Disclaimer: I do NOT own Big Time Rush, no matter how much I wish I did. Besides, all the shit that's going to go down in this? Doubtful it would ever happen in real life. Touch Wood.


"FANMAIL!" Carlos screamed, as the four boys sat down around the table at Rocque Records, Gustavo emptying three bags of mail in front of them.

"Enjoy. Now, remember what not to do, Dogs, or there will be more of what happened last time!" all four of them remembered Jenny Tinkler and the mishaps that happened with that. Carlos winced in memory. Kendall smirked.

The four boys ripped into the mail, the gifts with an excitement none of them could repress. Paper, envelopes, bright stuff, and lots of noise were all that could be heard for a while.

"Ooh, I got a Care Bear!" Carlos exclaimed, cuddling the small bear to his chest and grinning proudly. James rolled his eyes, a grin shining on his handsome face.

"Someone sent me a new comb! Oh, my God, how do they know about my love of combs?"

"Because, idiot, we do interviews and you can never shut up about your lucky combs," Logan said logically as he read a letter asking for adviceā€¦ on what a girl should do to keep her boyfriend faithful. He snickered, before picking up the next piece. This went on in a similar fashion for the next few minutes, before they realised that Kendall hadn't said or done anything.

The three boys looked over at him, and saw he was reading a letter intently, with a new beanie clutched in one hand. There was a small frown rarely seen between his thick eyebrows.

"What is it Kendall?" Logan asked gently. Kendall jumped, looking up at them. Confusion marred his pale features, his green eyes narrowed slightly, as though considering, before glancing back down to the letter and began reading out loud.


How are you? I've missed you! You didn't talk much to me at the meet and greet, what was with that? I had waiting so long to meet you, and then you just shrugged me off. You sounded so nice in your letters. You have an amazing voice. Sing to me? I listen to your voice every day; I have a picture of you in my shower. And I carry one in my wallet.

I think about you every day and night. You mean so much to me. So, I thought you'd like this beanie. I bought it with you in mind, but because there has been no more meet and greets I had to send it in the mail. It really annoys me. I want to see you again. You smell so good. Like vanilla and strawberries.

I love you Kendall Knight. I can't stand going an hour without seeing at least a picture of your face. Give me your cell number so I can talk to you? Thank you. You are so sexy. I can't wait to be held in your arms again.

Forever and always."

"Does it say who it's from?" James asked, curiously. They all felt a bit weirded out by this letter, but none as much as Kendall did.

"Nah, it didn't. There's like two other letters here that I haven't read, but I'm about to." He paused, picking up one of the other letters.

"Kendall, why haven't you replied to my message? Have I done something wrong? I can't believe this; you are giving up on us. Why won't you reply? I need to hear from you. You are making things very difficult for me. I saw you yesterday; you never even looked my way. Am I invisible to you? How dare you treat me like this! I thought we had something special! You better reply, Kendall."

Kendall looked up at his mates, his eyes wide slightly, before he ripped open the third letter.

"OMG, how could you do this to me, to us? Things are going to get ugly soon. You need to see me, tonight at seven thirty, at the park across from Rocque Records. Be there."

Kendall looked at his friends, they all had similar expressions of shock on their faces, but Kendall's was filled with fear.

"Who is this person?" he asked quietly. Logan picked up the last letter, his hands shaking.

"This is unbelievable, Kendall. You don't reply to my messages, you don't show up when you are meant to. How am I supposed to trust you? You are ruining this. You will pay!"

"What the hell, guys?" everyone was staring at Kendall, who was looking on the verge of freaking out completely.

A phone beeped, causing them all to jump. Kendall pulled his out.

"You Will Pay!" was written on his phone, sent from an unavailable number. Kendall felt his heart sink, and full out panic set into him. His breathing was heavy, and he felt like crying.

"Guys!" he exclaimed, "What am I meant to do?" his voice was shaking, and he threw the beanie in his hands away from himself. "How did they get my number?" he set his phone down, and stood up, backing away from the table, his back hitting the wall. He hung his head, pulling at his hear.

"James, get Gustavo, now!" Logan commanded his friend, who didn't hesitate. Barely a minute later, Gustavo and Kelly were bustling into the room, similar expressions of curiosity on their faces.

"So, Dog, you have a stalker, it appears. Not to worry. Rarely does anything come about from them. They are all mouth and no action. Just keep an eye out for anything. And don't hesitate to call the police. Every celebrity gets a stalker at some point. Miley Cyrus, Madonna, etc. You know you are good when that happens." Gustavo said to them, trying to sound reassuring, but not managing it brilliantly.

"Okay, that's enough mail for this week Dogs, go home, rest up. We want you back here bright and early tomorrow for some more rehearsals. Three hours of harmonies, six of dance. Now, get!" the big man commanded loudly. Kelly waved the boys out, seeing them off to Freight Train, who was driving them. She rested her hand on Kendall's shoulder.

"Don't worry, Kendall, everything will be fine," she said, before walking back into Rocque Records.