Disclaimer: I do not own Artemis Fowl but I own the OC's and I'm proud of them~!

Enjoy the last chapter~!

At the hut…

"Dude you don't look so well." Aaron commented. I dropped my head lazily on the table. "Cold… I caught a cold…" I mumbled. Luke chuckled. "Never knew idiots could catch colds." Then he broke out laughing, receiving a hit on the head from me.

"Stupid, this just proves that I'm not an idiot." I groaned. "I'll go get some grub. Want something?" Luke asked. I shook my head. "Noooothing…" I mumbled. Aaron just chuckled. "Get me some tuna." He said then Luke left.

Aaron now turned towards me. His head fell on the table and looked deep in my eyes. "You need to rest, a lot of it if I may add." He said then bumped his forehead with mine. "You're burning." He whispered. I pushed him off then sat groggily. "I'll be fine." I mumbled. I stood up and walked towards the rooms. "See ya later Ron, I'll go sleep." I whispered then walked away.

I collapsed at the futons, my eyes unstable. I felt cold and well… terrible. I heard someone entered the room, when I glanced at the door, I saw Artemis leaning on the frame. "Idiot's don't catch cold huh?" he said then strode towards me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked weakly. "It was my fault you caught a cold on the first place." He said then sat beside me. He looked at me then winced. "Something wrong?" I asked. He just stared at me. "I saw you with Aaron earlier." He whispered.

I remembered that time where Aaron bumped his head to mine. "I-It's nothing! It's not what you think…!" I shouted. Artemis snorted. "Why are you getting so worked up?" he asked. "Uh… yeah…" I whispered. Artemis pulled his knees into his chest and embraced it.

I was also wondering myself why I'm getting worked up, but isn't he getting worked up too? I mean he winced when he saw me then telling me that he saw me with Aaron earlier. Is he… by any chance… jealous?

He glanced at me. "You're getting redder and redder by the minute." He said then held out his hand, about to touch my forehead but he retrieved it as fast. He held his hand and stood up. "I'll see you again later." He said then left the room.

Why did he hesitate to touch me? Do I look like a walking virus or something? Oh…


"You're red Cain…" he whispered then touched my forehead. As a reflex, I backed off swiftly, be breath ragged and my heart beating like crazy. "I-I'm okay" I stuttered. Artemis retrieved his hand and he looks almost, pained.

"I saw you with Aaron earlier." He whispered.


He's not jealous… he's hurt. HOW CAN I BE SO STUPID? I mean I backed off when he was about to touch me then I left Aaron to check my temperature with his forehead! Of course he'd think that there's something wrong! STUPID ME!

I shot up and walked groggily, desperate to see Artemis. Artemis… Artemis… Artemis…

After an hour of looking I finally saw him. He's sitting under a tree, leaning and watching the clouds pass by. "A-Artemis!" I shouted. He looked at me, surprised. "Why aren't you resting?" he asked. I made my way beside him and smiled weakly. "I'm just not tired, that's all." I whispered.

Artemis snorted. "Not tired? You look like you're dying Cain." He answered. "I'll go call out a nurse." He said as he stood up. The persistent side of me didn't want him to go so I grabbed his wrist. "Don't leave me… stay here, Artemis." I whispered.

He looked at me then shook his head. "You really need to rest Cain. You're extremely pale." He said with concern. "Let me go now." He ordered. "No…" I held him tighter then pulled him into my arms, embraced him as tight as I could. I leaned on his shoulder and breathed on his neck.

"I told you not to leave…" I whispered. I can feel his neck started to heat up. "Let me go Cain." He said as he struggled but I only kept my hold tighter. "I will never let you go." Are the words that what came out in my lips.

I loosened my grip and looked at Artemis' eyes. "Please… don't leave me…" I whispered then placed my lips on his.

"These are sooo cool…" Luke whispered behind the bushes while admiring his pictures. Aaron hushed him and watched. Luke admiring his newly took picture.

"I have been caught your presence…" I shoved his fringe off his forehead. "Enticed by you…" Artemis is staring at me. "I think I fell for you Artemis." I said with a smile then chuckled when the raven haired boy's face went red.

I placed my forehead on top of his. "You look cute." I chuckled then he pushed me off, being defensive. "I-I'm not cute!" he shouted then I laughed louder. "Yes you are!" I shouted then we both started a childish argument.

I held him on the shoulders to keep him steady. "I'm not cute…" he sulked. I chuckled. He looked really cute right now. I was about to steal another kiss from him until…


I have to get rid of this bloody cold once and for all.