May the Millennium Force be with you. -Too iconic, I'm leaving this in.

Hello all, this is the fixed up version of the prologue. All chapters will be fixed up as well.

To new readers, welcome! Dive in. Stay awhile, I daresay.

"Bali! Are you reading your encyclopedia again?" A young mother asks her precious little girl. Said little girl looks up from the giant book to grin widely. Despite her age, the child is already a prodigal reader.

"Daddy says that there are always tiny facts we miss when reading, so the more we read, the more we can find," Bali explains, carefully putting her princess bookmark in place and shoving the book out of her lap.

"But I thought you've read it three times already!" her mother exclaims, amazed by her daughter's drive into her passion.

"Egypt's too cool to just leave it alone," she replies, twirling around in excitement. Bali has loved Egypt from the first time her father had taken her to a museum exhibit. Her parents thought that since she was a child, the interest would be fleeting. They were surprised when they learned she had been asking her governess to teach hieroglyphics "like what the Egyptians wrote."

"I just hope nothing bad happens to you, Bali. How about you let me tell you a story," her mother suggests, and Bali nods her head vigorously. Bali loves her mother more than anything else, even Egypt.

"This one has to do with a pharaoh a long, long time ago. You wanna know how long?" she starts out, pulling Bali into her lap and stroking her black hair.

"How long?"

"Thirty-five hundred years ago."

"Wow! That was, um… in D.C.?" Bali calculates in wonderment. While her literary skill is astonishing, the girl is not similarly gifted in mathematics.

"B.C., my dear. Anyhow, this pharaoh was a great sorcerer, using what was called 'shadow magic.' Now, under the reign of this pharaoh, Egypt was strong and united against many foes. With the Millennium Puzzle situated around his neck, he ruled with great judgment over his empire.

"One day, however, an evil man with his own great shadow powers challenged the pharaoh and his court, trying to gain control of the powerful Millennium Items. A great battle was held, and nearly all of Egypt was destroyed and the world taken by the evil man. But the pharaoh, who was brave and loved his country above all else, sealed himself and the evil sorcerer inside the Millennium Items.

"No one knows where these items are today, for they are protected by ancient forces. However, throughout the thousands of years since the incident, the desert winds utter whispers of the time when history will repeat, as per Egyptian belief. What do you think Bali?" Bali's mother ends softly, slowly rocking her sleepy child in her arms.

"I don't know Momma. … Momma?"

"Yes Bali?"

"What was the pharaoh's name?" Bali gives her last intelligent phrase before sleep claims her. Bali's mother smiles sadly.

"I'm afraid I can't answer that."

-America, the year nineteen-hundred and twenty one-

There! A little smoother, I think. Not a complete rewrite, as I wanted to keep the original version of this story alive.

Thank you to all who favorite/follow me or this story, and of course those who review/have reviewed in the past.

Til next time
