Pairings: GrimmIchi
M rated for a reason
Summary: Can you go from sex buddies to lovers? Grimmjow and Ichigo are all that, and teacher and student, how will this succeed? And why is Ichigo such a closed book? GrimmIchi
You know that when I watch my stats on the stories I write I get all happy and mushy, it also makes me want to give you all a bear-hug. Really even those that just read and don't review much get a bear-hug, and really it's fun to see how many different nationalities look at my stories. It's interesting to see how many from my own country watch the story(not that much only 4 from which I'm probably one of them XD). Enough rambles on with the story.




It's all that

Chapter 3

Ichigo had managed to avoid both Grimmjow and Byakuya for most of the week. But he was getting weary, he wanted sex, it was so much better than jerking off yourself, there was just no comparing the two. He jerked himself out of his thoughts and concentrated at the task at hand. He was working and the owner would have his head if he was caught daydreaming, or at least have a fieldtrip teasing him about it.

He placed the ordered drinks on a tray before walking with them to a table. He recognized the group of people from his school, even if he was shit with names. He knew he wasn't supposed to serve them alcohol, since they were all a year younger than him, he only remembered the girl Inoue. She sat next to him in class so it was a lot easier for him to remember.

"Thanks, Kurosaki." Said a black haired guy who was smiling at him. Ichigo nodded with a slight smile, the guy was handsome, short black spiky hair, a bit taller than himself, lean and dark gray eyes that made his mind wander to Byakuya. In the instant his mind was lead to his ex-lover blue piercing eyes penetrated his mind. As he left the table he shook his head to lose both eyes.

Recently he had noticed that Grimmjow was more dominant in his mind than his ex used to be. It made him doubt all the feelings he used to have for the man. That still didn't meant that he was in love with Grimmjow though. He shouldn't have started this thing with his teacher, there would always be someone that ended up hurt and he didn't thought it wouldn't be Grimmjow.

His phone vibrated in his pocket, he flipped open the phone. There was no name and as he watched the number he saw it could only be one person, he knew his number by heart. Grimmjow. The message was short and to the point.

-Are you coming over tonight?-

For a moment he wanted to ignore the message, because he was almost sure there would be questions.

-Sure, I'll be there after work.-

He put the phone back in his pocket and couldn't help himself when he let out a small smile. He was getting some tonight.


Grimmjow had noticed that his student was avoiding him, but not just him, he was also avoiding the new teacher. He could only guess what happened and he didn't like any of his guesses. He had been around the man for almost a week now and he disliked the man with a passion. But it seemed to be mutual, so it was all good. He tried to put whatever was between the new teacher and his berry to the back of his mind and focus on what was in front of him.

How to make Ichigo stay the night.

Really he had no idea how to do it, because it seemed nearly impossible. Falling asleep on Ichigo seemed like an idea, not a very bright idea, but an idea at least. Nah it would be better to just tie the berry to his bed, that idea had at least possibilities in the kinky department. He let his mind wander on tying up the berry for a while, because in all reality it seemed like a good hot idea to Grimmjow. He would make the boy beg and scream for him and take him so hard that the boy would know whether he lived or died and gone to heaven.

Shit. I'm hard.

This sucked in Grimmjows eyes, because it would still be at least a few hours before Ichigo would be there to unleash his frustrations. Besides that he still had to grade a few tests and that was boring as shit. Nobody would get hard from numbers. Hell he didn't even like math himself, it was just that he liked torturing himself, no it was just something he was good at, math that was not the torturing. He knew easier ways to die. In all reality he didn't know what happened in his mind to become a teacher, since he disliked children too. The only good thing about being a teacher was that he got to torture his students, yeah that was called fun.


Ichigo stepped out of the bar, he was done with working for the night and he was wearing a grin on his face. He hadn't missed Grimmjow, really he didn't. He did miss the sex, yes it was just the sex, it wasn't like they ever talked about anything else.

"Ichigo…" He spun around when he heard his name being said.

"Ah Hi…." It was the black haired guy from earlier, he was smiling kindly. "What can I do for you…uhm?"

"Shuhei Hisagi, we have math together." The guy said.

"Oh right…" this was getting nowhere, except becoming awkward.

"I didn't know you worked here." Ichigo wanted to laugh at the lame sentence that came out of the guy's mouth, mostly because he had seen the guy here before.

"Yeah and it's not like you come here every week." Ichigo rolled his eyes, really he was no guy for making small talk. When he saw the guy turn red he almost wanted to tease his classmate more.

"Yeah…uhm." What came out of the guy's mouth was no more than spluttering. "I wanted to ask if you wanted to sit with us at lunch Monday." Ichigo blinked at the question. He had tried to not make any friends, he didn't saw the use, he was going to college anyway and then they all would drift apart again. So Shuhei kind of caught him by surprise, because it wasn't as if he was easy to approach.

"Sure why not." He answered because he really couldn't find a reason to refuse and it wasn't like he had to be their best friend right away.

" then…" the black haired guy smiled.

"Yeah, whatever, I gotta run, I'll see ya on Monday." Said Ichigo and walked away.

"Not when I see you first." Said the guy and there was only one thought that came across ichigo's mind.

What the fuck? Who says that.


Grimmjow stared at the ceiling, Ichigo had not yet fled out of the bed after they finished. This was a first and Grimmjow felt himself grow a bit bold. He turned to his left and put his arm around the boy. At first the boy froze, and for a moment he wondered if he should let go, but when the boy relaxed he felt pretty good about himself.

"This is new." Said Ichigo as he turned his face to the side to watch Grimmjow's unreadable eyes.

"I thought let's try something new." The shit eating grin was in place and a chuckle escaped Ichigo's lips as the thought that Grimmjow resembled a kid that just had gotten a new toy crossed his mind.

"What's between you and the new teacher?" Grimmjow watched Ichigo's face that became awfully blank as he asked the question.

"How do you mean?" Ichigo crossed his arms over each other. Grimmjow could see the closeness they had a moment ago slip through his fingers

"Exactly how I asked it, Idiot." He flicked his fingers against Ichigo's forehead. Which earned him a scowl which was always better than the distant frown.

"Really why do you want to know, it's not like we're dating or something." Ichigo got out of bed, he really didn't want to answer the question, because he knew he would lie.

"Well excuse me for being interested, next time I won't ask." The growl escaped Grimmjows lips before he noticed. He was sick and tired of dealing with this, he wasn't as bad as he portrayed himself.

"Then don't ask." Ichigo raised his voice a bit, "We have a good thing like this, why are you being so difficult?"

"I'm being difficult? And that comes from the child that runs out of the door as soon as the sex is over." Huffed Grimmjow.

"I'm not a child." Growled Ichigo back at Grimmjow who had gotten out of bed too and was lighting a cigarette.

"You are all that." said Grimmjow as he sucked on his cigarette. "You're a fucking coward and you are always running, even I can see that and all you say to me is; 'Fuck me' and 'harder Grimm'" Grimmjow knew he was crossing a line he could better leave alone.

Ichigo turned bright red as another growl escaped his lips. "No like you're that much better, you're fucking a student for Christ's sake."

"Don't start, I should have known better. You're a fucking child after all." Grimmjow left the bedroom and walked to the living room.

"Don't fucking walk away when I'm talking to you." Yelled Ichigo as he followed Grimmjow to the living room.

"Or else?" Grimmjow plopped down on the couch and grabbed the remote, turning the television on. "Don't you have to get dressed and go home or something?"

"You're being an ass, if you just told me what you want, you're never this difficult." Ichigo stood there in the door opening with his arms crossed.

"I'm not being difficult, you are. You're a self-centered brat. Would it really be that bad if I got close to you?" the last part was spoken softly and it left Ichigo stunned, he would have never expected that the standoffish Grimmjow wanted to be closer to him. It never crossed his mind, not really anyway.

"You. Want. To. Date me?" Grimmjow looked up at that question and for one of the few times he didn't saw the usual frown on the boy's face, it was plain confusion.

"Brilliant conclusion, Einstein." Scoffed Grimmjow, he hated making himself vulnerable and just now he did all that.


"Why the fuck not?"

Actually for that Ichigo didn't have a conclusive answer, only that he was fucking scared. He wasn't in love, that was a second point, but he could see himself fall and break to a thousand pieces. Attraction yes, there was a hell lot of it. Dating and love are two separate things though.

It's not like we can go on dates. Hell I've never been on a date.

Grimmjow had gotten off the couch when Ichigo had fallen silent. Ichigo was staring at the ground like it was suddenly the most interesting thing in the world. When Grimmjow's feet came into his vision he looked up into the blue eyes that were watching him carefully.

"I want to learn what's behind that face." Said Grimmjow as he captured Ichigo's lips for a soft kiss, this kiss was so much different than the kisses they had shared before. This kiss was tender, Ichigo would almost say loving and he wanted to give in but really fear was hard to wish away.

"You do know we can't go outside together right?"

"That's only for this year, next year you're in college and then we can." Ichigo froze up at that comment, because Grimmjow had thought further than next week. Grimmjow actually considered being with him a year from now, that was even more scary than the actual thought of them dating. Ichigo swallowed away a brick that rested in his throat.

"I have to go." He turned back to the bedroom to get dressed. Grimmjow had felt Ichigo freeze and wondered why. What did he do that made the berry go 180 on him?


"I have to get up early." Liar, Liar, pants on fire.

"Oh…" Grimmjow could feel the lie, but there was nothing he could say to uncover the lie, because he barely knew anything about Ichigo.

He sat down on the bed lighting a new cigarette, he had pressed out the old one when he was sitting in the living room. Watching Ichigo as he got dressed was like watching a reverse striptease and he doubted that Ichigo noticed it himself. The boy rarely noticed the looks others gave him, which was probably in his advantage, because else he would have lost the boy a long time before.

Ichigo stopped at the bedroom door, he was fully dressed and for a moment he was hesitating. He didn't want this to be awkward, he didn't want to lie. He frowned at himself, because he was so full of contradictions. How do you get close to someone without getting too close?

"You know…" Ichigo took a deep breath, "there's nothing between me and the new teacher." Not a lie, there is nothing anymore.


"Yeah I promise." Ichigo let out a small smile, "I'm not fucking anyone else beside you." It was as close as Grimmjow would come to the lets date question. But strangely it gave him a bit of hope that it wasn't an entire lost cause, but he stayed silent, because he really didn't know what to say about it.

"Next time," Ichigo bit his lip and looked away, "You can come to my place."

"Your place? What about your parents?" his curiosity was piqued.

"My dad is overseas; I'll text you the address later." With that Ichigo left the room, he didn't spare a last glance at Grimmjow or he would have seen the stunned face he left behind. With every word that left Ichigo's mouth the bluenette had ten new questions in mind, but today he didn't care, because there was going to be a next time.


Ichigo felt his heart beating like a maniac as the night enveloped him in a cold embrace. He gave in, that while his ex was just a second away from his mind. He couldn't regret his decision at this moment even though doubt and fear nagged his mind, maybe it was just the adrenaline from the fight or the sex induced high. He opened his phone and typed in his address and pressed send, now he could regret and call himself stupid tomorrow without completely running.

Ichigo never noticed the steely impassive eyes watching him.


"Please cover for me." Ichigo sighed as he listened to the pleading through the phone.

"Sure, I'll take your shift." He really couldn't say no and it wasn't like he had anything to do, since he told Grimmjow he was busy on Saturday, "But really couldn't you have chosen a more…decent time to call, Shinji." He looked at the clock it was barely 7 am, he had had only 3 hours of sleep.


"Well you did say you were going to your fuck-buddy." Really Shinji had no shame what so ever. Now he almost wished he hadn't told Shinji about his fuck-buddy, oh well it wasn't like Shinji was going tell anyone, since Shinji didn't know anyone that Ichigo knew.

"But that doesn't mean I don't need sleep." Ichigo rolled his eyes.

"What about morning sex?"

"You know I don't stay the night."

"Yeah, but you're breaching the three month barrier." Sometimes he really didn't know what the hell Shinji was talking about.


"In most cases after three months the fuck-buddy-thing dies or it becomes something, I speak from experience, do you remember…."

"I don't want to hear it." Ichigo closed his eyes as he thought about Grimmjow and his reactions, yeah the bluenette was definitely feeling something. Maybe it would blow over.

It will blow over at the same time as hell freezes over.

"Well I'm just saying." Sighed Shinji irritated.

"I know, I know and I appreciate it. But really I know what I'm doing." Nope I'm very much screwed since I don't know what the hell I'm doing.

"Okay if you say so, look I have to go now, because the monster is here."

"Okay say hi to your sister for me." Chuckled Ichigo.

"She's a monster." Fake wailed Shinji. Ichigo knew for a fact that he loved his sister dearly despite her violent nature.

"Poor Shinji." Ichigo's voice dripped with sarcasm. "Have fun and see ya later."

"But…" with that Ichigo closed his phone and he couldn't help but to chuckle as he let himself fall onto the bed again. With all that had happened in the last week his mind wandered to Byakuya, he hadn't thought all that much about the man as he had feared. Sure his stomach still dropped into his shoes whenever he saw the man, but he was pretty positive it wasn't because he was still in love with the man. They had been together for two years, but still everything always had felt weird between them. Like they were never on equal footing, like there was always something hanging above their heads.

Now at this moment the black haired man was more an inconvenience, because he knew the man still had some kind of hold over him. When Byakuya looked at him he was able to feel his insides smelt and he would become like a submissive puppet, even if he was good at hiding it. He was sure that if the man ever tried to kiss him he would be unable to resist, just because he never had said no.

Ichigo tossed and turned some more before he let sleep take over.


Grimmjow looked at the message in his phone for what seemed like the thousands time that day. There in clear words was typed the berry's address. He was just itching to run to the berry, at least a part of him was. Another part of him needed to cool down, a lot. If he wasn't careful he would back the berry into a corner and then he might make a run for it and that was definitely not the plan. Although he didn't really had a plan.

Plan, who needs a plan?

"You better have the number of a really hot chick, since you are grinning like a maniac." The voice that rang next to him shook him out of his thoughts.

"Nnoitra, you're fucking late." Best was changing the topic, or else he would be unable to keep it to himself. Even if he was his best friend, he was not capable of keeping secrets. Nope not capable at all.

"Traffic was hell." The long man sat down next to him, "and I fucked Tia."

"As in Hallibel the ice queen?" Nnoitra nodded at him with a smirk. "Shit how'd you do that?"

"Well you get your dick hard and stick…"

"Shit not that…" Grimmjow glared at Nnoitra who just laughed, "How'd you get her close to a bed?"

"Who says we were in a bed?" Nnoitra chuckled.

"Shit, where?"

"Her office." Nnoitra's grin was lecherous.


"Yeah, pretty much." Nnoitra's laugh resembled that of a hyena's.

"So it's over with what's-her-name?"

"Yeah, whiny and clingy. You know the usual." Grimmjow knew Nnoitra was unable to keep a girlfriend. He knew for a fact that his best friend saw more meat than a butcher and fucked more than a whore. Only problem was, the way he was heading, he would be alone for the rest of his life. They already had that talk once, so he wasn't going to bring it up again. Some day Nnoitra would fall head over heels and then he would feel everything.

Karma's a bitch.

"So what ya up to lately?" asked Nnoitra as he took a hold of his drink.

"Nothing much, school's a bitch." Sighed Grimmjow.

"Heh, you don't have to tell me. Tell me again why'd you become a teacher?"

"Hell, I don't know." Both of the men turned to their drinks and gulped it down like they hadn't had anything in a while.

"I saw Red yesterday." Said Nnoitra casually.

"Oh." Grimmjow hadn't thought about the man for the last two months, his mind had been too occupied with the berry. All in all it had been too easy for him to get over Renji, which was Red's name.

Maybe it wasn't ever really love, else it would have taken longer right?

"Yeah, he was asking about you." Grimmjow's eyes widen at that.


"Not sure, never asked." Leave it to Nnoitra to forget to ask such things, anything that doesn't interest him just flies by.

"Oh well."

"Shit…" exclaimed Nnoitra like he suddenly discovered something, "You're fucking someone."

"Why'd the fuck you say that?"

"I know we rarely see each other lately." It was true they hadn't seen each other for almost two months, pathetic really. "But last time we spoke you were still asking about Red."

"Well so?" shit, why did he have to choose now to be perceptive?

"So? Come tell me, I'm your best buddy." Nnoitra slung his arm around Grimmjow.

"If you want to keep that arm, take it off." Growled Grimmjow. In a hasty movement Nnoitra pulled back his arm. "Damn, yeah I'm fucking someone." Before Nnoitra could open his mouth, "and no it's none of your damn business." If he told Nnoitra it would be all over town in a day, maybe less.

"So you're not going to tell me anything?"

"Hell No."

"Is it the new teacher?"

"How the fuck do you know about him?"

"Ulquiorra mentioned him." Grimmjow was surprised that Ulquiorra had mentioned the new teacher, he rarely talked, and least of all about work. Actually the man would have been here tonight if he hadn't had something else. The three of them had been friends since middle school.

"Ah, well no it's not him." Grimmjow didn't elaborate and Nnoitra didn't ask, it wasn't as if he really was interested anyway and Grimmjow knew this. It either had to have tits and a pussy to keep him interested or when it was about his work, the thin man was obsessed by his work. Nnoitra wrote reviews for a magazine about the hottest clubs and dance parties, which was why they rarely got the chance to talk, since he would visit every party and had been lucky to get the job, mostly because he decided to drop out of college.

He couldn't tell his friends about Ichigo yet, not only would Ulquiorra get a heart attack and probably report him to the headmaster. When it came to wrong and right the man was a bit too straight laced only seeing black and whites. Nnoitra would probably just laugh his ass off and give him a pat on the shoulder. Before telling them he had to have something to tell and not that his fuck-buddy was a student, that wouldn't sit too well with him. Tonight he would just enjoy his time and tomorrow, well tomorrow is tomorrow.





A/N: another chapter done *o* lol I get excited because of that XD Slowly but steady my chapters are becoming a bit longer. And the next chapter will be about double from what it is now, yeah I know very scary, and that only because of the major smut scene XD And well the plot is slowly falling into place, very, very slowly, nah just kidding next chapter will be very long and a eye opener of some sort.
Well anyway until next time XD