Edited as of 12th April 2015

Uncle Fishcake – Chapter 1

The Saviour Appears

To Ichigo Kurosaki, his mother, Masaki Kurosaki, meant the world to him. This much was evidence for whenever he went to a dojo club, he would get beaten by one punch, but suddenly cheer up and stop crying when his mother came to collect him, something that Tatsuki Arisawa, the girl who had beaten him every time they had faced off, didn't understand in the slightest, she was confused by the effect that the woman had on her son. That didn't stop her from becoming friends with Ichigo though. The reason the orange haired boy had even started to attend the dojo club in the first place was because his sisters was born. Ichigo had heard his father, Isshin Kurosaki, say that his name meant 'to protect' and therefore had wanted to protect his mother, but also wanted to protect his newborn sisters, so therefore wanted to learn from the local dojo. To Ichigo, his family was his world, and he wanted to protect them all.

There was also something strange about Ichigo Kurosaki as well, something that no-one could understand, apart from a few people.

Ichigo Kurosaki could see ghosts.

There wasn't a reason that Ichigo could see ghosts, it was just something that he could do and no-one had a reason as to why. The thing about it is that he couldn't tell them apart from humans, no matter how strange it was to see ghosts and humans standing next to each other sometimes. Especially if the ghost was trying to copy what the human was doing.

Right now, Ichigo Kurosaki and Masaki Kurosaki were making their way home.

"Ah!" Ichigo suddenly got splashed by a puddle that erupted from the road as a truck drove through it.

"Oh my, oh my, what a bad truck. Are you okay Ichigo?" Masaki asked her son. She suddenly bent down so she could wipe his face. "I'm sorry. Here, let's switch. I'll walk on the roadside."

"It's okay. I'll stay on this side!" Ichigo tried to tell his mother that he would be okay staying on his side of the pavement. "I'm wearing a raincoat so I'll be fine! I'll protect you for now on Momma!"

"Oh my, how reliable." Masaki smiled at her son. "But no way! I can't leave you on the roadside when you haven't won even one match against Tatsuki-chan!" Masaki continued to wipe Ichigo's face, while he mumbled something underneath her clothe that she was using to clean his face. "Oh my, I don't know what you're saying." Masaki told the young boy.

"I said I got one hit in last time!" Ichigo told his mother loudly.

"There! All cleaned up!" Masaki smiled happily, having finished wiping Ichigo's face. "Now! Come on!" Masaki rubbed the top of Ichigo's head.

"Momma, can we hold hands?" Ichigo asked as he looked up to his mother's face, she smiled and held out her hand.

"Of course we can!" Masaki agreed happily. Neither of the two noticed a figure watching them from the rooftops, his blue eyes eyeing them with a protective glint, as his unzipped black hooded jacket flapped in the winds that seemed to be stopping the rain from making him wet, he was also wearing black jeans and black shoes. The figure frowned as he looked down at them before he jumped across the rooftops in a burst of speed, hoping that the orange haired boy didn't notice the girl that the hollow nearby had place on the edge of the river.

"Huh?" Ichigo seemed to have spotted the girl, much to the figure's annoyance, and the figure proceeded to jump towards the pavement and the river that they were going by, hoping that he wasn't too late to prevent a tragedy. "Oh... wait here Momma!" Ichigo told his mother, as he suddenly jumped over the railings that were between him and the riverside.

"Ichigo!?" Masaki looked shocked when her only son ran towards where the black haired girl was standing dangerously close to the river. "Don't! Ichigo!" Masaki realized what the young boy was planning on doing, he was planning on saving the girl, and Masaki could tell that this was some kind of trick, so charge forward to stop the boy before it was too late. By then, the figure on the rooftops had already moved into action, knowing that wasn't going to end well if he didn't.


The sound of something cracking could be heard, and blood dripped down onto the ground. Masaki blinked, wondering why she wasn't feeling pain as she covered her son's body with her own, knowing that she had definitely heard a cracking son from somewhere above her. The mother looked up, only for her eyes to widen when she saw a monstrous looking creature that looked like an oversize hamster looking ahead with wide eyes. The thing that shocked Masaki the most wasn't its size of appearance, but the fact that a human arms was going right through the middle of its head.

"Disappear." A calm male voice uttered as the arm was ripped out of the creature's head, before the mask shattered into a million pieces and the creature faded away into dust. "Are you okay down there? Still alive I hope." The male voice asked Masaki, who slowly but surely got off her son, after realized that she didn't need to protect him anymore, and turned to see a young looking blond haired man looking down at her with concerned eyes. Something about the blond she recognised.

"W-who are you?" Masaki asked slowly, causing a hurt look to appear over the blonde's face.

"I'm hurt. I helped get you and my brother together and you don't remember me? What a pity." The blond sighed in what seemed to be annoyance. "Well, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, and you're my sister-in-law, thanks to the fact you're married to my brother, Isshin Kurosaki." Naruto smiled down at the woman, as she finally noted his whisker marks on his cheeks.

"N-Naruto? I-I remember now! You were meant to visit today for the first time since the wedding so you could meet our kids!" Masaki realized, causing the blond to look sheepish.

"Y-yeah, about that, let's get you and Ichigo home, so that neither of you catch a cold or anything." Naruto offered after flashing a smile, while Masaki nodded in agreement with his request. It had been a while since they had last met after all.

"WHAT?!" Isshin shouted loudly when the group of three got home and Naruto had explained the situation of what had happen to cause the rescue of both Ichigo and Masaki, with Masaki giving some input every now and again. "You were almost killed by a hollow?! What was a hollow doing so near?!"

"Don't worry about it, it's dead now, I've killed the damn thing already." Naruto dismissed his younger brother's concerns. "But you do realize that his Reiryoku is getting larger, right? Sooner or later, he'll end up attracting hollows left and right." Naruto explained to Isshin, who sighed to himself, knowing that it was a good idea to have sent his two younger daughters to bed beforehand. After Naruto had arrived, carrying both Ichigo and Masaki with ease. Ichigo was also now put to bed, hoping that the young boy didn't remember too much, so that they could save his innocence.

"I should thank you for being in the area and saving my wife and son." Isshin admitted, while Naruto gave him a blank look. "But you'd just tell me that you do it every day and that it's a habit that you can't get rid of."

"Yeah... I probably would." Naruto admitted scratching his head sheepishly at that. "Doing something for over a thousand years does that to you."

"But still, thank you for saving Masaki and Ichigo. I don't know what I'd do without them." Isshin admitted.

"Don't worry about it, they're my family too, or have you forgotten?" Naruto reminded his younger brother. "I couldn't just let my sister-in-law and nephew die like that, becoming food to one of those hollows, especially one like the Grand Fisher."

"How do you know that he's called Grand Fisher?" Isshin asked with a look of surprise.

"Easily, he looked like a hamster and used a human girl as a decoy."

"I see." Isshin mused, while Naruto gave him a curious look. "What?"

"When are you going to get rid of that beard of yours? You look even more like a goat and you look older than me." Naruto asked before he explained why, Isshin's eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

"Naruto... just because you're my older brother doesn't mean you can compare me with a goat!" Isshin shouted.

"Why the hell not!? You always call me by my hated nickname!" Naruto shouted back in reply.

"That was because you always called me a goat when I grew this beard, you stupid fishcake!" Isshin shouted at his older brother.

"Don't call me that! You know that I hate it when you call me by that blasted name!" Naruto snapped, glaring at his younger brother. "It's not my fault that you look so old compared to me!"

"Isshin! Naruto! Keep it down. You don't want to wake up the children." Masaki tried to calm down the two brothers.

"Momma, Daddy, why is it so noisy down here?" A tired child's voice asked suddenly, causing both of the brothers to pause in their argument and look to the stairs where Ichigo had come down and was currently rubbing his eyes, holding a teddy bear in his right hand. The young boy blinked when he saw Naruto next to his father. "Momma, Daddy, who is that?" Ichigo asked, sounding confused by the sight of the blond in the room, causing Naruto to look at Ichigo with a puzzled look, before he turned to Isshin, who looked just as surprised.

"Doesn't he know who I am?" Naruto asked his little brother bluntly, causing Isshin to wonder if he should concerned.

"I remember telling the kids that we were expecting you... but I don't think we showed them a picture." Isshin looked sheepish by this. "Sorry about this."

"Don't worry about it." Naruto dismissed the issue easily. "It's not like I'm someone who's going to be a bad person in his life or anything is it now?"

"..." Ichigo didn't say anything at first, seemingly trying to figure out who the blond haired man before him was, before he suddenly remembered that his dad had said that they were expecting a visitor today, after he had come back from dojo club, someone that they hadn't seen in years, since he was a baby in fact and hadn't been able to visit them ever since because he had some issues to sort out. Ichigo didn't know the full details.

"Are you Uncle Fishcake?" Ichigo asked finally, remembering that his father had said that the name Naruto had meant 'Fishcake', so to Ichigo it had stuck.

Naruto was undeniable horrified by the name that his nephew had called him.

"Isshin! What have you been teaching your children you dumb goat!" Naruto shouted, looking at Isshin with a betrayed look that caused the younger brother to look at him with a sly look, especially after his older brother had called him a 'Dumb Goat'.

"Just the truth." Isshin looked pleased with himself.

"Just the truth?" Naruto repeated. "Like hell is it the truth! Do you want to know the reason why I came to visit today? Well I'll tell you! I've officially got a new place, right here in Karakura Town!" Naruto announced, causing Isshin to pale slightly before he turned to Naruto with a look of horror. "And if that's not good enough for you, I'm going to be visiting you guys every single day so I can make sure that they don't be like you!"

"Hold on a minute Naruto, you can't mean that." Isshin looked really nervous about this now. This wasn't what he was expecting to happen when his older brother came round today. "Y-you're joking aren't you? Please tell me you're joking!"

"Of course I'm not joking!" Naruto declared, causing Isshin's hopes to burst like a balloon filled with too much air. "After seeing you wearing that green spandex suit that Gai used to wear when you got drunk once, I've always felt uncomfortable about leaving you with children."

"Isshin! Please tell me you didn't!" Masaki looked horrified of the thought of her husband wearing the green spandex suit, yes she had been introduced to the photos of Naruto's past friends and she knew about her husband being a Shinigami and her brother-in-law being a couple centuries old, almost a thousand.

"He even acted like Gai and Lee did!" Naruto made Masaki feel more horrified.

"It was a onetime only! I didn't even know what I was doing!" Isshin looked humiliated by this conversation.

"Momma, Daddy, Uncle Fishcake... what are you talking about?" And they had forgotten about the fact that Ichigo was in the room... oops.

My life has been thrown away... for this? Why? All I ever wanted to do was to protect people, protect my friends, make them live happily ever after and let it be the end of story.

Life is never that simple.

Even after Madara had been beaten, we still needed to understand a lot of things that happened, there were still people who were going to cause war, people who would cause chaos in the lands, destroying whatever temporary peace that we had, making sure that we never had time to call our own.

I decided that I needed to leave the village when I was 17, to see the world outside, to find what the world outside could be like, just like my Godfather had done before he had died, my friends let go, seeing as I had deserved a chance to do so. Little did I realize that I would never come home ever again, for it would be destroyed by the time I did.

I had heard of a place called China, where a powerful government was in place, called the 'Han' and from what I heard, they were corrupt and rebellions were starting to called. A man called Zhang Jiao was leading them, calling the group the 'Yellow Turbans' of all things, because they all wore Yellow Turbans around their heads.

The Han had sense its impending doom and had called for various warlords to stop the rebellions, to kill the people who had been calling out for change.

Life was so unfair.

But that didn't stop the Yellow Turbans from attacking various villages around the land, causing people to suffer greatly because of this. This made me think about stepping in myself to help the people ease their suffering. However I was merely a mercenary, but my desire to help people got the better of me, so I decided to help out.

What a nightmare it was. Magic, God of the Heavens, phantom Soldiers, lighting falling from the sky, giant boulders rolling down the hills and killing soldiers, all of that was there and so much more, but I wouldn't find out until later that this would merely be the beginning of yet another journey in my life, yet another road for me to travel, yet another war for me to bear witness once more. Would I ever find peace? I would never know. But there was one thing that I would know for sure.

These battles would change history forever.

Naruto sighed as he closed the book that he was currently writing, wondering if he should even bother trying to make money when he already had so much of it when he published books about the Shinobi wars that had once plagued the world into a sea of chaos once before. All four of them in fact, giving out all the details that he could, telling the world about the powers of the ninja back in his day, when they openly used Ninjutsu all the time, whether to show off or the save their friends. He had even practically written an autobiography about himself telling the world about his hardships before and after the fourth Shinobi war where Madara Uchiha had also explained about the Moon Eye Plan.

The world had taken his books as fantasy novels that would never come true. If only they knew.

Still, it made Naruto feel happy as he walked down the streets, seeing some children pretending to be a ninja and firing off some Ninjutsu or putting some people into Genjutsu.

Naruto Uzumaki had used the penname of Naruto Kurosaki. It had pretty much put the name Kurosaki as a worldwide name and made anyone who was even slightly related to him really famous.

Isshin, much to Naruto's surprise had encourage the use of his last name, saying that it was proof that they were related and that he could boast about being the younger brother of such a famous author. Masaki, who had allowed Isshin to adopt her last name in the first place, was more than happy to allow this as well.

Naruto had simply smiled and told them both that the novels would never get that popular. But yet they had, and Naruto had to wonder if his novels were even more popular than what Jiraiya's had ever been, it was a wonder.

"Uncle Fishcake!" Naruto cringed when not only Ichigo, but Yuzu and Karin had called him by the nickname that his younger brother had called him to piss him off. It made Naruto feel somewhat better when he heard Ichigo call Isshin an 'old goat' though. The look on Isshin's face was really funny. "Can we go to the park?"

"Sure... just don't talk to any strangers or anyone with cameras, okay?" Naruto asked the children who all nodded excitedly. "Good! Let's go shall we?"

"Thank you Uncle Fishcake!"

"Stop calling me that!"

Chapter 1 of Uncle Fishcake has finished.

To be honest with you people, I hadn't been planning on writing this when I posted the latest chapter of one of my stories, but I decided that I needed to start it.

Why? Because I'll feel better that I have.

Also you may wonder why there is some stuff from actual history from China in this ... well that's another story for another time ... in other words another potential fanfiction.

I can feel the ideas swimming through my head like my brain's a bowl of water and my head's the fish tanks, while the ideas are the fish. ... That probably sucked didn't it?

Anyway, I needed to get this started sooner or later and I won't be updating some other fics until my current fics all get to a certain amount of words. Why? Because I think I might have some kind of problem where I want to get everything to certain amount of words before I update another thing. Sorry.

Also if this beginning is too short, I'm sorry but I wanted to get this done now because I'm not sure if I could get the beginning started before the end of the month.

For me anyway.

No omake for this chapter I'm afraid, but there is a message for some people out there.

Expect another beginning of a fic soon, but don't expect me to start another one afterwards.

That's all.

Until next time, goodbye and goodnight.