Hello dearest readers, I know; why are you making so much stories? Well, for one reason I really love Kannazuki no Miko. And this is the preview I posted on my blog.

Disclaimer: I don't own Kannazuki no Miko—but I can dream…

Himeko's Angel

part i:


"Chikane please don't go." The dark-haired princess stopped for a moment, and shook her head before she closed the door behind her. Mumbling an apology, hoping Himeko's ear could catch it.

It was then when her body was awfully aware of Himeko situated between her legs. The movie they were watching before sleep caught them had the credits rolling and background music playing. It was probably the sensual beats she felt echoing in her heart, or maybe it was the thoughts running through her head, but she felt Himeko more clearly, the body warmth emanating past the barriers of her clothing had warmed her in many ways.

"Himeko," she really didn't want to wake up the angel slumbering, peacefully so, but her arms were getting numb from the cut circulation. "Himeko, please awake."

Her attention was mostly on Himeko, those shy features that managed to pull on her heart and awash her soul with burning needs and soft emotions, had weakened her resolve to wake the petite blonde wearing casual pajamas.

Her back tensed when Himeko's head lolled back and rested on her shoulder, titled to the side and ghosting breath across the column of her sensitive neck.

The pulse she felt from her abdomen felt like a hammer to her heart, as it settled between her legs. Chikane pulled her self-control from deep reserves, maintaining a calm inhale and exhale before her arms moved under Himeko's legs and back to lift her.

She paused, securing her arms to hold the weight, the precious person that graced many of her dreams, and thoughts– she often wondered if Himeko would feel the same way– maybe she did. Her heart felt joy, but the next minute, it was filled with dread as she walked the halls to Himeko's bedroom.

In her younger years, exploring the curious realms of being human (often apathetic and sharp) as a mere teenager no different from the adults, it changed, so much, when she met Himeko– by coincidence; purely accidental– there was an invisible pull magnetizing her to the blonde.

She couldn't escape, even when she didn't want it. There would always be a part of her that did. That desperately yearned for Himeko's heart and being. For the aspect of needing her soul and longing for Himeko past the lines of friendship, where it bordered on intimacy and general romance, but she felt it ignited something far more uncontrollable, more dangerous.

Love. Chikane couldn't say it was an unfortunate disease that was unlocked from Pandora's Box. That it was a sickness that could not be cured, or would not ever go away when one commanded. It stuck with you, until, it fell off.

'Himeko, why is you that I am near, you make me want to take you in my arms and…' She stopped that train of thought before it crossed the rules she made for herself; for the safety of Himeko. Not that she would as selfish to send Himeko away or distance herself… it would make it worse than it already was. At least, for her being. People did say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Chikane was not interested to find out its truth.

Besides, she was selfish enough to keep Himeko here.

"Chikane… chan," the voice of her beloved made Chikane pause, and she was aware of how close their faces were.

Eyes of her dearest fluttered open, those violet depths were bright and akin to joy, they were deep with a foreign emotion she couldn't name, but then they closed sleepily; her breath hitched.

"Kiss me."

Moments passed, Chikane gulped.

Those lips parted, looking plump and soft her thoughts whirled wanting to kiss Himeko so much her heart threatened to explode her body grew hot in desire but her mind denied it. She wouldn't take advantage of Himeko, but her own lips tingled, wanting to feel Himeko, her body, every curve and dip and to taste the sensual scent wafting up; dizzying her and intoxicating her mind as though she drank alcohol. Even the thighs, clenched together; her hands that lay under mid-thigh could feel the wave of heat, this body was very warmso very soft and sweet.

Never did she want someone so much, or need them by her side for an eternity. Chikane shook her head of any arousing thoughts, Himeko deserved someone much more better than her. But how could she deny such a request from her angel?

"Kiss me, please." Her demand was a breathy whisper of ragged desire. The Himemiya's knees threatened to turn to jelly; her mind very much wanted to yield a kiss to those lips, her mind yelled clarity and reason not to. Himeko couldn't feel the same way, did she?

'Don't even think about it; surely she is merely dreaming of Oogami-san, I'm certain.'

She stopped in front of the ajar door, before she opened it. The bedroom of Kurusugawa Himeko was still the same, even after Chikane bequeathed it to her. The bed was neatly made, pillows fluffed and the lamp a dim light. The body in her arms was more than warm now, her arms tightened their hold as she made her way beside the bed.

For a minute, Chikane didn't want to let go. She could not leave Himeko alone, but her mind reminded her of the kiss and she regrettably laid the petite body down. Catching the duvet in her hands, and covering the blonde so she wouldn't get cold.

Her hands could still feel the smooth skin, warm to the touch and utmost fragrant. Still, she prepared herself to ready herself for the night, as she was washed with fatigue.

It was then when Himeko spoke in a hesitant manner before she could escape her temptation.

"Please "

In the dim light, Himeko sighed sadly. Idiot, I want you so much. You drive me crazy. She always did think she held no chance to be a romantic interest to the idol of Otatachibana Academy; but how could she? Himemiya Chikane was beautiful, wealthy, talented but not that she cared about those things she was always kind, and warm to Himeko. She often thought that she saw some type of emotion that went past their two-year friendship, but Chikane always seemed to confuse her.

The Himemiya hid her feelings, meaning it was hard work for Himeko to figure out if she felt the same way. Even with Oogami, her heart didn't beat as quickly, or did she have her mind blank when they kissed. That was why she wanted Chikane to kiss her.

But she couldn't give her hopes up yet.

I'll finish it with a second part. Review or read!

Sorry for mistakes!