For three days , Starscream had been planet hopping before reaching Cybertron and his own clan. He was running low on reserves after an almost non stop flight in without fuel , or energon to replenish himself. Despite so , he was optimistic and never been happier. The prospect of alliance and peace that Alexis had suggested intrigued him.

He was tired , dirty , and hungry , but happy thoughts filled his processor .He pictured a world where the Autobots and the Decepticon could coexist in peace . A world where his bond could be official, A world where he could finally settle down with his beloved Alexis , be a proper family mech without fearing his bond would come to an end in the hands of a giant planet eater .

After he reached the Decepticon base , he wasted no time cleaning and refueling himself . Fresh and finally ready , he met up with Galvatron in the Decepticon throne room. He was full of confidence that that Alexis's love will guide him through this important meeting with his leader.

Unfortunately, barely few minutes into the conversation, there was a loud yell , followed by a BIG booming voice shattered his spark to a million pieces...

" I SAID NO. N…. O…"

"Galvatron, why do we have to fight? For just this once can't you put aside your petty argument with the autobots ?"

"That's enough! How dare you question me, Starscream."

"But if we don't join forces with the Autobots, chances are good that both sides won't survive the wrath of Unicron."

Starscream tried to reason with his leader , while the rest of his comrades watched in awe as their little meeting escalated into in a heated argument. Everyone in the base were left with wide optics and gaping synthesizers as he related to them the story of how unicron been activated . To the Decepticon clan , he must have scrambled his circuitry while been absent from the base for two long days!

"You're testing my patience!"

" I'm just worried there won't be a second chance before Unicron destroys the universe."

He shook his head in dismay at how THICK and Stubborn his leader is. He wished he could just tear out his processor and give it a serious reformatting.

" The Autobots and Decepticons are sworn enemies! We can NEVER join forces with those slags!"

" But GALVATRON-sir… "

" Let me give you fair warning, Starscream. Don't you dare cross me again!"

" I would never! You've got to believe me! Unicron is alive! We need them!"

He promised Alexis that he will convince the Decepticon to join the Autobots . and a promise is a promise to her even he had to bow down to his leader – and he hated every second of it. He begged , He groveled at his leader's feet .He tried his very best … only to be punched and send reeling into the unforgiving walls of the decepticon lair .The punch on his faceplate formed a permanent dent . He rubbed his sore faceplate and took a breather. Despite everything , he was NOT about to give up that easily.

He also noted that he was extremely lucky to survive. Megatron could have simply use the star saber he was wielding in his hand and terminate him instead of shoving him into the wall. He knew he needed to be careful of his every word.

"I beg of you, sir! Listen, We must put aside your differences right away or there'll be nothing left to defend on either side. Don't you realize the gravity of this _?"

" Hahaha! Would you give it a rest? Galvatron knows what he's doing! "seeing him crawling and groveling helplessly on the floor , Cyclonous rudely interrupted his conversation with Galvatron.

" Yeah, unless you're willing to jump ship again, you useless traitor!" Demolisher joined in , still deeply affected by his disloyalty when he joined the Autobots.

Starscream felt so low and pathetic , even the usually dense and slow tidalwave was chuckling at his feeble attempt of convincing Galvatron to allying with the autobots

" Go ahead and laugh! But soon that rusted, slagging CPU of yours will be sorry. "He couldn't take it any longer and rasped at his comrades.

"Oh, I think the autobots are the one who is going to be sorry, as soon as I defeat them. And that goes for Unicron aswell."

Starscream dusted himself and stood up , his attention being diverted back to his leader. His eyes widen with shock at how DENSE Galvatron could be as a leader. Galvatron merely chuckled , and continued bragging to the seeker and the rest of his clan.

"You see, my dear Starscream, there can only be one supreme commander of the universe. And trust me, in due course, I shall eliminate my competition."

"UNBELIEVABLE! Unicron is going to destroy the whole universe , and here you are…"

" I don't care what you believe. I will destroy the Autobots FIRST and then I will worry about Unicron."

" That's insanity! The only way we can survive is if our two armies join forces!" Starscream had enough of subtlety

"Enough! " So did Galvatron . His loud roar filled the throne room and send shivers to the rest of the Decepticons. He lashed out at Starscream with the Starsaber in his hand. Luckily , he was still clunky in handling the sword , and Starscream managed to evade his attack .

" You can't do this, sir!"

Starscream uttered weakly while busy evading Galvatron's every attack. He knew Galvatron meant business . Although he was not afraid to challenge his slagging , pathetic leader in a duel to the death , he knew he need to back off , and live another day to work out an alternative to the master plan he shared with Alexis

To his relief , Galvatron finally stopped raging , although he was still dangerously at knifepoint with the sharp tip of the starsaber sword inches away from his helm.

" But I must give you credit for seeing through Thrust and his attempt to subvert my plans. In that regard, I was quite impressed. However, I require one's full loyalty. Is any of this sinking in, Starscream?"

"I understand, sir."
Starscream replied meekly , feeling so week that he dropped to his his knees. Galvatron lowered his sword , and the meeting came to an undignified end for him.

" What's the matter Starscream , are you going to sit there and mope , or are you going to join us _HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING ?"

Starscream did not answer his comrades. He had enough of his clan. He transformed into his vehicle mode and flew out of the decepticon base. Cyclonus and Demolisher growled at the sight of him leaving, weapons ready to terminate him at any moment. However , Galvatron stopped them before they chase after the seeker.

"Let him go. The Autobot have corrupted Starscream. However , they are weak without their leader , and without this baby that is still in our hand. By sunrise … we ATTACK! We WILL intercept them at the gully leading to Koan. " Galvatron said as he raised the starsaber to unite his subordinates.


The Decepticons gave a mighty cheer in support of their leader.

" I wish I knew... what to do! "

Starscream sought solace in isolation. A cave nearby the Decepticon base was the perfect spot for him. He was looking up at the dark sky. A giant statue of Galvatron loomed over him . The statue was obvious built to honor Galvatron and his leadership upon his return in Koan.

He shook his head in dismay. As the supreme air commander , second in command and crown prince of the Decepticon clan, life couldn't get ANY lower for him.

Those stupid frags … That title meant nothing if his comrade and his leader couldn't even show him some proper support and respect. Why can't they see the dire situation and believe in him that Unicron is ONLINE!

Lubricants of fear and confusion leaked from his optics. He found himself seriously running out of time and idea when his very own clan rejected him outright for his ridiculous suggestion of forming an alliance with the Autobots.

He took out his precious chamois . He began to wipe off the uncomfortable mixture of coolant and lubricant on his faceplate. As he stared at the multicolored cloth, his processor began churning and working in an overdrive.


" S… so that was bonding…"

" Yes It was … You are mine Alexis, as I am yours . I love you "


"But you gave your spark to a transformer …a Decepticon whose programming knows nothing but war and destruction."

"I told you Starscream , I see way past that. I see what is in here. I wouldn't want it any other way."


" Tell me something ,my darling husband."

" Yes ?"

" Am I better in real life or in your kinky dreams?"

" Hmm , It' still hard to tell . You are beautiful to me in both worlds."

" Then…Take me and tell me the answer , Stephan …"

Primus did he miss her , he missed her so much.

Perhaps keeping the chamois would help him keep his emotions in check. That way , he could think things through with a clearer processor. He did just that, but it didn't help much. His memory was flooded with beautiful surges of datas . Wonderful memories he had with his beautiful Alexis . Her sweet scent… her sweet voice , her gentle touch… her sweet yet naughty nature when they interfaced.


"You are beautiful Alexis . I love you. Always and forever"

" Always ?"

" Always"

" I love you too ,Stephan "

His memories brought him back to the passionate night he had spent with her. He wished that life was that simple, where he could just be with her and not plagued by a fragging giant planet eater and a fragging war.

It haunted him that everything. EVERYTHING they had started will fade into nothingness… thanks to his miserable failure to convince the Deceptions to form an alliance with the Autobots .

He felt everything was so cruel… so cold without her beside him


" No where in the universe is safe when Unicron is still out there. Don't you see ? Only by ending the stupid war and defeating Unicron can we be together. "

To make matters worst, her haunting advice started to echo in his processor . It was too much for him to bear.

" Frag ! I 'm sorry I have failed you Alexis "

It was all over. His team would NEVER come close to form an alliance with the Autobots. He raged and stormed into the night sky. Heart broken he could never fulfill what he had promised Alexis.


" Starscream! I know you are angry . but acting rashly isn't the best solution for everything. Look what its got you into!"

He was about to give up , when her voice stopped him dead in his track . Although it was just his memories playing in his mind , It seemed so real to him that Alexis was right there and then to stop him making the wrong decision . That very thought comforted him.

It was good that she gave him a piece of her mind. Oh … how it changed him the past few days .

He hovered in the sky , taking a few moment to calm himself down. A vivid image appeared in his mind..He remembered the moment when his beautiful sparkmate took him for a swim.

Primus , she was SO beautiful .

He was so caught up by her beauty , that he had overlooked a small detail .Her green pendant shimmered and glowed in the crystal clear water of the well. It clearly reacted to the compounds and properties in the water. That mars rock still holds many mysteries to him, as he never get a chance to study it before it was given to her and the rest of the human allies.

" Hmm… I wonder…"

Starscream smiled weakly as a plan begun to hatch in his processor.

No , he was wrong… it was not over yet.

He wouldn't dare keep his hopes up with his grand plan hitting the dust. The plan he had was also not a pretty one , but nonetheless, he was glad he saw an alternative.

He flew away, but not before turning back to have one last look at the Decepticon base , and the massive Galvatron statue which was reduced to a size of a chess piece with him hovering high above it .

" I'm not giving up for you, Alexis. I love you."

He whispered into the dark sky , hoping the sky would send his message to his beloved. He then transformed into his vehicle mode , and set off to carry out his plan.