A/N- My first fanfic ever so please be nice =) so this was a challenge set by my brother. We both had to write a one-shot, 1000 or less, using the words twig (hence the title), candle and skyline, in the same sentence at least once (his idea not mine). He has written one, but he's too lazy to set up his own account, so when its typed up, I'll add it as another cahpter. This is my challenge and it is 1000 words, no matter what the word count says.
I tried to make it funny, but I don't know how well I did =/
I don't own Merlin (sadly *sniff*)
No spoilers
No warnings
A bright blue light flashed and Arthur fell to the floor with a grunt.
"Arthur!" Merlin yelled. He ran forward to help the stunned Prince. "Arthur, are you ok?"
"Soup?" The Prince asked in a daze. The spell had left him confused.
"That's a no then." Merlin looked around for the sorcerer responsible. He saw him fleeing the scene, racing from the main gates toward the forest, his cloak billowing out behind him. Merlin raised his hand and pointed it in the direction of the sorcerer. "Forbearnan!" He yelled without thinking. The cloak was set on fire and engulfed the evil man. He started screaming and, within seconds, he was dead.
"Merlin?" Arthur asked quietly. He sat up and looked from Merlin, to the smouldering pile of ashes and back to Merlin again. "You're going riding?"
Merlin frowned. "What?"
Arthur's brow creased. He was sure he'd just meant to ask if Merlin was a sorcerer.
Both men whipped their heads round and saw Uther storming towards them, with what seemed to be every single guard in Camelot following behind, his face twisted with rage.
"Oh no," Merlin groaned.
"Eat cabbage," Arthur said in a reassuring voice. He'd meant to say don't worry.
"Arthur!" Uther shouted. "Are you alright? I saw what he-"
Arthur raised his hand to stop him. "Merlin played a song on the boat." He shook his head. Why can't I speak properly? Arthur thought furiously. Every time I open my mouth, I talk a load of rubbish!
"Seize him!" Uther spat. "Do not worry my son," Uther said to Arthur as the guards hauled Merlin away to the dungeon. "We will find a way to undo what he did to you."
The Prince now knew that his manservant was a being of magic, but he didn't care. Merlin had saved his life, again, and all he could feel was gratitude toward the newly discovered sorcerer. All Arthur was concerned with, was the problem with his speech.
It must have been the spell, thought Arthur as he paced up and down in his chambers. Every time I try and say something, I speak nonsense.
He closed his eyes. "I'm a rabbit who eats cheese." Arthur frowned then grunted loudly in frustration. He'd meant to say 'I am Prince Arthur of Camelot'.
I need to speak to Merlin.
Arthur strode into the dungeon and stormed past the guards on duty. They didn't stop him, thinking that the Prince was livid with his servant; they knew better than to rile him further!
Once he had rounded the corner, he stopped and tried to speak normally again. "I can lick my own elbow." Shaking his head he continued Merlin's cell. He only hoped Merlin could help him, so he could return the favour… before it was too late.
Merlin sat on the floor of his cell with his head in his hands. Its' finally happened, he thought miserably. My secret is out. Now my destiny can never be fulfilled… I've let Arthur down. Another thought, a terrible thought, struck him. What's going to happen to Gaius? Uther's going to kill him along with me! I have to-
Footsteps stopped Merlin's train of thought. He stood up, ready to take whatever was about to be thrown at him- verbally or physically.
It was Arthur. Merlin sighed with relief. He walked over to the bars. He found he was smiling, but stopped. How was Arthur going to react to his secret?
"Arthur?" He asked uncertainly.
"I can make a skyline of Camelot, using a candle and a twig," Arthur said quietly. He frowned and shook his head. "But I need parchment." These words were spoken slowly, as if he were trying to pronounce them properly.
"What?" Merlin asked.
"But I need parchment," Arthur said again.
Merlin did a double take. "Say something."
"Parchment!" Arthur exclaimed.
Merlin saw it that time. A flash of bright blue light in his eyes. Merlin started to laugh, relief sweeping through him.
Arthur looked annoyed. "Merlin, say squash!" He folded his arms. "Apples aren't wood," he said, almost sulkily.
"Don't worry Arthur," Merlin told him, a smile on his face. "I know how to fix this."
Arthur beamed, relieved. "Awooga!" He exclaimed.
Merlin recognised Arthur's symptoms that were similar to a baffling spell he'd cast on a village boy when he was young. The boy had made fun of his appearance, so Merlin told him he was talking a load of rubbish. As he said it, his eyes glowed gold and the boy began speaking nonsense. Merlin had thought it was hilarious… until Hunith gave him the look that only a mother could give. He soon righted the boys' speech. What was influencing Arthur now couldn't be too different.
Merlin closed his eyes and murmured some words of magic, his hand pointed at Arthur.
Arthur saw Merlin raise his hand and mutter words that sounded like they should have been coming from his own lips- they sounded ridiculous! Arthur had closed his eyes when Merlin had started his incantation… but he felt no change when he'd stopped. He opened his eyes and looked at Merlin.
"Did it work?" Arthur asked. He grinned- that's exactly what he'd meant to say. "Yes!" He moved to the cell door and opened it, smiling at Merlin. Merlin, however, seemed unsure. Arthur frowned. Surely, he thought, Merlin would want to escape? God knows what my Father will do to him if he doesn't. "What's wrong?" He asked.
"You're… you aren't angry?" He asked timidly. He was looking at his feet and fiddling with his fingers.
Arthur walked over to him and laid a hand on his shoulder. "You saved my life… now it's my turn to return the favour."
Merlin looked up into Arthur's eyes. "You're helping me escape?"
Arthur smiled. "I can't let my best friend die, can I?"
"… Are you sure that's not the spell talking?"
They both smiled.
"Shut up, Merlin."
Please R&R and let me know what you think, but if you flame, I will squirt you with a fire extinguisher ^_^
P.s did you get my Bradley James reference? heeheeheehee ^_^