Ningacat-uchiha here! So here it is! My Ace! Bum! Bum! Bumm! It's un-betaed so sorry for any mistakes. ^^

I don't own Ookiko Fuributte. Asa Higuchi does. :P

WARNINGS: None for this chapter. Might be some MihaxAbe later on. :3

Abe: Don't tell me I get to make out with Mihashi… Do I?

Ninjacat: Only if yah want tah… 83

Abe: o_O

Mihashi: =v=

Chapter 1 Not What Meets the Eye

One Week Before:

Abe stared dumbfounded at the pitcher in front of him.

He shook my sign.. He really shook it!

Abe chucked the baseball with way too much force back to his pitcher. He saw the pitcher wince a little as it hit his glove. The batter walked casually to first, so that three bases were now filled.

Only one strikeout and loaded bases…

"Hey Ump! Time?"

The Umpire nodded and called Time. Abe furiously threw his face guard on the ground and ran up to the pitcher's mound.

"Hey! What is your problem Mihashi!"

He had the pitcher's shirt collar in his hands as he lightly shook him. Mihashi avoided Abe's fury driven gaze.

"I signaled for a fastball, why'd you throw a slider! A damn slow one too! I thought you wouldn't shake my signs! Mihashi! MIHASHI! Are you even listening to me!"

Mihashi's small trembling caught Abe off guard. He was shivering, but not of fear.

"Easy Abe! Calm down!"

Called the captain, Hanai, as he separated the short circuiting battery.

Relaization hit Abe, he was always yelling and coming quick to the wrong answers! Mihashi didn't shake his sign. He had only been unable to throw the pitch.

"Get off the Field"


"You heard me Mihashi, get off the field you need a cooldown and some rest."

Abe tried to be as gently as possible, but the defeated looking pitcher put his head down and headed to the dugout.

I-I don't know what to do with him anymore…

Abe thought darkly.

The game had continued with Hanai pitching. They'd lost 5-1. The only score being Tajima's lucky homerun. Mihashi sat outside the dugout, unmoving, and silent. Tajima occasionally would try to get him back in, but he had no luck then. Abe tried to work up some nerve and go talk to him, but he kept thinking to himself,

He hates me… He really must hate me now. I'll never work up the nerve to tell him… to tell him that-

Back to the Present:

Mihashi didn't show up for school all week and Abe, along with the rest of the team, was getting worried. It was Friday, and Coach had told Abe to call Mihashi and inform him of the discussion at practice.

Okay guys! Next week is Spring Break so I've booked a lake house to train. You are all required to come unless you are mysteriously killed by a bus, but as that will never happen, SHOW UP! We'll take the bus from the school campus Saturday night at five. Bring your gear guys, cause we've got a baseball field and batting cages to ourselves! We'll return the following Saturday night around eight.

So now Abe was calling Mihashi over and over again, but he kept getting the same old,

Uh, Mihashi Ren here… I-I can't make it to the, uh, phone right now so leave a mess-message…

Abe was pissed, he didn't want to have to go to Mihashi's house…

What if he really is mad at me? Why should- No. I'll go. Coach would flay me alive if I didn't anyways.

End of Chapter one! Hope you enjoyed. And sorry if it's a little short, Chapter two will be longer! (And I'll try and put it up in a week )

Next Chapter: Abe has to go to the Mihashi's place to tell Ren about the Lake House training trip. ;) What mischief will the team get into at the lake house?