James Diamond was indisputably the king of the beach; his crown was the halo of chocolate brown locks that fell around his pretty face, his scepter his ocean blue surfboard.

He was the heir of the Diamond fortune—built upon cosmetics, fashion, and hair products (maybe that's why he looked so good)—confidence, looks, charm; everyone loved him—half the population worshipped him (and no, it wasn't just the females). He had everything a boy could ask for and more.

Everything, except a queen, someone to share his kingdom of sun, sand, and surf with. Don't get it wrong, he had plenty to choose from and girls were batting their eyelashes and flipping their hair—the more, um, friendly of the bunch doing other things for his attention—at every corner, but he never seemed any particular interest in any special girl.

Because his hazel eyes were on someone else entirely, a very special boy by the name of Kendall Knight.

And that's where the story begins.

They were never meant to be friends and were always meant to hate each other. (Okay, that's maybe a smidge more melodramatic than it had to be, but still.)

At least, it was definitely unusual for anyone to go out of their way to be friendly or make friends with your competition. In fact, it was much more likely for the most cocky of the group to go around and make mean comments about the others—the beach was known for killer waves and killer surfers, not friendliness.

So when James' name was called, he looked up slowly from his surfboard with annoyed eyes. It was probably another one of the youngsters who thought they could out-stage the big Kohuna…whatever.

But all he saw were smiling emerald eyes framed by long, blonde eyelashes in the attractive face of a boy who seemed to be a little shorter than him. Then a large hand was thrust into his face as he heard, "Nice to meet you. I'm Kendall."

James blinked once. And then again before letting the chortles rumble from his chest. "Wow, you must not be from around here."

Bushy eyebrows two shades darker than his hair furrowed slightly in confusion. "How did you know?"

"Around here, we don't greet each other with hand shakes. You're way too nice to be from anywhere even close to here," James explained with a smile, but he still took the other's hand in a firm grasp, shaking it.

"Well, you're pretty nice," Kendall protested. "But, yeah, I'm actually from Minnesota." He laughed, using his hands to gesture to himself. "I guess you're just not used to seeing real mid-western gentlemen. It's pretty stunning, trust me, I know."

James rolled his eyes. "Well, Kendall, you're in Hawaii now, so let me greet you in true Hawaiian style." He held his hand up, his pinky finger and thumb outstretched, in the universal hang loose sign, waved it, and said, "Aloha."

"Thanks." The blonde smiled. "You know, I think I might need someone to show me around and explain the culture to me… You know any good teachers?"

At the mischievous undertone in his deep voice, James grinned. "I might know a guy."

"Well, tell this guy—" Kendall's eyebrows quirked up once in a very flirtatious expression. "—that I'd love to meet him sometime. I'll give you my number so he can call me later. Got a pen?"

He didn't, but still Kendall rattled off the seven digits of his number, saying with a wink, "I think you'll remember." It was more than that, though. James couldn't forget them. All day the numbers ran through his head.

The numbers and those green eyes, that is…but, then again, James didn't really have a problem with that, especially so, if it meant seeing Kendall's toothy smile shot his way again.

"So why are you out here?" James asked, taking a sip of his black coffee. He grimaced a bit before adding three packets of sugar and plenty of cream. He smiled as the newly sweetened beverage ran down his throat. "In Hawaii, I mean."

When James finally lifted his appreciative gaze from his fawn shaded mug, he could've sworn he saw Kendall's eyes boring into his, but before he could make sure, Kendall moved his head, looking around the coffee shop with more interest than necessary, a reddish hue tingeing his cheeks. Was he blushing? "I'm actually here for the surfing contest," Kendall admitted.

"You're from Minnesota," James pointed out. "How can you know how to surf? Doesn't it, like, snow every single day there?"

Kendall chuckled, answering sarcastically, "Yeah, but I learned by riding on the back of penguins. Sometimes when I feel adventurous, I even use polar bears. You gotta be careful, though, 'cause sometimes they like to bite."

"…You're kidding, right?"

"Yes, James, I'm kidding." Kendall smirked. "But I'm not kidding when I say I could probably—and by probably, I mean definitely—beat the best surfer you got 'round here."

James took another long drink of his coffee as if giving the other boy a chance to take back his words. "I don't think so, blondie, because I'm the best surfer around here." It wasn't gloating on his part; James always won every competition, sometimes without even trying.

"I know," was Kendall's smooth reply. "I'm saying I could beat you. In fact, I'd even bet on it."

"Oh, really?" James asked, a thin eyebrow raised. "And what would you bet?"

Kendall's smile widened until it resembled a Cheshire cat. "A kiss."

Well, that was interesting. James couldn't stop his matching grin from taking over his mouth. "What makes you think I want to kiss you?"

The blonde just gestured to himself, giving the brunette a Please-you-know-I'm-sexy kind of look. Shaking his head, James relented, "Okay, okay. What are the conditions?"

"It's simple. I win, I get to kiss you. You win, you get to kiss me." Kendall shot him a very coy wink, letting his blonde eyelashes flutter just a bit. "Maybe if you win, you'll even get something more…maybe."

And that was something James couldn't and wouldn't give up the chance for. He put his hand out for the blonde to shake, a resonant, "Deal," echoing through the small shop.

If possible, Kendall's grin grew, but he played it cool and shook his head. "No, let's do this the official Hawaiian way." He held up his hand, pinky and thumb out, and said in a low voice, "Cowabunga."

Kendall shook his hair out like a wet dog, his bright smile evident even as his honey locks covered his face. He'd just finished his turn for the contest—and rocked it! (He also rocked that green wetsuit, but that was another story.) Walking over to James with a confident air, he asked, "So how'd I do?"

James smiled, his own hair plastered to his forehead with liquid, even though he rolled his eyes at the other's cockiness. "That's up for the judges to decide."

As if on cue, the speakers sounded, "Final scores for Kendall Knight…" Both boys fell quiet. James' scores were high, of course, never getting anything lower than a nine, but it was highly possible Kendall beat him. The pretty boy had to admit he was pretty good. "…10. 9. 10. 9…" There was another pause for dramatic effect; everyone held their breaths. "…8! The winner again this year is James Diamond!"

Cheers erupted, but James' didn't hear them, didn't see the crowd jumping and dancing, and honestly, didn't care. There was only one thing he wanted right now. He turned to Kendall with a smirk and said, "Looks like I won, blondie."

Kendall sighed, but begrudgingly smiled. "Yeah, I guess, you did, James… you want your prize now or later?"

That was a hard decision…not. "Now," he answered eagerly. It was weird; James had won countless competitions, winning prizes like five thousand dollars, metals, ribbons, and many other swag products, but he had never been this excited over winning.

Leaning closer, the blonde smirked. "Then kiss me."

He didn't need to be told twice. He brought his hand up to Kendall's wet cheek, caressing it with his thumb, smiling as those green eyes closed and the shorter boy leaned into his touch. Then, softly, gently, he laid his lips above the other's lips, on the boy's large nose.

A blush colored his cheeks. "My nose? Wow, you sure know how to make someone swoon," he joked, but by the glee hidden in his tone, James knew he didn't mean it.

"Well, that was just my first prize. Don't I get something more?"

"Yeah." Kendall opened his eyes slowly, revealing a seductive gleam. "You get to pick your other prize. Anything you want, it's yours."

James crashed his lips on Kendall's, sealing their lips together and messaging the other's with his own. He pulled away just enough to mutter against his lips, "I want you," before delving his tongue into his wet cavern to map out every crevice. If the moan from Kendall's throat was anything to go by, he was fine with that.

And by the applause and cheers that burst out around them, the crowd was pretty into it, too.

At that point, James really did have it all as the King of the beach, popularity, charms, money, looks, even his "queen" (Kendall, after getting together with him, had quickly moved to Hawaii with his mom and sister). James' life was absolutely perfect.

Well, before the accident, at least…

So this is like a mini-story, I guess, because it will only be three or four chapters long. I hope you liked the beginning and look forward to more. It's based off Soul Surfer, even though I haven't seen it yet. I'm going to see it tomorrow with my friends :) I'm excited 'cause it looks really good; I am not, under any circumstances, anyone's definition of a girly-girl, but a good chick flick gets me every time ;)