Hello everyone! Yes I know it's been like over 2 YEARS sense I posted another part to this story. In the beginning I was so into it and just loved the idea of writing a predator fanfiction you know but I kinda have a huge writers block for this story. I've also read all the reviews for this story so far and I've taken in the good and the bad ones. I know how a lot of you want to see me continue this story and how a lot of you are very confused by it as well. So after reading the story I've come to realize that my 2 year younger self probably had no idea where she was going with this.

So I am very sorry to say this but I don't think I'll be able to continue this story cause I like can't find the spark for it again. Just so all of you know so you're not blaming the negative reviewers or anything it wasn't their fault that I'm not continuing this story actually I don't now if I'm just going to stop this story or put it on Hiatus probably the second option. Though I don't want you all to worry I have an idea for another Predator story! I just need to start writing it and it's totally different from this one. So yeah I just hope that all of you can forgive me about the nonposting for forever and then posting and just leaving you with a boring AN.

My apologies my friends,
