Not a single smut involved which is why it's not the best thing to read, eh? Hm, I don't care what you think because I don't think I could ever write yaoi smut~ And I must admit that I HAD trouble writing it. Why? My number one problem: How to describe kissing scenes and how to kiss. Seriously, I haven't really made out with a guy or girl or object so I wouldn't really know the feeling or actual sensation or how people are suppose to do it. I've read some stuff which is why I was able to write. I hope I can make you feel into the scenes very well (Oh, that'll be an achievement!) despite my less knowledge on such things. Also, I hope that this fic had made you smile a bit, let out a chuckle, shed a few tears from deep inside and earned a spot in your heart/ head XD This is the craziest thing I've ever written so far but if it made you happy, then I can say that it's worth writing it XD okay, I won't keep you reading long~ See you soon~

Chapter 15 – Our Memories in the Rain

"She's quite a sight, don't you think so?" Edwin, one of the bartenders, startled Shizuo who was staring into space. "Man, the way she sips on that beer... how finesse. Look at those legs, will you? Though her hairstyle is weird, she's a beautiful thing. Ah, I think I'm in Heaven..."

"Hey, snap out of it, kid. She's just a girl. Not any different from her kind." The blond shook the shorter bartender out from his thoughts now. Not that he hated girls or females in general, he just never was interested in them, in their gossips and in relationships. Perhaps this was because he was always after a certain pale skinny man who oddly could no longer remember him. But the taller man gave a look at the girl his workmate was talking about and felt his heart skip a beat. Well, Erwin did have a good taste in ladies. He confessed to himself that he had to take back the phrase not any different from her kind. She looked like a cute doll more than human to him. It was his first time so see such innocent beauty in her. And her hairdo was more than out of the ordinary. Then the girl glanced at them. She gave them a shy smile that sent a small grin to appear on Shizuo's face.

"I think she noticed you. Go get at her and give her what she wants." Shizuo told Edwin even if he was the only one who saw the extraordinary customer smile at him.

"The hell, Heiwajima-san? I'm so shy. You go to her and give her what she wants." Edwin sweated as if he was caught committing a crime.

"You want me to flirt with her in front of you?" Shizuo teased the nervous lad.

"I never said that but I'll pay you to serve her. I'm too anxious to act right now." Edwin admitted while he took out his wallet. He pulled out a wad of bills and tucked it in the black vest's pocket of blond. "Thanks." He smiled up at the tall man and left the counter. Stupid, shy, coward was the best 3 words he could describe Edwin at the moment as he left to attend another customer instead.

Shizuo glanced at the peculiar girl sitting on the same stool some other peculiar girl (or rather, peculiar guy in a girl's outfit) from another part of his life once sat. He missed that woman but most of all, he missed the real person behind that feminine countenance.

"Can I get you anything?" After pushing those thoughts of Izaya, he asked the redheaded female. She shyly bowed her head down to her bloated chest. Then she looked back up at him with her cat pupils and pink irises. The corner of her pink lips arched up in a devious smile.

"I want a kiss!" She whispered. She batted her eyes and leaned in close to the bartender. Shizuo was reminded of the rain when he smelt her scent. Ah, rain brought him so many memories.

"Chicks don't come to me. Do you even know who am I?" He curiously questioned the girl in the blue dress.

"But I'm no ordinary lady." And she displayed a cute smile on her pale face. However, she looked puzzled when she saw a smile sneaking up on the bartender's face.

"Come with me to the backdoor, then." He took in her familiarly soft hands into his own. He led her to the backdoor and they stepped into the alley.

The grey clouds started to take in a darker shade and the wind howled cold whispers.

She took his face in her hands and stared lovingly into his chocolate globes that were gazing back with the same tenderness.

"Can I really kiss you?" She neared her pale face to him. A little space kept their lips from actually touching. "Don't you have a lover that would get mad?"

"Actually, I lost my lover two weeks ago. I knocked him out of safety and the pouring rain just made it worse."

As if the Heavens above heard Shizuo, the clouds began sobbing fat drops onto Ikebukuro. It was once again, a cold rainy night. The sky's tears kissed lightly on their skin.

"But I've got him back now."

His hand clutched the girl's red locks and carefully pulled them out of her head. A mess of black hair was revealed underneath those red hairs. He threw the red wig down to the ground and said, "Nice contacts, Izaya. Never thought pink would look good on you."

The informant wrapped his skinny arms around the hunk. In return, he tightly hugged the man in heels and messed up his dark hair some more.

"I spent good money just to pull of this cute disguise!" He snorted when he pulled away. "I completely do not understand why you saw me right through it! I mean, I look incredibly hot as this girl! I was so damn sexy all eyes were on me as I strutted my way to the bar. Girls were jealous and boys got their own erections. Man, Shizu-chan, why? How did you know?"

"Because I love you," was his simple reply. Those pink cat eyes stared at him. "You are no ordinary lady. You even wanted a kiss from the beast of Ikebukuro. You're an incredibly hot and sexy man and I'm always turned on by you." He bluntly continued. "You are Izaya – no one else is like you. That's why I know it's you because I love you."

"Shizu-chan..." His voice cracked. "You're... so sweet... you make me... cry..."

"It's okay. No one will notice it because of the rain." He joked but he got elbowed in the stomach by the cross-dresser. "I guess I'll just have to kiss those tears away, huh?" He leaned forward and started planting kiss all over his face, starting from his forehead, to his thin nose, to his two slightly puffy cheeks then to his pink lips. His tongue was welcomed in Izaya's mouth. He pressed his lips deeper to the touch. The dark-haired man moaned in pleasure and had his tongue swirl around Shizuo's. The blond breathed in his rainy scent as he carefully chewed those pink lips.

"May... I... ask..." He said in between kisses. "What... happened... two weeks ago... in the hospital room... where you... acted weirdly?"

Izaya heard his question but instead of answering, he moaned louder and pulled himself closer and closer to the hunk. Shizuo greedily kissed his lips and suddenly, he caught the informant's tongue with his teeth.

"Answer me." He let the words out while he had his tongue in between his pearly whites. The younger man mumbled incoherently and he finally let go of his tongue. Then he jumped at him, plummeting himself on top of the hunk. They crashed on the wet ground with their lips locked again. After a few heated moment of passionate kissing, Izaya broke the contact.

"When I was hit by that stop sign, I thought you really wanted to kill me. Shit, you don't know the pain, no, the agony I had to endure! And when I woke up with your prodding tongue, I decided to play a little trick. I crushed you and then you fell for it and your face... Ohmigwah, the precious expression you had on when you left! I wish I had a camera. Anyway, I just really wanted to test if you did love me. Guess you really did so," He pause to purposefully land his lips on the bartender's own. "Thank you, Shizuo."

The blond smiled when he heard his real name being said so sexy by the other man who was still on top of him.

"Ne, Shizu-chan, are you going to give me what I ordered?" The girly dressed man asked.

"Oh, you want more of this?" He neared his face to Izaya's, teasing him by only brushing their lips before pecking his pink ones.

"Definitely." He said as he showed to Shizuo his own belt in his hands.

"Hey! Since when did you – "

"Relax, I just ordered for a kiss. Are you thinking of erotic scenes with me?" Shizuo's cheeks burned and he was glad that they were in a discreet dim alley. But was it dark enough to conceal his tomato-red face?

"My, my, how interesting of you to think, dear Shizuo." He caressed the bartender's face and then he gently bit on his lower lip before letting his tongue slip inside his mouth. He met the other man's tongue that quickly made its move, coiling at his own. Soon, it was Shizuo's tongue that dominated and made Izaya quite submissive. The blond enjoyed the feeling of the other tongue being so obedient to his leading one. He hugged the small man tightly while massaging his quite beefy thighs. Every time Izaya would break away from the kiss just to breathe, he pressed his head down to him by force. It was difficult to breath in such a heated situation but the warmth was just an amazing feeling while out in drizzle.

Their kissing was becoming too intense and suddenly, a splash of water exploded into their faces. The water surged and trespassed into their noses just as they breathed in some oxygen. The sharp sensation was too cold for their noses, making them pause for a while, not really understanding what just had happened. But, something had exploded – the loud pop came from somewhere really close to them. And when it popped, the rain didn't held back it's quiet sobs and decided to pour out all the water in those grey clouds.

The blond quickly sat up and also made the skinny man sit up with him. "Did somebody caught us and sprayed at our faces?" he worriedly asked and his coffee-brown eyes darted around suspiciously. When Izaya let out a hearty laugh did the bartender calmed down.

Then he noticed Izaya. Something changed in him. He couldn't really figure out why because he still had his pretty face, his usual skinny body, that dark mess on his head... so what was missing?

The said man suddenly slipped his hand inside his dress. Then he realised what were missing when he pulled out two deflated balloons. Izaya threw those balloons out to the opening of the alley, somewhere close to the bar's entrance. Then, he leapt on the hunk, sealing their lips with a kiss.

He pulled away to only say, "Lesson learnt: balloons are fragile in intense situations!" Then he went back on kissing Ikebukuro's monster.

This time, Shizuo pulled away to tell him, "When will you stop dressing like a girl just to get my attention? You know you always had it. Do I not fight you because you attract me?"

"I do? Well, you never fail to amaze me, which is why I always get in your way. Strange, but I don't even know or remember why we were fighting. Oh, yeah, it's your fault."

"It's yours. You slashed my chest and ruined my new uniform. Remember that, will you? You started our unending wars from then on."

"I insist that the blame is on you." The informant was still persistent on his opinion. "You said that you don't like me and look at what you're doing to me now."

"Look who's talking! You wanted a kiss – I'm just smooching up on your lips. It's your fault for having such a beautiful face, a great body and lips so sweet like honey." He blurted it all and it rained harder. "Oh, damn, I wish it would rain like this every day of our lives."

Those curious pink globes narrowed at him with a puzzling stare.

"Didn't you ever notice? We always kiss under the rain." The memory of the candy floss experience suddenly rushed to their heads. Shizuo smiled when he remembered the day he saved him when he fell off from his building. Izaya smiled because he felt stupid for doing such a risky thing but it was worth it. And now, it was pouring and they both knew that they still weren't finish making out.

"Ah, dreams to come true!" the cross-dresser happily declared. He remembered his words about liking kisses under the rain. Now, he got lots of kisses every time he was with Shizuo and under the rain. He thrashed his arms around the bartender and gave him a long sweet kiss. "Now, if only it would also rain inside our house."

"What?" Shizuo was surprised with what he just heard.

"Oh, you don't want to live in a house? Well, that's okay, I can settle in an apartment. Actually, I'm okay anywhere so as long as I'm with you." He tightly embraced him while his heart soared in happiness.

"You said our." He pointed out with a blank face as the arms around him tightened.

"Of course! We'll be living together from now on. Like real lovers! Even if we're gays, hell, does it matter? We shall have breakfasts in our bed, lunch dates in fancy restaurants and dinner by the candlelight on our special dining table! That would our fucking awesome everyday. Oh, hell yes! Don't you want it?" His pink-coloured cat eyes stared at him, hopeful that he would agree to that. "I'm a great housewife! I promise!" He half-joked. "And I'll love you eternally." He added, giving him some more hugs.

"I love the sound of it." The blond squeezed the shorter man. Even if at first, it frightened him. He really hated to admit that he was gay. He was afraid of being labelled that the most. But then, he was homosexual all out of love.

Even if we're gays, hell, does it matter?

Right now, what mattered to him was that they get home before they both caught a cold. Without any warning, he lifted the informant in a bridal style.

"Are we getting married first thing tomorrow morning?" The man in his arms excitedly asked. It was a joke, they both knew, but they smiled like bells would ring after sunrise.

"Hm, then that'll give you a permission to be a girl just for a while – since you are going to be the bride." He kicked up his red wig and caught it in mid-air. Once he attached it on him, Izaya was quickly transformed into the cute peculiar girl. "I'll be taking you home in my little untidy house for a while. And, no, I'm not thinking of erotic scenes with you. I just... I just want to be with you." He started walking with his broken bride in his arms.

"Ne, Shizu-chan, even if it's not raining, let's still make memories together." He giddily said. "Erotic or sweet stuff, it doesn't matter."

"Yeah, but I'll never forget our memories under the rain!"

Their laughter pierced through the chilly night. The huge smiles they wore could almost rip their faces. Tonight, no dinner by the candlelight but they had each other for warmth from the cold night. Tomorrow, Shizuo was determined to prepare their breakfast while in bed. A lunch date at a certain Russian restaurant was his other plan. And lastly, dinner by the candlelight was a romantic way to end the night that he predicted would be a shivering one. If it did end up being a chilly night, he would just snuggle with the skinny man under silky sheets. The day after tomorrow could possibly end up similar but maybe even better?


Bonus scene

The yellow-haired bartender walked his way through the hammering rain like it was invisible.

Edwin slipped on his blue rain coat after he had closed the bar. He stepped out into the pouring rain and saw that man, carrying that redhead female in his arms as if she was a bride. The girl had a smile on her pale face, her eyes gleamed happily as it looked lovingly at Shizuo. The tall man was simply walking home like this as if he did it everyday. Edwin felt only a tiny bite of jealousy but shoved the thought away. Then, he noticed something wrong with the girl. It was like something was missing but he couldn't really tell. Shizuo let out a hearty laugh which caught the girl to giggle and soon, even Edwin was chucking.

"Shizuo's laugh is totally contagious!" Edwin said to himself as walked against the strong wind. "No wonder he doesn't laugh that much. Man, he's such in Heaven with that lady. How lucky!" Then, his foot stepped on something rubber. Despite the dark, he knew he could make out a shape in the dimly-lit streets. He shoved his round-rimmed glasses back to place before he bent down and picked up the rubber thing he had trod on. He curiously eyed it, not really figuring what he was holding. He sniffed and a realisation hit him as strong as how the wind blew his brown locks in a mess. He blinked behind his lenses and wondered if he was just imagining things or was it the truth the the girl's extensive chest somewhat... deflated?

I don't know if this is such a nice ending but it's the only thing I could think of XD

After this fic, I'll be writing on a Delic x Hibiya fanfic (with the title of "The Bitter Cake") Delic and Hibiya are Shizuo's and Izaya's "other side of them" or counterparts. Just imagine Shizuo blond yet with pink eyes and a matching headphones, sporting an immaculate suit with a black tie and pink and black striped shirt with white shoes. And Izaya... well, go to YouTube and search for "Subarashii hibi" The first one that appears, that'll be what Izaya!Hibiya looks like~ Oh, and listen to the song~ It's my favourite! XD

Okay, see you in the next fic~

Hopefully, I'll be able to write more stuffs worth for fangirls~

Once again, THANK YOU!