Well guys this is it. This is the final chapter of 'Pucks your what!' I cannot believe it's actually over! How did that happen so quick. I loved writing this story, it's been fun and so fantastic to write. I've loved every minute of it.
But I want to thank JasonDragon64 ever so much. You may not realise it but your positive reviews and you amazing ideas have made this story what it is. You really helped me through this before of your honestly, so again I thank you.
Also I thank all you wonderful people who have read and enjoyed this story, all you good reviews have been so supporting and amazing to read. They really put a smile on my face to know my story was good enough for all of you. Hopefully I will have a new story involving Noah and Kurt soon but I need to plan this, so we'll see guys. Fingers crossed :D Well here we go the finally chapter is up for all of you to enjoy. It's been my pleasure to write for you.
"This is unacceptable. I am very disappointed in both of you. Fighting in the hallway when you're meant t-" Figgins started to say until Sue came along.
"Oh save your pathetic excuse of a speech and let me handle this once and for all." She turned to Noah and Karofsky who were sat nursing their bloody noses.
"Alright Ham Hock start us off" Karofsky went to speak when Noah put his other hand up in the air to be noticed. Sue couldn't actually believe the 17 year old jock was doing it.
"I was just wondering if I get a nickname too."
She just stared at him, deciding with it was sarcasm or him just being dumb.
"Yeah Puckerman, how boring is that! Okay smarty pants you start instead"
Noah looked from Karofsky to the teacher then began. "Well…"
Noah arrived at school late he hadn't slept a wink since Saturday. The camping trip with Finn and few of the other guys dragged, they didn't get back till late on Sunday and Noah stayed up all night just thinking about Kurt. He was so tempted to go over and see him, but knew better than to over now as Kurt needed his sleep before school or he would be a right bitch.
He walked through the doors and into the empty halls, everything was abandoned. Of course it was he was late for school, very late. It was a good job he first period was free or he would be screwed. He headed towards the guys locker rooms and as he walked him he saw Karofsky and Azimio and a few other dosh bags all beginning to circle him he turned towards to the leaders of the pack and that when he saw it.
He knew what was going to happen and he knew what this could do to both him and his reputation in the school. The old Noah Puckerman would be quite worried and bothered and pissed but he now couldn't give a damn.
He held out his arms, formed a smirk on his face and said "do you worst gay boy!" Everyone looked at Karofsky in confusion as his shifted from foot to foot as he glared at Noah. "Hold him down!" Noah was laid on top of the bench being held down by his arms and legs not putting up a fight as Azimio and Karofsky came round to his head. "This is pay back for hitting me in Spanish and for the pants incident" Karofsky said as he connected the shaver with Noah's Mohawk.
He just laid there taking it why not? It's not like it was killing him. So what if he Mohawk was being shaved off leaving him completely bald once again it wasn't the most important thing in the world, only one person was. As soon as he sorts things out with Kurt and they realise where they both stand with each other he may decide to get back at the bullies. Laughter filled the room as they finished that job insults were thrown his way, little digs and snarky comments but it didn't matter, he didn't care what they did to him until Karofsky said…
"That's you done; next I'm after your bitch." At the point Noah was bother and Noah flipped, he surprised them all with his sudden strength that came out of no where flinging his legs in the and kicking each guy that had hold of his feet, after they went down he brought his right foot forward connecting it with the back of the jocks head who had hold of his arm giving him enough time to get him arm free and punch him in the face then bringing the same arm as he connected it with the other jocks face. When all four jocks where down he quickly swung himself of the bench and onto his feet looking between Azimio and Karofsky who now more closer to the door, he walked up to Azimio putting both hand's on his face and head butting him full force knocking him out, then took off out the door after Karofsky.
Running down the halls Noah was thankful for coming in late so no one was in his way. "Come here you son of a bitch!" He caught up with Karofsky pretty fast slamming him hard into the lockers grabbing him by the neck. "Do whatever you want to me. Insult me, beat me, humiliate me, make my life hell. But you leave him out of it; this is now between me and you. I was the one who beat you in Spanish that day, I was the one who humiliated you in front of the whole school he had nothing to do with it, and I was also the one who took the boy you secretly liked. Me Karofsky, this has nothing to do with Kurt no longer. So if you touch him, if I even see you look at him the wrong way ever again I will make sure you regret it everyday till school ends." After his speech Noah flung his fist into Karofsky's nose then Karofsky repeated the action, after both boys were rolling on the beating the crap out of each other making a lot of noise and disturbing lessons. Until…
"Well and we are here now, and that's my friends is the story in Balamory" Noah said with a smirk earning confused looks from everyone.
"You know Balamory that kids show. My sister use to watch it as a kid." Now he was just making himself look like a complete idiot. Sue just shook her head and pretended he never said the last part. "Whatever, anyway so here's the problem" then she paused and pointed at Karofsky before she continued. "You. You're becoming a big problem in this school and suggest you were suspended immediately!"
"Hang on Sue we haven't heard Da-"
"Please don't say what your about to say. I think we both know that Puckerman over here is telling the truth I mean just look at the state of him he's got no hair, he's knuckles are bruised, he's getting a black eye and his nose is bleeding. It's disgusting how he was an idiot jock with bad hair, now seeing his grades improve he's become a smarty arsed idiot with no hair. I don't know what's worse" Noah should have felt insulted he had just been itched about to his face, but it's was her way of defending him.
"Sue I-" Figgin's before Sue held her hand up.
"Did I say I was finished? Also Karofsky has become a problem towards Porcelain what's his nam-"
"Kurt" Noah said in a stern voice earning a small glare from Sue.
"Watch it Puckerman. As I was saying Karofsky has become a problem for Kurt. The bullying that has been happening is repulsive. But tell me Karofsky did it make you feel like a man bullying the smaller gay kid? Did he make you feel good and stronger? Hmm well?" Karofsky went to open his mouth to respond but all that came out was a small whimper followed by a cry. "Just what I thought" causing Noah to smirk how easily she broken him.
"David Karofsky your su-" once again her hand came up to shut Figgin's up.
"Please do not speak until spoken to. David Karofsky you are suspended from school till further notice, and whenever it is I decide you can return if you lay a finger on anyone I will make it the cheerio's personal job to make you cry like a girl in public. Now get out of my school!" Karofsky ran and ended up running into the glass door, apparently Sue Sylvester makes you forget how to use a door. But everyone else in the room was shocked about how she just took over the head teaching room for a minute there.
"Puckerman get to the pathetic excuse for a club now!" Hey Noah Puckerman may be still a bit of a badass but when Sue Sylvester barked an order you'd be a damn fool not to follow.
"Now Figgins that's how you do it."
Meanwhile Noah walked into glee club and everyone stopped and stared earning a few shocked gasps. Kurt and Rachael came running up to him asking what happened. He told them to go sit down as he headed towards Mr Schue. "Noah what the hell happened?"
"If you don't mind Mr Schue, I'd like to tell everyone at the same time so do you mind if I take up for like 10 minutes" the teacher put a hand on the teens shoulder giving him an understanding nod. "Sure Noah"
He went to sit next to Kurt as everyone looked at him examining the full damage that had been done. Noah spent the next 10 minutes telling everyone what had happened from getting into school to walking into glee club, then he spent the next 5 minutes receiving awes and being told how great and brave he was.
"Noah as much I'm against violence I have to say well done for finally standing up to Karofsky once and for all… again" Mr Schue stood up and headed towards the piano looking through sheet music and the other began talking amongst each other about what happened and laughing about Karofsky. Kurt took Noah's eyes and the older teen turned and looked at him. "Thank you, you really didn't have to do that" he smiled and kissed the jock on the cheek as the jock lightly squeezed the small soft pale flesh in his hand. "Of course I did. I'd do anything for you."
"Kurt how did it go with Blaine, I lost my phone so I couldn't reply if you texted me or called" Kurt let go of Noah's hand and went into his bag confusing Noah a little, then that's when he handed him the small blackberry the came from the satchel. "Ah, so you had the damn thing the whole time."
"It fell under the bed, come with me." He took his hand again and pulled him up and headed towards the door, Noah expected Mr Schue to at least ask where they were doing but from the nod he gave Kurt on the way out he figured he knew. They headed down towards the hall and into the auditorium.
Kurt took him to the centre of the stage and turned to loop up at him. "Do you remember the last time we were in here?"
How could Noah forget, he broke both his and Kurt's heart. He didn't say anything he just simply nodded, he felt like history was going to repeat itself that Kurt had realised Blaine was who he really wanted and was going to tell him this way. "Do you remember what the first thing it was you said to me?"
Again he nodded but adding "yeah I told you to go sit down" Kurt didn't say anything but held out his hand in the direction of the seat Noah realised it was what Kurt wanted him to do, and off he went towards the seat.
When he sat down Kurt came near the edge of the stage and looked down at him. "Do you remember what you said after that?"
"I told you that Mr Schue always said if you couldn't speak your feels then you were to sing them" Kurt just nodded.
"Exactly." He turned and headed towards the piano and sat down, Noah was beginning to feel a little nervous about how this was going to end. "This time you're going to have to bare with me I've never played a softer version of this song before"
He began playing the piano thinking Thank God I paid attention
I am finding out
That maybe I was wrong
That I've fallen down
And I can't do this alone
Stay with me
This is what I need please
Sing us a song
And we'll sing it back to you
We could sing our own
But what would it be without you
I am nothing now
And it's been so long
Since I heard a sound
The sound of my only hope
This time
I will be listening
Sing us a song
And we'll sing it back to you
We could sing our own
But what would it be without you
He looked at Noah and sang the next part to him letting him know he meant every word he was saying.
This heart it beats
Beats for only you
This heart it beats
Beats for only you
This heart it beats
Beats for only you
My heart is yours
This heart it beats
Beats for only you
My heart
My heart is yours
My heart is yours
My heart is yours
My heart is
I am finding out
That maybe I was wrong.
As he finished he got up off the stool and went to sit on the edge of the stage. Noah had butterflies jumping in his stomach, he got the message Kurt was sending him and he couldn't have been happier. He got out of the chair and made his way towards Kurt and wrapped his arms around his waist as Kurt wrapped his legs round his and his arms around his neck looking at a smiling Noah.
"Hi I'm Kurt Hummel I'm in glee club and I love it. I'm also gay and proud, and I know for sure that the boy in front of me I'm madly in love with and I'm not ashamed of it, my father pretends to hate him but really likes him because he knows he makes me happy, and he's the only boy I want in my life." Noah smiled and blushed a little at the same time, he was remembering when introduction he gave Kurt on the top of the garage roof when Kurt first met him family. He leaned his forehead forward so it connected with his.
"You want me to tell you want Coach Sylvester said to me that day I punched Karofsky in Spanish?"
Kurt nodded, he'd forgotten about that.
"She said… 'No matter what Puckerman you do whatever you have to do to protect Porcelain, even if it means you have to bend the rules, even if it means you get in trouble, even it means you sweat blood.' But what Coach Sylvester didn't know was I already planned on protecting you as well as make you mine."
Kurt was a little shocked, he knew Coach was civil with him but never knew she was kind of protective over him. It was a shame she'd never admit it to his face.
"I ended it with Blaine" Noah laughed a little, he'd already worked that out.
"Yeah Kurt I kind of figured that out. Your song gave you away." Kurt joined Noah in the laugh as he wrapped his arms tighter right his neck and brought him closer.
"Whatever, we're just going to be friends. But I want to be with you, I love you and these past few weeks without you have been hell and I've felt so incomplete without you."
"I know exactly what you mean, the amount of times Sarah caught me crying like a little girl and unbelievable." Both laughing at the thought but it also made Noah cringe a little; he dipped his head down and joined their lips.
Kurt pulled back quickly and said "Noah will you be my boyfriend again"
"Just try and stop me" he went to kiss Kurt again but he pulled back a bit.
"Please don't ever leave me again; I don't think I could ever survive without you."
He pulled Kurt closer and looked deep into his eyes, all the joking was put aside and nothing but seriousness was there. "Kurt I will never leave you again, I want to be with you from now till the day I take my last breath. I've never been in love like this before and I'll never let you go. I love you Kurt Hummel." Kurt was right Noah did say the most romantic things so much better than Blaine. "I love you too Noah Puckerman" he pulled him down for another kiss this time now pulling away from his boyfriend, but then they didn't realise they had an audience until the clapping and cheering began.
"Yayyyy! Go Kurt and Noah" they all shouted
Mr Schue clapped and smile then said "alright guys back to choir room we have a lesson to do." Everyone left apart from Kurt and Noah who were still in the same position as before. Kurt turned back towards Noah and leaned to plant kisses on his neck earning moans in return. "Again Kurt I hate to be a kill joy but we should get back to glee"
Kurt was a little surprised normally that would be him saying it not Noah. "Your right, you are a kill joy." Noah laugh and unwrapped himself from Kurt's grasp and climbed on to the stage holding out his hand to his boyfriend. "Come on baby I'll make it up to you later" Kurt grabbed his hand and pulled himself up bringing his mouth to Noah's ears whispering "You better" both laughing as the made their way out.
Hand's locked together as they slowly made their way down the hall. "I have said I love you Noah?"
"May times baby, but say it as much as you want it'll never get old because Kurt Hummel I love you too" he wrapped his arm round his shoulders bringing his mouth to his and kissed his passionately.
There was no longer anything to worry about, as they had each other completely and not wanting or needing anyone else. They would fight the world together if they had to as long as they had each other by their side.
Well so long for now guys, I'll be back I already have idea's just need sometime :) I love you all. Please do review just one last time :D 3