What's up? this is MadHat886's What if Naruto was raised by... challenge and I've decided it will be Rorschach. Don't worry I'll still keep up with Konoha Alive? But this will be on the side. And...HAJIME!

Two ANBU were jumping through trees doing there routine patrol when they came across the strangest man. He was wearing a brown buttoned up trench coat and brown fedora and a white scarf around his neck. He had purple gloves and shoes on but what really got their attention was his mask. It was white and covered his entire face and it seemed as if there were black inkblots that were...moving. The ANBU jumped down and picked the man up and slung his shoulders over them as they sped off to alert the Hokage.

Later at the Hospital

"Ughh" the man with the peculiar outfit groaned. He sat up to find he was in a hospital bed. He was currently wearing nothing but a standard gown He went over everything that has happened in the past few hours. Discovering about Dr. Manhattan's plan, the fight, and his supposed death.

"So Dr. Manhattan didn't kill me, he just sent me somewhere else." the man thought. He supposed Manhattan could never kill someone he saw as a comrade so he took the cowardly way out and just sent him away.

"Well I guess I should probably look around to find out just where else is." he said to himself while he got off the bed but as he was about to take his first step in this unknown area he noticed something was missing, his mask.

"My face! W-where's my face?" he panicked as he frantically looked around. He sighed a sigh of relief as he saw the mask with it's now unmoving inkblots on a nearby counter along with his trademark clothes. He grabbed the mask and put it on as the inkblots began to move again. Once that was done he changed from the gown to his clothes. Returning to his calm demeanor he was about to tread out of the room until a doctor stepped in through the door-way His gaze was currently on a clipboard.

"Well Mr. Doe it seems you..." he trailed off as he saw the supposed injured man was now on his feet with his regular clothes back on along with that strange mask glaring at him.

"Move" he commanded. The doctor frowned and shook his head

"Sir, you really need to lie down your suffering severe exhaustion." The stranger was getting impatient and started to raise his voice.

"I'm fine, now move." the doctor was starting to scowl

"Sir, I can't let you do that now you have to rest or I will be forced to-" he was interrupted mid sentence as the man's fist came careening with the doctor's face effectively knocking him out. The stranger simply put his hands back in pockets and walked over the unconscious figure who clearly had a broken nose. As he walked through the hallways he saw people give him weird looks and even started to glare. It seems they hated what they saw as different

"Idiots" he thought. He soon exited the hospital and started to tread through the streets. He saw that the town itself was big to say the least but it seems that everything was primitive. Every structure was made out of wood and it seemed every building seemed to be a sky scraper. He saw a few people actually jump from roof top to roof top with ease, though he quickly brushed it off as a bunch of kids doing that parkour thing. They thought they were being cool and decided to jump around like monkeys but usually ended up getting splattered on the New York City streets because of a miss step. (Watchmen does take place in New York City right? If not please correct me. A/N) He also saw that many people were wearing headbands with a strange symbol and green vests. Maybe it was a fad. Instinct took over and he began to walk through the slums of this place itching to find a criminal worth his time. He saw whores selling their bodies to fat pigs, muggers beating up innocent people, and drunks stumble around before vomiting and collapsing. It felt just like home. He then came across a most disturbing site, a bunch of civilians and people wearing those vests and headbands beating up a small child no more than 9 curled into a ball. The man became fueled with rage at the site and charged forward and slugged the first guy he came into contact with. The others turned around to see the attacker before one of than laugh.

"Hey, look a freak come to help the demon." the peculiar dressed man snarled and charged forward again but this time bent his upper body at a 90 degree angle and headbutting one of the civilians in the gut and continued running taking several other with him (A/N His Bull rush move from the Watchmen game)He finally reached the boy and spun around while getting into a fighting stance. One of the villagers lunged at him with a knife in his right hand but he grabbed the arm, snapped it out of place, took the knife and slashed the man's right eye. The others decided to do the smart(or dumb) thing and all charged at him. The man then did another bull rush and threw punches wildly that seemed to work until one of them drop kicked him in the chest causing him to stumble backwards. Realizing he was outnumbered he closed his eyes and focused on all of his pent of rage before he let out a primal battle cry.

"RRRRRAAAAAAAAAA" he cried as he charged once again but this time much more powerful and quicker. Before anyone realized what he had done they were all on the ground bleeding from at least one busted appendage. The man panted before reclaiming his composure and approached the boy. He had no choice but to raise an eyebrow. Here the kid was beaten a few moments ago and it seemed he only had a few cuts and bruises. That and his blonde spiky hair, ocean blue eyes, and whisker-like birthmarks on his cheeks added to his curiosity. The boy was currently staring at him with awe and respect, not at all disturbed by the savage beating he just witnessed.

"What's your name kid." the man asked.

"N-naruto Uzumaki" the boy said.

"Just call me Rorschach, can you stand?" the now identified man questioned.

"Y-yeah" he answered standing up as if nothing had happened. Did this happen on a regular basis?

"Come on kid I'll take you to your home. You parents must be worried." Rorschach said though he had an idea. Naruto looked down.

"I-I don't have any parents...well I did have a K-Kaa-san but she b-beat me up a lot." Even though Rorshach had never heard the term before he somehow understand he meant mother. Strange. His brain managed to process what he just said.

"Just like me." Rorschach thought as he remembered about his mother whom he witnessed sell her body, beat him, wish he was never born, etc. He sighed.

"Well is there an orphanage nearby?"

"They kicked me out a few years and said that demons don't belong here." Rorschach growled. He had a rough life himself but it seems this kid had much worse. Naruto cowered a little and whimpered thinking he directed it towards him. Seeing this Rorschach spoke quickly.

"Kid...Naruto I'm not mad at you, is there at least someone we could talk to?" Hearing this Naruto perked up.

"You could see ji-ji he's the leader of the village, he's probable still in that tower over there." he said as he pointed to large tower with the word fire written in Kanji and it seemed Rorschach could easily read it.

"Alright kid let's go." he said as Naruto followed him

So...whatcha think? Good first chapter? I'll still update Konoha Alive? So don't worry. Hope you enjoyed the chapter

Next time: The vigilante turned father!