Hippocampus by JJOAS

A Harry Potter story, all copyrights belong to J.K. Rowling. Time travel if you please. Starring Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, and Sirius Black.

As some of you have pointed out there are hiccups in my story. I will go back and fix those hiccups later on.

RainbowJH: I will talk about that in this chapter along with a bunch of other things. Additionally, if you do recall back in chapter nine there are blanks in her memories, so any big reaction or anything that had to do with her being assaulted/tortured isn't quite there in her memories anymore. Hermione is hesitating bringing those back, but you can't hide something so important from someone for too long so there will be a conversation about that coming soon.

To the guest who did not leave their name: Refer to the above. Also it's only been less than a year when this Hermione came back. Time travel doesn't guarantee that everything will be alright right away, and sometimes messing with the flow of events doesn't fix what you want it to especially when you don't want others interfering with any possible plans. Before things can get better they can get worse, and more often than not it gets so much worse than before.

Danceegirl92: I'm not going to abandon this story. I did however loose more than half of what I was working on due to my hard drive crashing, which is depressing.

To the reviewer "Me": Thanks for pointing that out. That was a hiccup, which I will have to fix later on once I'm done this story. A rewrite is on my to-do list.

To everyone else that read the story: Hello. I have been gone for almost forever. I honestly thought I lost this story. It took some serious digging into my computer. Plus getting married and then becoming suddenly, basically, unemployed has made writing a background thought especially since I'm trying to study for the compTIA A+ exams. The textbook is ginormous.

For those of you that stuck with me through this, thank you. You guys and girls are astounding!

To keep track of Harry's age:

7 months: Independence and personality come about, creeping, scooting, rolling, crawling movements happen, sitting unaccompanied, reach for and pick up toys, teething, first words, and separation anxiety. Oh my!


Petunia saw what the two babies were doing and she shot the owl an apologetic look, before she finally fished out an owl treat from an owl shaped ceramic on the book case, "Here you are." Plucking the parchment from his leg Petunia noticed that the note was addressed to her sister.


Chapter Twelve: The Eye of The Storm II – The Conversation

Purposefulness: adjective - 1. Having a purpose; intentional: "a purposeful musician."

2. Having or manifesting purpose; determined: "entered the room with a purposeful look."

Holding the dark letter in front of her she inspected the dark blue envelope. Humming to herself as she heard the toilet flush yet again Petunia placed the envelope on a nearby coffee table. Giving the owl a treat, bacon flavored, and pulling away the two growing tots Petunia made her way back to the bathroom where her baby sister was slumped against the toilet.

"Why don't you just take something for all that nausea, Mione?"

"Eh…I would prefer not to take any medications that I don't really need to, but I suppose you do have a point. I just feel odd taking so much medication. Sirius best be getting back with that stomach soother," Hermione let out a low groan wiping away the sweat on her brow.

"I never did ask, but where are Lily and James? Also shouldn't you be familiar with this whole pregnancy thing considering Harry?" Petunia asked furrowing her brows. A dull throbbing pain started to spread through her head as though something was trying to claw its way to the surface of her thoughts.

The babies in her arms squirmed and settled down when she frowned down at them. Nuzzling their heads into her shoulders they focused on her shirt instead while she brought her attention back to her favorite sister.

Hermione paled and cursed inwardly. She had planned on sitting down with her sister to tell her this after all the chaos of today. It seemed as though this world that she found herself in did not like her presence. Perhaps she was cursed. What was the one about the Chinese curse and life being exciting? It must've been something like that.

Down the hall the doorbell rang announcing that the growing Weasley family had arrived.

Hermione groaned, which Petunia found to be quite odd. Sure Molly could be a bit of a mother hen, odd considering their ages didn't differ too much from what she had heard, but Hermione was quite fond of her.

"Do you want me to give the boys to Tonks so we can get ready for the winter barbeque?"

"Yes please." Hermione quietly requested looking down into her lap. This reminded her of the time she had accidentally ripped her eldest sister's new dress and how she had to come clean. Or the day she got accepted to Hogwarts as well. There wasn't a fallout between them then, but that was a dress and school. This, however, was much more than just a silly dress and distance.

Bending down to kiss the top of her head Petunia made her way with the curious babes looking this way and that still securely in her arms.

Hermione looked up at her bathroom ceiling and silently prayed for the strength to do this. She quelled the assaulting nausea down to the pit of her stomach, which really didn't help the guilt she felt there.

Petunia quickly came back with empty arms, "So I left the boys with Tonks. She said that she could handle them for as long as we need, whatever that means."

Hermione nodded and lifted her arm out to her sister. Rolling her eyes Petunia helped lift her sister off of the floor, "Are you okay to walk to wherever or should I call your husband?" Her tone was teasing and she lightly shoved her sister's shoulder attempting to smile even though the throbbing in her head soon became a migraine behind her eyes.

Seeing her sister's attempt at cheering her up, she gave her a small smile before shaking her head, "I should be fine. Let's go to the master bedroom for a bit, eh?"

Petunia gave Hermione a puzzled frown before deciding to go with whatever her sister had in mind for now, "Alright."

Both ladies made their way to the aforementioned bedroom closing the door behind them. Hermione retrieved her wand from her pocket and placed a silencing charm on the whole room before sitting down on her bed. Looking at her still standing sister she motioned for her to sit down beside her.

Petunia sat down and poked Hermione's side, "So what's with all the wibbily wobbly magic? What's going on?"

Hermione let her head drop onto her sister's shoulder, "There's a lot that happened while you were gone, Nia."

Petunia imitated her sisters' air quotations, "Gone?"

"Yes, gone. Remember how I found you?"

"Mhmm. It's hard to forget."

Hermione gave her sister a side hug, "There are bits and pieces missing in your memories."

"Wait. What? Why?"

"From what I could spot it seems like someone tampered with what you experienced. I'm not sure how we can retrieve what you lost, but do you really want to? Nia, I found you lost in your head after six months. I contacted you back in the beginning of October, but I never heard back till two months later."

"So what happened in those two months? What am I missing?"

"I'm not sure what happened to you, but when we found you…You looked malnourished, beaten, bruised, and we didn't know how you and Dudley survived. I know someone must've been there because otherwise I don't think…I don't think you would've survived."

Petunia straightened up and was unsure how to react as her migraine worsened, "Okay….well then…What happened while I was away? Where's Lily?" She looked down at her sister. Panic rising to her chest did nothing to help her quell her shuddering heart.

Hermione tried not looking at her sister, it was hard enough to think about it, but saying out loud to someone else was even harder especially to Petunia.

"Lily's dead, Nia. She's been dead for six months now." Hermione kept her tone flat trying to block the oncoming tears that threatened to clog her throat. It didn't help that she was still quite nauseated.

Petunia's breath hitched, although she and her younger sister never got along, she did love her to an extent any way. She'd never wish death on her. Never. The room felt like it was tilting and she struggled to stay upright. Giving in just a bit to lay her head down on her baby sister's shoulder, she took deep steadying breaths not daring to look at Hermione. Her eyes were shiny and her voice was but a whisper.

Death was not unfamiliar with her and her sister. The night their parents died was one of the last times all three sisters were together without any arguments. If she recalled correctly the three sisters ended up slapping each other and ripping someone's jeans. Petunia couldn't recall though.

"Why did you wait so long to tell me?" There wasn't any ire in Petunia's voice just an utter deep sadness.

"Because I didn't want you to break, Nia. I know you're strong, but your husband just died and I saw how that tore you into pieces. And just admitting that Lily's dead out loud still hurts…I know I should have said something though." Hermione tilted her head glancing down at her sister before closing her eyes. A deep frown settled on her face as she bit her lip refusing to give in to the urge to puke as the bile rose from her stomach.

Petunia lightly shoved her sister with shoulder sitting up, away from her, and looked right into her eyes. She found when she was younger she could always tell the validity of what her baby sister was saying when she saw her face, "Look at me, Mione."

Hermione hesitated before complying the deep worry clearly etched on her face. She saw tears streaking down Petunia's cheeks, "I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry. I'm a…a million times sorry, Nia." The tears she held back broke free and her throat felt like she swallowed Trevor. Luckily all this prevented the bile from rising to her throat.

"No. I know it's not your fault. I'm mad, certainly, upset with the magical world, but not with you... I don't want to remember what happened to me, Mione. I know I still have to go to the doctor to fix whatever hellish thing they did. I don't wanna know or remember the details, because I can still feel the tingles of pain now and then. I'm terrified about it. Vernon. Vernon was so brave, and that's how I want to remember him…I'm upset and frustrated that Lily's gone, but we were never close after she went off to Hogwarts. I know that sounds cold, but I would be more broken if anything happened to you instead." The tears slowed and Petunia took another calming breath. She held Hermione's hands, her cold fingers warming up against her sisters. She felt as though her limbs were ice. Ice would've be great for her ongoing migrane. She flinched a little as her head throbbed.

"Petunia?" Hermione sniffled and warily glanced at Petunia. She noticed the flinching and her now very cold hands.

"Don't get me wrong. I loved Lily, but there a chasm between us when she chose magic over me. I'm sad that she's gone, and I'm angry that all this shit keeps happening to us. I mean what did we do to deserve this? Did we steal a magic skull or something? Seriously." Petunia let out an angry huff rolling her eyes at the magical world that took so much from them. First their parents and now their sister and brother-in-law, was there no end in sight? She flinched again.

"I don't know. All I know is that we only have each other." Hermione squeezed Petunia's hands offering her a small smile.

"You know I love you, right?" Petunia gave her sister a warm grin whilst fighting back another flinch because of the waves of pain cascading in her head.

"I love you too, Nia." Hermione inwardly frowned noticing that her sister's smile looked more like a grimace. Had her headache worsened? Was Petunia ignoring it again?

"What are we going to do?" Petunia rubbed at her temples trying to rub the migraine away. It wouldn't budge.

"Do you wanna go to the doctor tomorrow? I can set up an appointment at the doctor's clinic or we could go to St. Mungos." She hoped her sister would say yes. Migraines weren't the simplest headaches in the world.

"Yeah. I think…I think I have to do this now otherwise I might not want to later. Could I also have something for my head? I think I have a migraine. A doozy of a migraine to be honest…Wait! You never answered my question about Harry." Petunia felt like her brain was jumping with the ongoing ache.

"Ahhh wellllll. Harry was originally Lily's, Nia." Hermione smiled sheepishly.

"What? What the eff, Mione? See? See this is what I told you about the chasm. I never even damn well heard she was pregnant." Petunia threw her hands in the air and muttered about how no one told her a thing. Her irritation was only adding to the increasing pressure in her head.

Sighing Hermione called out to Kreacher, and with a pop the house elf appeared in front of the two siblings, "Could you please get me a pain relieving potion, Kreacher? Oh! And since Sirius is taking his freaking time, could you also get me a pregnancy stomach soother, please?"

"Anything for mistress." With a pop Kreacher was off to do her bidding. It felt nice having a minion, an fairly treated well employed minion. She really couldn't forget about elvish rights.

Giving her older sister a hug Hermione let out another sigh, "Petunia."

Snorting Petunia replied, "I know. She probably had her reasons…" The sarcastic tone was not absent from her tone.

Hermione couldn't help sighing. Now that the tears were over her nausea was threatening to consume her once more. Tilting her head back and popping her back she leaned back onto the bed and stared up at ceiling. It was a rather nice ceiling.

"Oh! On that note Lily did leave something for you in her will." Hermione stated know that her sister would roll her eyes and deciding to just ignore it. Keeping the contents of her stomach down was more important right now.

"Huh. I kind of didn't expect that, which sounds awful when you say it out loud." Petunia rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh.

"Nia, she did love you as much as she loved me too, you know. Just because the two of you were oil and water didn't mean she didn't like you." Ugh. The bile almost made it to her mouth. Hermione gulped it back down utterly disgusted with herself.

"Ah you took my points away. I was going to say she didn't have to like me to love me as family, but I don't know…"

Kreacher popped back into the room with a pain reliever potion in one hand and a pregnancy stomach soother in the other, "Here is the pain reliever and the stomach soother mistress asked for."

"Thank you Kreacher" Hermione was forever grateful at that moment gulping the stomach soother. And with that the little house elf popped away to continue helping with the winter barbeque downstairs. He made certain that none of the little Weasleys could access the stairs, Mistress was in an important conversation at least Kreacher thought so.

Petunia looked dubiously at the vial her sister was holding, "That looks like semen."

Hermione burst out laughing, "I can assure you it's not, Nia. When have I ever lead you wrong when it comes to magic?"

Petunia smiled slightly nodding, "You are right. Unlike Lily who never even let me near the stuff."

Hermione shot her a disapproving look before handing over the vial, "I'm actually not too sure why that was really."

Petunia shrugged before looking at the vial in her hands, "I dunno. Something about Dumbledore this and that I think. It's a little fuzzy too now that I think of it. Well here goes nothing." Gulping back the potion Petunia felt the sudden relief of the pressure slowly vanishing from her head starting from behind her eyes.

Closing her eyes she let out a grateful sigh, "Thanks baby sister."

She watched Petunia make a face after downing the pain reliever. The stress lines on her face smoothed out though. Hermione let out a happy sigh and smiled.

She tried to hide the sharp worry that vibrated through her. Could Dumbledore have erased even more than what she thought? How long had Dumbledore been manipulating everyone? This seemed to be a deeper entrenched problem than the she thought.

"You're welcome. We should go and enjoy the winter barbeque."

"Yeah, I suppose we should."

"Do you still need help getting up and about?"

"Nah, I should be fine."

With that Hermione undid the silencing spell around the room and the door. Both sisters made their way to the backyard where the festivities were being held with lighter hearts and a stronger hold on their relationship.


While the two sisters were having their very important conversation the winter barbeque had already begun with the Weasley's arrival.


The Next Chapter: This'll contain the Winter barbeque and the return of Sirius. More baby fun, possibly Neville, and more if my notes have anything to say about it. This chapter wasn't that long, but I hope you all enjoyed it.

Good night.

Good afternoon.

Good morning.

Leave a review if you have any comments or concerns or what have you. Hopefully the next chapter will be up sooner rather than later. I'm off to cuddle with the husband.
