-Fairy Tail FanFic


This is the revised chapter 1 of Doubt. If you want the Original, just PM me..

This is almost the same as the original one. I just added some of Natsu's thoughts in here. Hope you'll read and enjoy.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fairy Tail nor I'm making money with this.

Chapter 1: Job w/o Natsu

Natsu's POV

I don't know why but Lucy had been ignoring me ever since we came back from edolas. I want her to be friends with Lisanna and all because everyone knows that they are pretty much alike but every time I'll go approach her in our favorite place in the guild, she will stand up and head to her apartment. And whenever I'll go break into her apartment again, she will either stay in her bathroom forever or go somewhere else. She wouldn't even yell at me and happy to go home or even kick us with her infamous Lucy kick. Ohh how I missed that! *Sigh* I'm so bored! And Today, Something like that happened again. After she left...

"I wonder if she's sick or something."

I mumbled to myself. Too bad almost everyone in my vicinity heard me. Some of my closest friends are already gathering around me.

"Aye~" Happy which wasn't happy about it too agreed. I slumped to my seat and sigh again. Arrrg I'm totally bored!

"Maybe you've done something to her." Cana interrupted while drinking sake straight from the barrel. Huh? Done something? What did I do to her?

"Wha~?" was my only reply but before I could defend myself from this accusation, the whole guild was already staring at me.

"Tch…! What's that about? I bet she just ate something bad!" I blurted anything that comes in my mind. I don't really have any clues! I'm already getting pissed! But then everyone looked at me in disbelief.

"Natsu~ she was like that for the whole week! Wouldn't that something bad be digested already?" Happy protested with a matter of fact tone. Well I haven't thought of that. I think for another reason but the whole guild was staring like to me like I've just committed a crime.

"Maybe she just… err… tch! What does it have to do with me?"

I said snapping. Geez it doesn't really concern me right? Maybe tomorrow she'll just ask me to do a job with her. Hahaha her rent is almost dew anyway. She'll be back to her old self complaining about her being kicked out by her landlady. Yea that's the Lucy I know. Lucy of team Natsu! Then I caught myself grinning.

"Well, you are the only one being ignored!" Gray said almost half angry. The grin in my face vanished. Am I really the reason why Lucy's like that? But then Juvia interrupted my rarely use of brain.

"Gray-sama, your clothes!" She commented while blushing.

"Ahhhhh! " his reply with big round eyes, hands in the air and is really surprise about his old habit.

I ignored Gray and headed straight to the door. What's wrong with Lucy? How would I know? When I was about to open the door, in my surprise, the door swung open and revealed a maiden with soft blond hair. Her sweet vanilla scent swirled in my nose. Her chocolate brown eyes twinkle as she surveyed the room and the sound of the dangling keys ringed my ears. It was Lucy with her regular attire.

"What? " Lucy exclaimed as the whole guild was staring at her. Her voice is as sweet as honey but with firm and confidence. Wait? What's up with this weird description forming in my mind?


"Wha? Any way… Gray, do you have anything to do?" She continued still feeling awkward from the silence. I was still in daze to react on what she was saying. Apparently, her words haven't registered in my mind yet.

"N-nah, why?" Gray was shock and was currently blushing.

"Lucy-san! Juvia will not allow Lucy-san to have a date with gray-sama!" Juvia interrupted. That statement brought me back from reality. HEY! Date? With Gray? Are you kidding me? Before I could say anything, Lucy smiled.

"We will just go to a job Juvia" smile still etched on her face. Hey that doesn't make sense!

"Ohh Juvia understands, but why Gray-sa…." Juvia halted. "W-well Lucy-san, take care of Gray-sama for Juvia." Before I could react, they already had an agreement.

"Ohh Sure!" Lucy said with bored voice. I looked at the still stunned gray and I felt Angry. Why? Why will Lucy go to a job with Gray? Not with me?

"Then let's head on the request board." Gray recovering from being stunned said. His voice sounds happy but he was trying to hide it. Or am I just imagining things! FRUSTRATING! My face felt hot like all the fire I had eaten was backfiring on me. I continued to stare on the two while they discuss.

"Ok! My rent will be due next week so I need 70000 jewels to pay my rent." Lucy said rubbing his head. How I missed when he consulted me like that!

"Then let's go with this one with 200000 jewels." Said the cold stripping idiot! I just wanna knock him unconscious right now!

"Ehh? Isn't that dangerous?" Lucy said doubtingly. Yes Lucy just back out! Just do the job with team Natsu as always!

"Rest assured! I'll protect you!" gray said as anger consumed me. Smile on my slightly impressed nakama can be seen now. I've had enough! Before I knew it, I had punched the door so hard it flew about 20 feet. Then I find myself heading home.

-End of Chapter 1:Revised-