Falling Slowly: Prologue

*This is my very first fanfic! I hope you guys enjoy! I do not own Repo!, I may add oc's later, but i'm not sure. I think this story has the potential to be very long. Reviews are greatly appreciated, I want to improve!*

Shilo Wallace lay in the middle of the floor in her father's room, fresh from the violent throes of a Zydrate withdrawal session. "This is it." She thought aloud.

Two solid months of nothing but physical and emotional pain were wearing her sanity dangerously thin; and coupled with the crushing loneliness that permeated the house it was dragging her closer to the edge by the second. She was nearly delirious from days without food or sleep. "Something has to break." She said. "Might as well be me."

Shilo struggled to her feet and went to the balcony. The air was damp and chilly, like most nights on Sanitarium Island and she was shivering. She looked down at the people in the square, and hated them. Most of the people on the island were as fake as their designer body parts. After the Opera people came around to be nosy, or to blame her for her father repossessing something from a loved one of theirs. They all forgot about her as soon as the next big headline in the Evening Slice was printed. The latest new surgery to hit the market was far more interesting than a little girl who had lost everything in one night… All for their entertainment.

Exhausted Shilo climbed up onto the wide, weathered railing and took a deep breath. And without so much as a final thought she closed her eyes and leaned forward into death's arms.

As Shilo fell she noted a remarkable thing: She was falling backwards. She hit the cold ground in seconds; swearing that she had heard a voice call out to her. Then she knew no more.