A/N: Sorry for the super late update XP. I don't want to bore you with the full details of why i was so late but, long story short, it had to do with the start of the school term. I got 7 periods and water polo (which only allowed me two hours by the end of the day to do hw with), midterms, a sudden wave of plot bunnies, and spacers for my teeth (which hurt like a bitch) all stopped me from updating. But, finally, I'm back and done with my sport, so hopefully I'll update more often. No promises.

"Yo, Tsuna!" Yamamoto called out from across the school courtyard as Tsuna and Gokudera walked through the gate to the building. She paused in her conversation with Gokudera to look in Yamamoto's direction, a small smile on her lips.

"Morning, Yamamoto." She said as soon as he got within a range. He gave her a laugh before throwing his arm around her shoulders.

"Tsuna, you should come watch the baseball game after school today." He said excitedly as he happily squeezed her against his side. "It'll be a great game!" His happiness however was cut off when Gokudera grabbed his arm from around Tsuna and flung it off of her.

"Who the hell do you think you're touching, Baseball freak!" He yelled angrily as he positioned himself between Yamamoto and his boss. Yamamoto, for his part, just looked at him as if he never even noticed that he was there, before tilting his head to the side in confusion.

"Gokudera, did you come to school with Tsuna?" Yamamoto asked as he looked from Gokudera to Tsuna.

"Of course!" Was Gokudera's proud answer. "Principessa has entrusted me with her protection in the mornings. It's a job that only the most trusted are given." He had a smug smile on now as he gloated, but Yamamoto brushed it off as only he could do.

"Haha, walking together sounds fun! Can I join too?" He asked them, a big smile on his face, his mind completely glossing over the fact that Gokudera had said it was a job, not a get together.

"Dammit! What the hell did I just say!" Gokudera blew up at him. "This job is only for the most trusted of Principessa's Famiglia! You're not even in it to begin with, there's no way that you'd be trusted with her safety!" This caused Yamamoto to pause. Something obviously struck home in the words that Gokudera had callously said to him, and his eyes narrowed dangerously as he walked closer to the fuming bomber.

"I don't believe that you have any right to say anything about protecting Tsuna." Yamamoto said darkly, and Tsuna was sure that he was about to say even more and start a fight between them when a certain evil hitman appeared on the nearby tree.

"Of course he doesn't, but I do." Reborn quipped from his perch on the out hanging branch. "I also decide who joins the Famiglia. And I say he's in it."

The surprised faces of the three man group transformed quickly at these last words. Yamamoto was happy again, a big grin across his face, while Gokudera was openly outraged. Tsuna, well, Tsuna was pretty much speechless. After all, it was her Famiglia, wasn't it? Shouldn't she be the one to decide who got in it? She would have said something about it but Gokudera beat her to it, in all of his hot-headed glory.

"Reborn-san!" He yelled respectfully. "You can't seriously be thinking about putting the clueless idiot in the Famiglia! He's nowhere near worthy of the honor!"

"Heh, well that's for me to decide and not you, right?" Reborn smirked down at Gokudera from the tree, a bit of a dark aura surrounded him and made the bomber take a nervous gulp. "That's why I propose a family entrance test. And by propose I, of course, mean that you either do it or you die." The menacing aura was now directed at Yamamoto, who was still smiling happily, even as the barrel of Reborn's gun was directed between his eyes.

"Of course," Yamamoto said, his eyes widening comically in a parody of being scared. "I'd hate to be shot. Whatever you say, kid." Despite the obviously fake tone of submission in Yamamoto's words, Reborn still let go of the dark aura as a smirk slipped on his face. After all, he had gotten the answer that he wanted.

"Good. Now, meet me at the side of the school next to the stairs in ten minutes." He said almost mischievously. "And if you don't show up you'll have to face the consequences." And he disappeared from the branches of the tree.

"Eh, what about schoo-!" Tsuna started, but she was too late to stop Reborn. It seems that the only thing that Tsuna could do now was follow after the small Arcabaleno, because while she was sure that he wouldn't actually kill her, he would still definitely be able to make her life a living hell.

A snicker behind her cause her to switch her attention from the branch that Reborn was just standing on to Yamamoto, who looked like the happiest guy in the world, like always. When he noticed that she was staring at him he dropped his arm onto her shoulders and began walking towards where Reborn had told them to meet.

"Kids are getting so much more creative these days, ne, Tsuna?" He let out a short chuckle. "And the toys are so realistic, too." Tsuna just let her face drop into a dead pan as she remembered exactly who she was dealing with. Gokudera just stalked behind them, muttering the entire time about stupid ass holes touching his boss inappropriately.

Just as they turned the corner into the side of the school a bullet whizzed past them, almost hitting Tsuna in the head. Of course, she let out a loud shriek that made Yamamoto drop his arm to cover his ears and Gokudera to flip out, scared that his precious boss was hurt. The source of this bullet was the ever sadistic Reborn as he sat contentedly on yet another tree planted on school grounds.

"Dame-Tsuna, You're late." He said as he let off another round of bullets in Tsuna's direction. They wouldn't hit her of course, Reborn made sure of that, but it would scare the hell out of her.

"Dammit! Stop that, Reborn!" She yelled as yet another bullet flew past her. "Besides, it's only been like five minutes since you said we had to meet you here! We're not late!"

"What are you talking about, Dame-Tsuna. You mean you didn't hear me?" Was his suddenly innocent answer. He even backed it up through making his eyes look wide and innocent. "I changed my mind at the last minute and said to meet me here in five minutes instead. By the way, it's been 6 minutes and 37 seconds. So, yes, you are late." Tsuna just let her jaw drop as she stared at the baby. Why must he be so cruel?

"Hey, I just thought of something." Yamamoto said randomly, cutting into the moment. "What's this test about anyways? I only got that it had something to do with a famigura and protecting Tsuna. But I have no idea what a fama-whatsit is and why she needs to be protected." Tsuna did a double face palm.

"A Famiglia is Tsuna's Mafia family, her closest confidantes." Reborn supplied helpfully, though it probably wouldn't do anything for Yamamoto. "Dame-Tsuna is the 10th generation heir to the Vongola Family, the largest and most powerful Mafia family in the world. Thousands literally bow down at the feet of the Vongola and Dame-Tsuna here, in all her incompetence, has to run it some day."

'I was called all they way over here to train her so that she won't completely screw up all the hard work that was put into the family so far. However, I can't be there for her always. Even though I'm tied to the Vongola I'm also the world's number one hitman, not a babysitter. That's why she must gather close friends that she can trust with her life to her Famiglia, it's an essential part of becoming the Decimo." Was the conclusion of Reborn's rather large speech. Well, not all that long, because it certainly can't compare to the crap that Tsuna gets from him in study sessions, but, still, long enough. Of course, it did nothing for Yamamoto just as Tsuna predicted.

"Wow," He said in a somewhat astonished tone of voice. "That's a really complicated game. I don't really understand, but it sounds like fun anyways!" And there goes the goofy grin.

"You still think it's a game you damn Baseball idiot!" Gokudera yelled as he crushed his cigarette with his teeth in his agitation. "This is why I say he shouldn't join, he's so unreliable! It'll get him killed." He finished with a brutal finality.

"Enough." Reborn said in a quiet, dangerous tone, it seems he was finally getting fed up with their bickering. He wanted to shoot at them already, dammit! "Let us begin the test. Over all it's pretty easy, all you have to do is dodge." And with that he whipped out several knives and chucked them in Yamamoto's direction, forcing the boy to dodge the sudden onslaught of pointy objects.

"Wait, Reborn!" Tsuna started, not even thinking about the repercussions of involving herself in the test. She surged forward towards the baby to intervene. "You can't just- Umph!" and she landed flat on her face courtesy of a clingy five year old. "How the hell did you get here, Lambo!" Tsuna felt Lambo stiffen against her legs and dread welled up in her. She cautiously peaked over her shoulder at him just in time for him to go into a full blown tantrum, his fists flying as he he rolled back and forth in the dirt. Why must he act like this every time she forgot to call him Mucca?

"Principessa! Are you okay?" Gokudera questioned just in time for Lambo to start yelling at the top of his lungs. All Gokudera did was send a disgusted look the toddlers way before helping his boss up from the ground.

"Yeah, thanks Gokudera-kun." She said as she brushed dirt off the front of her uniform. Just then an especially high pitched wail came from Lambo and the both of them winced, An irritated Gokudera turned and fixed a glare at Lambo before bringing back his leg and kicking the small child into a tree. "Ah! Gokudera-kun, what are you doing!"

"Getting rid of the damn pest, of course." He said angrily as he glared out across the field. "Keh, he's such a waste of air." Just then a large boom and a poof of pink exploded from the leaves of the tree followed by shouts of pain as someone fell heavily out of the branches.

"Ow, how the heck did the younger me get in a tree,? Though it's not the first time that this has happened..." Just then he looked up to see both Tsuna and Gokudera staring at him from where he sat on the ground, and a wary smile came onto his face. "So... what's up? Why'd my younger self switch out this time?" Tsuna coughed nervously.

"Um, well, that's be because Gokudera-kun kicked you into a tree." Was Tsuna's nervous explanation. Lambo just stared at her for a while, his face blank, before it suddenly lit up with recognition.

"The family entrance exam!" He said with a nod. "I'd almost forgotten that stupid thing that Aho-dera made you guys do."

"What do you mean 'you guys'? Only Yamamoto is taking the test." Tsuna said confusedly. Lambo looked back at her the same way.

"Really? But I'm sure I remember that both you and Yamamoto had to take it." His eyebrows were knit together for a moment in silent thought before he gave a shrug and gave up. It didn't matter much anyway.

Just then a chill went down Tsuna's spine and she made a quick turn to face Reborn. She swore she just saw a gleam in his eye, but it disappeared before she could make sure. Still, she just couldn't shake off the bad feeling.

"What a great idea. Why don't you join in as well Dame-Tsuna?" His voice sounded out, as if in answer to the bad feeling crawling down her spine. "Wouldn't want to mess up the future now, would we?" Tsuna gaped at him, her mind almost refusing to fully grasp what Reborn had just said.

"Oh! That's a great idea. (Even if it was suggested by that bastard Reborn.)" Exclaimed Lambo from his spot on the ground. "Go on nee-chan, I'll even help out with the things to dodge." The smile on his face seemed so innocent, yet Tsuna couldn't help but feel like there was something hiding behind it.

"E-eh? What do you mean Mucca? You gotta be joking, right?" Tsuna asked hopefully as she slowly inched farther away from the Bovino. "Right?"

"Nee-chan should set by example, shouldn't she?" He asked innocently, a smile in his face. Reborn smirked.

"The stupid cow is right, it should be expected by the boss shouldn't it?" And with that he began to shoot at the ground near Tsuna's feet, forcing her out onto the projectile zone to avoid them. "We're still only on guns right now, but we'll be moving up to explosives soon. Have fun."

"Fun! Kyaa!" She was cut off as more bullets were shot her way and she took off running, her miserable voice trailing off behind her as she ran. "I'm wearing a skirt dammit!"

A sudden presence beside her broke her concentration and she tripped on a bit of earth that was upended by all the shots, but before she could fall onto the ground a hand shot out and gripped her elbow, pulling her back up. When she looked over it was a smiling Yamamoto that greeted her, and she returned it hesitantly.

Just then a succession of booms rang out and Tsuna looked over her shoulder to find Lambo shooting a huge missile launcher at them. With a scream from her, Yamamoto tugged her off to the side just in time for one of the missiles to whiz by and explode just ahead of them. The blast from the missile sent her to the ground along with Yamamoto.

"What the hell, Mucca! I thought you were supposed to be super attached to me or something!" Tsuna growled out as she pushed her upper half off the ground to glare angrily at the older teen. "It's like you actually want to hurt me!"

"You? Not really. You're future self though, is another matter." He said with a smile and an almost lazy sigh. "She gave quite the mean punishment to me earlier this week for messing up a mission and getting people hurt. So~, I'm letting off a bit of steam." he pulled the trigger, letting another round of missiles shoot out, making Tsuna and Yamamoto dive for safety.

"If it's the older me that did it to you then why are you taking it out on me?" Tsuna yelled frantically as Yamamoto directed her into another sharp turn that saved them from a horrible smoldering death. "Go to her about it!"

"Are you kidding? I'd get beat up in a second!" Lambo said with big eyes as he continued to shoot at them. "That's why I'm doing this, it's the much safer option. Plus I can get back at you for ignoring me the last time I popped in." Tsuna almost froze in disbelief but the bullets racing by her only allowed her a moment of pause before she was dodging again.

"You're a vindictive little bastard, aren't you!" She yelled behind her as she dived behind a tree for a few moments of safety.

"Taught by the best of course." Was the only reply she go before the tree that she hid behind blew to kingdom come.

"Enough talking, Dame-Tsuna. We're upping the level and if you don't pay attention you might actually die." Tsuna's face paled as she watched Reborn signal Gokudera to light up his dynamite and let it enter the fray.

She ran from her destroyed hiding spot, out of breath despite the fact that she had been doing all that jogging lately. Explosions went off left and right from Gokudera's bombs and soon enough Yamamoto joined back up with her, a look of concentration on his face as he avoided all the deadly projectiles. Despite his lack of smile, Tsuna had a feeling that he was excited about this whole experience.

All of a sudden the air was full of burning wicks, bullets, and missiles, making Yamamoto and Tsuna freeze in spot, nowhere left to go. Then they went off. Explosions were everywhere and smoke billowed into the sky, causing sight on the ground to be almost non-existent. The three attackers waited silently, wondering if they had survived, though they weren't too worried about it.

A gust of wind parted the cloud of smoke and out stumbled Yamamoto with Tsuna hanging off his shoulder and unsteady on her feet. Her head was bent forward and wobbled here and there as a beaming Yamamoto dragged her over to everyone else. As soon as they got close Tsuna let herself drop to the ground in exhaustion, her hands rubbing her face tiredly.

"So, did we pass?" A grin brightened his face as he asked his question and he looked expectantly at Reborn.

"Yeah, you passed the test. Congratulations, you are now part of the Vongola Famiglia." Reborn tilted his fedora down as he stared at the slouching Tsuna who had yet to stop rubbing her face. Gokudera stalked towards him menacingly before grabbing hold of Yamamoto's shirt, a grin of his own appearing on his face.

"Good job, you protected Principessa in my absence." Gokudera congratulated, which earned him a returning grin, but then his face froze as he remembered something. With a short turn he was looking back down at Tsuna who still refused to get up from her position on the ground.

"Tsuna, you okay?" He asked in concern as he watched her continuously rub her face back and forth as if she wasn't even aware that she was doing it.

"Jus'a bit disoriented." She mumbled out distractedly, but then her rubbing stopped and she looked up, her eyes peeking out from behind her fingers. Her eyes were wide and she seemed slightly panicked as she began to rub her hand right above her left eye. "Wha...?" And she brought them away to look up at the two staring down at her. "I, I'm... Please tell me I'm not missing an eyebrow." She pleaded up at them.

They both stared a moment in shock, because, sure enough, the eyebrow above her left eye was missing. Then a snort escaped Lambo's mouth, a few more slipping through before he slapped a hand down onto it. Of course, it didn't help much because it was rather obvious that he was laughing due to the muffled sounds and the way his face twisted up as he tried to hold it back.

Tsuna stared in shock at him, completely unbelieving that he would be so insensitive about her plight. However, what really drove in the stake was when Yamamoto let out a snort of laughter himself. She could only stare as Yamamoto refused to look her in the eyes as his muffled snorts were held in by quivering lips. Then her eyes narrowed into slits as her surprise over the reaction wore off and was replaced by irritation.

"Shut up, you jerks!" She yelled as she grabbed a clump of broken up ground and tossed it at them. All they did was dodge to the side as they tried, and failed, to stop. "I'm not even the one who started this! Why do I get hurt?"

"You're hardly hurt, Dame-Tsuna. It's only hair." Reborn said nonchalantly as he cleaned the machine gun that he used for the test. "It'll grow back eventually."

"Yeah, eventually!" She shrieked as placed a hand over her bald eyebrow. "People at school have enough to laugh at me about without finding another thing!" An eyebrow tick appeared as Lambo rolled on the ground behind her, his laughter rising to high heights unabashedly. "Shut Up!" She yelled as she grabbed a particularly hard looking piece of earth and chucked it at his head. It hit with a deadly accuracy and Lambo disappeared with a poof of pink smoke, revealing the toddler Lambo as he sat sucking on a lolly pop that he most certainly didn't have when he left.

"Hoho, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it?" Reborn asked, but was ignored as Tsuna began to wallow in her despair, rubbing her hand back and forth over her missing eyebrow. Seeing how down in the dumps his boss was Gokudera grabbed hold of Yamamoto's shirt again, though this time it wasn't so friendly.

"How dare you upset Principessa like that, you stupid ear lobe!" That shut Yamamoto up. In fact, all sign of his laughing died out o be replaced by confusion.

"Ear lobe?" He asked, his brows scrunched together. Gokudera sputtered a bit, his face going red.

"Yeah! That's what you are in the family, the ear lobe." Gokudera stated despite his obvious embarrassment.

"I would rather be the right hand, if you don't mind." Yamamoto's replied happily after a moment of contemplation. Gokudera let out an outraged squawk.

"Like hell you will!" He growled, reinforcing his grips on Yamamoto's shirt. "I'm the-" And then he suddenly paused guiltily and unsurely as his eyes flickered over to where Tsuna was sitting. At the sight of this Yamamoto's brows scrunched again, which seemed to have become his normal confused face.

"You're what? The right hand?" Yamamoto asked, and, despite the obvious innocence of the question, it seemed, to Gokudera, that the taller male was making fun of him. "Are you sure that Tsuna's aware of it?" That seemed to be it for Gokudera and he threw a punch at Yamamoto's face, who dodged it, with much confusion as to why it happened in the first place, and escaped from Gokudera's grip on his shirt.

"You smug bastard!" He yelled as Yamamoto dodged another attack from him. Reaching his hand back into one of his many hidden pockets he began groping around for some dynamite to toss at Yamamoto. However, before he could actually grab any, a hand on his sleeve followed by a sharp tug stopped him.

"Will you guys stop fighting!" Tsuna yelled, her single eyebrow twitching. A snort escaped Yamamoto's mouth again and she shot him a glare before returning to look back at Gokudera. "I believe we've had enough with explosions today, don't you think?" Gokudera gave her a weary nod, obviously cowed by the look in her eyes. Of course, that still didn't stop him from sending glares at the baseball player.

"Hey, Dame-Tsuna. I have a marker you can borrow if you want it." Reborn called out tauntingly, obviously enjoying his students misery. "I'm sure it'll look just fine once you color it in." Tsuna gave him a dirty glare before looking back at her two guardians with a sigh. The air between them was still heavy with competition and she knew that she was going to have to do something about it soon.

"Yamamoto." She said quietly, but it was still enough for both of them to turn their attention to her. "I'm sorry to say that the spot as my right hand has already been filled, Gokudera-kun was here first after all."

A wry smile fell onto her lips as she said that, and when Gokudera turned to her with adoration filled puppy eyes she didn't even flinch. That just showed how used to everything she was getting. At a glance Tsuna could tell that Yamamoto was a little disappointed by this, even though it was hidden by a smile.

"Not that you aren't important." She said as she looked past Gokudera and at the happy go lucky baseball player. "You are apart of my Famiglia now, after all." She could help but blush at her own sappy words. Really, where was she getting this stuff? It didn't matter so much, though, when Yamamoto returned the words with his smile back at full force. Of course, the moment just had to be ruined.

"Oh, so you're finally acknowledging you're position as the next head now?" Reborn asked innocently. A tic appeared where her missing eyebrow was.
