A/n: This is just a quick short story. It's kind of sad/ scary/ sick, but i've had this idea in my mind for a while so i just want to get it done. I hope you all like this. I will keep working on Your Guardian Angel, don't worry! Enjoy!

I looked around. My head hurt. The room was dark and cold. I heard a moan from the other side of the room. Instinctively I reached for my gun, but it was not there. I checked my other pocket for my badge. Also gone. I rubbed my head and felt a warm sticky substance. I looked at my hand and saw blood. Where was I?

"Who's there?" I asked shakily, still not fully focused yet.

"JJ?" The voice asked. It sounded like…

"Derek?" I asked.

"Yeah…where are you? Can you stand up?" He asked me. I tried, but I was chained.

"No…you?" I asked.

"Naw…chains," He muttered.

"Me too…Derek how'd this happen?" I asked trying to remember.

"Jesus, Jayje, I don't remember…But don't worry, we'll get out of here," He said. I thought back to earlier.

"Dave and I will go to the house on Bridge Road. We think this is his secondary location where he may be keeping the victims. He might not be there, though, so JJ, Morgan and Prentiss, you go to his house," Hotch commanded.

"What about me?" Reid asked.

"Once again, you told me you were clear to travel and you're not!" Hotch said.

"I'm a doctor, once again, so it wasn't a lie!" Reid argued.

"Right…just a second opinion," Garcia said laughing, quoting him from last time.

"You stay put," He directed to Reid, who reluctantly agreed.

"Alright let's go," Hotch said and we left.

Emily, Derek and I went through the house shouting "Clears" as we went through. I went down one hall, Derek down another and Emily went upstairs.

I walked into the kitchen with my gun and then I felt a giant pain. I fell to the ground. I had been hit in the head. Derek ran in to find me on the ground. The unsub pointed his gun at Derek.

"Drop it," He whispered, "And don't yell to your partner, or I'll shoot her," He said pointing my gun at me, so Derek reluctantly and silently dropped the gun.

"Pick her up and let's go, before your partner comes down," The unsub commanded with a gun pointed at me and one at Derek. Derek didn't argue. He gently picked me up, whispering, "I'm sorry," and walked as the unsub led us out the door.

"Derek?" Emily called.

'JJ?" She yelled again. She ran down the stairs looking to find that the SUV was still there. She ran into the kitchen and saw the blood, my blood on the floor. "Aw, shit," She muttered. She pulled out her phone and dialed Hotch.

That's all I remember. Then I woke up here.