A/N: Hey everyone! Here's another Inception Fanfic, this time set in high school. I've read several like it and I got inspired to write one of my own. Pairings are Dom/Mal, Arthur/Ariadne and possibly Robert/Eames. Please divulge your thoughts!

Disclaimer: I am not Christopher Nolan; therefore I do not own Inception.


Ariadne walked into Page High School with a whirl of emotions running in her head. How could her peers look so uninterested? Surely they had to be as excited as she was! She glanced briefly at her schedule before setting off for the first class of the day: Physics.

Her friend Rebecca waved wildly from across the room, causing Ariadne to laugh. Rebecca had always been crazy and it appeared that high school had only multiplied the effects.

"Oh my gosh I'm so glad we have a class together!" she shouted.

"Yeah, definitely. Although it's not so unusual with a school this small." Ariadne studied the people in class. An Asian kid wearing a sweater vest sat right at the front of the classroom. Next to him was a boy wearing dress pants and a dress shirt with rolled up sleeves and behind both of them lounged a boy with a cigarette between his fingers.

"Put that away Eames," the teacher ordered as he strode into the classroom. Ariadne liked him immediately (the teacher not Eames), he had wispy white hair and crinkled eyes.

"Good morning everyone, for those of you who don't know my name is Miles Cotillard. You can call me just Miles. In this class we're going to get more into the math of physics than we have before. Now, before you start asking where you'll ever use this, can someone give me an example of where you might use physics?" Ariadne tremblingly raised her hand.

"Yes? You in the scarf there."

"Don't architects have to use physics a lot?"

"Yes. That's a very good example; architects use physics all the timeā€¦"


"So who are we sitting with at lunch?"

Mal's loopy cursive writing stood in contrast to Dom's own small, messy letters. He scrawled back a reply and handed the sheet to her. They were exchanging notes while Mrs. Peter gave her long-winded speech to the freshmen about what they were going to do this year. Dom had heard it each of the three years before and didn't need to hear it again.

"Can I come over today? Dad and I had another fight."

Dom shot her a sympathetic glance before replying that of course she could.

"Thanks! I love you."

"I love you too."

The bell rang then, cutting their written conversation short. Mrs. Peter dismissed them to lunch and Dom walked Mal to her locker.

"What did you and your dad fight about this time?"

"He told me to 'Make sure I keep those grades up' and when I told him that it was only the beginning of the year he exploded saying that I didn't care about my education and he called me an ingrate. It's like he cares more about my grades than he cares about me!" Dom hugged her and she sighed against his shoulder.

"Come on, let's go to lunch."


Ariadne looked all around the small lunchroom. There were only two lunch periods a day with all the grades mixed together. She spotted her friends at a table by the door, they beckoned to her. She joined them and studied all the other lunch tables.

There was a table full of laughing twelfth graders; they all looked like models for what "good high school students" were supposed to be. She spotted the trio from her physics class sitting by that nice kid, Yusuf, from P.E. At another table was what had to be the football team and the cheerleaders. There were a couple other tables of freshmen like her and about three tables with mixed grades sitting in them. Then Ariadne saw one last table in the corner with a boy sitting all alone. He had dark hair that flopped onto his forehead and wore plain black jeans with a white shirt. Ariadne could tell that he was listening to an IPod. Why was he sitting by himself?

"Who're you looking at?" Jackie asked. Following Ariadne's gaze she noticed him.

"Oh, I heard about him. My brother told me that his name's Arthur Haynsworth. Apparently he never talks to anyone and always sits alone. Weird right?"

"What grade is he in?" Ariadne asked, still staring.

"He's only a sophomore," she whispered like it was a big secret, "Why? Have you got a crush on him? Ooooooh!" All her friends began to tease her and she had to shove a few of them to make them stop.

"No! I was just curious because he's sitting all alone." Secretly though, she thought he was pretty attractive. Ariadne turned back to her friends and tried to get her mind off him, but at the end of lunch, Arthur was still in her thoughts.

Ariadne & Arthur:

Ariadne noticed the poster for the architecture club on her way out of the lunchroom. She studied it with a bright look on her face and signed her name on the bottom. Then she and her friends continued to their classes.

Arthur sauntered out of the lunchroom after everyone else. He caught sight of the sign and moved closer to investigate. After a moment of debate he added his signature to the list. Then he slunk off to his next class.

A/N: Thanks to everyone who read! I'll try to update soon and don't totally kill me if I don't. My life is kind of hectic. I'd really appreciate some constructive criticism if you'd be willing to share. See you next chapter!