Don't Wanna Be Like Cinderella

Chapter 2

"Lelouch, would you slow down?" Suzaku called following after his angered lover. Lelouch barged into his home with a glare that would peel the paint right off the wall. When the brunet entered the house after him, he shut the door behind him. "What's wrong with you?"

The violet eyed teen halted in that very spot and turned to his childhood friend with a glare, "You want to know what's wrong? Have you seen me; I look like a damn cross dresser!"

"Oh, it can't be that bad."

The Britannian prince raised his eyebrow at the other then held up his index finger, "…Suzaku, you'd feel this way too if you were the one being dragged against your will by your so called friends to be put into a ridiculous outfit by those…those…"

"You mean the girls?"

"I prefer to call the demons."

"Okay then…"

"And then have some perverted bastards nearly have their way with you in broad daylight!"

"Hey at least they didn't."

Lelouch groaned heavily as he plopped down on the sofa, holding his head in his hands, "This has been the worst day of my life!"

Suzaku stared at the other with concerned eyes and went to join the other on the sofa. Once he was sitting down, he placed his hand on Lelouch's shoulder, "I'm sorry your day wasn't what anyone would call great, but luckily your knight in shining armor was there to save you."

The ebony haired teen looked up at the other with a raised eyebrow, Are you trying to add levity to the situation?"

"Is it working?"

The prince gave a small smile as he chuckled a bit, "You're such an idiot."

"An idiot who knows how to make you feel better." the emerald eyed teen replied with a silly grin.

"Well I guess that's true." Lelouch sighed, "Honestly, you were the last person that I would want to see me in this."

"How come?"

"Because Suzaku, I'm a guy and guys do not wear dresses. Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to be called a girl?"

"Well Lulu, when you think about it, you do have a bit of a feminine…" Before the Japanese teen could even finish his sentence, he saw the other teen glare at him intensely. "Uh, s-s-so I've heard!" he stammered nervously with his hands held up in defense.

Lelouch sighed heavily and added, "I hate doing this kind of thing; why can't those girls understand that?"

Suzaku starred at the other with a sincere look in his eyes. He slowly wrapped his arms around the prince and held him tight in his arms. Lelouch immediately leaned into the eleven's embrace. A small, loving smile arose on his face, "Thanks Suzaku, I needed that."

Emerald eyes peered down and gazed at his lover's serene face. 'He is so cute and lovely; I just want to hold him like this for eternity.' Just then a pleasant scent filled the knight's nostrils, "Um Lelouch, are you wearing perfume?"

"Hmm…oh yeah, those witches sprayed some on me. I think they said it's strawberry and champagne scented." the purple eyed teen sighed, "I know, it stinks doesn't it?"

"On the contrary Lulu," the Japanese teen slowly inhaled the other's lovely scent as his lips formed a devilish grin, "it makes you smell rather…enticing."

The ebony haired teen winced at the sound of those words. He moved out of the embrace and noticed that the other was staring at him as if he was the main course at a restaurant. "Suzaku, don't you look at me like that!" Lelouch said scurrying away from the brunet.

Suzaku chuckled at the older teen as he moved closer to him, "Why shouldn't I, Lulu?" The green eyed teen placed his hands over Lelouch's keep them in their very spots so he couldn't escape him.

The prince tried to release himself from his lover's grasp, but to no avail. "I'm serious Suzaku, this isn't funny; let me go…ahh!" At that moment, Lelouch felt the other's hot lips attack the nape of his neck and travel upward. The brunet would suck on a patch of his neck's skin before licking it. He moaned as he felt that wet muscle travel up and down his neck making him shiver in delight. "S-S-Suzaku, please let me go." he pleaded with quickened breath.

The said teen ceased with his actions and stared at his aroused lover as his loving smirk grew wider, "But if I did that, you'd try to run away from me; not that you would get very far."

"Suzaku Kururugi, if you don't release me this instant, I'll…" Lelouch was silenced by the other's firm lips capturing his in a searing kiss. His eyelids drooped close as he clutched the other's uniform blazer for dear life. He felt Suzaku's tongue pry his lips open to sneak into his mouth exploring every inch of it. Their tongues raged war but the brunet's quickly won.

The eleven heard the other moan in ecstasy at the intensity of that kiss. He cracked open one of his eyes and gazed lovingly at his lover. He smirked into that hot kiss as his hands traveled to the other's back and felt the dress's zipper. The brunet lightly tugged at the zipper and pulled it downward which loosened the outfit.

At that sudden action, the amethyst eyed teen broke the kiss and said between heavy breaths, "Suzaku we can't do this; what if Sayako and Nunnally come in on us?"

Without giving an answer, Suzaku swept his lover into his arms bridal style and headed towards the stairs. He felt the other wriggle around in his arms trying to get down, "Put me down, Suzaku; you know I don't like being carried like this!"

"I'm just carrying a lovely lady across the threshold." the Japanese teen said with an innocent smile plastered on his face.

"…Suzaku, if you call me a girl again, I swear I'm going to kill you!"

"Oh I highly doubt that, Lulu." he simply replied receiving a murderous glare in return.

Once they got to Lelouch's bedroom, Suzaku walked in and gently placed his lover on the bed before joining him on it. He noticed that the dress fell down to the other's forearms revealing more of that pale yet milky skin that he loved so dearly. As the brunette reached for Lelouch, he saw him shift away from him, "Oh come on Lelouch, you're not still mad about the 'girl' comment are you?"

"You damn right I am!" the Britannian prince replied in a huff turning his head to the side.

"Aw Lulu, you know I didn't mean anything by it."

The said teen sighed and turned back to his lover, "I know you didn't, it's just that sometimes I detest having this feminine physique. I wish I was built more like you then I wouldn't be chosen for these obnoxious things and I could better protect myself so you don't have to worry." Just then the ebony haired teen felt the other grab his bare shoulders pulling him towards him, "Um Suzaku?"

"You don't need to be stressing over things like that, Lulu." the emerald eyed teen began looking so serious, "Sure I worry about you, but I want to protect you. To be honest, I love you just the way you are. If you want my opinion, you're the very definition of what beautiful is to me."

Lelouch's violet eyes widened at what the other said as his cheeks colored red. Suzaku's words took his breath away, "You really think that way about me?"

"Of course I do," Suzaku continued, holding his lover in his arms, "if I have to tell you that a million times over, then I will."

The prince felt tears come to his eyes as he returned the brunet's embrace. He was lucky to have Suzaku in his life. Whenever the brunet was with him, he felt eternal bliss; nothing around them mattered to him. "Suzaku, could you do something for me?" the ebony haired teen asked in a hushed tone.

The said teen's eyes met his lover's eyes filled with need, "Yes, what do you desire my prince?"

"Kiss me."

Suzaku stared at the other's bright red cheeks and amethyst eyes glistening with need and lust. Those soft lips were just beckoning to be captured by his. He placed his hands against the other's reddened cheek and leaned in closer to the other's lips, "As you wish, your highness."

Moments later, Lelouch was lying on his back, gripping his bedding as his lover's warm lips grazed every inch of his chest. He felt the other nip at his hardened nipple before sucking it which caused him to cry out in pleasure. "You know," Suzaku said between licks, "I think I may have let those bastards off the hook too easily."

"W-W-What makes you s-s-say that?"

"I honestly wanted to kill them for harassing you like that; it took a lot of self control to keep me from doing it."

"You should have; I wouldn't have stopped you." the ebony haired teen replied, "They deserved it."

The brunet shook his head with a smile; he figured the prince would say that. He quickly pecked at the other's forehead, "If I did, I would've gotten into serious trouble. Even if they were the ones at fault, I would take the blame since…you know."

"I would've vouched for you."

"I know; the point is my prince is safe," Lelouch saw a lecherous gleam arise in his lover's jade eyes, "and here with his loyal knight; that's all that matters."

Lelouch eyed the other with suspicion, "Suzaku, I know what you're up to, and you can forget it." He noticed that the brunet wasn't backing down from his motive. He scooted away from the emerald eyed teen only to have him advance toward him, "I'm not joking Suzaku, I've had a long, tiring day and I doubt this will…"

"I think this will help you forget about your terrible day, Lulu." the Japanese teen purred in his lover's ear before nipping at his earlobe.

"B-B-But Suza…oh!" the ebony haired teen managed to get out as he felt the other's lips graze over his cheek, making their way down to the nape of his neck again, "P-P-Please Suzaku, d-don't…!"

The said teen pulled away from his handy work on his lover's neck, grinning at his little captive, "I'm sorry Lulu, but I won't be listening to you this time."

"When do you ever in these situations?"

"Hmm…that's a good point." Lelouch felt Suzaku's fingers trail across his exposed chest till landing on top of his right nipple. The Japanese teen began caressing the hardened bud with his index finger causing the prince to moan loudly. "See Lulu, you want this just as much as I do."

"Y-Y-You're wrong…ah!"

"Oh I beg to differ." Suzaku leaned in and began kissing the other's lean chest all the way down to his navel. Lelouch cried out in pleasure, squirming under his lover. "You're so sweet; I can never get enough of you."

The Britannian prince felt his lover's hand travel down to his arousal and caress it. "Ugn…Suzaku, wait!"

The Japanese teen ceased with his actions and stared aimlessly at the lovely sight before him. His prince laid with narrowed slits of lust filled purple staring back at him through those thin eyelashes. His cheeks were tinted bright red. The dress that he was wearing dropped to his elbows and was sprawled across the bed along with those black tresses. His ebony bangs fell like a curtain over his glistening eyes. Suzaku's lust filled eyes narrowed as a hungry grin arose on his face. He leaned into this lover's flushed face, close enough to kiss him, "You're making me wait while you look so arousing and at my mercy? You know that torments me, Lulu."

"Can I at least take this monstrosity off, first?" the amethyst eyed teen pleaded begged, "I'll never hear the end of it from those girls if something happens to it."

"You just leave that to me; I've been dying to get it off of you for awhile." Suzaku replied as he took the dress in one fail swoop. He threw it to the side then his eyes ventured back towards the gorgeous body laid out before him. He licked his lips at that pale, milky skin that taunted him ever so wildly, "Now that's my Lulu."

Before Suzaku could even continue, he felt the other's hand against his chest which stopped him. He eyes met Lelouch's as he said, "Must you insist on making me wait; you know my patience is running thin."

"It's not fair that I'm the only one who's unclothed."

The Japanese chuckled at his lover's response as he reached for his blazer's buttons to undo them. Lelouch watched as Suzaku slowly took off his uniform jacket then his undershirt. He gazed at the other's tanned, well-toned chest, aching to touch it, but refused to. Then he heard him purr lowly in his ear, "Touch me Lelouch; I know that you want to. I can tell by the look in your eyes."

The prince sometimes hated how the younger could see through him so well, but the urge was overpowering him. Lelouch raised his hand up and began caressing his lover's chest. He felt his cheeks grow bright red and heard Suzaku moan at his caresses which made him feel hot and aching for more. Then he watched as the other lower his head towards his face, "You're truly amazing; I love you."

Lelouch smiled lovingly at his knight as he rested his slender fingers in Suzaku's chocolate colored hair before cupping his tanned cheek, "I love you too, and I guess you can consider this a reward for your act of chivalry today."

An adoring smirk rose on the brunet's face as he took the other's hand in his and placed it against the bed. He leaned towards the other's kiss swollen lips, "I look forward to accepting it."

Suzaku kissed the ebony haired teen's lips hungrily. While he kissed his lover, his free hand caressed every part of the other's exposed skin. He heard Lelouch moan in the kiss which anticipated him even more. The brunet broke the kiss and watched as a trail of saliva fell from the corner of Lelouch's mouth. His hand traveled downward and fell upon black, lacy cloth. Suzaku smirked as his emerald eyes fall upon the other's erection which was begging to be released. He tugged at the waistband before pulling the cloth off.

Lelouch flinched as he felt cold air hit his hardened member. Then his breathing quickened as the felt the other's tongue lick the base of it while caressing his tip. The amethyst eyed teen moaned in heat as he gripped the sheets tightly in his fists, "Ugn…oh Suzaku!" He felt the emerald eyed teen take his tip in his mouth. Suzaku bobbed his head up and down, sucking his lover's arousal, savoring his taste.

The prince felt something build up inside of him that just needed to be released. "S-S-Suzaku," Lelouch moaned heavily, "don't…if you keep doing this, I'm going to…ah!" At that instant, his seed was released in his lover's moist cavern. Lelouch was panting heavily, looking so devilishly debauched. Suzaku swallowed the other's salty addicting essence, savoring every last drop.

The brunet immediately turned Lelouch over till he was on his hands and knees. Before the prince could even utter a word, he felt his lover's fingers spread his cheeks apart and felt something wet lick his entrance. He cried out in searing pleasure as he felt the brunet's tongue move around in his throbbing hole.

Suzaku pulled his tongue out with pre-cum covering his tastebuds. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before sticking his index finger in the other's entrance. He heard his prince cry out in pain as his digit fiddled around in him. Then he pulled out his finger and undid his pants, releasing his erect member from his boxers. He leaned into Lelouch's ear and whispered in a hushed, soothing tone, "It's time, Lulu; prepare yourself."

"S-S-Suza…ahh!" The ebony haired teen screamed as he felt the other's member slowly ram into him. He felt the brunet's finger run over his hardened bud to distract him from the pain, "Please…stop…i-i-it hurts…it hurts, Suzaku!"

"Shh…just relax, Lulu." the Japanese teen said in a soothing tone, "it'll get better; just bare with it."

Lelouch's eyes began to brim with tears as he clutched the sheets under him in his fists. He felt something warm trickle down the inside of this legs. Suzaku kept ramming in and out of him, make him cry out even louder, "Suza…ah…oh!" Just then, he felt the other hit his prostate which made him moan lightly, "Hit that spot again!"

A loving smirk rose across the brunet's face. "If you want me to continue, you know what you have to do." Suzaku purred in his prince's ear.

The ebony haired teen's eyelids opened revealing glazed over amethyst. Lelouch hated giving into the other's whims, but at this moment, his lustful needs overpowered him. Between loud moans, he uttered, "…Please S-S-Suzaku…hit there again," He turned his head to where his lover could see his reddened face and hazy eyes, "I…b-b-beg you!"

Suzaku smiled lovingly as he replied, "Yes, my beautiful prince." He rammed his cock into his lover again, hitting that very spot. He received loud cries of pleasure in return. He placed his hands on each side of Lelouch's hips as he kept grinding up against him. Those screams that his lover made him quicken his pace.

"Ahhh…S-Suzaku I can't…last m-m-much longer; I have to…ahh!"

He felt the Japanese teen hand grasp his arousal with his free hand and whisper in a soothing tone, "Just a little longer; we're almost there, Lulu."

"B-B-But I have to…ugn!" Lelouch felt that he and Suzaku were both reaching their breaking point. He was ready to be released; he couldn't hold it in any longer.

Suzaku's fingers intertwined with Lelouch's, "Okay together now…" With that final thrust, both teens cried out each other's names as they released their seeds. The warm, creamy liquid ran down their legs. Lelouch collapsed in exhaustion on the bed with Suzaku next to him with sweat glistening on their bodies due to their vigorous love making.

The two teens were panting in unison till the brunet whispered in the other's ear in a hushed tone, "I love you, my precious Lulu."

An hour or so later, the two teens showered and went back into Lelouch's bed that was redone with fresh, clean sheets. Suzaku laid his back against the wooden bedpost while his free arm wrapped around his sleeping lover's body that lay up against him. His hand ran through his lover's silky black hair before placing a small kiss against the other's forehead. "He's so beautiful and cute; I'm so lucky to have him." the brunet said softly to himself, "It's too bad that I don't have a memoir of him in that lovely dress."

At that moment, Suzaku heard his cell phone ring. He quickly reached for it from the bedside table and flipped it open. He saw the screen say that he received picture mail. The brunet clicked the Ok button to open the message. When it did, a loving smile arose on his face, "Looks like heaven's smiling on me."


Before heading to the student council room, Lelouch noticed that Suzaku left his cell phone on his desk. He saw that he light was blinking on it. HE picked it up to flip it open and when we did, his amethyst eyes widened in shock.

At that moment, Suzaku walked in and saw the ebony haired prince standing by his desk. He walked towards him, "Hey Lelouch, did you see my phone; I left it on my desk by mistake."

"I have a question for you and by all means take your time," Lelouch slowly turned towards the other with a supposedly innocent smile that masked his inner anger.

"Um…yes?" the brunet asked in a worried tone.

Lelouch held up Suzaku's opened cell phone in his shaking hand revealing a picture of him in the dress, "Where did you get this picture of me?" the amethyst eyed teen asked, clenching his teeth in anger.

In an instant, the phone was swiped from Lelouch's hand. The prince took a double look and saw it in his lover's hand, "Thank goodness; it's safe."

"Suzaku, delete that picture right now!"

"I'm sorry Lulu, I can't do that." the brunet said with a grin.

"And why is that?"

"Because it's a cute picture of my one and only and I could never get rid of it."

"Suzaku Kururugi, don't even try to sweet talk your way out of this; delete it now!"

The Japanese teen simply shook his head with a loving grin before leaning into his lover's face, "Now Lulu, you know that there is a certain procedure to go through in order to get people to do what you want."

"…What are you talking about?"

"You know," Suzaku leaned into the other's ear and purred huskily, "procedure…"

Lelouch raised his eyebrow at the other with a slight frown, "Are you insinuating that I do whatever you want to get you to get rid of that photo?"

"In a way…"

"…Sometimes you sicken me."

"Love you too." the emerald eyed teen said with a chuckle as he headed out of the classroom.

"Can you at least tell me how you got that photo?" Lelouch called out to him.

Suzaku froze in that spot and face the other with a loving smile with his cell phone held close to his lips. "It's a secret." he replied winking at his lover.

Now sitting outside on the school steps, Anya was on her phone with Arthur lying in her lap watching her. "I wonder if Suzaku liked his gift." the melancholy girl said to the cat receiving a meow in return.

"Hey Anya," The pink haired girl looked behind her and saw Gino peer out from behind the door, "we gotta go or we'll be late for the council meeting."

"Coming." Anya replied as she put away her phone and carried Arthur in her arms, following after the blond teen.

The End

A/N: Sorry about the long wait you guys; I'm glad that I finally got this story done! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter; remember to R&R if you did! Catch you guys later!