frustrated. "Well then, I'm sorry if the one thing I can't control has to come between us. I honestly thought you would give me the benefit of the doubt!"

Flabbergasted, the fiery female's nostrils flared. "I have been giving you the benefit of the doubt. I'm in a position where I could've had you taken far away from Konoha, my friends and family! I would've been so easy." She narrowed his eyes.

She wasn't about to let him say much more, it seemed. Sakura continued, fumingly, "but I didn't. I was, and am still, really confused about what I saw. I still trust you, Kurosaki Ichigo. I've been trusting you, at first it was for you to leave me alone and give me space-"

"Right because that solves everything," Ichigo mocked offensively.

She ground her teeth, hands clenching into fists. "You don't understand how hard it's been for me to make sense of things, but…" Her voice lowered, her body relaxing. "I've started to realize that things can't go back to normal, and that I don't want them to. Even if it's probably better for our safety, I can't forget about you."

Ichigo quirked an eyebrow, this suddenly felt more like a confession than it did a snowballing argument. "What are you trying to say?" He asked, realizing then that the two of them had slowly scooted closer during their fiery exchange. They were less than an arm's length away.

"I don't know what it is, but I'm helpless without you, Ichigo." Sakura told him. Embarrassed the female looked to her feet.

He didn't know how to feel. He was certainly incredibly happy to hear that, but also unnerved. "Don't be helpless," he told her glumly. He felt the same way, but couldn't tell her. Telling her would make things more complicated. Lately he'd been having the growing feeling that his time here was coming to a close.

"I can't help it." Sakura stated, lightly laughing at herself. She looked up to Ichigo, closing the distance between them to place her hands on his chest softly. "I know we disagree, and we fight. We both have issues; we're probably a dangerous combination, now that I think about it."

He smiled at her, snickering softly in response. "I know, Sakura. You're all I think about now…I went looking for you so I could tell you that. I don't know if this means you forgive me for lying to you."

She nodded. "Only if you forgive me for abandoning you like that." She paused, stepping back to playfully punch his shoulder. "But don't do it again."

He crossed his index over his heart. "I swear to it." He told her. Ichigo enveloped the girl in a gentle hug, resting his chin on the top of her head. There was a generous height difference between the two of them.

Sakura seemingly accepted the hug, and rested her head on his chest. For a moment the two merely enjoyed the others company. Things were far from resolved, as there were many more borderline-arguments they would likely have about the same topic in the future, but at least for now they would assured…at least until Ichigo would have to leave Konoha. He tried, however, not to think about his imminent departure.

Sakura leaned her head back to look up at Ichigo. With her eyebrows quirked, she inquired, "There isn't anything else you've been hiding, is there? If there is, just say it right now, let's get it over with." Her eyes were anxious.

Ichigo smirked. The two of them were so close, and he was oddly swept into the moment. "Oh, I can't think of anything." He mumbled as he slowly leaned forward. At first Sakura leaned her own head back, as if it wasn't welcome. When she realized what Ichigo was trying to do, she relaxed, her cheeks becoming flushed. But she too found herself lost in the moment, slowly standing on her toes to close the gap.

His heart was racing. Between them, things were a fast rollercoaster ride. Their behavior towards one another was volatile. They both had their flaws, and even though with all things considering it would be inappropriate, the one thing Ichigo wanted more than anything right then and there was to kiss her. He wanted nothing more than to solidify their apologies with a soft peck. He was bent on it. He closed his eyes, coming so close to meeting her lips with his.

He kissed something alright, but it wasn't Sakura's lips. When he opened his eyes again Sakura had her finger pressed to his mouth, looking at his confused face solemnly. Ichigo released the pinkette, taking a step back.

"We've both deceived each other…what kind of relationship is that?" Sakura asked. She had forgiven him, but even then the time didn't feel right. "I just think-"

"You think too much," Ichigo mumbled under his breath, sighing.

Sakura narrowed her eyes. "I'm serious." She told him. Ichigo understood what she meant, and as much as he didn't like it she was right. If he wanted to kiss her, he'd have to wait.

It was at that moment their bubble was popped by an intruder. It was okay with both parties, as for now it looked like things were resolved. Naturally they knew conflict would come their way, especially with the Fourth Shinobi War dawning. Putting that all aside, Sakura was the first to turn and look at the figure in the doorway.

She frowned, clearing her throat and taking a long and sharp step away from Ichigo. "Hey, Shikamaru."

The male rose his eyebrows and looked to an equally-flustered Ichigo, not really caring why they were so close or what it meant. It wasn't any of his business. "Hokage-sama is waiting for you up in the tower, she's got a new mission."

Sakura nodded, sighing as she asked, "Could you just give me a moment to say good bye?" She had pivoted her body for such a reason when Shikamaru said again.

"There's no point," Shikamaru said roughly, "he's going with you. I think Tsunade's got a mission for the both of you."

Sakura frowned, looking back at Shikamaru. That couldn't be possible; Tsunade knew just how horrible the last joint mission with shinigami had failed. Did the Hokage really want to take steps down that rocky road again, when there were still things about the shinigami they didn't know? She had many questions for Shikamaru, and came close to asking him before he cut in:

"Ugh, don't be a drag." He mumbled.

A/N: So I ranted above some, but now I just want to talk seriously. Thank you to all my supporters, especially those who've been with me from the very beginning. I've grown out of Naruto and Bleach, and all anime/manga in general, but I'll still be around to finish this fanfiction. It'll be a lot of work, but I'm going to give it my all. We don't have long to go, the ending is near. But I might have to cut out some detail to quicken it up. I really want to finish this before I start any new projects, or before my Internet breaks down again.

Jiryokou hasn't been mentioned much, but he's coming back. I had a whole other plot for him and Madara, but I've decided to just cut that crap and save myself some time. We've got to defeat the villain before I can write the epilogue, after all. Also, I've kind of foreshadowed to Sakura's past. She has issues with emotions, if you haven't already noticed…and is has something to do with the OC brother I've conjured for the sake of the plotline.

The next chapter probably won't be out for a while. I have to re-arrange my whole plotline to fit my wish to end this story soon…and that will take a while. And it doesn't help that my Internet is acting up again…as always. But it's the persistence of my happy non-flaming fans that keeps me going. Thank you so much! I really want this story to have a hundred reviews though…hint hint wink wink.

Also, it was skimmed-over and roughly edited, so please excuse any typos. I wanted to get this chapter out as fast as I could.

- Dahlia