Hey guys! This is my first Castle fic, so reviews are more than welcome! :) Hope you like it!

Chapter 1 - The Gunshot

She couldn't believe what had just happened. One second there's a suspect about to shoot her and another there's Castle in front of her and blood, lots of blood, Castle's blood. Why did he take the shot for her? He shouldn't have done it! She shot the criminal, killing him instantly and hurried towards a bleeding Castle. And there she was, pressing her hands against a bloody wound in Castle's chest.

"Castle? Castle! Talk to me Castle! Don't leave me Castle! Please, please!", cried Detective Kate Beckett. "You can't leave me now! You still have Alexis, and your mother! You have me! Please Castle!".

She didn't know what to do, paramedics were on their way, she and Castle went out only the two of them after Castle discovered where some important pieces of evidence could be. It was around 1 o'clock in the morning. They got there and the murderer was there with a gun, he shot at her but Castle threw himself on the way.

Now she realized he shouldn't have come, they should have called the precinct.

The paramedics arrived, with them came Lanie, Esposito and Ryan. While the paramedics carried Castle towards the ambulance Lanie held a desperate Kate Beckett.

"Why did he have to be so stupid? He didn't have to protect me! He has Alexis… She loves him… He can't be gone", cried Beckett while Lanie told her everything was going to be okay, but she knew she couldn't say it certainly.

Beckett entered the ambulance with Castle. He looked… Pale, almost like… A dead body. This made her cry harder and harder. Made her think it was all her fault.

They arrived at the hospital and the paramedics carried Castle towards the emergency room, telling her to wait on the waiting room.

She made her way towards the waiting room, where Martha Rodgers and Alexis were crying, Lanie had a worried look on her face, and Ryan and Esposito were really nervous.

"Here", said Lanie, handing Beckett a new shirt. "You'll feel a lot better without blood on your shirt".

"Thanks Lanie", said a tearful Kate Beckett.

Beckett went to the bathroom of the waiting room and changed her bloody shirt for a new white one. But that didn't make her feel much better. The guilt in her conscience was heavy and made her want to cry hard all over again.

She got to the waiting room and didn't find courage to talk to Martha about what happened, she just went to an empty chair, looking down trying to stop the tears that were running through her face. What would she do without Castle? He was her writer, she was a one writer girl.

Sometime later a nurse entered the waiting room. He had a nervous and worried look in his face, and the people in the room knew it wasn't a good sign.