Severus woke up abruptly at the feeling of his thighs becoming wet. Oh shit, he thought as he lifted up slowly, his pregnant belly getting in his way completely. Where in the name of Merlin is James? Severus asked himself as he waddled over to his fireplace. That's right, he's at home with his wife, Severus thought with venom at the thought of James, his James, holding somebody else besides him at night. The thought that his James was kissing somebody else but Severus— that James loved somebody else but him— bothered Severus to no end. Severus sighed as he threw the dust into the fireplace. He walked through it and appeared in the infirmary not a minute later.

"Poppy! Poppy! The baby's coming!" Severus shouted in the room as he lay down on the bed. He didn't receive any type of answer. Severus took his pants off and snapped his fingers, making a bowl of warm water and a towel appear. Shit, the baby can't wait. Severus groaned as he pushed. All he felt was pure pain and agony as blood dripped out of his arse. He screamed as he continued to push, no matter how hard his body told him to do otherwise. All he wanted to do was hold his baby and make sure the child was happy in his arms…

.::Midnight of July 31st ::.

Severus heard a loud cry as his baby fell the rest of the way out of his body and onto the bed. Severus gasped as he picked up the small child. He wiped his child off with the wet cloth. Severus wrapped the towel around his newly born son and smiled at the baby. The little boy opened his eyes, revealing strangely bright green eyes. Severus cooed over how much he looked like James, his aristocratic features and wide smile. The boy had small dimples on each side of his mouth.

"You are so handsome. You look just like your father. I guess I have to give you a name huh, my little James clone?" Severus asked the baby as he tickled his stomach gently with the tips of his rough fingers. The baby laughed a joyous carefree laugh. Severus chuckled at the boy and kissed his son's forehead.

"That's it! I'll name you Harris James Potter. Do you like that baby?" Severus asked the little boy. The baby smiled at his mother. His face scrunched up and he whined. Severus opened his sleeping robes and brought his son's mouth to his chest.

"You will be strong and very intelligent my child, I can see it in your eyes." Severus told the baby as he burped him gently.

.:: St. Mungo's Hospital::.

"Oh James, he is handsome," Lily told her husband as she held the baby she'd just given birth to.

"He sure is," James said as he looked at the baby. He had curly reddish brown hair and big hazel eyes. He had James' aristocratic features.

"What will we name him?" Lily asked her husband.

"How about Justin," James said.

"Justin, yes that's very beautiful, Justin Adrian Potter," Lily said.

"James! How's this little lad?" Sirius asked him.

"This is Justin, our little boy!" James said excitedly.

"He's so handsome James, Lily. Congratulations!" Remus said.

"I will of course be his godfather!" Sirius said as he walked over to Lily to see the baby. James took Justin from her and cooed over the boy as he smiled at his father.

"Yes of course Sirius," Lily said as she looked at her husband with their baby. She smiled proudly at them.


Severus transfigured a bed into a crib for Harris. He laid his son in the crib after the baby was asleep. Severus spelled the bed clean and laid down on it. He fell asleep on the bed wondering, still, where James was.


A/N: I need at least 5 reviews before I post the next chapter. It was already written and is just waiting for you special five people to comment.


Severus stays alone –

Severus dies and Lily and James take Harris in as their own son –

Severus lives –

Weasleys are bad accept for George, Fred, and Charlie –

Weasleys are good –

Dumbledor good but manipulative –

Dumbledor evil and manipulative –

Dumbledor good –

Lucius is gay and with Regulus –

Lucius is straight and alone –

Lucius is gay and alone –

Lucius is straight and with Narcissa –