A/N: The italics are flashbacks to the scenes leading up to the performance.


"Welcome and thank you all for coming tonight, I know it was a bit of a journey for some of you. As you know, this is a strictly charity event, New Directions is not making a profit from this concert. All the money from ticket sales and concessions will go to the various charities, who all have banners erected in their honor, among which are the St. Louis Blues' 14 Fund, Angel's Arms, and St. Jude's Children Hospital." Mr. Shuester introduced, looking around the packed stadium. He couldn't believe that this many people showed up for this event.

Mr. Shuester walked in the choir room and Rachel's hand immediately shot into the air. Waving her to the front of the room as he took a set on the stool by the piano, he said, "Alright, Rachel."

What surprised him was when Rachel made her way to the front of the room, Mercedes joined her. This had apparently intrigued the rest of the group because even Santana was obviously paying attention to the two girls.

"Okay, this is really important, guys—" Rachel began but was cut off by Lauren.

"I'm sure you can lecture us on how supposedly important you are another day. I'm not in the mood to listen to your annoying ass today." The bigger girl jeered, slouching in her chair and waiting for the others to agree with her.

"I think you should listen to what she has to say," Mercedes was quick to defend and prompted Rachel to continue.

"Thank you, Mercedes. As I was saying, I realize the failure of our last benefit concert, but Mercedes and I have put together an idea, and after various phone calls and hours of planning, we have made it a very likely possibility. All the funds of this concert will go to various charities that help children, such as Angels Arms, St. Jude's Children Hospital, and the St. Louis Blues' 14 Fund, at my daddy's request. My daddy is from St. Louis and is very good friends with the coaching staff and some of the players of the Blues and makes monthly donations to the 14 Fund. The Fund focuses on four areas: cancer care and awareness, health and wellness, education, and youth hockey developments in St. Louis. My daddy is also good friends with the founder of the Angels Arms foundation, which provides and supports loving homes for foster children by keeping brothers and sisters together within a nurturing family until a forever home is found. They do this by building homes large enough to house groups of siblings. Through a phone call to the General Manager of the Blues, Doug Armstrong, and the President of the Blues, John Davidson, have said that the team and staff will be present at the concert and the franchise will get the word out about it, having it advertised throughout the St. Louis Area. We've already gotten celebrity endorsements and RSPVs from those who are big supporters of St. Jude's." Rachel continued.

"Me and Rachel put together a full list of charities, all of which are organizations that help children, so we decided that our theme for the concert should be Disney songs; kinda like a tribute to something that's a part of everyone's childhood." Mercedes picked up.

"Sounds stupid," Lauren snorted.

Santana sent her a glare before raising her hand.

"Santana?" Mr. Shuester acknowledged.

"Two things, did you know about this before us or are you just now finding out about it?"

"I helped them put together the set list and okayed the benefit. They did the rest of it." Mr. Shuester responded.

"Okay, second thing, where's this going to take place? I mean, if as many people are coming as you say, they won't fit in the school's auditorium."

"Nationwide Arena. Everything's been taken care of. We have four months to prepare, so we'll have to work extra hard, but it'll all be worth it. We'll be improving so many children's lives. The concert is going to be on July 28th." Rachel responded.

When no one else raised their hands, Mr. Shue clapped and said, "We start today."

Mr. Shuster went on to tell the club the finer details of the benefit, with Rachel and Mercedes' help. They went over the set list and answered any other questions that came up.