Seeing that many people are doing drabbles at the moment, I thought I would attempt one, thinking they would be easy... Wrong! I spent a good half an hour trying to shorten one the other day! Please enjoy :-)

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Merlin, else I would be happy. Very happy.

Courage, Strength and Magic.

Courage, strength... and magic? Was this Grettir completely oblivious to who he was? Only the Crowned Prince of a kingdom that punishes the use of magic by death!

Frowning, Arthur continued his somewhat cautious stride across the ridge, mulling over the conversation he had just had.

What if one day he did need the help of magic? The thought caused him to momentarily stop mid stride as he contemplated this, unaware of Grettir's seemingly knowing grin.

Well, one thing was for certain; he would never need the aid of magic.

Arthur frowned again.

What a strange little man.

Any requests? Please let me know! :-)

Elrayen x