Author's Note: sequel to Merlin's Birthday. Keep an eye out for its own sequel – Merlin's Christmas.

Hunith didn't know whether she should be very flattered or very pissed off.

It was incredibly flattering to have the Prince of Camelot himself and two of his very handsome knights appearing at your front door and offering to do every service imaginable for you. And with Gwaine it literally was every service imaginable. However on the other hand Prince Arthur was a whiney spoilt boy who would complain about the food and sleeping space every time he thought she was out of hearing space. Lancelot and Gwaine were fairly good boys but they – mostly Gwaine – never stopped flirting with the local girls and she couldn't get a moment to herself without one of them appearing by her side. And on top of that the three of them wouldn't stop bloody arguing!

She honestly doesn't know how her son could cope with these three idiots.

"Is there anything my lady needs?" Lancelot asked in his chivalric way.

"Yes, Sir Lancelot, could you please go fetch some water from the stream?" Hunith said feeling ever so flattered.

"I'll do it!" Gwaine suddenly burst out eagerly.

"No I'll do it!" Arthur said elbowing Gwaine and Lancelot out of the way. "After all, you are the mother of my best friend."

"Merlin is not your best friend! And considering that you make Merlin do everything for you, are you sure you know what a stream looks like and how to actually fetch some water?" Gwaine snapped though there was a smirk forming on his face.

"And I believe Lady Hunith asked me to fetch the water, not you two idiots," Lancelot growled.

"Ah, but Lance, my dear old friend I didn't realise you knew a bucket from one end to another," Gwaine said cheerfully.

"I know more than you do, which – if I recall correctly – is only different vintages and the female body."

"Far more than what goes on in Arthur's head that's for sure."

"Hey!" Arthur shouted. "I have you know that I am well versed with military skills, hunting skills, poetry, modern sciences and medicine, and politics!"

"Poetry?" Gwaine sniggered.

"It's a lot more than what goes in Merlin's head, I assure you," Arthur said snottily.

Something snapped inside of Hunith. It was bad enough she had to put up with whinging, bickering, and sucking up, but to insult her son? That was the last straw! Without a single thought she snatched up her broom and gave Arthur a swift smack on the backside with it.


Arthur felt like crying as he grabbed hold of his bum and rubbed it. Gwaine and Lancelot almost fell over in laughter. Until they were suddenly smacked with Hunith's broom.


"You will all go back to Camelot and you will not come back unless Merlin is with you. If you try to come back with your whiney bickering ways I shall have all three of your over my lap and spank you all with my broom, is that clear?"

All three of them swallowed and gave quick nods before they ran out quickly towards their horses.

"Good God," Gwaine said as he scrambled onto his horse, "That was incredibly sexy!"

Lancelot shot a disgusted look at him. "You are the most disgusting man I have ever met."

"I'll tell you what," Arthur said panting slightly, "It's no wonder Merlin is such a Mummy's Boy."