Author's Notes: I never thought I would actually post this. I actually just wrote this for fun, but I was curious as to what people think of it and wanted some feedback on my writing.

Yes, this is a blatant self-insert, in which OC Claire(not the Claire from MFoMT) gets somehow brought to the Harvest Moon world. Watch as she tries to unravel the mystery to what brought her there and why, and try to find a way home.

In case anyone isn't familiar with the concept of self-insertion, it is where someone purposefully writes themselves into an already established universe. They are popular (if not a bit cliched) in many, many fandoms. And I have a secret addiction to them... :D
It suddenly occured to me one morning, as I was reading a new chapter of my favorite SI, that you never see a self-insert where a normal earth-person ends up in the wonderful world of Harvest Moon.

And, so, the plot bunnies strike again! XD Please, read on and tell me what you think!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harvest Moon. If I did... then I would make Toby his own spin-off game. Seriously, that man doesn't get enough love! :)

Season to Season

Tugging his cap nervously, he gave a small, awkward smile to the maiden sitting beside him.

"This dating business is tougher than I thought," pondered Gray, "What do I say to a girl who never speaks…?"

Gray was never one for starting conversations. Being a blacksmith, there was never a need for it. He supposed it made him a bit cold and aloof at times, which Kai always said was a good thing. He said that most city girls were really into the whole 'silent and mysterious' type.

But Mary… she was different. And it frustrated him that he couldn't think of anything to say, even after knowing her for so long. But when they were alone like this, his tongue went limp and refused to let him speak to her.

What resulted was usually awkward, forced conversations that ended in silence. Which was why he had the idea to bring her to Mother's Hill in the first place.

Although, it was more Kai's idea than his. In hindsight, maybe trusting Kai was his biggest mistake…

"If you can't start a decent conversation with the girl," Said Kai, leaning against the bar table, "then you could bring her to the peak. I brought Popuri up there a couple of times, and I don't think we spoke a single word. You get what I'm saying?"

He winked, " There would be no need for discussion, you know?"

Yes, Gray knew all too well.
The peak of Mother's Hill was the supposed 'it' place for all of the couples in Mineral Town. Though, as far as he had heard, it was mostly just a make out point for hormone-driven teens to stir up more rumors for the housewives to fret over.

But, at the time, he was anxious to take things to the next level with Mary… and he didn't know if he would have the courage to ask her.
Gray shook his head remorsefully. He should have asked Cliff.

Attempting to strike up another conversation with the librarian, he turned to look at her and opened his mouth to speak. She looked up at him hopefully, appearing about as awkward as he felt.

He cleared his throat. "So, Mary… I'm really glad you-" Gray was unexpectedly interrupted by a loud howling noise coming from further down the cliff.

Both adolescents stopped suddenly, and stared toward the direction of the noise.
Waiting a few seconds, he was about to continue when the noise started again, this time much louder than the last.

Mystified, they looked at each other in bewilderment. Gray knew what Mary was thinking. She would turn this into one of her mystery novels, and become sorely disappointed when they discovered that the noise was easily rationalized by a plant or a wild dog.
And their date would be ruined…

Attempting to delay the inevitable, he tried to take her mind off of the noise.
"It was probably just a falling branch," He said lightly, "You know…"

The noise returned again, made louder by the echo of the mountain air. And, with that, he could see that it was too late.

Mary's grin was spreading across her face, and her fingers curled around her fist in contained excitement. He could see the familiar glint of madness in her eyes from whenever she came across exciting, story-worthy events. She was gone; lost in her imaginary world of mystery and suspense.

Abruptly pulling him from his place on the ground, Mary looked at him with a mix of determination and unbridled curiosity. "Gray, we should see what's going on down there… don't you think? It could be something important…" She gave a concerned expression, but there was still a gleam of adventure in her eyes.

Disappointed by the sudden turn of events, Gray nodded hesitantly. He didn't want to disappoint her. And what could he possibly say?
'No, Mary. We can't go see what the noise is, because I was going to ask if we could go steady today. So I think we should stay here.'

That would work splendidly.

Flashing a slightly hysterical smile, she grabbed his hand and pulled him down the face of the cliff, toward the small lake at the base of Mother's Hill.

"Well," He thought wryly, "at the least, I can say that this date is my most unique."

"Whoa, Eddie. No, no, no. We can't go in here. It's too far." I started pulling away from the forest trail, but Eddie tugged the leash in the opposite direction. He had the strangest look on his face… as if he was demanding that I go with him.

"What's up with you, boy? Stop acting crazy." I tried again, but he wouldn't budge.

Standing at the entrance of the forest, I blamed myself for daydreaming while walking the dog. Mom always told me that I was going to get lost one day… but, of course, I never believed that it would actually happen.

But I had to get home soon, or I would be breaking a pinkie promise. I had told my sister that I would take her dress shopping for a big dance coming up, and I didn't want to be late. But, to my irritation, Eddie seemed bent on walking through the nasty forest.

I frowned. Nature was great to look at in pictures… but I didn't really want to spend actual time in it.

So, we were at a stalemate. I could go home and just leave the mutt here, or follow him into the dirty forest, with all sorts of bugs and scratchy plants… It was very tempting.

As if he knew what I was thinking, Eddie bolted from my grasp with the leash trailing behind him. Looking back to see if I was watching, he ran a few feet ahead and turned around again.

I threw my head back and groaned in frustration. "Seriously? I don't have time for this! I have to get home!" I grabbed at the leash that was lying at his feet.

Eddie leapt back another foot, taking the leash just out of my reach.
I was getting tired of this little game.

"Fine. I'll play along. But only for a little while, you hear me? I am not missing dinner for your stupid games."

In response, Eddie gave me an excited bark and raced forward. I rolled my eyes and followed unwillingly. Looking back every so often to make sure I was still following, Eddie led me deeper and deeper into the wilderness, until I completely lost track of how far we went.

Though I was annoyed by his behavior, I wasn't extremely worried. This forest was small, and there was probably an opening nearby that would lead us to town. However, as we ventured deeper into the woods, the trees thickened and expanded until it looked vastly different from the forest we had entered.

The wildlife began looking more unfamiliar, and I became increasingly worried that we would get lost. I kept a keen eye on the dog as he took twists and turns, slowly edging deeper into the forest.

Finally, I stopped looking for my dog and started looking for a way out of the forest. The dog would come back, I reasoned, but my lost time would not.

Peering into the seemingly endless fog of green, I spied a tiny opening in the shrubbery a few meters away. Through the hole shone a tiny ray of sunlight.

My heart began to race as the gap beckoned toward me, as if saying 'Come toward the light, Claire! Past this hole, there are rainbows and butterflies and paved streets and road signs that will make it oh-so-easy for you to return home!'

And I answered that call. I welcomed it with open arms.

Glowing from my newfound discovery, I completely ignored the yelping dog and stumbled across the forest floor, until I was only a few feet from the ray of light. It was like I was a blind man seeing for the first time. The tiny light from the hole…it just felt so…magical. I felt safe knowing that it was there. This was the way out of the forest and back home. I could just imagine it… Dinner was probably ready…and after I went shopping, we could watch that new movie I rented. I smiled at the thought. Oh, thank you, Lord, for getting me out of this forest!

I hastily ripped open the foliage to gaze upon the splendor that was…not my street.

Disappointed, I looked around in confusion. I mentally retraced my steps in the forest. I couldn't have gone that far… At least I thought I didn't.

I was in a large grassy field on the base of a large peak. White and golden flowers surrounded me, and their scent was breathtaking. A few large rocks were scattered around the clearing. There were so many beautiful flowers here… I had never seen so many. And Eddie would probably enjoy such a large field to run around in…

Wait…Eddie? Oh, shit. I left my dog in the forest! Eddie had run deep into the woods alone, and I was here in the middle of nowhere, with no clue how to get home…

But, oddly enough, I was okay with that…

A tidal wave of exhaustion crashed over me as I sat in the beautiful field. Something was going on…I could feel it creeping into me… but it didn't feel bad. It felt great.

It was strange, because I had just woken up a short while ago…and yet…I was so…tired
Maybe if I just…closed my eyes for a few… minutes…

"You need not worry...just sleep..."

Eddie's barking had begun once again, but I could barely hear it over the noises from up on the cliff. Everyone was talking so loud…but all I wanted to do was…sleep.

Yes, why wouldn't I want to sleep? I was tired, and the ground was soft. I could rest for a few minutes…and then…call home later…
Limply sliding to the ground, I sighed and lay my head on one of the small rocks littering the grassy knoll.

My situation couldn't get worse if I just rested my eyes for a while, I decided… Shopping could wait, and so could dinner.
Nodding to myself, I listened to the mesmerizing hum of the wildlife and let myself become calmed into a peaceful slumber…

"…You're welcome, Claire…"

Yes? No? Should I even bother? I know, this chapter was amazingly short. There will be much more detail in later chapters. I'm thinking that I'll just reveal Claire's past bit by bit as the story goes on. Review and tell me what you think!