Okay here's my first go at a Total Drama story. This is based immediately after the final episode of World Tour and will deal with how all the campers got away safely. Let's face it they're bound to be rescued some point in the water, hence the name Total Drama Rescue. I should like to take this opportunity now to point out I'm gonna try and keep the feel of a Total Drama series but also try and 'serious' it up a bit just to help develop one of my favourite underrated characters (cough*Eva*cough) a bit. I'm sure there's more to her than a bully with anger issues. There's gonna be some pairings in this story so if you don't like that particular pairing then I respect your preferences. Also I've got a British OC in this story so I'd like to point out I'm trying to write how you'd hear his accent, so the spelling mistakes are intentional.

'This is just great,' mused Eva as she and the rest of the cast swam at top speed away from the exploding volcano on the island. 'First off I end up being a stinkin interviewer for a series I'm not competing on, next I lose out to get on the show to that Mildred and when I finally get chance to spectate on the final, the freakin volcano blows,' she thought as she carried on stroking.

Having been travelling away from the volcanoes blast radius for some minutes, Eva was firmly leading the group of terrified teens, Chris and Chef.

"Hey Eva, slow down already, we're far out enough," yelled the host as he was clutching tightly on Chef Hatchet's back.

"Remind me again why I'm acting as your personal flotation device?" grumbled Chef while maintaining a perfect rhythm.

"Because, I'm the host and it states in my contract I have the right to refuse any act that may cause detriment to the show. If I get this perfect hair wet then my looks will be tarnished and the viewers won't wanna watch the show anymore," explained Chris holding up and informing finger.

"Wait a minute, the seasons over so we ain't got no more viewers," growled Chef straightening up causing Chris to fall into the water.

"Hey, you know how much my stylist costs?" complained Chris as he surfaced while pulling his wet hair out of his eyes.

"Maybe you should spend the money on a swim instructor instead," grinned Chef wickedly as he began swimming away.

"Hey, get back here," shouted Chris as his makeshift boat swam away. "Terrific," he said sarcastically before noticing a large figure floating past him with a redhead on board.

"Hey Owen look, it's the endangered Jerkfish," giggled Izzy as she began rocking back and forth on Owen's chest with her knee's tucked into her stomach.

"Looks more like the slimy Egofish to me Iz," snorted Owen.

"Any chance there's room for one more on there?" Chris asked pleadingly.

"Only if you don't mind sitting near the exhaust port," smiled Izzy as she pulled Chris onto Owen's stomach.

"Exhaust port?" Chris enquired before his curiosity was solved by Owen farting as he sat down heavily on his gut. "Gah!" Chris screamed while holding his nose and wafting away the gas cloud. "Just give me warning next time," he said unhappily.

"Maybe we should warn that ship as well," said Izzy pointing.

"A ship! My hair is saved," cried Chris enthusiastically as he followed Izzy's finger to see that there was indeed a cruise ship not too far away from the group's location. "Everybody!" he shouted cupping his hands to his mouth while standing up. "There's a ship over there," he added pointing towards the ships direction once he was the focus of everyone's attention. "Let's get aboard and then we can all forget that I almost got you all blown to bits."

"Fat chance McLean, as soon as I get a phone signal my lawyers are gonna be all over this," shouted Courtney as she began swimming towards the ship.

"Tough break, maybe she'll leave him enough money to get his hair done by a student barber," Duncan joked as he and the rest of the group left Owen and his passengers in their wake.

"Can't this thing go any faster?" Chris complained sitting back down, causing Owen to fart once more.

"Oops, sorry," giggled Owen as Chris' eyebrow twitched.

"Just get me onboard and grab me a tall latte," Chris deadpanned.

Floating not too far behind Owen was a square piece of wood. The only remnants of Chris' boat, having been blown to bits, were drifting in the same direction as the competitors.

A single bubble rose from the water.

Then another.

Multiple bubbles began to rise before a screaming Ezekiel popped out of the water and collapsed onto the wood. Looking at the figure of Owen floating away he growled savagely before fainting.

The wooden board carried on towards the ship with its unconscious passenger firmly holding on.

Onboard the cruise ship a male in his late teens was sitting on a deck chair next to a doorway. He wore navy jeans, a blue shirt with a Union Jack on the chest and a black toque. He was staring intently at a piece of paper in his hand while a pencil was held in his mouth.

"Why is it always the last thing on a list ya can never think of?" he asked to no one in particular as this part of the deck was empty save for him and 2 members of the ships staff who were going about there duties.

"Help!" said a quiet, distant voice.

The boy looked up at the 2 crew members on deck with him who just smiled politely and carried on as though nothing had happened.

"Hearin things," he said in a British accent before returning to his piece of paper.

"Help us, help us," said this time by multiple voices caused the boy to get out of his chair.

"Okay who's havin a laugh?" he asked looking around more intently this time.

"For crying out loud we're in the water!" shouted a gruff female voice angrily. The boy dropped his pencil and paper in realisation as he ran to look over the edge of the ship only to spot 20 plus people.

"Bloody hell it's a whole tour group," he exclaimed before looking around to try and find one of the many life preservers the cruise ship kept dotted around.

Spotting one he removed it from its mounting.

"Hey you lot, catch," he shouted as he tossed the life preserver over the edge with the connecting rope trailing behind it.

"Sir what are you doing?" asked one of the crewmembers running over to where the boy was standing.

"There's a bunch of people overboard Wyatt," said the boy as he made sure the rope was secure. "…and I've told ya a dozen times, don't be so formal, call me Ozzy," he added as the second crewmember arrived.

"What's going on Ozzy?" he asked.

"See Wayne knows the drill," Ozzy said before seeing the rope go tight against the edge.

"Wayne, go get the Captain, we've got people overboard," said Wyatt as he looked overboard to see people climbing up the rope. "Get about 30 towels and the Doc as well," he added seeing the soaking wet male who was climbing up first with a scowl.

"You see, all you need is healthy lungs and a strong voice," said Eva proudly as everyone was waiting patiently to take their turn to climb. She had been the one to get the attention of the people onboard after everyone had been crying for help woefully.

"Well not all of us have iron abs," complained Heather who was just about to begin climbing as Eva tried to bite at her heels. "Touchy," she added rolling her eyes. "Need I remind you that I should be flying back home in first class a million dollars richer rather than climbing up the side of a boat while soaking wet."

"You received your prize, Total Drama sponsors are not liable for what happens to it afterwards," Chris said while still sat on Owen.

Heather groaned before climbing upwards.

"Speaking of being liable for incidents, where are Alejandro and Blainely? I'm sure they'll be suing somebody," asked Cody gripping the rope and start to make slow progress up.

"They got airlifted," growled Chris angrily. "We only have 2 spaces," he said sarcastically. "We have to take the injured people, not you and Chef," he added with disdain.

"Why didn't they pick Sierra over Alejandro? He at least had the use of his legs," Cody asked looking back down at his 'new best friend' Sierra.

"They offered Codykins but how could I accept knowing you'd be all alone in this freezing water without me to keep you warm or give you mouth to mouth," said Sierra as she grabbed hold of Cody's waist causing him to slide back down the rope.

"Hey I'm no good at climbing on my own, never mind carrying someone else," he said before attempting to climb with his and Sierra's weight and failing spectacularly. "Can someone pull us up please?" he yelled. After a few seconds the rope began to rise with him and Sierra gripping firmly.

"Good idea, I think I'll do that too," Chris said smiling as he realised he didn't have to put any effort into getting onboard.

The remaining teens all rolled their eyes.

Pretty soon everyone bar Tyler and Eva had climbed aboard. Tyler had wanted Lindsay to get to safety before him (and the general opinion of everyone was that Lindsay had her own flotation devices so she was safe in the water for a while) and Eva had claimed that she would go last just to prove how effortless climbing really was to her.

"I'm surrounded by wimps," she said watching Tyler make a decent effort of climbing ahead of her. "Man there better be a hot shower and a gym on this hunk of metal, I seriously need to burn off some tension," she grumbled while estimating the size of the rope. "Okay Duncan made it up the fastest in 12 seconds; let's see if I can make it in 8," she said getting a grip on the rope while waiting for Tyler to climb on deck.

"Now," she said to herself as his feet disappeared and she began climbing while counting in her head.

"What in blue blazes where you doing in the water?" asked Wyatt as he helped Lindsay onto the ship.

"Well we were scuba diving but silly us forgot our gear," snarked Noah as he and the rest of the group were all shivering.

"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit son," retorted Wyatt with a slight touch of disdain in his voice.

"If you must know we were attempting to escape from volcano that was erupting thanks to miss pineapple chucker here," chimed in Courtney while pointing a thumb at Heather.

"Hey you were the one's hiding the signs that said no pineapples," growled Heather getting right into Courtney's face.

"Don't you dare blame me for your mistakes or I'll…" said Courtney.

"I'll get my lawyers onto you," mocked Heather, Noah and Leshawna simultaneously who all knew what Courtney was going to say.

"Tyler you're up!" squealed Lindsay as her boyfriends head appeared over the edge of the boat.

"Yeah babe, I told you I had strong fingers; the rope climb in school was always one of my best sports," said Tyler smiling as he hooked his leg over the edge before tripping on the rope and falling flat on his face.

"Maybe you should have focused more on the hurdles," said Noah wincing as Lindsay ran over to Tyler.

"Oh Tyler are you okay?" she asked hugging him close.

"Much better now," he said smiling while getting held tightly.

"Lucky sod," whispered Ozzy who was leaning against the edge Tyler had just tripped over. "There anyone else?" he asked turning to peer over. This was a mistake as a raven haired girl came barrelling up the rope and over the side, knocking him over.

"Watch it," Eva grumbled as she tumbled over and fell on top of him.

"Hey love you should watch it, I think ya broke somethin," said Ozzy as Eva got up from her prone position.

"I'm not that heavy," snarled Eva as she started ringing out her vest.

"I'm serious, I heard a snap and now there's a stabbin pain in me back," said Ozzy as he tried to remain perfectly still.

"Here let me look, the checking for broken bones merit badge was the first one I ever earned," said Harold as he kneeled down to investigate. "Okay first I'm gonna check your ribs," he said gently pressing on the underside of Ozzy's back.

"Ow!" cried Ozzy as Harold began prodding.

"Well you won't be able to write for a while," said Harold as he raised an eyebrow while pulling his hand back.

"Why? What did I break?" asked Ozzy as the pain mysteriously seemed to vanish.

"Your pencil," Harold said as he held up the broken writing apparatus which had been digging into Ozzy's back.

There was a moment's silence as realisation sank in.

Then everybody burst out laughing.

"Well this is embarrassin," said Ozzy covering his face with his right hand. "Cheers," he said snatching the pencil before standing up.

"Wyatt, hey Wyatt," came a voice. It was Wayne who suddenly appeared from around the corner. "Captain said to get them all to the infirmary so they can get checked over first and then he'll be right along to see them," he added noticing the large group of people who were dripping all over the deck.

"Okay, thanks Wayne. Alright everybody if you'd like to follow me we'll get you all dry, warm and checked for hypothermia," said Wyatt as he slowly began to lead Chris, Chef and the teens away towards the infirmary.

"Did you know hypothermia can actually cause the skin to literally turn blue?" said Harold as everyone bar Wayne and Ozzy followed Wyatt.

"Can it Doris," grumbled Duncan as he tried rubbing his arms for warmth.

"The blonde one was cute," said Wayne after the group was out of earshot.

"Very unprofessional Wayne," said Ozzy as he picked up his piece of paper which had somehow remained dry. "Besides I think the redhead was cuter," he added causing Wayne to grin.

"You do you know who they were, don't you?" asked Wayne as he began unlocking a utility room that they had been standing next to.

"Of course I do, I watched the first season on the telly," said Ozzy as he perused over his piece of paper before smiling as his eyes settled on something. "They're the answer to me problems," he said before following the group to the infirmary.

"I swear that boy has a screw loose," said Wayne as he pulled out a mop and a wet floor sign.


"Hello?" said Wayne turning around to see the rope dangling over the ship's side had gone tight once more. Peering over the edge he saw a dishevelled and soaking figure. "I thought everybody was…" began Wayne before he was seized by the collar of his uniform and pulled over.

Jumping on board the bald figure grabbed the mop and brandished it in the air threateningly.

Ezekiel roared out a cry of anger.