"Harry Potter and the Prince of Olympus"

By Loki Palmer

Author's Note: Harry Potter and all related characters belong to J.K. Rowling. The votes have come in, and it was a close one, but this story won the cake. Color me a bit surprised, because, let's face it – though this is my first fanfic, it has not received many reviews. Hopefully you, my fans, can change that. You know my rule: if you don't like it, use the Back button.

Chapter 29

During the next History of Magic lesson, Hermione raised her hand. "Professor Zeus?"

"Yes, Lady Palmer?"

"What can you tell us about the Chamber of Secrets?"

Zeus sighed. "As you know, Salazar Slytherin did break with the Founders. This is true. A common legend says that the breakup was over the question of whether to admit Muggle-borns into the school. Salazar did not want to admit them, but the others disagreed with him. So he left the school, vowing that one day, his Heir would return and use the Chamber of Secrets to purge the school of Muggle-borns and anyone who sympathized with them, using the Monster that dwelt within."

He noted the rapt expression of his audience. "While it is a good story for scaring your children in their beds, most of it is pure Grade O Pureblood Supremacist Gorgon Excrement!"

The class reeled in their seats at Zeus's thunderous expression; never had they known their Professor to be so vulgar about rejecting any myth.

Daphne raised her hand. "Professor Zeus, while we do remember you telling us that there is great value in studying mythology, why do you reject this one?"

"I reject it, Miss Greengrass, because I knew the Four Founders. Yes, there was a disagreement between Salazar Slytherin and the other Founders on the subject of Muggle-borns, but it was not for the reason you would think. You see, at the time they started Hogwarts, there was a war being fought between the Muggles and the wizards, with many casualties on both sides. Salazar feared that the Muggle-borns might tip the balance of the war against the wizards, but he was no Pureblood supremacist. After a heated argument with Godric, he left the school, though some years later, seeing that his fears were unfounded, he returned to Hogwarts."


At breakfast the next morning, Patrick and Harry heard a familiar voice say, "Hey, how are my young pups?"

"Sirius!" They hugged him.

"What brings your wagging self all the way out here, I wonder?" said Patrick.

"I received a message from the Council; it told me Draco had disowned himself from the Malfoys and had requested sanctuary under the aegis of Olympus. With Your Highness's permission, I would like to adopt him."

Patrick motioned to Draco, and he came.

"Draco, I have good news and better news. The good news is, Lord Sirius Black, my godfather and Harry's, would like to adopt you as his son. What do you think?"

Draco's face lit up like Christmas had an early arrival. "That's the best news I have heard all week! What's the better news?"

"Even as Sirius's son, Olympus stands with you, to support you."

Sirius laid his hand on Draco's head. "Thus, I, Sirius Orion Black, Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black, declare in the sight of Olympus and the Great Hall of Hogwarts that I am adopting Draco, formerly of House Malfoy, into House Black as my son. So mote it be."

"So mote it be." A flash of magic later, the adoption was official.

Ron walked into the Great Hall and saw Draco at the Gryffindor table. "What is that snake doing here?"

"Ah, what a pleasure to see you here, Weasley. As it so happens, I am a Black now."

"Is that so?" Draco nodded. "Well, I guess some congrats are in order … or would you like a medal?"

"I didn't know you were conversant in sarcasm, Weasley."

"What's sarcasm?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "It means you have a knack for saying one thing and meaning the complete opposite."

Ron tried to crack a smile. "Thanks for the lesson."

"Glad to help."

"Well … I guess since you are now close with Patrick and Harry, just don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Draco grinned. "Like your sister, perhaps?"

Harry and Patrick made a double facepalm. He should not have said that, they thought.

Ron's face reddened. "What are you insinuating, Black?"

"Oooooh, insinuate is such a big word … did you overtax your small brain when you thought of it?"

"Why, you little –!"

Before Ron could rush Draco and pummel him, two spells hit them and transfigured them into a weasel and a ferret.

Patrick glared at the weasel with a rolled-up Daily Prophet in hand. "That's a bad Comedy Relief! No! Bad Comedy Relief!" He swatted the weasel like he was swatting a dog whom the master had caught piddling on the carpet. He then turned on the ferret and swatted him. "As for you, Ferret – shame on you, egging him on like that! That's a bad Ferret! Bad Ferret!"

"Awwww, they're so CUTE!" said Lacey. "How did anyone know I wanted a pet ferret?"

"Look at this, Lacey!" said Hermione as she hugged the weasel to her bosom. "I have a pet weasel as well! I'm going to hug him, and squeeze him, and love him, and call him George!"

The weasel's eyes bugged out, as if he was saying, "Help me! For the love of everything holy, help me before she suffocates me!" The ferret's eyes were seeming to say the same.

Colin took a picture of the two animals, and, one spell flash later, courtesy of Professor McGonagall –



Much to the uproarious laughter in the Great Hall, both boys dropped to the floor with disheveled hair and dumbfounded looks on their faces.


"Yeah, Pat?"

"I think they broke them."

"Were our ears burning –"

"– Or did we just hear Hermione say –"

"– She was going to name her new pet weasel –"

"– After me? Now that I think about it, Fred the Ferret sounds awesome, doesn't it?"

"You're right, George, it does have an awesome ring to it."

This exchange increased the general laughter at the prank.

Author's Note: Another chapter done – whew! Read and review!

Smiles and laughter,

Loki Palmer